The Dose 12-19-21

Still laying down on the job...

A column for conversation about COVID

Chris had Peter McCullough on this week... (21 min)

Dr Kory explains how big pharma captures science and scientists.
The Truth Behind Andrew Hill's Reversal on the Efficacy of Ivermectin

The FLCCC has a 20 min film on IVM

Dr Kory has a new article too

Studies Proving Generic Drugs Can Fight COVID Are Being Suppressed
Why do repurposed drugs require numerous trials prior to an agency recommendation, while high-profit, novel, patented drugs get routinely approved after only a single trial?

The floor is open. What's your COVID news today?

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Lookout's picture

for viewing today.

Interviews with McCullough, Malone, RFK, and many more.

Edit to add a couple of good clips with Jimmy and Max B.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

RFK Jr....

Prominent anti-vaxxer Robert F Kennedy Jr. held a holiday party at his California home last week, with the invitation urging guests to be vaccinated or get tested for COVID-19 before coming to his house.

Kennedy, one of America’s most notorious anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxer icon, told his guests to undergo the same precautions he has railed against since the start of the pandemic in 2020, a stance that has been particularly lucrative for the 67-year-old son of civil rights leader Robert F Kennedy, according to a Politico report citing two people familiar with the matter.

link to article

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Kennedy has been conning the American people and people all over the world with his false claims about vaccinations for many decades now. And the fact that there is money being made off of this is also no surprise. The anti-vax movement has tons of money behind it and is making even more now.

And one of my favorites... you can choose the silver or gold plan!

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 medicine. Placing oneself in a bubble and only listening to information not influenced by money is not possible. It would remove information from medical schools, private industry, publications which include advertising, employees in a regulatory agency drawing a salary with potential pension, individual and institutional medical providers, any nonprofit owning stock shared of medical related corporation and the list goes on and on.

To improve critical thinking about medical options requires accessing and pondering information from multiple sources. Learning to evaluate why information may or may not be valid is a skill. It takes time and practice to become comfortable in formulating your own thoughts and incorporating specific solutions to a personal situation.

The strength of The Dose conversation is to facilitate building those skills.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.


Is provided to consider is a constant barrage of "information" and claims by one side of the equation, and, the application of skepticism about those sources is totally absent. Right now The Dose does nothing but praise certain figures in the anti vax movement and jumps on anyone who tries to interject other facts about these figures. It is a fatally flawed "conversation".

I stand by my statements on Kennedy, especially since I have been reading not only about him, but also what he personally has written about vaccines for years. Science has exposed him time and time again as being wrong and a well funded purveyor of false information. I know this because I was almost taken in by Kennedy's writings on the topic of childhood vaccines.

On a personal note, I know a woman who was taken in by Kennedy's wriitngs and decided to not let her children have the immunizations. Her one son almost died from whooping cough.

There are points in one's search for information to make personal decisions where people pay dearly for being swayed by smooth talking con artists because they didn't allow other information to be considered. You can't call The Dose any kind of balanced conversation at all, nor can you call it a source of information that one can use personally if there is NO application of skepticism to the sources.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 citing persons and entities you distrust are resisting the information from msm that you cite. They distrust your sources, and give reasons why.
It will always be this way.
Do what you think is best for you and others. That is what everyone on The Dose appears to be doing.
To each his own.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

it would be impossible for me to have not found a few unimpeachable ones.

Now here are two items on RFK Jr...... read them, check the claims and tell me that they are bogus.

I find it particularly condemnable that a Kennedy would target and use the black community's historical fears of vaccines to manipulate them into refusing the Covid shots...particularly since that population is being hit the hardest by the viruses.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 and respond. I can tell you that anything from npr will take some doing for me to take seriously, but I will give it a go, and thanks for posting it.
Even if I disdained RFK, Jr., as you do, that would not bring back the 3 elderly friends I had who died shortly after they took a vaccination. It was horrible to watch them die.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 of facts presented with innuendoes and condemnation by association to sway the reader support the opinion presented by the authors. Which is ironically one of the arguments used with plenty of examples to ignore Kennedy completely. No need to read his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. One could use the book's references simply as a beginning point for research or reflection on personal experiences without agreeing with his conclusions.

One example from the referenced article Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s anti-vaccine group thrived amid COVID-19 pandemic, investigation finds (Dec 15, 2021).

It does appear he is good at fund raising and assisting in creating an enviornment to reach a larger audience.

Then, Kennedy hawked his book. If just 300 attendees preordered it on Amazon that night, he told the crowd, it would land on the bestseller list and they could “stick it to Amazon and Jeff Bezos.”

All profits, he said, would go to his charity, Children’s Health Defense.

While many nonprofits and businesses have struggled during the pandemic, Kennedy’s anti-vaccine group has thrived. An investigation by The Associated Press finds that Children’s Health Defense has raked in funding and followers as Kennedy used his star power as a member of one of America’s most famous families to open doors, raise money and lend his group credibility. Filings with charity regulators show revenue more than doubled in 2020, to $6.8 million.
Since the pandemic started, Children’s Health Defense has expanded the reach of its newsletter, which uses slanted information, cherry-picked facts and conspiracy theories to spread distrust of the COVID-19 vaccines. The group has also launched an internet TV channel and started a movie studio. CHD has global ambitions. In addition to opening new U.S. branches, it now boasts outposts in Canada, Europe and, most recently, Australia. It’s translating articles into French, German, Italian and Spanish, and it’s on a hiring spree.
Still, CHD’s fundraising success has only grown with Kennedy’s involvement, and no year was more successful than 2020.

Filings the group made with charity regulators in California show that in 2018, CHD reported $1.1 million in gross revenue. That grew to nearly $3 million in 2019. By 2020, the most recent year available, revenue had more than doubled to $6.8 million. It reported that it spent more than $3.5 million on program expenses last year, the first year of the pandemic. That includes producing 49 “educational videos” and six eBooks, CHD reported to Guidestar.

Kennedy’s group has also lobbied over vaccine legislation in the states, collected large sums of money from special interests such as chiropractors, and filed multiple lawsuits, including a $5 million lawsuit last year against Facebook.

From the article link referencing lobbying "California Assembly committee backs vaccine exemption law" (June 20, 2019).

Under the bill, the public health department would scrutinize doctors who grant more than five medical exemptions in a year and schools with vaccination rates of less than 95%.

Officials say that threshold is needed to provide “community immunity,” which protects those who haven’t been vaccinated for medical reasons or because they are too young.

The measure, which Gov. Gavin Newsom said he will sign if it reaches his desk, comes as measles cases have reached a 25-year high in the U.S.

Lawmakers in other states also have been considering changes to confront the increase.

Maine eliminated religious and philosophical exemptions, while New York lawmakers ended a religious exemption. Washington state halted most exemptions for the measles vaccine, though legislators in Oregon defeated a measure that would have made it harder for families to opt out.

California’s legislation has received national attention after actor Jessica Biel appeared at the Capitol last week to lobby lawmakers against the measure with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent critic of vaccination.

Pan initially proposed requiring state health officials sign off on every exemption from vaccinations. But he dropped that requirement in the version of the bill that advanced Thursday.

Among the provisions in the revised California legislation:

— Doctors can’t charge for filling out a medical exemption form or conducting a related medical examination. They would have to sign the forms under penalty of perjury.

One example from the referenced National Public Radio (NPR) article An Anti-Vaccine Film Targeted To Black Americans Spreads False Information (June 8, 2021).
The claim

Kennedy also appears to offer a warning to viewers about vaccines: "Don't listen to me. Don't listen to Tony Fauci. Hey, and don't listen to your doctor."

The linked text to support the claim.

Hi, I’m Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. And I’m here to introduce a film called “Medical Racism : The New Apartheid,” and my group the Children’s Health Defense made it in conjunction with a number of civil rights groups and groups that advocate for the rights and the condition and the health of African-Americans. And it’s important that you watch this film because we all need to take responsibility for our own healthcare. And you cannot do that unless you have the information. And what we try to do with this film is not to tell you whether to take a vaccine or not but how to ask the right questions about what kind of vaccines that you wanna take. Thank you very much.

When it comes to character assassination New York Post is the most dramatic Anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, collector of dead animals — RFK Jr. is the dumbest Kennedy (Sept 23, 2021)

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.


at the black community, but here is an article that summarizes the high points of the movie. It's from McGill University in Canada-

I found this part of the film particularly interesting...

"Not content with fearmongering about vaccines and medicine as a whole, Medical Racism also subtly implies that Black people simply do not need vaccines. We are told that Black people have a very powerful immune system and that vaccines overstimulate it. Besides, vitamin D, the movie claims, is a potent solution for COVID-19, one that is being suppressed. And the kicker is when an African gynecologist tells us that, with regards to viral infections, “Africa has been protected by our interactions with environment [sic]. And we are, actually, quite immune to some of these things, and I say this as a doctor! COVID does not belong to Africa.” The through line is clear: the coronavirus, the movie harmfully argues, is no threat to Black people. The real menace are the vaccines."

I think it is unconscionable for Kennedy to put this kind of blatantly unscientific rhetoric in a movie. There is more, but I'll let you decide whether he is actually being falsely accused, or deserves all the scrutiny and criticism that he is getting. I personally think that he is responsible for using his well known name and money to cause people to risk their lives and the lives of their children.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
for information about racial and ethnic health disparity in the US?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Health Statistics
Health, United States, 2015______
With Special Feature on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Special Feature on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Figure 18. Life expectancy at birth, by sex, race and
Hispanic origin: United States, 1980–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Figure 19. Infant mortality rates, by race and Hispanic
origin and detailed Hispanic origin of mother:
United States, 1999–2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Figure 20. Preterm births, by gestational age and race
and Hispanic origin and detailed Hispanic origin of
mother: United States, 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Figure 21. Low-risk births delivered by cesarean section,
by race and Hispanic origin and detailed Hispanic origin
of mother: United States, 1999–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Figure 22. Obesity among children and adolescents
aged 2–19 years, by age and race and Hispanic origin:
United States, 2011–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Figure 23. Hypertension among adults aged 20 and over,
by sex and race and Hispanic origin: United States,
1999–2000 through 2013–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Figure 24. Current cigarette smoking among adults
aged 18 and over, by sex and race and Hispanic origin:
United States, 1999–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Figure 25. Influenza vaccination among adults aged
18 and over, by age and race and Hispanic origin:
United States, 1999–2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Figure 26. No health insurance coverage among adults
aged 18–64, by race and Hispanic origin: United States,
1999–June 2015 (preliminary data). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Figure 27. Nonreceipt of needed dental care in the past
12 months due to cost among adults aged 18–64, by
race and Hispanic origin: United States, 1999–2014 . . . . 31

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CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02 (Updated data from Africa)

And the kicker is when an African gynecologist tells us that, with regards to viral infections, “Africa has been protected by our interactions with environment [sic]. And we are, actually, quite immune to some of these things, and I say this as a doctor! COVID does not belong to Africa.” The through line is clear: the coronavirus, the movie harmfully argues, is no threat to Black people. The real menace are the vaccines."

I think it is unconscionable for Kennedy to put this kind of blatantly unscientific rhetoric in a movie. There is more, but I'll let you decide whether he is actually being falsely accused, or deserves all the scrutiny and criticism that he is getting. I personally think that he is responsible for using his well known name and money to cause people to risk their lives and the lives of their children.

You are very much mistaken. Have a look at the following data and tell me what you see. I'll bet that you have absolutely no clue of what is occurring in Africa because you haven't actually viewed 99% of the videos we have been posting on The Dose.

How COVID-19 Has Shifted Over Time

Explore how the number of coronavirus cases have shifted in different parts of the world over time. The first chart compares each continent to each other, while the next charts highlight the number of cases in select countries by region.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

I find it particularly condemnable that a Kennedy would target and use the black community's historical fears of vaccines to manipulate them into refusing the Covid shots..

They don’t need his help to be suspicious of vaccines. This country’s treatment of them is plenty as is the Tuskegee experiment. But sure blame the white man for that too. As I said you are repeating big pharma's talking points. You used to see through things like that. I have decided who I trust and you posting mainstream media talking points is never going to get me to change my mind. Not when they have a history of lying to me and are currently lying to me now. But if you get something out of trying go ahead and keep doing it.

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
about the availability of the licensed version of Comirnaty in the US. RFK is correct. Comirnaty is NOT available for sale. I have posted about this fact at least 4 times here in The Dose one of which was in response to one of your posts.

You can be assured that RFK does his due diligence. His book contains well over 2,000 documented references/footnotes and not a single person he talks about can find grounds to sue him. All they can do is use ad hominem attacks to bad mouth and attempt to denigrate him (just as you are doing).

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s anti-vaccine group thrived amid COVID-19 pandemic, investigation finds

For example, the day after the FDA granted full approval to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, Kennedy and CHD sent out an article falsely claiming that the vaccine that was licensed was not the one that was available, said Dorit Reiss, a professor at UC Hastings College of the Law and an expert in vaccine law.

“It started with CHD the day after the licensure and then was picked up by right wing outlets,” Reiss said.

The idea circulated on fringe media outlets on the far right. Then, more than a month after the article was published, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin went on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News and repeated the incorrect idea that the approved vaccine was not available in the United States.

Here's how Pfizer perpetrated this slight-of-hand outright fraud.

To date the 'approved' Comirnaty IS NOT AVAILABLE IN THE US. The only Pfizer shots that are actually available to be used fall under the federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) which are covered under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) where one can't sue the vaccine makers.

If they had used Comirnarty in their jabs they would be legally responsible for damages under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Take careful note that Comirnaty has not been approved for children under 16 because it would automatically fall under National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which puts it under the VICP. It MUST remain Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA) to get full legal protection.

FDA Does a Bait and Switch with COVID Shots
Aug 27, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has done a bait and switch by announcing it approved its “first COVID-19 vaccine” in order to push the “vaccine” mandates and protect the Pfizer pharmaceutical company from legal liability. However, there is currently no fully licensed COVID shot on the United States market.

Albeit confusing, and probably intentionally so, this summarizes the current status of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots:

  1. All existing Pfizer vials (in the hundreds of millions), remain under the federal Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (meaning people have the “option to accept or refuse”);
  2. The third or “booster” Pfizer shot is identical to the above and remains under the EUA with limited use to certain categories of people;
  3. BioNTech received FDA approval for people ages 16 and above under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States;
  4. In other words, there is currently NO FDA approved COVID-19 injection available anywhere in the United States. Every COVID shot in America remains under the EUA law and thus people have the “option to accept or refuse” them; and
  5. Even when an FDA approved COVID shot becomes available, individuals are protected by federal law and many states laws from being forced to get these shots based on their sincere religious beliefs or conscience rights.

On August 23, the FDA issued two separate letters for two separate injections. There are now two legally distinct (Pfizer vs. BioNTech), but otherwise identical products.

The first letter is regarding FDA’s biologics license application approval for the Pfizer Inc/BioNTech COVID-19 injection which has been named Comirnaty. Yet Pfizer has not started manufacturing or labeling this drug for U.S. distribution, so it is not even available in the U.S. It is unclear whether or not it is protected by a liability shield, but web-based U.S. government communication indicates that the same program that provides compensation for COVID vaccine-related injuries will apply Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) rather than the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program). At this point, there apparently has been no compensation paid to people injured by one of the COVID shots via the CICP.
The FDA also acknowledges that while Pfizer-BioNTech has “insufficient supplies” (in other words, it is not currently available on the U.S. market) of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine actually available. However, the letter also states there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots which has been produced under the EUA and will continue to be offered under the same EUA status. In its approval letter, the FDA specifies the Pfizer shot under the EUA should remain unlicensed, is still available for use, and can be used “interchangeably” with the newly licensed Comirnaty product. According to the FDA, the newly licensed Comirnaty injection and the existing Pfizer shot, while “legally distinct,” are not any different in terms of their “safety or effectiveness.”

Despite whether these COVID shots are licensed or not, they cannot be mandatory under Title VII. In general, employee vaccine religious exemption requests must be accommodated, where a reasonable accommodation exists without undue hardship to the employer, pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many people hold sincere religious beliefs against taking the COVID shots or taking those derived from or which used at any stage of the development aborted fetal cell lines.

3 users have voted.

@Fishtroller 02 ktla and NPR receive huge grants from Gates Foundation.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Oh wait…

1 user has voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

studentofearth's picture

@Fishtroller 02 out to other sources for additional and sometimes conflicting information.

The example of an anecdotal reference to someone almost dying of whooping cough started the path to this article. Pertussis: Microbiology, Disease, Treatment, and Prevention July 29, 2016 in Clinical Microbiology Reviews

Part of the conclusion.

At present, neither currently available vaccines nor previous B. pertussis infection can provide long-lasting protection against later infection.

Early treatment is essential.

The effectiveness of antibiotic therapy depends on the stage of pertussis in which therapy is initiated. The first 3 weeks (catarrhal stage) are the optimal time for antibiotics to ameliorate the symptoms of pertussis and eradicate B. pertussis. Unfortunately, treatment is rarely given early enough to impact the course of the disease. For this reason, the U.S. CDC encourages clinicians to start antibiotic treatment based on their clinical judgment and even before laboratory results are known (342). No proven treatments exist that reduce disease severity and frequency of symptoms during the paroxysmal and convalescent stages of the disease (343). However, antimicrobials are still recommended to reduce B. pertussis transmission and to render patients noninfectious (272).

Mixed opinions regarding herd immunity.

Worldwide, it has been observed that many adolescent and adult patients with confirmed pertussis had a history of pertussis vaccination, had contracted pertussis during early childhood, or both (218, 399, 400). In 2006, Ward et al. conducted a double-blind randomized clinical trial to assess the rates of B. pertussis infection among adolescents and adults (401).
They concluded that asymptomatic infection was approximately five times more common than reported.
In recent years, there has been an emerging controversy regarding the existence of herd immunity (herd protection) induced by acellular pertussis vaccines. Warfel et al. (427,–429) argue that current acellular pertussis vaccines fail to prevent nasopharyngeal colonization and transmission of B. pertussis.
The investigators concluded that acellular pertussis vaccines protected against the development of clinical pertussis but did not protect against colonization and transmission of B. pertussis infection, indicating that herd immunity from acellular pertussis vaccines is doubtful.
Although limited animal model data suggest that acellular vaccines do not produce herd protection, real-world epidemiological data in a large population as well as additional modeling data provide compelling evidence for herd protection. Additional studies to document herd protection in other infant and childhood immunization programs will be valuable to further quantify the extent of herd protection induced by acellular pertussis vaccines.

Science is process not a belief system. Skepticism should be equally applied to any source of information using critical thinking skills. Which occasionally means a previously trusted source drops in the level of trust and needs verified continually.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.


"Science is process not a belief system. Skepticism should be equally applied to any source of information using critical thinking skills. Which occasionally means a previously trusted source drops in the level of trust and needs verified continually."

And if I saw the application of science being used for commentary on The Dose, I would be a happy camper. But every day I see total nonsense that is easily traced to its sources, and those sources are far from being anything related to science. It's pseudoscience... Malone, Kory, Kennedy, McCollough etc are all like high priests of misinformation. Do I think Big Pharma is to be trusted? Absolutely not. But I also think that the major mRNA vaccines are overall a major tool of defense against these viruses, despite the flaws etc.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02

It's pseudoscience... Malone, Kory, Kennedy, McCollough etc are all like high priests of misinformation.

Each of these men have put their financial future and integrity on the line in support of their well researched scientific viewpoints unlike the problematic, non-scientific sources that you have shown us.

I've yet to see anything from you other than hit pieces from a captured media. Any medical reports you have produced to date have been shown to be based on outright fraudulent data such as the ones produced by the Gates funded Wellcome Trust.

Covid-19, trust, and Wellcome: how charity’s pharma investments overlap with its research efforts

The major funder of health research stands to gain financially from the pandemic, raising questions about transparency and accountability

An increasingly clear feature of the covid-19 pandemic is that the public health response is being driven not only by governments and multilateral institutions, such as the World Health Organisation, but also by a welter of public-private partnerships involving drug companies and private foundations.

One leading voice to emerge is the Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s top funders of health research, whose sprawling charitable activities in the pandemic include co-leading a WHO programme to support new covid-19 therapeutics. The Access to Covid-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator project hopes to raise billions of dollars and deliver hundreds of millions of treatment courses in the year ahead, including dexamethasone and a number of monoclonal antibodies.1
At the same time, The BMJ finds, Wellcome itself holds investments in companies producing these same treatments. Financial disclosures from late 2020 show that Wellcome has a £275m (€318m; $389m) stake in Novartis, which manufactures dexamethasone and is investigating additional therapeutics. And Roche, in which Wellcome holds a £252m stake,2 is helping to manufacture monoclonal antibodies with Regeneron. Both Roche and Novartis report having had conversations with WHO’s ACT Accelerator about their therapeutic drugs.3

Wellcome’s financial interests have been published on the trust’s website and through financial regulatory filings but do not seem to have been disclosed as financial conflicts of interest in the context of Wellcome’s work on covid-19, even as they show that the trust is positioned to potentially gain from the pandemic financially.
Government adviser

In addition to its work through WHO, Wellcome also influences the pandemic response through Farrar’s position on the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies advising the UK government on covid-19, as well as his board seat on the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a leading public-private partnership in the pandemic that has pledged more than $1bn to covid-19 vaccine development.8 He also features frequently as an expert in the news media, including The BMJ, where he has cited the potential of specific drugs against covid-19.910 These advisory and media activities seem to overlap with Wellcome’s £28bn endowment, which has at least £1.25bn invested in companies working on covid-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics: Roche, Novartis, Abbott, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, and—through its holdings in the investment company Berkshire Hathaway—Merck, AbbVie, Biogen, and Teva.11
Investor influence

Wellcome’s role in financial markets has played out in other striking ways during the pandemic. The Wall Street Journal has reported that Wellcome held conference calls with private investment companies as far back as January 2020, with Farrar warning money managers about the gravity of covid-19.16 The calls prompted investors to reorganise their portfolios, either to minimise losses or to make financial gains, the newspaper reported.

The trust would not provide transcripts of Farrar’s conference calls with outside investors but stated that he offered investors the same covid warnings he offered in the news media and other venues.

Two investment companies on the calls with Farrar—Sequoia and Blackstone—have paid out dividends to Wellcome in recent years, the charity’s recent tax filings in the US show. Wellcome would not comment on whether it had money invested with these companies at the time it organised Farrar’s calls.17
“These foundations sort of perpetuate the false ideological impression that they are . . . solving the problem even when they’re not. And they might be compounding it by perpetuating this ideological impression of private sector saviourism.”

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snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

But every day I see total nonsense that is easily traced to its sources, and those sources are far from being anything related to science. It's pseudoscience... Malone, Kory, Kennedy, McCollough etc are all like high priests of misinformation.

This is your opinion only. And it’s total nonsense on top. Those doctors are saving lives and they can verify it. Fauci knows that remdisiver had to be pulled from the Ebola study because it killed 50% of the people who received it, but went ahead and approved it anyway for Covid. Just like he did with AZT that was a known toxic over Bactrim. And again he’s refusing to authorize life saving treatments. Believe what you want, but let us decide what we want to believe. You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to make up facts.

Do I think Big Pharma is to be trusted? Absolutely not.

And yet you still use their sources.

But I also think that the major mRNA vaccines are overall a major tool of defense against these viruses, despite the flaws etc

You’re entitled to believe that too. I’ve seen evidence that says otherwise. Over a million verified vaccines injuries on VAERS also backs that up. And it’s known that it only collects around 1% of the cases. Vaccines are failing and it’s verified by the number of jabbed people being infected now. Unless you can explain why they are another way?

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
2 million? 5 million? You do understand that the man donated ALL the money from the sales of his book to the CHD. He is independently wealthy. How does it compare to Gates funding of the MSM?

Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda
November 21, 2021

A look at the database of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reveals how the oligarch influencing the global pandemic response has bankrolled hundreds of media outlets to the tune of at least $319 million.

How much do you think Pfizer spends on the MSM media? 20 million? 50 million? 100 million?


Do you think that there may be a conflict of interest with Big Pharma funding AND doing the testing for the CDC to the tune billions of dollars over the years?


And one of my favorites... you can choose the silver or gold plan!

Thank you for the link to view the videos for free. You can still view them. BTW, I did choose the gold plan - as a DONATION for these valuable and informative videos. You see I had ALREADY downloaded them for free so I didn't need to spend a dime. I do appreciate getting the printed PDF's though!

Fortuitously, the lock-downs saved me a ton of money by making it difficult to spend my pension on frivolous things like going to movies, events, restaurants, bars and holidays in different countries. So I now spend more quality time with family and like minded neighbours who are not adverse to associating with the unclean unvaxxed. I must say that some of these people are extremely disappointed with the miserable performance of the over-hyped vaccines genetic therapies and have been re-considering their descision.

How about you? The 'booster' has now been brought forward to 3 months instead of the previous 6. Are you ready for the 4 per year regime that is now on the horizon, when not even a year has passed since the roll-out of the vaccines? The hospitals in this area are now treating 8 out 10 patients who were vaccinated.

Do you not see there is something wrong here? Possibly you should have a look at some of the videos you disparage and check out proven methods that can ameliorate the damage that SARS-CoV-2 can do to your body instead of following Fauci's recommendation to stay at home, isolate and go to the hospital when breathing gets shallow and difficult and your blood O2 tanks to less than 85-90%. Damn, he doesn't even recommend a hot cup of my grandmother's chicken soup.

How do you feel about getting Run. Death is near Remdesivir and two to three weeks with a ventilator doing your breathing for you?

16 users have voted.


10 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

Emails reveal Fauci’s effort to ‘smear’ anti-lockdown scientists

Newly released emails show Anthony Fauci and his boss at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) wanted to conduct a “quick and devastating” take-down of health experts who proposed a lockdown-free Covid-19 control strategy.

The emails, released on Friday by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, show retiring NIH Director Francis Collins telling Fauci in October 2020 to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) – a statement that proposes working towards achieving herd immunity through “focused protection” of the most vulnerable.

Days after the GBD was released, Collins notified Fauci and other health officials about how the proposal from “three fringe epidemiologistswas getting a “lot of attention” and called for a “quick and devastating published take down of its premises.”

A short time later, Fauci emails Collins an op-ed from Wired magazine that “debunks this theory” and calls out the three scientists – Martin Kulldorff, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, Sunetra Gupta, an epidemiologist at Oxford University, and Jay Bhattacharya, a public health policy expert at Stanford University – for touting an approach without “following the scientific method” for peer-reviewed hypotheses.

Following the release of the emails, Bhattacharya said he was the “subject of a propaganda attack by my own government” while Kulldorff tweeted that an “invitation” to a “public debate” on herd immunity was still open.

During a Fox News interview on Friday, Collins stood by his “take down” comment, claiming that the herd immunity approach “didn’t make sense” to him since adopting it would have led to “hundreds of thousands of additional deaths.”

Collins is a journalist who thinks that his opinion should override what doctors believe? Like blocking repurposed drugs and only using remdisiver and ventilators didn’t lead to just that, Fauci? In case you don’t know what they were saying they wanted to protect the vulnerable like the elderly and let healthy people live their lives. Instead we locked down every person and then put Covid positive people in with those same vulnerable people who ended up dying.

But it’s not Fauci’s job to cut off anyone else’s opinion. He has never been elected to his position and as history has shown he’s been a lousy candidate for it. His actions during the AIDS epidemic are being repeated now. It’s time for him to be held accountable for them.

More information in article.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


...and profit, not health and well being.

And Falsie makes that obvious...

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


because of his well sourced book on Falsie, Gates, and US bioweapons links to COVID.

Especially sources like Gates own MSN.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@jbob liability if anyone suggests they caught COVID at his party. It would work similar to "check with you doctor before trying this suggestion". A common phrase to deflect liability when providing medical advice.

Efforts of public humiliation are harder to prevent. If the suggestion was not on the invitation the headlines would probably read.

  • Kennedy throws Super Spreader Event
  • Famous Anti-Vaxer encourages catching Covid for Natural Immunity at Holiday Party
  • Kennedy risks health of workers at Holiday Party by not encouraging Covid Preventions by Guests.

Hecklers sometimes just enjoy throwing eggs and tomatoes, the reason may not matter.

14 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture


You can see where gentle prodding will be hit with a brick wall. Kennedy said that he wasn’t aware that his wife asked people to do that. But anything to throw poo at someone.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

studentofearth's picture

@snoopydawg livestock from reaching the other side. The older and more experienced animals keep teaching the ignorant ones how to go over, around or under. I just keep chipping away at the mortar between the bricks. It is slowly falling down and becoming easier to travel the path.

9 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@jbob this was his wife's party for friends in show biz, her invitation and her requirement not his:

'I guess I'm not always the boss at my own house,' Kennedy told Politico's Daniel Lippman. Kennedy said the holiday party was for his wife's entertainment industry friends and fellow cast members

12 users have voted.


Seriously, you buy this story? Basically it's a real slap at his wife. Nice guy.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
He just admitted that his wife can and does make her own decisions. The reason for her decision is apparent if you understand the inclusivity of her guest list. You are so intent on denigrating JFK that you distort and twist the meaning of conversations at every chance you get.

3 users have voted.

Despite all the Fear mongering very few New York residents have signed up for the booster shot.

This feels like a quiet under the radar Resistance to me.

The newspapers are reporting the number of people in lines for testing and I can tell you that is true. I've been seeing it all week. But getting boosters? Apparently, to that we are saying "No, thank you."

12 users have voted.


Lookout's picture


That people are wary of the primary narrative.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout until, maybe, we find out this variant is as mild as we hope it is.

That would shoot the narrative to bits.

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


It was very long and people were standing in the rain to do it. It’s weird that states are still using a test that has been found wanting, but hey they were made so they might as well make as much money from a useless test before they can’t be used any longer. Someone though has gotten rich from using them. Might even be one of the new billionaires we keep hearing about.

But why are testing places so limited that sick people have to stand in the rain for hours in the richest country in the world?TM

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture

@snoopydawg travel, or get into some place, or... perhaps they had symptoms and wanted a diagnosis.

Maybe NYCVG will chime in

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg Prior to his conversion to Tyrant recently, sensible Mayor de Blasio had closed down 30 Test and Trace Centers as he found them to be kind of useless.

9 users have voted.


Lookout's picture


that's also why they are ditching the PCR test with so many false positives. IMO

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

He shows how the Pharm companies have blatantly captured lots of scientific rags and scientists outright. But still people believe what they are told.

Fishtroller it’s one you should watch to see how you are being lied to and who it’s that is lying to you. This is worth worse than the WMDs media capture. What you are doing is repeating big pharma talking points.

Edit spelling.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


I'm the one who doesn't take prescription medicines at age 70 because I don't trust Big Pharma's or most doctors' way of downplaying side effects.

I'm trying in vain to make it clear that you have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire by transferring your trust to the anti vax movement. You know, I think the CIA killed JFK But I certainly don't think that this era in our history is a "planned-demic". And, despite the fact that Big Pharma is making money off of the vaccines, I don't totally buy that every single person that works for Pfizer or Moderna is some kind of evil lab monster. The mRNA technology has been studied for years and I think we are all just fortunate that it was accelerated at a time when we needed it. Next it will be providing us all with some relief from cancer.

Vaccine science has saved millions of lives over many decades. In fact, George Washington mandated that all his troops be inoculated against smallpox. Before the vaccines for diphtheria families of 8 and 9 children living in the midwest would lose all their children to the disease.

I shudder when I consider the legacy that RFK, Malone, Kory and the crew is leaving this life with. It's abhorrent.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

And it’s been proven wrong numerous times. If you can add anything besides hit jobs on people I am willing to listen to you. I’m trying to save my life and I’m looking for things that can do that. Again the reason why is because I shouldn’t get jabbed. Period. Why is it your job to get me to change my mind on what I believe? It’s not. It’s my business not yours. Please just stop.

And for the last time stop with the insult that I’m anti vax. I’ve told you many times that I am not.

I'm the one who doesn't take prescription medicines at age 70 because I don't trust Big Pharma's or most doctors' way of downplaying side effects.

And yet you took one of their products that hasn’t gone through complete testing and the results won’t be known for years yet. Excuse me, but that seems odd.

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


you are in and make an assessment of risks and benefits. I watched the Covid virus start to take over the world and make people very very sick or kill them. I looked up the mRNA technology and considered the information on it at that time, and decided I would throw in with the vaccine.

And so far, my choice was a good one. Unvaccinated people fare much more poorly in all stats and situations overall than vaccinated people. If you dispute that assertion, then you are denying the science overall.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

How many times do I have to say that I should not take the jab? I don’t know why you think my health issues are your business but it isn’t. My health is between me and my doctor. Please butt out of telling me what I should do. I hope I don’t have to ask again.

0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


I was just responding to YOUR judgement of MY choice to have a vaccine..."And yet you took one of their products that hasn’t gone through complete testing and the results won’t be known for years yet. Excuse me, but that seems odd."

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

ggersh's picture

The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed with covid cases & hitting new covid case highs. So how is @JoeBiden arguing vaccines will end covid? The pro sports leagues prove that’s 100% a lie.

12 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


310 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 177 Dead, After COVID Shot

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Increase in heart issues is due to post pandemic stress disorder. Well that’s according to some British doc. It’s all in their heads. Yep I’m serious.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

Maybe they just need some Mother's Little Helper to help cope with the stress?


8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Dr John is always harping about the need to aspirate. Someone suggested the heart problems in young men (and I add athletes) may be due to more blood vessels in their arms and inadvertent intravenous injection of the vaccines.

Amazing to me no authority in the western world is recommending aspiration.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


and they make fun of the older ones that do. I read the nursing thread on Reddit.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


at injection site, but I bet if they were cut there it would bleed.

Going underground interview.
Note the "health security" proclamation...
(Dr John Ca[...].png

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture


The link for sports related Covid "collapse" is so scary we don't hear anything about it on State media do we....smfh

10 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


that fate? Maybe some are and it’s just not being reported on. But I don’t understand why people aren’t more upset about all the players who are testing positive and games being canceled. Like I’ve said before, imagine this happening with one of the more deadly illnesses like polio or smallpox. I doubt people would be quite so understanding. But for some reason they are with the Rona. Why?

The Gaul for some doctors to say it’s just stress is beyond words. It’s a life threatening problem, but let’s just pretend it’s not happening. There are no mild cases of myocarditis. Not when troponin levels are as high as they are. McCollough says that they are much higher than when people have heart attacks. In 5 years how many deaths in young people will we see?

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


even for vaxed folks like me who had no noticeable side effects. McCullough and Malone say we needed ten years to declare them safe. This has been insane for a disease that the vast majority of people cruise through. Vaxing children crosses the Rubicon for me. More danger from the vaccine than the disease. We've lost it....if we ever had it.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


I don’t know what to say. I just keep thinking that I’m going to have to get jabbed even though I should be medically exempt and I’ll either get worse or dead from it. That’s why it should be between us and our doctors, but even people who had a reaction to the 1st dose are being told that they must get their 2nd. In what world can that make any GD sense!? Anyone who had a reaction from any vaccine are told not to take them and it’s right there on the pharma literature, but it’s being ignored. Now here’s Fauci with his mandatory requirements. That’s not following the science you %#$@!!!

But I do see that athletes here are included in the list from the linked site.

Good Lord. And today Pfizer is saying that very young kids should get 3 jabs to create enough antibodies. They are doing babies as young as 6 months. How many babies has Covid killed? More have been because mom got jabbed and still Walensky is telling pregnant women to do it anyway. Think back to Vera in the video. She’s right.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


The world may be too profit crazed, but I think the moronic variant is our ticket out. If the vast majority have natural immunity from it with no to mild disease then little to no spread, few positive tests, no hospitalization, no deaths....and to my mind no mandates. Pretty difficult to justify to a already rowdy public.

Lets wait and see....what choice do we have?

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg incorrectly, others not. Remember the only way to know is if the giver of the shot aspirated it before continuing giving it. If blood shows up it's a no-no.

Or some athletes might just have been at greater risk full stop.

On another note, another CT coming true, what a surprise.


8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


I think that’s how conspiracy theories have been renamed. It’s not just for passports. One country over the pond is microchipping people so they don’t have to use their phones to pay for things. I can’t remember where I read that or if it’s true or not, but who doesn’t think that they would go there?
Maybe that was what they meant, but I think it’s for payment.

Didn’t that last chapter in the Bible have something to say about that? The mark of the beast and to be avoided at all costs. I’m actually appalled by anyone who would do that.

Max it’s also called Stockholm syndrome. We’ve already gone through the new McCarthyism.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture



3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


for the needles?

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

they will tell you that size matters. Big fat veins are quite easy to puncture, but smaller ones, the kind sedate or infirm people are more likely to have, can be quite elusive. Athletes and those who work out regularly will develop larger, easier to puncture, vascular conduits.

Also, during early in vivo mRNA vax tests, mice were intentionally injected directly into a blood vessel rather than muscle tissue. Upon autopsy a substantial number of these mice were found to have developed acute heart damage. The warning signals were there well before human trials were started, but Warp Speed was already going full speed ahead, and Profits and Power were not to be denied.

8 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Lookout's picture


explaining the need for aspiration and he cites the study you mentioned.

Have a good one!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

UK Government report admits there are 23.5 Million people in England who have NOT had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine

For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine. But today we can reveal that this is a lie.

It is a complete fabrication that has no doubt been used to make those who have refused the jab feel as if they are part of a minority, because an official UK Government report proves that in England alone there are approximately 23.5 million people who have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

"There are five million or so people who are eligible for vaccines now who haven’t been vaccinated,”.

That’s a big or so.

Guess who else has been fudging the numbers?

The CDC Caught in their Own Lies: The Unvaccinated in the U.S. for COVID-19 is “Millions” More than Originally Reported

For almost a year now I have been stating that the CDC has been lying to the public about the COVID-19 shots, using their own data from VAERS to prove it.

Now the corporate media is reporting the same thing: the CDC’s statistics on COVID-19 “vaccines,” in this case the total amount of people in the U.S. who are “vaccinated” with a COVID-19 shot, have been overstated by “millions.”

Bloomberg broke the story today, but if you want to avoid their paywall you can also read about it on Yahoo News.

The U.S. government has overcounted the number of Americans who are at least partly vaccinated against the coronavirus, Bloomberg reports.

Why it matters: Millions more people than initially thought are unprotected as coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths are rising across the country.

Three states — Illinois, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — found enough over-counting of first shots to indicate millions of unvaccinated people had mistakenly been counted as having received a dose.

It looks like they have found another way to blame the unvaxxed for the increasing deaths that are going to be the cover up for vaccine injuries. And it looks like all of the vaccine mandates have been overturned and they are heading to the Supreme Court which we know has been captured by big businesses long ago. Stay tuned and find something to hold on to cuz the ride is going to get bumpy.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

for the instillation of biometric passports. This is the ONLY measure that TPTB can ensure full compliance. I believe that the plandemic was engineered with this as one of the end points. Once they have your biometrics you can be controlled like sheep. Everything has been planned in advance by the WEF to be in place between 2025 and 2030.

US government leans into airport biometrics, providers envision automation options
Dec 15, 2021

An executive order signed this week by U.S. President Joe Biden could boost funding for the Transportation Security Administration’s biometric programs, as the government attempts to save Americans time and address the highest-friction interactions they have with the public sector, Roll Call reports.

Senior Advisor to the President Neera Tanden specifically invoked biometrics among tools to help speed up airport processes and reduce the amount of time people spend waiting in lines. Another key component of the executive order is communicating to the public the services the government offers, Tanden said.

Other areas of friction addressed by the order include passport renewals and online applications, which could mean more support for federal digital ID and online authentication programs.
“Developing self-screening stations at checkpoints, through the Passenger Self-Screening Project, will allow passengers to complete screening activities by themselves, similar to self-checkout at grocery stores,” explains Kathryn Coulter Mitchell, the senior official performing the duties of the under secretary for Science and Technology.

TSA Identity Management Capability Manager Jason Lim discussed government efforts to incorporate more credentials, such as mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs), in a recent interview with PYMNTS.

Lim sees the pandemic as fundamentally changing TSA’s mission, with increased automation and digital ID screening necessary measures for protecting public health and safety.

In addition to mDLs, TSA’s efforts include the rollout of its new biometric credential authentication technology, known as CAT-2 or CAT-C scanners, supplied by Idemia. Pairing biometrics with approved digital IDs can significantly improve security while rendering processes touchless, Lim says.
Amadeus’ Traveler ID for Safe Travel will also be implemented by Hawaiian for convenient verification of health status documentation.

Elsewhere in the travel industry, airport retailer Hudson has adopted Amazon One palm biometrics to provide a ‘Just Walk Out’ experience at Dallas Love Field Airport and Chicago Midway International Airport.

The deployment of Amazon’s retail biometrics in airports allows previously enrolled travelers to use biometrics to charge purchases to a card associated with their account at Hudson Nonstop stores.

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


And it’s an Amazon product that is being used. But wait there’s more. It’s what Amazon is going to use in their ring cameras too. Lots of biometric data can be scooped up from anyone walking by a house that has it. Who’d a thought that people would be dumb enough to help enslave themselves?

My faith in my fellow Americans goes down daily. From buying the devices that are known to spy on you to being double jabbed and boosted but still getting infected and then blaming the people who haven’t been jabbed for their illness.

Fauci today says get boosted!
Warren is boosted but got infected anyway. Dash 1 !!!

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.