Ivermectin showed high binding affinity to the viral S protein as well as the human cell surface receptors ACE-2 and TMPRSS2.
In agreement to our findings, ivermectin was found to be docked between the viral spike and the ACE2 receptor
Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With Human TMPRSS2 Protein (ACE2 protein)
The docking results revealed that ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the active site of the protein (MolDock score −174.971) and protein–ligand interactions
Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With Human ACE-2 Protein
that ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the active site of the protein (MolDock score −159.754) and protein–ligand interactions
With SARS-CoV-2 S Glycoprotein
Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the predicted active site of the protein
With SARS-CoV-2 Nsp14 Protein
ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity (MolDock score −212.265) and protein–ligand interactions
Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With SARS-CoV-2 PLpro
Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the predicted active site of the protein (MolDock score −180.765) and protein–ligand interactions
A brief message to world leaders
Come on ya all
10 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Note the CNN propaganda subtext - "Granny" wants big bird to take the shot. This mirrors what is driving this. The push is to have children accept risk of vaccination with unlicensed product with unknown pediatric safety to protect the old folks.https://t.co/lFyA1PAgQm
Australia is saying that people must get jabbed 2-3 times a year if they want to retain their freedoms. That wasn’t the reason for people to get jabbed in the first place. It was to stop the epidemic and return to normal. There’s nothing normal about having to have a ‘vaccine' that doesn’t stop infections or the spread of the virus. They don’t mandate flu vaccines, hepatitis nor do they expose people with it to others, nor many of the other vaccines and diseases. It should be what blows this out of the water, but people were made to be afraid during the lockdown, the sealing off the elderly in homes while workers were allowed to go in and out and so many other things.
No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic. The video is great. I posted it a few days ago and it’s from Johnson’s hearing with people injured by the jabs. I hope people found time to listen to it. Beyond sad what people are going through now. He makes sense. It’s a treatment and no deadly treatment should be mandatory.
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Israel and Australia passports are only good until it’s time for your next booster. That might mean that you will have to get jabbed for the rest of your life if you want to take part in society. Is that what we were told about them?
I watched it again last night with the Covid epidemic in mind and it was even better. I’m also listening to the book because it’s even better.
This is alarming if true.
New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about, by @stkirschhttps://t.co/rEM8pJLEVI
As of November 1, 2021, there have been more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all 70+ vaccines combined since they started tracking adverse events 30 years ago. That’s a stunning statistic, nobody can deny it, but nobody in the mainstream medical community (or mainstream media) seems to care much. It’s not even worth noting in passing. Wow.
Here’s what the evidence shows:
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Israel and Australia passports are only good until it’s time for your next booster. That might mean that you will have to get jabbed for the rest of your life if you want to take part in society. Is that what we were told about them?
I watched it again last night with the Covid epidemic in mind and it was even better. I’m also listening to the book because it’s even better.
This is alarming if true.
New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about, by @stkirschhttps://t.co/rEM8pJLEVI
As of November 1, 2021, there have been more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all 70+ vaccines combined since they started tracking adverse events 30 years ago. That’s a stunning statistic, nobody can deny it, but nobody in the mainstream medical community (or mainstream media) seems to care much. It’s not even worth noting in passing. Wow.
Here’s what the evidence shows:
3 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Maybe it’s not known by everyone that you click on the bottom of the tweet and the article opens in a new tab. I thought it was known so sorry if people didn’t.
He isn’t alone in contacting people at government agencies to discuss their findings but to no avail. They say they have been ignored every time they have done it. But it also meant that the government is well aware of what is happening to people. They don’t respond because they don’t want to scare people away from getting jabbed. It’s why OSHA told employers that they don’t have to report vaccine injuries to them. Not sure what their reasons were for not making them get their employees PPE tho. But they knew they weren’t doing it. Meat factory workers are low paid and often times they are migrants who don’t want to ruffle the water on their employers and lose their jobs. It’s criminal IMO, but so many of the things done have been just that.
#3 It would be interesting to know if his results are similar to those of Jessica Rose, who also combed VAERS for data.
You've been showing charts with data as well. Where did those VAERS data come from?
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Top NIH Unvaxxed Scientist Willing to Lose Job and License, Will Argue Against Vaccine Mandates in Livestreamed Ethics Review
A senior bioethicist and director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health — who said he’s willing to risk his medical license — will argue against vaccine mandates during a Dec. 1 livestreamed roundtable.
“There’s a lot of debate within the NIH about whether [a vaccine mandate] is appropriate,” David Wendler, a senior NIH bioethicist in charge of planning the session, told the WSJ. “It’s an important, hot topic.”
Memoli opposes mandates for the COVID vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S., and has chosen not to be vaccinated.
“I think the way we are using the vaccines is wrong,” Memoli said in a July 30 email to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID, and two of his lieutenants. Memoli called mandated vaccination “extraordinarily problematic.”
I had to look him/her up after watching the video. I would feel better knowing more about this person, but putting that aside, I found much of what was presented very solid based upon my other research. I think I saw the same changes you saw in Dore going on with Dr. Campbell. I used to watch his videos regularly and then checked in here and there. The last one I watched happened to be on the "aspiration" talk. After Dr. Campbell did his presentation and appeared to believe the man who called in about it, AND seemed to support this man's story with an expression of disgust, I looked up the issue of vaccine aspiration. I wondered why Campbell didn't present both sides of that issue, and it disappointed me.
I don't watch Jimmy Dore since I watched the People's Movement convention where he totally went off the rails (exposing some deep anger issues that made me feel like he needs some serious help), so I skip anytime his stuff is posted. If Dore, however, wanted to suddenly become more of a medical issue guru he certainly should have familiarized himself with the definition of "pandemic". He also repeated the lie that Pierre Kory told the Congress about Ivermectin giving total protection from even catching the virus. That right there is enough to give anyone pause in considering what he presents.
I certainly see exactly what this video host talks about every day on many sites. It's a constant gish-gallop of Dore type videos and "sources" that can keep one running like crazy to keep up with. I think a lot of bad information just gets a pass because this new faux medical expertise industry has become such a social media monster.
Thanks for sharing this video.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I had to look him/her up after watching the video. I would feel better knowing more about this person, but putting that aside, I found much of what was presented very solid based upon my other research. I think I saw the same changes you saw in Dore going on with Dr. Campbell. I used to watch his videos regularly and then checked in here and there. The last one I watched happened to be on the "aspiration" talk. After Dr. Campbell did his presentation and appeared to believe the man who called in about it, AND seemed to support this man's story with an expression of disgust, I looked up the issue of vaccine aspiration. I wondered why Campbell didn't present both sides of that issue, and it disappointed me.
I don't watch Jimmy Dore since I watched the People's Movement convention where he totally went off the rails (exposing some deep anger issues that made me feel like he needs some serious help), so I skip anytime his stuff is posted. If Dore, however, wanted to suddenly become more of a medical issue guru he certainly should have familiarized himself with the definition of "pandemic". He also repeated the lie that Pierre Kory told the Congress about Ivermectin giving total protection from even catching the virus. That right there is enough to give anyone pause in considering what he presents.
I certainly see exactly what this video host talks about every day on many sites. It's a constant gish-gallop of Dore type videos and "sources" that can keep one running like crazy to keep up with. I think a lot of bad information just gets a pass because this new faux medical expertise industry has become such a social media monster.
Rate of vaccination does not correlate with lowering case or death rate.
Singapore did several increasingly stringent lock-downs in the last two months. Despite this the death rate continued to climb from 5 w/ 2,000 cases to 18 per day w/ 32,000 cases. It is obvious that they have had a large number of breakthrough cases. Their solution is to now require complete vaccinations WITH the addition of testing to prevent contagion.
They are also beginning to give booster shots to those that had been previously vaccinated. At least they are offering the Sinovac killed virus vaccine for those who have adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccines. It will be interesting for future investigations on vaccines. China can be the control group with 1.4 billion people having been given the standard vaccine.
Here is a brilliant and clearly explained short video dissertation on the mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS Cov-2 virus from the esteemed Dr. John Campbell. Significant points of the explanation are clearly documented with links to reputable sources, and verified with in silko modeling on the molecular level. It presents the clearest explanation I have yet seen that also remains accessible to people like myself who are curious for more granular details of the multiple therapeutic actions of Ivermectin but who lack a full research level education.
Dr.Campbell: “A brief message to world leaders,
Come on ya all”!
This man is a treasure and one hell of a teacher! This video is one of his best. Don’t miss it! TPTB will likely be very uncomfortable with the implications of this information, so it may not be up for long.
3 users have voted.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
Dr. Campbell is very conservative by nature and presentation. He doesn't make pronouncements unless he is very sure of the ground he stands on.
This video explains clearly the wide ranging anti-viral mechanisms and effectiveness of Ivermectin. He also compares it in visual terms with the new Pfizer analogue.
His closing plea is the most emotional I have seen him.
Thank you for putting this up. His quoting and showing papers which show the relative anti-viral capabilities of various potential repurposed drugs is also rock solid.
There are more papers on the testing and modeling done on various already available drugs, as this is UK based.
I hope his video stays up.
Here is a brilliant and clearly explained short video dissertation on the mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS Cov-2 virus from the esteemed Dr. John Campbell. Significant points of the explanation are clearly documented with links to reputable sources, and verified with in silko modeling on the molecular level. It presents the clearest explanation I have yet seen that also remains accessible to people like myself who are curious for more granular details of the multiple therapeutic actions of Ivermectin but who lack a full research level education.
Dr.Campbell: “A brief message to world leaders,
Come on ya all”!
This man is a treasure and one hell of a teacher! This video is one of his best. Don’t miss it! TPTB will likely be very uncomfortable with the implications of this information, so it may not be up for long.
4 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Dr John describes pfizermectin
as having a similar mode of action as IVM.
With SARS-CoV-2 S Spike protein
Ivermectin showed high binding affinity to the viral S protein as well as the human cell surface receptors ACE-2 and TMPRSS2.
In agreement to our findings, ivermectin was found to be docked between the viral spike and the ACE2 receptor
Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With Human TMPRSS2 Protein (ACE2 protein)
The docking results revealed that ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the active site of the protein (MolDock score −174.971) and protein–ligand interactions
Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With Human ACE-2 Protein
that ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the active site of the protein (MolDock score −159.754) and protein–ligand interactions
With SARS-CoV-2 S Glycoprotein
Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the predicted active site of the protein
With SARS-CoV-2 Nsp14 Protein
ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity (MolDock score −212.265) and protein–ligand interactions
Binding Interactions of Selected Drugs With SARS-CoV-2 PLpro
Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity to the predicted active site of the protein (MolDock score −180.765) and protein–ligand interactions
A brief message to world leaders
Come on ya all
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Note the CNN propaganda
Sometimes you just gotta laugh
So true
Australia is saying that people must get jabbed 2-3 times a year if they want to retain their freedoms. That wasn’t the reason for people to get jabbed in the first place. It was to stop the epidemic and return to normal. There’s nothing normal about having to have a ‘vaccine' that doesn’t stop infections or the spread of the virus. They don’t mandate flu vaccines, hepatitis nor do they expose people with it to others, nor many of the other vaccines and diseases. It should be what blows this out of the water, but people were made to be afraid during the lockdown, the sealing off the elderly in homes while workers were allowed to go in and out and so many other things.
Here’s proof that it’s not an epidemic of the unjabbed.
No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic. The video is great. I posted it a few days ago and it’s from Johnson’s hearing with people injured by the jabs. I hope people found time to listen to it. Beyond sad what people are going through now. He makes sense. It’s a treatment and no deadly treatment should be mandatory.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Have you watched V yet?
Israel and Australia passports are only good until it’s time for your next booster. That might mean that you will have to get jabbed for the rest of your life if you want to take part in society. Is that what we were told about them?
I watched it again last night with the Covid epidemic in mind and it was even better. I’m also listening to the book because it’s even better.
This is alarming if true.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hi Snoop. Is Steve Kirsch publishing his analysis?
You've been showing charts with data as well. Where did those VAERS data come from?
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
From the article linked in the tweet
Maybe it’s not known by everyone that you click on the bottom of the tweet and the article opens in a new tab. I thought it was known so sorry if people didn’t.
He isn’t alone in contacting people at government agencies to discuss their findings but to no avail. They say they have been ignored every time they have done it. But it also meant that the government is well aware of what is happening to people. They don’t respond because they don’t want to scare people away from getting jabbed. It’s why OSHA told employers that they don’t have to report vaccine injuries to them. Not sure what their reasons were for not making them get their employees PPE tho. But they knew they weren’t doing it. Meat factory workers are low paid and often times they are migrants who don’t want to ruffle the water on their employers and lose their jobs. It’s criminal IMO, but so many of the things done have been just that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You've just got to trust the 'science'
NIH unvaxxed scientist to argue against vaccine mandates
A breakdown on Jimmy Dore's radical change
Not being familiar with this You Tube video poster
I had to look him/her up after watching the video. I would feel better knowing more about this person, but putting that aside, I found much of what was presented very solid based upon my other research. I think I saw the same changes you saw in Dore going on with Dr. Campbell. I used to watch his videos regularly and then checked in here and there. The last one I watched happened to be on the "aspiration" talk. After Dr. Campbell did his presentation and appeared to believe the man who called in about it, AND seemed to support this man's story with an expression of disgust, I looked up the issue of vaccine aspiration. I wondered why Campbell didn't present both sides of that issue, and it disappointed me.
I don't watch Jimmy Dore since I watched the People's Movement convention where he totally went off the rails (exposing some deep anger issues that made me feel like he needs some serious help), so I skip anytime his stuff is posted. If Dore, however, wanted to suddenly become more of a medical issue guru he certainly should have familiarized himself with the definition of "pandemic". He also repeated the lie that Pierre Kory told the Congress about Ivermectin giving total protection from even catching the virus. That right there is enough to give anyone pause in considering what he presents.
I certainly see exactly what this video host talks about every day on many sites. It's a constant gish-gallop of Dore type videos and "sources" that can keep one running like crazy to keep up with. I think a lot of bad information just gets a pass because this new faux medical expertise industry has become such a social media monster.
Thanks for sharing this video.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Shaun has done a lot of videos against PragerU
I've been watching them this morning and they are all like that.
Heavy on details and facts.
Oh yes... Prager....
more proof that religion poisons the world.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Jimmy Dore had the Singapore situation correct
Rate of vaccination does not correlate with lowering case or death rate.
Singapore did several increasingly stringent lock-downs in the last two months. Despite this the death rate continued to climb from 5 w/ 2,000 cases to 18 per day w/ 32,000 cases. It is obvious that they have had a large number of breakthrough cases. Their solution is to now require complete vaccinations WITH the addition of testing to prevent contagion.
They are also beginning to give booster shots to those that had been previously vaccinated. At least they are offering the Sinovac killed virus vaccine for those who have adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccines. It will be interesting for future investigations on vaccines. China can be the control group with 1.4 billion people having been given the standard vaccine.
I wonder when the US will start to do the following:
Brave New World coming to a country near you.
!!How Ivermectin works and HOW WELL it works!!
Here is a brilliant and clearly explained short video dissertation on the mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS Cov-2 virus from the esteemed Dr. John Campbell. Significant points of the explanation are clearly documented with links to reputable sources, and verified with in silko modeling on the molecular level. It presents the clearest explanation I have yet seen that also remains accessible to people like myself who are curious for more granular details of the multiple therapeutic actions of Ivermectin but who lack a full research level education.
This man is a treasure and one hell of a teacher! This video is one of his best. Don’t miss it! TPTB will likely be very uncomfortable with the implications of this information, so it may not be up for long.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
This is excellent.
This video explains clearly the wide ranging anti-viral mechanisms and effectiveness of Ivermectin. He also compares it in visual terms with the new Pfizer analogue.
His closing plea is the most emotional I have seen him.
Thank you for putting this up. His quoting and showing papers which show the relative anti-viral capabilities of various potential repurposed drugs is also rock solid.
There are more papers on the testing and modeling done on various already available drugs, as this is UK based.
I hope his video stays up.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.