An honest and realistic response to Russiagate
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 12/15/2021 - 2:28pm
I really like this reply.
In an interview with former NFL quarterback Jay Cutler on his Uncut podcast on Wednesday, former president Donald Trump’s son said they were worried about how to convince voters to vote for his father over more experienced rivals, reported Business Insider.
“We weren’t smart enough to collude with Russia,” Mr Trump said. “We didn’t know what the hell we were doing. We didn’t know what a delegate was.”
I totally believe this. It's hard to argue with.

I ran across his tweets yesterday
...that he sent to the Oval Office on Jan 6, during the temper tantrum at the Capitol.
He was repeatedly tweeting West Wing staff, including M. Meadows, insisting that they get Trump on TV immediately to tell the rioters to knock it off and go home. He was pissed. I was impressed by his instinctive pragmatism.
Of course, they ignored him.
One other time, I was impressed by Don Jr. That was when he described his meeting at Trump Towers with the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya. The meeting had been something of a set-up all along (Veselnitskaya was working for Fusion GPS and had a Russian client who was sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act). She had been banned from the US for being annoying, but Obama allowed her to come in just for this meeting. So who knows how twisted this really gets?
When this story came out much later, the Dems went completely wild, insisting it was proof that the Russians meddled in the 2016 election, on Donald Trump's behalf. Some of those dumbbell Dems really believed that.
Don Jr. was always very calm and very frank about it, explaining that Veselnitskaya had handed him papers about Russian adoptions being blocked and lobbying to get the Magnitsky Act reversed — which, itself, was the brainchild of State Department depravity. Don Jr had a few campaign staff with him, and he cut the meeting short and left.
His acquaintance in London, who set up this meeting, had intimated that Veselnitskaya had some derogatory opposition info on Hillary Clinton. Don Jr admitted that, of course he was interested in oppo-research on Hillary, but Veselnitskaya had zilch. So they left.
This drove the Dems to peak insanity. "More proof!" they screeched. Don Jr just shrugged it off.
The Shakespearian twist to this drama is that at the very moment that Veselnitskaya pulled the bait-and-switch on Don Jr, Hillary Clinton was paying Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to solicit Russian spies and intelligence officers for fantastic lies about Donald Trump that she could use to rig the election against him. Hence the Dirty Dossier.
Here we have established evidence of Russian cooperation with US election meddling — paid for by the Clinton campaign. The moral to the story is: If you pay the Russians to meddle in the election, you'll lose.
"Some of those dumbbell Dems really believed that"
also "proof"...Jill Stein being in the same room as Putin meant she was a Russian dupe.
Words like "dupe" or "agent" or "mole" are only used by the immature who are fantasizing, a la "cowboys and indians". "bang bang", except many have real bullets but they're all making it up.
Amazing how little evidence people need these days
to believe the worst about someone. No matter how many times she explained why she was there. And why Putin sat at her table.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hillary: Our only hope?
If this is true, then the Democratic Party is in terrible shape.
If you accept this premise, then the Dems are doomed to be a regional, minority party for the next generation. We should all get used to Republican presidents and Republican Congress'.
Of course that is a worst-case scenario, because Republicans identify themselves by opposing whatever they believe that Democrats want. They are completely unprepared and unqualified for leading this nation.
Very few people want Biden to run again
Harris polls at 12% so she’s out. Mayonnaise Pete took a 2 month vacation while the supply chain broke down plus he’s as exciting as white bread and so it looks like Hillary is their best chance for hanging on to the presidency… After all she beat Trump by 3 million votes remember? And she is very confident that she can beat him this time. If you think Russia Gate was bad just wait to see what she cooks up against him this time. And just think. If she loses again we can look forward to 4 more years of investigations into it. What’s there to lose for her to run again. Giggle.
But seriously folks, with Obama, Brennan and others from the intelligence agencies, all the democrats and the media it should go down as much worse than watergate ever was and lots of people went to prison for it. So far very few people have been charged with any wrongdoing and they were very far down on the chain. The guy who lied to the FISA court to get the warrant on Page that set everything in motion got a slap on the wrist for it. No lie, no wiretapping on Trump’s campaign. No unmasking by the Obama administration against the law and constitution. Even Epstein paid a higher price for his sins.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Nope. Not this time
Because the Democrats are about to lose control of both houses of Congress.
OTOH, you will see a BIG investigations of a.) Biden's "stolen" election, b.) antifa, and c.) Critical Race Theory.
Won't that be fun?
Oh no doubt
This tit for tat with investigations into each party has gotten old. But they are great diversions from doing anything for us. They then spend their time doing things for their donors.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The latest number that I've seen
is that a third of Democrats don't want Biden to run again. Well, in his best 2020 primary polling, two-thirds of Democrats didn't want Biden. However, very few wanted Harris.
As we're not even a year into his tenure, and he's an old man with intermittent cognitive issues, it seems way too soon to bother speculating about 2023/24. Voters seem disinclined to oust the DC geriatric set and the DC geriatric set seems disinclined to retire; so, they'll be around to torture us until the grim reaper shows up.
I was just told that Pelosi is going to run for re-election
Both her and Feinstein are not playing with a full deck. It seems that you are right. They’ll die in office. Bummer for us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That’s some striking holiday cheer /s
I think many are either too consumed by the upcoming holidays, or fighting their own visions of the grim reaper to give much thought to political elections, which anyway seem destined not to be in our favour.
Ed The Conch Concha
Hillary 2024? Sounds like Humphrey 1972 only without all the excitement.
Meanwhile, Liz Warren and Sherrod Brown are still out there, tanned and rested, under-80, and each w/o nearly as much baggage as the negatives-record setter Hillster.
Mayonnaise Pete!
He's as smug and entitled as Hillary. As dishonest, too.
Pretty good,
And only half the calories and warmongery as the competing Hillary brand.
I'm writing in Putin in 23'
Fuck it.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
You must get to vote really early
in your state ; ).
Putin will be retiring by then
I'm going to write in Sergey Lavrov for president with Maria Zakharova for vice-president for '24 and get some real leadership.
That's my dream ticket!
I have resolved to only vote for challengers
who seem meritorious.which to me is that they are genuinely democrats. With a small D. democrats meaning people who believe in the wisdom of people and self government. By the people, not rule by oligarchs.
Not the incumbency.
Also I beleive in a right to a postsecondary education, if one can handle the study.
Not republicans or corporate sufferance lovers, which is the DNC-centric Democrats unless they are other people than the neocons who are squatting on the spots today.IMHO.
Biden insists that everything will remain essentially the same