I have one news article today saying 62% more UK children 6-12 years old have died since their vaccinations started. And a 2nd article that says all children 5-11 in New York must be vaccinated. And I’m wondering: how is that not a completely insane world? How do we fail to connect these things?
11 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
underestimate. One telling account is the story of Michael Swango. The book titled 'Blind Eye' is the telling of his long road and the numbers of hospital systems which did not stop him in his long arc of killing people within his reach.
For reasons of not wanting to face wrongful termination or the inside knowledge that any particular medical group harboured a criminal of such depravity, he was passed along, tolerated and more. Wiki on Swango
Despite a very poor evaluation in his dean's letter from SIU, Swango got a surgical internship at Ohio State University Medical Center in 1983, to be followed by a residency in neurosurgery. While he worked in Rhodes Hall at OSU, nurses noticed that apparently healthy patients began dying mysteriously with alarming frequency. Each time, Swango had been the floor intern. One nurse caught him injecting some "medicine" into a patient who later became strangely ill.[1]
The nurses reported their concerns to administrators but were met with accusations of paranoia. Swango was cleared by a cursory investigation in 1984. However, his work had been so slovenly that OSU pulled its residency offer after his internship ended in June. Later, it emerged that OSU officials feared that Swango would sue if he were fired without cause, and resolved to quietly push him out of the hospital as soon as possible after his internship ended.[1]
When eventually there were no locations in the US he could find a way into, he decamped to Africa. Here he picked up where he left off.
The author finally saw the same pattern in Africa as he had recounted over and over in the US. Finally he was charged and caught when he entered the US to renew his passport or visa.
At once a gripping read and a hard-hitting look at the inner workings of the American medical system, Blind Eye describes a professional hierarchy where doctors repeatedly accept the word of fellow physicians over that of nurses, hospital employees, and patients—even as horrible truths begin to emerge.
After seeing the slow-moving train wreck of the medical establishment against Lyme patients, morphing into fast breakdown of medical relationships of doctors and patients in this time, which are exemplified by the unfortunate truths which are on display in this terrible story.
11 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Doctors are about their egos. Stats. Hospitals, Insurance companies and Pharma are their bosses and their concerns.
Not the patients.
Societal collapse happens bit by bit.
Loss of trust in doctors is way overdue.
underestimate. One telling account is the story of Michael Swango. The book titled 'Blind Eye' is the telling of his long road and the numbers of hospital systems which did not stop him in his long arc of killing people within his reach.
For reasons of not wanting to face wrongful termination or the inside knowledge that any particular medical group harboured a criminal of such depravity, he was passed along, tolerated and more. Wiki on Swango
Despite a very poor evaluation in his dean's letter from SIU, Swango got a surgical internship at Ohio State University Medical Center in 1983, to be followed by a residency in neurosurgery. While he worked in Rhodes Hall at OSU, nurses noticed that apparently healthy patients began dying mysteriously with alarming frequency. Each time, Swango had been the floor intern. One nurse caught him injecting some "medicine" into a patient who later became strangely ill.[1]
The nurses reported their concerns to administrators but were met with accusations of paranoia. Swango was cleared by a cursory investigation in 1984. However, his work had been so slovenly that OSU pulled its residency offer after his internship ended in June. Later, it emerged that OSU officials feared that Swango would sue if he were fired without cause, and resolved to quietly push him out of the hospital as soon as possible after his internship ended.[1]
When eventually there were no locations in the US he could find a way into, he decamped to Africa. Here he picked up where he left off.
The author finally saw the same pattern in Africa as he had recounted over and over in the US. Finally he was charged and caught when he entered the US to renew his passport or visa.
At once a gripping read and a hard-hitting look at the inner workings of the American medical system, Blind Eye describes a professional hierarchy where doctors repeatedly accept the word of fellow physicians over that of nurses, hospital employees, and patients—even as horrible truths begin to emerge.
After seeing the slow-moving train wreck of the medical establishment against Lyme patients, morphing into fast breakdown of medical relationships of doctors and patients in this time, which are exemplified by the unfortunate truths which are on display in this terrible story.
It is nearly impossible to impeach a charismatic psychopath. The system will turn against the exposer first. And the psychopath will retaliate as well. Quietly.
underestimate. One telling account is the story of Michael Swango. The book titled 'Blind Eye' is the telling of his long road and the numbers of hospital systems which did not stop him in his long arc of killing people within his reach.
For reasons of not wanting to face wrongful termination or the inside knowledge that any particular medical group harboured a criminal of such depravity, he was passed along, tolerated and more. Wiki on Swango
Despite a very poor evaluation in his dean's letter from SIU, Swango got a surgical internship at Ohio State University Medical Center in 1983, to be followed by a residency in neurosurgery. While he worked in Rhodes Hall at OSU, nurses noticed that apparently healthy patients began dying mysteriously with alarming frequency. Each time, Swango had been the floor intern. One nurse caught him injecting some "medicine" into a patient who later became strangely ill.[1]
The nurses reported their concerns to administrators but were met with accusations of paranoia. Swango was cleared by a cursory investigation in 1984. However, his work had been so slovenly that OSU pulled its residency offer after his internship ended in June. Later, it emerged that OSU officials feared that Swango would sue if he were fired without cause, and resolved to quietly push him out of the hospital as soon as possible after his internship ended.[1]
When eventually there were no locations in the US he could find a way into, he decamped to Africa. Here he picked up where he left off.
The author finally saw the same pattern in Africa as he had recounted over and over in the US. Finally he was charged and caught when he entered the US to renew his passport or visa.
At once a gripping read and a hard-hitting look at the inner workings of the American medical system, Blind Eye describes a professional hierarchy where doctors repeatedly accept the word of fellow physicians over that of nurses, hospital employees, and patients—even as horrible truths begin to emerge.
After seeing the slow-moving train wreck of the medical establishment against Lyme patients, morphing into fast breakdown of medical relationships of doctors and patients in this time, which are exemplified by the unfortunate truths which are on display in this terrible story.
A reminder of CB's recommended interview series. You still have a few hours left. https://vrevealed.com/c19/viewing
Today featuring McCullah, Children defence fund chair, and Joe Mercola.
Haven't watched the bonus yet.
Edit to add. This Quiz was mentioned in the bonus piece.
after listening for a bit, it's easy to get the message. We are being lied to and experimented on. That's the bad news. The good news is people all over the globe are waking up to this and hopefully the people win this battle.
As Chomsky says, "Unregulated Capitalism is a Suicide Pact"
A reminder of CB's recommended interview series. You still have a few hours left. https://vrevealed.com/c19/viewing
Today featuring McCullah, Children defence fund chair, and Joe Mercola.
Haven't watched the bonus yet.
Edit to add. This Quiz was mentioned in the bonus piece.
The Man speaks absolute truth. He knows the medical world; he knows the bible; he protecting his own and others' kids; he's philosophical; he knows people who are trying to make a difference.
I hope this goes viral. One person like him could be the break in the dam.
Thank you so much for bringing it to us.
Thanks everyone for the quotes from the Mattias Desmet interview. Both of us are sending it far and wide.
Thanks CB for the continuing series. We have been watching daily since number 4.
May we all lose the scales from our eyes.
these vaccines? Answer is, they aren't "our governments"
@Dawn's Meta
has the chance of being the person that breaks the dam.
If I remember correctly it was empty suit who gave the government the power to use propaganda against the american people and damned if that isn't being weaponized to it's full extent.
until this stops we have no chance of winning, but one day it will all come to a halt
#3 The Man speaks absolute truth. He knows the medical world; he knows the bible; he protecting his own and others' kids; he's philosophical; he knows people who are trying to make a difference.
I hope this goes viral. One person like him could be the break in the dam.
Thank you so much for bringing it to us.
Thanks everyone for the quotes from the Mattias Desmet interview. Both of us are sending it far and wide.
Thanks CB for the continuing series. We have been watching daily since number 4.
May we all lose the scales from our eyes.
10 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
If I remember correctly it was empty suit who gave the government the power to use propaganda against the american people
See my comment
#3.2 has the chance of being the person that breaks the dam.
If I remember correctly it was empty suit who gave the government the power to use propaganda against the american people and damned if that isn't being weaponized to it's full extent.
until this stops we have no chance of winning, but one day it will all come to a halt
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239) allows U.S. government officials to disseminate in the United States news and information programs produced by the government at taxpayers’ expense for audiences abroad.
This change in the law, which earlier under the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prohibited U.S. government officials from actively distributing such material domestically, raises constitutional and civil liberties questions.
Just in time for Russia Russia and Orange man is really bad and doing things no president before him has done and now this time frame with the great doctor Fauci following the science when it suits his needs. One of the videos today questioned why he never shows us what changed in the science for him to change his mind? Like on masks. "They will not work!" to "now they will work!" to "you should wear 2 of them" to "you don’t need them if you’re jabbed " to "even if you’re are jabbed you should wear your mask". Yee-gads. "Don’t attack the science because then you’re attacking me .Mr. Science". Yuppers it’s come in right handy.
Scratch delivered and she says THANKS! She is very talented. Yesterday she played the squeaky with her mouth and the pig with her feet. Squeak, oink, squeak, squeak, oink, oink, oink…I cracked up!
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239) allows U.S. government officials to disseminate in the United States news and information programs produced by the government at taxpayers’ expense for audiences abroad.
This change in the law, which earlier under the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prohibited U.S. government officials from actively distributing such material domestically, raises constitutional and civil liberties questions.
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
His voice is so calm and reasonable. He held my attention and I agree with his views 100%.
I think he's wrong about why people become police and what the police function is.
Policing is about power and whatever power an individual police person has is always subservient to whoever is above them in the hierarchy. And the entire department works for the Business and ruling classes.
Police might talk a good game about service to the community, but it is not the whole story.
Much as doctors now serve the hospitals and insurance companies and drug companies, not their patients.
Kelley's belief that somehow we all together can stop what's happening, even at this very late date, is heartening. If you can let yourself believe him, that is.
these vaccines? Answer is, they aren't "our governments"
I believe some people do become police to help others, but as time goes by the number of those people who become police that want to help drops significantly and more and more they are in it for power as you state.
My father and I knew many a good cop when I grew up, but again not all cops are good and not all cops are bad, but I'll forever call them pigs
#3 His voice is so calm and reasonable. He held my attention and I agree with his views 100%.
I think he's wrong about why people become police and what the police function is.
Policing is about power and whatever power an individual police person has is always subservient to whoever is above them in the hierarchy. And the entire department works for the Business and ruling classes.
Police might talk a good game about service to the community, but it is not the whole story.
Much as doctors now serve the hospitals and insurance companies and drug companies, not their patients.
Kelley's belief that somehow we all together can stop what's happening, even at this very late date, is heartening. If you can let yourself believe him, that is.
7 users have voted.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
What i think is that the element of power is very important in the mix.
#3.3 I believe some people do become police to help others, but as time goes by the number of those people who become police that want to help drops significantly and more and more they are in it for power as you state.
My father and I knew many a good cop when I grew up, but again not all cops are good and not all cops are bad, but I'll forever call them pigs
The descent was provoked by the existential anxiety over the collapse of techno-industrial economies and the end of progress as-we’ve-known-it. (Have you noticed: it was the self-styled “progressives” who went the craziest?) As Dr. Desmet lays it out, the disconnectedness of contemporary life, its lack of meaning or purpose for many, leads to unendurable anxiety. All that inchoate fear seeks desperately to attach itself to some real object, some thing or some force that can be comprehended, fought, and triumphantly overcome. Finding such a target produces an intoxicating sense of communal connection, purpose, and meaning, driving actions that are often crazy and also absolutely impervious to rational debate.
The angst in America was well established by 2016. A beaten-down middle-class suspected that left-of-center (right) politicians did not have their interests at heart after years of off-shoring their jobs, (whoring to big banks and business) and they managed to elect their avatar, Donald Trump, over the obviously unsympathetic globalist, Hillary Clinton — who snootily tagged her opposition “the deplorables.” Even so, the polls had her ahead by a mile. Then, by some weird twist of fate, she lost a few crucial counties in midwestern states she hadn’t bothered to visit, and was reportedly too plastered after midnight on election night to come down and console the troops at campaign headquarters. The shocking election outcome instantly deranged the nation’s entire managerial class and its thinking-out-loud interlocutors in the news media and on campus.
The Golden Golem of Greatness, as I liked to call Mr. Trump, was the perfect target for their animus. Threatening to “drain the swamp,” he would shatter their hard-won power privileges and deprive them of their well-worn grifts — such as the various revolving doors between big money and its regulators. Plus, his rough personality offended their own pretense of decorum (in pursuit of that power and grift). They decided that he had to go, and fast, and the whole managerial class and their allies closed ranks to get it done, not least the vicious agents of the Intel “Community,” which force-fed all the federal legal machinery — the official instruments of punishment.
If they could only knock Mr. Trump off the game-board, America’s troubles would be over. We could get back on track to becoming a utopia of inclusion, diversity, equity, and self-driving electric cars. For four years the FBI, the DOJ, and other distributed players (such as the CIA mole Eric Ciaramella and his NSA co-seditionist Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, and such ignoble rogues in Congress as Rep. Adam Schiff and Senator Mark Warner) beat President Trump like a piñata, casually breaking the very law that they supposedly represented in the process. This punishment was accompanied by a growing repertoire of cult-like rituals — especially around race-and-gender hustles — with rich opportunities for the new behavior called virtue signaling, which was essentially a game of collecting brownie points for status-seeking purposes in the new moral hierarchy of the “Woke.” The social networks, Facebook and Twitter, amplified every insane strand in the Woke messaging. As Dr. Desmet says, “The more absurd the rituals, the more they buy into it.”
This demonic opposition to Mr. Trump, and all the games issuing from it, produced the characteristic intoxication of mass formation psychosis. That is, the Left became a big cozy community of people initiated into a catechism of sacred truths. The important part is that they felt united in their struggle. The news media’s role was to reinforce all that, with as much bad faith and dishonesty as they could get away with, in the service of fashioning a consensus that was eventually named “the narrative” — a self-reinforcing catalog of approved thought. (Was that why Obama rescinded the Smith-Mundt act?) The anti-Trump news posse garnered brownie points galore, including Pulitzer Prizes for their completely mendacious reporting.
What a lifesaver the ‘Rona was for wobbling Wokedom, a cornucopia of boons, the gift that kept on giving! It provided an opportunity for perhaps the most craven public-private cartel in all the land, the CDC / FDA / NIH / NIAID / Big Pharma gang, to work some amazing hoodoo on the Golden Golem of Greatness and eventually all the nations of Western Civ. It put the perfidious, money-grubbing, and medically incompetent Dr. Anthony Fauci at the elbow of Mr. Trump as, in effect, the National Covid-19 Coordinator.
4 conditions need to be present to create Mass-Formation
1) There needs to a lot of socially isolated people or people who experience a lack of social bond 2) People who experience a lack of ‘sense making’. Unable to come to sensible conclusions. 3) There is a lot of Free-Floating Anxiety (FFA). Free-Floating because there’s nothing to connect their anxiety to. No focal point. Unable to identify what’s causing and so no way to deal with it. 4) There’s also a lot of Free-Floating Psychological-Discontent. People may experience their daily lives as lacking any purpose or meaning
So when these pre-conditions are highly present within a population and then the media provide a narrative which indicates a focal-point for this anxiety while at the same time describing a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety then all the anxiety connects to this object of anxiety.
If a large segment of people are willing to follow this strategy to deal with this object of anxiety no matter the cost, then in a second step people start a collective & heroic battle with this Object of Anxiety and in that way a new kind of social bond emerges & with that a new kind of “sense making” or purpose. Suddenly life is all directed towards battling this Object of Anxiety. This creates new sense of connectedness with others in the Mass-Formation.
In Mass-Formations people become radically intolerant of dissident voices. This person threatens to wake the people up and they get angry when confronted by the initial anxiety and discontent they experience by challenges to the official doctrine.
The crowd direct all their aggression at dissident voices.
Democrats and the media went after Trump every day for 5 years and accused him of being Putin’s puppet as well as the other things that Trump did and said whether he did or said them at all. This set the stage for the next boogie man that the PTB rolled out and now 6 years later here we are. Half the country still believes that Orange Man bad and the other half believe that Biden stole the election and a mixture of the two believe that Covid is a life ending event and they have placed their trust in the infallible Anthony Fauci. Anyone who doesn’t believe that should be banned from society until they get on board with the vaccines are the only way out of the epidemic. If enough people get jabbed then we will arrive at the end goal of herd immunity. Just regard that as long as there are breakthrough infections and wildlife that can get the Rona that will never happen. Or as Hillary says: That will never, ever happen!
How we recover from this massive psyops is the 64 million dollar question. But I don’t believe that Trump was innocent in all this. He had many options to put Russia Gate to bed and expose it as the scam it was, but never did. And remember that he was the one who locked down the country and made it possible for the vaccines to be approved in record time. He also gave them a sweetheart deal on total immunity for any harm they did. He also gave us Fauci. You remember when Fauci drove up the fear factor about AIDS?
“The finding of AIDS in infants and children who are household contacts of patients with AIDS or persons with risks for AIDS has enormous implications with regard to ultimate transmissibility of this syndrome,” Anthony Fauci explained to the American public in 1983. “If routine close contact can spread the disease, AIDS takes on an entirely new dimension.”
Ron Johnson recently called Fauci out on that so Fauci once again ran to the media and denied ever saying that. Larry Kramer took him to the woodshed over it. Sorry, Tony, guilty as charged.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112-239) allows U.S. government officials to disseminate in the United States news and information programs produced by the government at taxpayers’ expense for audiences abroad.
This change in the law, which earlier under the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prohibited U.S. government officials from actively distributing such material domestically, raises constitutional and civil liberties questions.
8 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
of citizens. She is enjoying having the control and capacity to punish (just like a psychopath) those that are going against her demands. You can also see her creepy smile here:
NEW - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, when asked by a reporter if she was creating two classes of people, with the vaccinated receiving special privileges, confirmed, "That is what it is, yep".pic.twitter.com/4VDULQN7Xd
You can see her psychopathic control issues in the following. She will not entertain ANYTHING that could hurt her preset views - it's "My way or the highway" or "shut it down".
Along with Newsom, Merkle, buttigieg, macron and has gotten lots more rich since being in office. I doubt I can find the link for this. I posted it weeks ago tho.
of citizens. She is enjoying having the control and capacity to punish (just like a psychopath) those that are going against her demands. You can also see her creepy smile here:
NEW - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, when asked by a reporter if she was creating two classes of people, with the vaccinated receiving special privileges, confirmed, "That is what it is, yep".pic.twitter.com/4VDULQN7Xd
You can see her psychopathic control issues in the following. She will not entertain ANYTHING that could hurt her preset views - it's "My way or the highway" or "shut it down".
It demonstrates how involved the WEF is to the origins of the plandemic and the principal players in forwarding the agenda. It is remarkable that the diagram they use looks like a coronavirus with it's spikes. An insider 'joke'?
The WEF and the Pandemic How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?
The WEF has been involved in the coronavirus pandemic in several ways.
First, the WEF was, together with the Gates Foundation, a sponsor of the prescient “Event 201” coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise, held in New York City on October 18, 2019 – the same day as the opening of the Wuhan Military World Games, seen by some as “ground zero” of the global pandemic. China itself has argued that US military athletes may have brought the virus to Wuhan.
Second, the WEF has been a leading proponent of digital biometric identity systems, arguing that they will make societies and industries more efficient, more productive and more secure. In July 2019, the WEF started a project to “shape the future of travel with biometric-enabled digital traveler identity management”. In addition, the WEF collaborates with the ID2020 alliance, which is funded by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations and runs a program to “provide digital ID with vaccines”. In particular, ID2020 sees the vaccination of children as “an entry point for digital identity.”
Third, WEF founder Klaus Schwab is the author of the book COVID-19: The Great Reset, published in July 2020, which argues that the coronavirus pandemic can and should be used for an “economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental and technological reset”, including, in particular, advancing global governance, accelerating digital transformation, and tackling climate change.
Finally, the WEF has been running, since 1993, a program called “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”, rebranded, in 2004, as “Young Global Leaders”. This program aims at identifying, selecting and promoting future global leaders in both business and politics. Indeed, quite a few “Young Global Leaders” have later managed to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs (see below).
WEF “Young Global Leaders”
An overview of some WEF Young Global Leaders (2005-2021) and Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003) in politics and the media. The list is not exhaustive.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (since 2017, selected in 2014),
Along with Newsom, Merkle, buttigieg, macron and has gotten lots more rich since being in office. I doubt I can find the link for this. I posted it weeks ago tho.
vaccines start off reasonably effective, but they fade very quickly. this has long been a criticism and a complaint about the shortness of the drug trials on which their approval was based and the elimination of their control groups to prevent long term study.
companies like pfizer are VERY good at clinical trials.
they do not make mistakes. they make choices.
and given these longer term results, it seems clear why they chose to run short trials and then eliminate the control groups after about 90 days. because that’s when things start to go off the rails.
this becomes obvious in the curves from the study:
the downslope in efficacy against symptomatic infection is just starting right where pfizer and moderna ended their trials and vaccinated the control groups to make future comparison impossible. (red vertical line added by me)
out around 240 days (red horiz line added by me) it goes negative.
8 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
vaccines start off reasonably effective, but they fade very quickly. this has long been a criticism and a complaint about the shortness of the drug trials on which their approval was based and the elimination of their control groups to prevent long term study.
companies like pfizer are VERY good at clinical trials.
they do not make mistakes. they make choices.
and given these longer term results, it seems clear why they chose to run short trials and then eliminate the control groups after about 90 days. because that’s when things start to go off the rails.
this becomes obvious in the curves from the study:
the downslope in efficacy against symptomatic infection is just starting right where pfizer and moderna ended their trials and vaccinated the control groups to make future comparison impossible. (red vertical line added by me)
out around 240 days (red horiz line added by me) it goes negative.
Ii is becoming more and more apparent that we've been sold a bill of goods. Fauci and his minions are not stupid - "we made a mistake, we didn't know that would happen". Hundreds of virologists around the world have been trying to inform the public but have been effectively shut out by a complicit captured media. Fortunately the truth is finally getting despite the attempt to keep a lid on it.
if those are true, the fact that efficacy fades here is the best news we have. we need to stop boosting and let it run down so we stop breeding for hotter strains that make us all worse off. (even the vaxxed) (source is second link above)
the simple fact is this: rushing vaccines of a brand new type never before used in humans (but known to be problematic in animals) was always a deeply bad idea.
we had no idea how this was going to play out.
the trials were short and rigged to mask fade and side effects while overstating efficacy. VE was used instead of absolute risk reduction, and cost/benefit was not even considered.
the immunity was supposed to be sterilizing. it’s not.
the effects were supposed to be strong. they aren’t.
the efficacy was supposed to be durable. it isn’t.
they were supposed to protect the most vulnerable. but that’s who they work least well on.
and yet the one note flute of public health keeps pushing and mandating them despite all these new learnings that run counter to all the assumptions they made when proposing this policy.
vaccines start off reasonably effective, but they fade very quickly. this has long been a criticism and a complaint about the shortness of the drug trials on which their approval was based and the elimination of their control groups to prevent long term study.
companies like pfizer are VERY good at clinical trials.
they do not make mistakes. they make choices.
and given these longer term results, it seems clear why they chose to run short trials and then eliminate the control groups after about 90 days. because that’s when things start to go off the rails.
this becomes obvious in the curves from the study:
the downslope in efficacy against symptomatic infection is just starting right where pfizer and moderna ended their trials and vaccinated the control groups to make future comparison impossible. (red vertical line added by me)
out around 240 days (red horiz line added by me) it goes negative.
there is also an argument that leaky vaccines are causing superspread while at the same time actually making the virus worse by inverting its evolutionary gradient.
They were making it even before the vaccines were rolled out. If you look at the graphs before they did you see that 'case' numbers were going down just before they started jabbing Pelosi. McCollough says that if we had just let it run it’s course we’d probably have beaten it by now. Israel started jabbing their people and cases started going up and so they gave a booster and cases still went up and now look at how high they are. The tweet I posted yesterday says that most people dying now are the jabbed. There is also evidence that Pfizer knew that might happen if they did what they have done. It’s in their notes. You can sue for intentional harm and malfeasance, it’s just hard to prove. Those $30 billion profits can buy a lot of lawyers.
Ii is becoming more and more apparent that we've been sold a bill of goods. Fauci and his minions are not stupid - "we made a mistake, we didn't know that would happen". Hundreds of virologists around the world have been trying to inform the public but have been effectively shut out by a complicit captured media. Fortunately the truth is finally getting despite the attempt to keep a lid on it.
if those are true, the fact that efficacy fades here is the best news we have. we need to stop boosting and let it run down so we stop breeding for hotter strains that make us all worse off. (even the vaxxed) (source is second link above)
the simple fact is this: rushing vaccines of a brand new type never before used in humans (but known to be problematic in animals) was always a deeply bad idea.
we had no idea how this was going to play out.
the trials were short and rigged to mask fade and side effects while overstating efficacy. VE was used instead of absolute risk reduction, and cost/benefit was not even considered.
the immunity was supposed to be sterilizing. it’s not.
the effects were supposed to be strong. they aren’t.
the efficacy was supposed to be durable. it isn’t.
they were supposed to protect the most vulnerable. but that’s who they work least well on.
and yet the one note flute of public health keeps pushing and mandating them despite all these new learnings that run counter to all the assumptions they made when proposing this policy.
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
ISREAL ADMITS almost all covid infections and deaths in VACCINATED. They acknewdge the 3rd shot caused "immuno erosion" JUST LIKE I TOLD YOU pic.twitter.com/T8pcXoTxYg
there is also an argument that leaky vaccines are causing superspread while at the same time actually making the virus worse by inverting its evolutionary gradient.
They were making it even before the vaccines were rolled out. If you look at the graphs before they did you see that 'case' numbers were going down just before they started jabbing Pelosi. McCollough says that if we had just let it run it’s course we’d probably have beaten it by now. Israel started jabbing their people and cases started going up and so they gave a booster and cases still went up and now look at how high they are. The tweet I posted yesterday says that most people dying now are the jabbed. There is also evidence that Pfizer knew that might happen if they did what they have done. It’s in their notes. You can sue for intentional harm and malfeasance, it’s just hard to prove. Those $30 billion profits can buy a lot of lawyers.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Of the cases reported Tuesday, 371 were "breakthrough," meaning they had been fully vaccinated more than two weeks previously. That brings total breakthrough cases in Utah since vaccines became available earlier this year to 51,740. That is about 7.2% of the 606,531 cases confirmed in Utah since the start of the pandemic.
Although the breakthrough infection rates continue creeping up nearly a year after vaccines became available, state health officials say vaccines still offer strong protection against the disease. In the last 28 days, unvaccinated residents have experienced 14 times greater risk of dying from COVID-19, nine times greater risk of COVID-19 hospitalization, and 3.5 times greater risk of testing positive than vaccinated people, health officials said Tuesday.
Are they not looking at what is happening in Israel and other countries that have high vaxxed rates and asking and questions on whether it’s the vaccines driving everything up? They should have access to all the data coming in from around the world and yet they aren’t putting 2 and 2 together yet. Also on the death counts in Utah it always looks like more than half of the deaths are in the age group most likely to have been jabbed. Long term care places have mandatory jabs and that’s where a lot of the numbers come from. But then I wonder if they actually died from the Rona or with it?
Ii is becoming more and more apparent that we've been sold a bill of goods. Fauci and his minions are not stupid - "we made a mistake, we didn't know that would happen". Hundreds of virologists around the world have been trying to inform the public but have been effectively shut out by a complicit captured media. Fortunately the truth is finally getting despite the attempt to keep a lid on it.
if those are true, the fact that efficacy fades here is the best news we have. we need to stop boosting and let it run down so we stop breeding for hotter strains that make us all worse off. (even the vaxxed) (source is second link above)
the simple fact is this: rushing vaccines of a brand new type never before used in humans (but known to be problematic in animals) was always a deeply bad idea.
we had no idea how this was going to play out.
the trials were short and rigged to mask fade and side effects while overstating efficacy. VE was used instead of absolute risk reduction, and cost/benefit was not even considered.
the immunity was supposed to be sterilizing. it’s not.
the effects were supposed to be strong. they aren’t.
the efficacy was supposed to be durable. it isn’t.
they were supposed to protect the most vulnerable. but that’s who they work least well on.
and yet the one note flute of public health keeps pushing and mandating them despite all these new learnings that run counter to all the assumptions they made when proposing this policy.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Governor Kathy Hochul announced that NY State will NOT have Vaccine Mandates. Unlike our beserk NYC Mayor who has installed endless Mandates, Rules and regs.
In less than a month we will have a new Mayor.
Here's what I posted on our other The Dose this am:
De Blasio's term ends Dec 31st. For parents in NYC feeling pressured to vaccinate because of the new mandate- just hang on. I know the new Mayor Eric Adams is going to return sanity to the city on January 1ST! EUA Vax mandates that take away parental rights must be stopped now!
Further research on the Incoming Mayor shows him to be exactly the ogre I've been writing about.
ex- Republican. 30 years Police. retired as Captain in the NYPD. Resident of NJ and still lying about it.
I went back into the recent news and looked at Adam's more recent comments on this. I hope I am right - but not so sure now. Might be time for protests in NYC?
Governor Kathy Hochul announced that NY State will NOT have Vaccine Mandates. Unlike our beserk NYC Mayor who has installed endless Mandates, Rules and regs.
In less than a month we will have a new Mayor.
Here's what I posted on our other The Dose this am:
De Blasio's term ends Dec 31st. For parents in NYC feeling pressured to vaccinate because of the new mandate- just hang on. I know the new Mayor Eric Adams is going to return sanity to the city on January 1ST! EUA Vax mandates that take away parental rights must be stopped now!
The good news is that the courts have shot down all of Biden’s mandates. Federal workers don’t need to get it for now. Just need more time for the truth to come out.
Further research on the Incoming Mayor shows him to be exactly the ogre I've been writing about.
ex- Republican. 30 years Police. retired as Captain in the NYPD. Resident of NJ and still lying about it.
I went back into the recent news and looked at Adam's more recent comments on this. I hope I am right - but not so sure now. Might be time for protests in NYC?
Further research on the Incoming Mayor shows him to be exactly the ogre I've been writing about.
ex- Republican. 30 years Police. retired as Captain in the NYPD. Resident of NJ and still lying about it.
I went back into the recent news and looked at Adam's more recent comments on this. I hope I am right - but not so sure now. Might be time for protests in NYC?
"This is a matter of constitutional significance. We have never had ID's in Britain, we don't have internal passports"
Our Director Silkie Carlo to Julia Hartley-Brewer after a closer look at the Covid vaccine status feature on the NHS app reveals plans for more than just international travel...
The UK government is considering whether the public should carry Covid Status Certificates. Big Brother Watch's director, Silkie Carlo, tells Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRADIO this "ludicrous" plan would treat citizens like "individual biohazards, with biological risk scores, and an inventory of vaccines to show". We won't comply.
People who have only received two COVID vaccine shots are gross, and I'm grateful that the Atlantic stepped and bestowed them with a shameful new name -- the Unboosted -- while suggesting they perhaps must be shunned along with their even more filthy brethren: the Unvaccinated. pic.twitter.com/u6jrb9mtqm
Just a myth that women’s cycles have been disrupted and lots of them have lost their babies either while pregnant or still births. Countries with good health care don’t lose over 20 a month. Well until now. I want to be alive for the trials!
8 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This episode reviews a previously hidden report by Pfizer to the FDA covering the first 90 days of ‘post authorization’ vaccine safety data. A judge ordered its release and, perhaps not surprisingly, no major news outlet has dared to cover the story.
Within that first 90- day window, over 1,200 deaths were reported, with a significant number appearing to happen within the first 24 hours after vaccination. We can’t say for sure because the report lacks critical details that would allow us to align the specific deaths with the reported observation that the median elapsed time between vaccination and the adverse event was “less than 24 hours” for many types of AEs.
This report is a ‘second go’ by Pfizer after the first report was deemed wholly insufficient and lacking detail. This one isn’t actually all that much better, as it is entirely passive (no active data collection undertaken – it relies entirely on “spontaneously” reported events, and no inquiry into the adverse events is part of this version of the report), there’s no attempt made to define the incidence of events, and there is no visible effort made to compare the levels of events to an expected baseline of such events.
It is also impossible to determine first vs second vaccination injections (not reported) and the age brackets are not even age brackets (“child, adult and elderly”).
Besides the 1,223 spontaneously reported deaths, there is an overwhelming tilt towards women reporting AE’s often on the order of 4x or more. None of these were deemed to be worthy of modifying either the administration of the vaccines or the collection of new data in more useful detail.
Further, I track down the actual state of knowledge of what is and is not known about pregnancy and the vaccines to uncover the fact that no providers can say, one way or the other, if the vaccines are safe.
In the most current language available to vaccine and health care providers, Pfizer says “Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”
Naturally, without being able to articulate the actual risk, true informed consent is not possible for pregnant women seeking to understand what the risks might be to their unborn child. All that can truthfully be said is “we don’t know.”
If more robust data does exist, it is not yet been made public. We may have to wait up to 55 years for that.
10 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I asked for some discussion but still haven’t seen any. Maybe 3rd time is the charm? For those who don’t like videos you can look back at my comments. It should never have been authorized. Too many problems. It now must be stopped for the same reasons.
This episode reviews a previously hidden report by Pfizer to the FDA covering the first 90 days of ‘post authorization’ vaccine safety data. A judge ordered its release and, perhaps not surprisingly, no major news outlet has dared to cover the story.
Within that first 90- day window, over 1,200 deaths were reported, with a significant number appearing to happen within the first 24 hours after vaccination. We can’t say for sure because the report lacks critical details that would allow us to align the specific deaths with the reported observation that the median elapsed time between vaccination and the adverse event was “less than 24 hours” for many types of AEs.
This report is a ‘second go’ by Pfizer after the first report was deemed wholly insufficient and lacking detail. This one isn’t actually all that much better, as it is entirely passive (no active data collection undertaken – it relies entirely on “spontaneously” reported events, and no inquiry into the adverse events is part of this version of the report), there’s no attempt made to define the incidence of events, and there is no visible effort made to compare the levels of events to an expected baseline of such events.
It is also impossible to determine first vs second vaccination injections (not reported) and the age brackets are not even age brackets (“child, adult and elderly”).
Besides the 1,223 spontaneously reported deaths, there is an overwhelming tilt towards women reporting AE’s often on the order of 4x or more. None of these were deemed to be worthy of modifying either the administration of the vaccines or the collection of new data in more useful detail.
Further, I track down the actual state of knowledge of what is and is not known about pregnancy and the vaccines to uncover the fact that no providers can say, one way or the other, if the vaccines are safe.
In the most current language available to vaccine and health care providers, Pfizer says “Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”
Naturally, without being able to articulate the actual risk, true informed consent is not possible for pregnant women seeking to understand what the risks might be to their unborn child. All that can truthfully be said is “we don’t know.”
If more robust data does exist, it is not yet been made public. We may have to wait up to 55 years for that.
6 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations.
Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.
Even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5.
The smoking gun showing how Pfizer KNEW that its vaccine would make the disease worse!
Pfizer told the FDA its mRNA covid vaccines can cause “enhanced disease” by making covid worse
Also to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this smoking gun document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”
This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.
Based on this document, it appears that the FDA itself has been neck-deep in a criminal conspiracy to hide the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths while granting usage approvals to the very same corporations that openly told the FDA its products were killing people.
Note, too, that the entire corporate media complex has lied from day one, falsely claiming the vaccine has killed no one. They are, of course, complicit in this vaccine holocaust.
Just today the American Medical Association told us that they are perfectly safe to give to pregnant women. Anyone think that they are not aware of these reports? Anyone? Bueller?
This is no longer conspiracy theory nor does reporting on it make one anti vax. It’s been what it has been all along. Bringing the information forward so that people can be informed about the consequences of taking a jab. If people want to continue throwing insults and closing their eyes to it that’s fine if that’s what they feel they need to do. I for one am happy that people have been concerned enough about their safety to bring it to light. These vaccines are neither safe or what is needed to stop the epidemic. For one thing and the biggest thing is that they have no chance of doing that because they are not sterilizing vaccines. Nor are they safe like we’ve been told. Nor are the people involved in them and their distribution unaware of the damage and deaths they are causing.
This information comes directly from Pfizer’s reports and not something that people with an agenda made up to keep people from getting them. Fauci also knows that giving people remedisiver and vancomycin are bad for people’s kidneys. remedisiver went through trials for Ebola and that is what the results showed and why it was never authorized for it. Just like AZT was known to be a bad drug to treat other diseases, but he has gone ahead and authorized them anyway. Knowingly doing that is beyond imagination.
The media has been complicit in covering up the injuries and deaths from the vaccines and parroting Fauci by saying that this is now an epidemic of the unvaxxed when it hasn’t been for awhile. Because of that half of America has turned on the other half because they think they are extending the epidemic and if they would just get jabbed they would be able to return to their lives. People who have been jabbed have no problem with denying people access to hospitals because they believe that every person who hasn’t been jabbed are infected and deliberately spreading Covid to them. The comments here are really beyond words for me.
8 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations.
Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.
Even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5.
The smoking gun showing how Pfizer KNEW that its vaccine would make the disease worse!
Pfizer told the FDA its mRNA covid vaccines can cause “enhanced disease” by making covid worse
Also to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this smoking gun document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”
This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.
Based on this document, it appears that the FDA itself has been neck-deep in a criminal conspiracy to hide the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths while granting usage approvals to the very same corporations that openly told the FDA its products were killing people.
Note, too, that the entire corporate media complex has lied from day one, falsely claiming the vaccine has killed no one. They are, of course, complicit in this vaccine holocaust.
Just today the American Medical Association told us that they are perfectly safe to give to pregnant women. Anyone think that they are not aware of these reports? Anyone? Bueller?
This is no longer conspiracy theory nor does reporting on it make one anti vax. It’s been what it has been all along. Bringing the information forward so that people can be informed about the consequences of taking a jab. If people want to continue throwing insults and closing their eyes to it that’s fine if that’s what they feel they need to do. I for one am happy that people have been concerned enough about their safety to bring it to light. These vaccines are neither safe or what is needed to stop the epidemic. For one thing and the biggest thing is that they have no chance of doing that because they are not sterilizing vaccines. Nor are they safe like we’ve been told. Nor are the people involved in them and their distribution unaware of the damage and deaths they are causing.
This information comes directly from Pfizer’s reports and not something that people with an agenda made up to keep people from getting them. Fauci also knows that giving people remedisiver and vancomycin are bad for people’s kidneys. remedisiver went through trials for Ebola and that is what the results showed and why it was never authorized for it. Just like AZT was known to be a bad drug to treat other diseases, but he has gone ahead and authorized them anyway. Knowingly doing that is beyond imagination.
The media has been complicit in covering up the injuries and deaths from the vaccines and parroting Fauci by saying that this is now an epidemic of the unvaxxed when it hasn’t been for awhile. Because of that half of America has turned on the other half because they think they are extending the epidemic and if they would just get jabbed they would be able to return to their lives. People who have been jabbed have no problem with denying people access to hospitals because they believe that every person who hasn’t been jabbed are infected and deliberately spreading Covid to them. The comments here are really beyond words for me.
I'm not a person who's able to present material clearly
but after decades on my own now find myself able to think in what feels like an honest way.
Haven't found anyone like yourself or SNDG, PR, QMS, Lookout and important others
anywhere but here. Still working too intensively to visit often enough.
The disintegration is happening very quickly.
I'm not a person who's able to present material clearly
but after decades on my own now find myself able to think in what feels like an honest way.
Haven't found anyone like yourself or SNDG, PR, QMS, Lookout and important others
anywhere but here. Still working too intensively to visit often enough.
The disintegration is happening very quickly.
6 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm OK but facing a dense network of commonplaces to resolve in the next months.
After that I hope things simplify and time and energy increase a bit.
Sending you best health and good ways opening forward!
Things are coming to an obvious end that I never thought my generation would get to see. We are all learning more and the patterns are coming fast enough for people to remember them and recognize what they mean. But that doesn't help much when its too late to build a back-fire.
And too many have been mentally twisted by the propaganda to be helpful in any way.
I'm not a person who's able to present material clearly
but after decades on my own now find myself able to think in what feels like an honest way.
Haven't found anyone like yourself or SNDG, PR, QMS, Lookout and important others
anywhere but here. Still working too intensively to visit often enough.
The disintegration is happening very quickly.
@Pluto's Republic
It's astonishing how invisible.
And once there were cornfields east and west of a small central Ohio town I thought I'd grow up in.
Hope you may have a book or some essays under way.
Things are coming to an obvious end that I never thought my generation would get to see. We are all learning more and the patterns are coming fast enough for people to remember them and recognize what they mean. But that doesn't help much when its too late to build a back-fire.
And too many have been mentally twisted by the propaganda to be helpful in any way.
simply make statements about COVID-19 as if they are true and factual without regard to backing ANY of it up with documented sources or studies. You can present facts and other information that counter this but it's as if they cannot see nor hear anything that doesn't comport with their mind set once they have made up their minds. They then start to agree with one another, bleating unison just like a flock of sheep. I saw this occur when TPTB destroyed Libya, then Syria and finally Russiagate when it became unbearable and I had to leave.
The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations.
Aside from “general disorders,” the No. 1 most frequently reported category of mRNA vaccine adverse reactions was Nervous system disorders, clocking in at 25,957 reports.
Even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5.
The smoking gun showing how Pfizer KNEW that its vaccine would make the disease worse!
Pfizer told the FDA its mRNA covid vaccines can cause “enhanced disease” by making covid worse
Also to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this smoking gun document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”
This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.
Based on this document, it appears that the FDA itself has been neck-deep in a criminal conspiracy to hide the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths while granting usage approvals to the very same corporations that openly told the FDA its products were killing people.
Note, too, that the entire corporate media complex has lied from day one, falsely claiming the vaccine has killed no one. They are, of course, complicit in this vaccine holocaust.
Just today the American Medical Association told us that they are perfectly safe to give to pregnant women. Anyone think that they are not aware of these reports? Anyone? Bueller?
This is no longer conspiracy theory nor does reporting on it make one anti vax. It’s been what it has been all along. Bringing the information forward so that people can be informed about the consequences of taking a jab. If people want to continue throwing insults and closing their eyes to it that’s fine if that’s what they feel they need to do. I for one am happy that people have been concerned enough about their safety to bring it to light. These vaccines are neither safe or what is needed to stop the epidemic. For one thing and the biggest thing is that they have no chance of doing that because they are not sterilizing vaccines. Nor are they safe like we’ve been told. Nor are the people involved in them and their distribution unaware of the damage and deaths they are causing.
This information comes directly from Pfizer’s reports and not something that people with an agenda made up to keep people from getting them. Fauci also knows that giving people remedisiver and vancomycin are bad for people’s kidneys. remedisiver went through trials for Ebola and that is what the results showed and why it was never authorized for it. Just like AZT was known to be a bad drug to treat other diseases, but he has gone ahead and authorized them anyway. Knowingly doing that is beyond imagination.
The media has been complicit in covering up the injuries and deaths from the vaccines and parroting Fauci by saying that this is now an epidemic of the unvaxxed when it hasn’t been for awhile. Because of that half of America has turned on the other half because they think they are extending the epidemic and if they would just get jabbed they would be able to return to their lives. People who have been jabbed have no problem with denying people access to hospitals because they believe that every person who hasn’t been jabbed are infected and deliberately spreading Covid to them. The comments here are really beyond words for me.
As you said they just say something not grounded in reality or backed up with facts and it's accepted. One person said that 50% of people going in hospitals never come out again. But it's what they think and say about the unjabbed that stuns me.
In their minds people who aren't are unclean and should be locked in their homes or maybe in the detention camps like in Australia. Again the parallels to Germany are striking. It's why some holocaust survivors are speaking up. Creepy as hell!!
simply make statements about COVID-19 as if they are true and factual without regard to backing ANY of it up with documented sources or studies. You can present facts and other information that counter this but it's as if they cannot see nor hear anything that doesn't comport with their mind set once they have made up their minds. They then start to agree with one another, bleating unison just like a flock of sheep. I saw this occur when TPTB destroyed Libya, then Syria and finally Russiagate when it became unbearable and I had to leave.
6 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A neighbor made a sudden move there -- shovels leaning against a tree, ladders against the house.
Has a tech background. "Like AT&T? Comcast?"
"No, we worked with what they run un."
simply make statements about COVID-19 as if they are true and factual without regard to backing ANY of it up with documented sources or studies. You can present facts and other information that counter this but it's as if they cannot see nor hear anything that doesn't comport with their mind set once they have made up their minds. They then start to agree with one another, bleating unison just like a flock of sheep. I saw this occur when TPTB destroyed Libya, then Syria and finally Russiagate when it became unbearable and I had to leave.
First discovered in 1973, ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015. What makes this drug so extraordinary? Watch the full story during our live premiere on Thursday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. ET on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/FLCCCAlliance
In the meantime, here is a sneak peak to the full video.
To humanitites detriment, we are now here
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The mendacity of the medical establishment is hard to
underestimate. One telling account is the story of Michael Swango. The book titled 'Blind Eye' is the telling of his long road and the numbers of hospital systems which did not stop him in his long arc of killing people within his reach.
For reasons of not wanting to face wrongful termination or the inside knowledge that any particular medical group harboured a criminal of such depravity, he was passed along, tolerated and more.
Wiki on Swango
When eventually there were no locations in the US he could find a way into, he decamped to Africa. Here he picked up where he left off.
The author finally saw the same pattern in Africa as he had recounted over and over in the US. Finally he was charged and caught when he entered the US to renew his passport or visa.
Good Reads: Blind Eye
After seeing the slow-moving train wreck of the medical establishment against Lyme patients, morphing into fast breakdown of medical relationships of doctors and patients in this time, which are exemplified by the unfortunate truths which are on display in this terrible story.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Society's heroes
Doctors are about their egos. Stats. Hospitals, Insurance companies and Pharma are their bosses and their concerns.
Not the patients.
Societal collapse happens bit by bit.
Loss of trust in doctors is way overdue.
In this case, the Doctor was a murderering
...psychopath. Not just an incompetent.
The Medical cartel was protecting him either way.
It is nearly impossible to impeach a charismatic psychopath. The system will turn against the exposer first. And the psychopath will retaliate as well. Quietly.
How in the hell can our governments continue to mandate
these vaccines? Answer is, they aren't "our governments"
Former NSW Police Sergeant Stephen Kelly Quits And Voices Concern On Vaccine Mandates Warning Others
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
They are actually...
gene therapy instead of vaccines.
A reminder of CB's recommended interview series. You still have a few hours left.
Today featuring McCullah, Children defence fund chair, and Joe Mercola.
Haven't watched the bonus yet.
Edit to add. This Quiz was mentioned in the bonus piece.
Worth a look.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the link, LO
As Chomsky says, "Unregulated Capitalism is a Suicide Pact"
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That video is so good.
I hope this goes viral. One person like him could be the break in the dam.
Thank you so much for bringing it to us.
Thanks everyone for the quotes from the Mattias Desmet interview. Both of us are sending it far and wide.
Thanks CB for the continuing series. We have been watching daily since number 4.
May we all lose the scales from our eyes.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
I believe everyone that speaks up against the Covid narrative
If I remember correctly it was empty suit who gave the government the power to use propaganda against the american people and damned if that isn't being weaponized to it's full extent.
until this stops we have no chance of winning, but one day it will all come to a halt
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
See my comment
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Saw it right after
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Boy that came in handy didn’t it
Just in time for Russia Russia and Orange man is really bad and doing things no president before him has done and now this time frame with the great doctor Fauci following the science when it suits his needs. One of the videos today questioned why he never shows us what changed in the science for him to change his mind? Like on masks. "They will not work!" to "now they will work!" to "you should wear 2 of them" to "you don’t need them if you’re jabbed " to "even if you’re are jabbed you should wear your mask". Yee-gads. "Don’t attack the science because then you’re attacking me .Mr. Science". Yuppers it’s come in right handy.
Scratch delivered and she says THANKS! She is very talented. Yesterday she played the squeaky with her mouth and the pig with her feet. Squeak, oink, squeak, squeak, oink, oink, oink…I cracked up!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Kelley is compelling.
I think he's wrong about why people become police and what the police function is.
Policing is about power and whatever power an individual police person has is always subservient to whoever is above them in the hierarchy. And the entire department works for the Business and ruling classes.
Police might talk a good game about service to the community, but it is not the whole story.
Much as doctors now serve the hospitals and insurance companies and drug companies, not their patients.
Kelley's belief that somehow we all together can stop what's happening, even at this very late date, is heartening. If you can let yourself believe him, that is.
I'll agree to disagree on this NYCVG
My father and I knew many a good cop when I grew up, but again not all cops are good and not all cops are bad, but I'll forever call them pigs
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I do not think cops are bad.
Modern day pigs certainly seem to be power hungry
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
How we got to this point - Russia Gate- Trump derangement
the disgraceful mindfuckery that Western Civ has fallen for
Second act
Democrats and the media went after Trump every day for 5 years and accused him of being Putin’s puppet as well as the other things that Trump did and said whether he did or said them at all. This set the stage for the next boogie man that the PTB rolled out and now 6 years later here we are. Half the country still believes that Orange Man bad and the other half believe that Biden stole the election and a mixture of the two believe that Covid is a life ending event and they have placed their trust in the infallible Anthony Fauci. Anyone who doesn’t believe that should be banned from society until they get on board with the vaccines are the only way out of the epidemic. If enough people get jabbed then we will arrive at the end goal of herd immunity. Just regard that as long as there are breakthrough infections and wildlife that can get the Rona that will never happen. Or as Hillary says: That will never, ever happen!
How we recover from this massive psyops is the 64 million dollar question. But I don’t believe that Trump was innocent in all this. He had many options to put Russia Gate to bed and expose it as the scam it was, but never did. And remember that he was the one who locked down the country and made it possible for the vaccines to be approved in record time. He also gave them a sweetheart deal on total immunity for any harm they did. He also gave us Fauci. You remember when Fauci drove up the fear factor about AIDS?
“The finding of AIDS in infants and children who are household contacts of patients with AIDS or persons with risks for AIDS has enormous implications with regard to ultimate transmissibility of this syndrome,” Anthony Fauci explained to the American public in 1983. “If routine close contact can spread the disease, AIDS takes on an entirely new dimension.”
Ron Johnson recently called Fauci out on that so Fauci once again ran to the media and denied ever saying that. Larry Kramer took him to the woodshed over it. Sorry, Tony, guilty as charged.
* Smith-Mundt
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for filling in for the daily dose LO
It's tough work, but I'm glad you can haul it.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Vaccines are so effective
that you have to banish everyone else from society for them to work. From the bonus video.
Why is she so happy about this?
No end in sight?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
She is genuinely happy to create two classes
of citizens. She is enjoying having the control and capacity to punish (just like a psychopath) those that are going against her demands. You can also see her creepy smile here:
You can see her psychopathic control issues in the following. She will not entertain ANYTHING that could hurt her preset views - it's "My way or the highway" or "shut it down".
She is a WEF creation
Along with Newsom, Merkle, buttigieg, macron and has gotten lots more rich since being in office. I doubt I can find the link for this. I posted it weeks ago tho.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I also linked to this site several months ago
It demonstrates how involved the WEF is to the origins of the plandemic and the principal players in forwarding the agenda. It is remarkable that the diagram they use looks like a coronavirus with it's spikes. An insider 'joke'?
Read the full story here
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
So Apalling
NZ going right along with The Plan.
More disturbing data from the site you quote
Ii is becoming more and more apparent that we've been sold a bill of goods. Fauci and his minions are not stupid - "we made a mistake, we didn't know that would happen". Hundreds of virologists around the world have been trying to inform the public but have been effectively shut out by a complicit captured media. Fortunately the truth is finally getting despite the attempt to keep a lid on it.
Oh I think lots of people have won that argument
They were making it even before the vaccines were rolled out. If you look at the graphs before they did you see that 'case' numbers were going down just before they started jabbing Pelosi. McCollough says that if we had just let it run it’s course we’d probably have beaten it by now. Israel started jabbing their people and cases started going up and so they gave a booster and cases still went up and now look at how high they are. The tweet I posted yesterday says that most people dying now are the jabbed. There is also evidence that Pfizer knew that might happen if they did what they have done. It’s in their notes. You can sue for intentional harm and malfeasance, it’s just hard to prove. Those $30 billion profits can buy a lot of lawyers.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The tweet
Thanks for posting more of the article. I always hope people will do that since fair use leaves so much out. Appreciate it!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And yet…
1,122 new COVID-19 cases, 11 deaths reported in Utah Tuesday
Are they not looking at what is happening in Israel and other countries that have high vaxxed rates and asking and questions on whether it’s the vaccines driving everything up? They should have access to all the data coming in from around the world and yet they aren’t putting 2 and 2 together yet. Also on the death counts in Utah it always looks like more than half of the deaths are in the age group most likely to have been jabbed. Long term care places have mandatory jabs and that’s where a lot of the numbers come from. But then I wonder if they actually died from the Rona or with it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Good News from NY State
Governor Kathy Hochul announced that NY State will NOT have Vaccine Mandates. Unlike our beserk NYC Mayor who has installed endless Mandates, Rules and regs.
In less than a month we will have a new Mayor.
Here's what I posted on our other The Dose this am:
Sorry folks
Further research on the Incoming Mayor shows him to be exactly the ogre I've been writing about.
ex- Republican. 30 years Police. retired as Captain in the NYPD. Resident of NJ and still lying about it.
The good news is that the courts have shot down all of Biden’s mandates. Federal workers don’t need to get it for now. Just need more time for the truth to come out.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And now the good news is back
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"We won't comply with vaccine passports"
Weird how Pfizer doesn’t recommend pregnant women getting jabbed. It says so right in its destruction manual.
Just a myth that women’s cycles have been disrupted and lots of them have lost their babies either while pregnant or still births. Countries with good health care don’t lose over 20 a month. Well until now. I want to be alive for the trials!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Surprise Pfizer study was lame...
This episode reviews a previously hidden report by Pfizer to the FDA covering the first 90 days of ‘post authorization’ vaccine safety data. A judge ordered its release and, perhaps not surprisingly, no major news outlet has dared to cover the story.
Within that first 90- day window, over 1,200 deaths were reported, with a significant number appearing to happen within the first 24 hours after vaccination. We can’t say for sure because the report lacks critical details that would allow us to align the specific deaths with the reported observation that the median elapsed time between vaccination and the adverse event was “less than 24 hours” for many types of AEs.
This report is a ‘second go’ by Pfizer after the first report was deemed wholly insufficient and lacking detail. This one isn’t actually all that much better, as it is entirely passive (no active data collection undertaken – it relies entirely on “spontaneously” reported events, and no inquiry into the adverse events is part of this version of the report), there’s no attempt made to define the incidence of events, and there is no visible effort made to compare the levels of events to an expected baseline of such events.
It is also impossible to determine first vs second vaccination injections (not reported) and the age brackets are not even age brackets (“child, adult and elderly”).
Besides the 1,223 spontaneously reported deaths, there is an overwhelming tilt towards women reporting AE’s often on the order of 4x or more. None of these were deemed to be worthy of modifying either the administration of the vaccines or the collection of new data in more useful detail.
Further, I track down the actual state of knowledge of what is and is not known about pregnancy and the vaccines to uncover the fact that no providers can say, one way or the other, if the vaccines are safe.
In the most current language available to vaccine and health care providers, Pfizer says “Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”
Naturally, without being able to articulate the actual risk, true informed consent is not possible for pregnant women seeking to understand what the risks might be to their unborn child. All that can truthfully be said is “we don’t know.”
If more robust data does exist, it is not yet been made public. We may have to wait up to 55 years for that.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I have posted two detailed articles on this
I asked for some discussion but still haven’t seen any. Maybe 3rd time is the charm? For those who don’t like videos you can look back at my comments. It should never have been authorized. Too many problems. It now must be stopped for the same reasons.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Reposting here
The smoking gun showing how Pfizer KNEW that its vaccine would make the disease worse!
Just today the American Medical Association told us that they are perfectly safe to give to pregnant women. Anyone think that they are not aware of these reports? Anyone? Bueller?
This is no longer conspiracy theory nor does reporting on it make one anti vax. It’s been what it has been all along. Bringing the information forward so that people can be informed about the consequences of taking a jab. If people want to continue throwing insults and closing their eyes to it that’s fine if that’s what they feel they need to do. I for one am happy that people have been concerned enough about their safety to bring it to light. These vaccines are neither safe or what is needed to stop the epidemic. For one thing and the biggest thing is that they have no chance of doing that because they are not sterilizing vaccines. Nor are they safe like we’ve been told. Nor are the people involved in them and their distribution unaware of the damage and deaths they are causing.
This information comes directly from Pfizer’s reports and not something that people with an agenda made up to keep people from getting them. Fauci also knows that giving people remedisiver and vancomycin are bad for people’s kidneys. remedisiver went through trials for Ebola and that is what the results showed and why it was never authorized for it. Just like AZT was known to be a bad drug to treat other diseases, but he has gone ahead and authorized them anyway. Knowingly doing that is beyond imagination.
The media has been complicit in covering up the injuries and deaths from the vaccines and parroting Fauci by saying that this is now an epidemic of the unvaxxed when it hasn’t been for awhile. Because of that half of America has turned on the other half because they think they are extending the epidemic and if they would just get jabbed they would be able to return to their lives. People who have been jabbed have no problem with denying people access to hospitals because they believe that every person who hasn’t been jabbed are infected and deliberately spreading Covid to them. The comments here are really beyond words for me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I viewed DKos- it's 1930's Germany again
Thank you CB.
I'm not a person who's able to present material clearly
but after decades on my own now find myself able to think in what feels like an honest way.
Haven't found anyone like yourself or SNDG, PR, QMS, Lookout and important others
anywhere but here. Still working too intensively to visit often enough.
The disintegration is happening very quickly.
So good to see you!
Seems you’ve been a stranger ‘round these parts.
Happy holidays.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Second that emotion snoop
good to see the the old supporters showing up!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Warmest wishes and best dogs to you SNDG
I'm OK but facing a dense network of commonplaces to resolve in the next months.
After that I hope things simplify and time and energy increase a bit.
Sending you best health and good ways opening forward!
Surprisingly quick.
Things are coming to an obvious end that I never thought my generation would get to see. We are all learning more and the patterns are coming fast enough for people to remember them and recognize what they mean. But that doesn't help much when its too late to build a back-fire.
And too many have been mentally twisted by the propaganda to be helpful in any way.
It's astonishing how invisible.
And once there were cornfields east and west of a small central Ohio town I thought I'd grow up in.
Hope you may have a book or some essays under way.
I've noticed the posters at TOP
simply make statements about COVID-19 as if they are true and factual without regard to backing ANY of it up with documented sources or studies. You can present facts and other information that counter this but it's as if they cannot see nor hear anything that doesn't comport with their mind set once they have made up their minds. They then start to agree with one another, bleating unison just like a flock of sheep. I saw this occur when TPTB destroyed Libya, then Syria and finally Russiagate when it became unbearable and I had to leave.
It's unreal there
As you said they just say something not grounded in reality or backed up with facts and it's accepted. One person said that 50% of people going in hospitals never come out again. But it's what they think and say about the unjabbed that stuns me.
In their minds people who aren't are unclean and should be locked in their homes or maybe in the detention camps like in Australia. Again the parallels to Germany are striking. It's why some holocaust survivors are speaking up. Creepy as hell!!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Do you see anyting about Morocco>
A neighbor made a sudden move there -- shovels leaning against a tree, ladders against the house.
Has a tech background. "Like AT&T? Comcast?"
"No, we worked with what they run un."
What is Ivermectin
Dr. Joe Rogan cures more "with horse paste"