No Links, Just A Rant.
3,400 in Eau Claire. 10,000+ in Madison. More than once. 18,500 in the Bronx. And yet I get the sense that our cable and network media will try to paint both Wisconsin and New York as "white and mostly rural" when they are called to task for explaining why Bernie Sanders won both states. Not a word will be mentioned about the large deficits in polling over the last month. No speculation or honest discussion will take place over the momentum of this campaign.
And if fucking sickens me. They all let up on Obama right around this time in 08 when it was clear he was also an establishment candidate- but much, much, much more electable. Therein lies the problem. Bernie is more electable, but he's not an establishment guy. Even social media is rolling out hit piece after hit piece against this campaign. Chris fucking Sosa has a bullshit article in Salon today that makes it seem like he was Bern4Lyfe but somehow changed his mind in the last two weeks because quoting Hillary or posting her voting record is a right-wing smear.
Sosa worked for the Clinton campaign in 08. He's been close to them ever since. No big deal, right? Move along. Nothing to see here. I'm not even mad about Chris or Blue Nation or places like Salon or Politico trying to steer the narrative. It's their job. I think we have a job as well. We can call bullshit when we see it, wherever we see it, and stand up for what is real.
I know a lot of people, likely people on this site, have done this. It's not enough. Not yet. Not with so many states left to vote. It probably sounds like I'm your asshole coach in the middle of August yelling at you to do a few more wind sprints. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm that asshole. We aren't done. Not with this primary, and not going forward. We'll find a way to make this work.

It will make it all the more rewarding when we close it out...
Can not agree more
We need to wake everyone up!! It is fucking time to change this sick game that we are all getting screwed. I have informed my family and friends will continue to bring up information to everyone here about this sick establishment trying to control us and keep us down, it is time we get people fired up to do something about it.
I have donated, did so phone banking, attended rallies, and contributed information here. If we all do our small part we can overcome the fix- WAKE UP!
What all these fawing and ass kissing stories about Clinton...
Fail to realize is that excessive sycophancy doesn't convince anybody.
If Anything, they make Clinton look even more pathetic, sitting in her little Ivory Tower, and waited upon hand and foot by the media.
The woman just screams "L'etate, C'est Moi."
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Who cares what cable news says?
They are dinosaurs with very little influence. They can't present the facts on any story, not just this one.
Remember when CNN covered nothing but the missing airliner in the Indian Ocean for months on end?
They are irrelevant. The best thing we can do is not watch them, ever.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
It is nearly all media
It is not just the cable news, but every news source is in on the fix. Online, written, and TV are supporting and backing Clinton. It is maddening. At least be truthful. For example, I have heard or read that to win the nomination Bernie needs from 75% to 56% of the remaining delegates, well which is it, no one seems to know or care about the truth. Moreover, they keeping telling us the lie of how many more votes Hillary has then is maddening false arguments are being proved as the truth which is BS!
Finally, no one has anything positive to write about Bernie, he smashes fundraising records and no good news, articles briefly mention his success but then focuses on all the great stuff about Hillary, it is truly sickening.
Listening to NPR
on the way home after work tonight, the reporter seemed most interested in talking about Bernie's most recent rallies not being filled to capacity (without mentioning the size of the venues). "Some empty seats there ..."
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
it's a steep climb
but we've been climbing. We've got a 200 something delegate gap. It can be done if people wake up, and I feel the the giant stirring. Keep good heart and help if you can.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”