The Dose 10-11-2021


An open thread for gentle discussions of all things Covid.

ZO, as may have become apparrent, I've been gone for a while. I intend to post these as completely empty and open, for the most part, as a rule, I hope, but there is, as I recall, an open question that I'm involved in still on the table ----

Is Molnupiravir simply watered down Ivermectin? Short Answer: No.

I haven't caught up with all of the posts and comments that have been posted while I was absent, but I did take a look at the comments to my posts last Monday, both the OT and the Dose. I noticed that if one was interested in "The Truth", one had to view a video of an "interview" with Dr. Kory at wherein one would find not only "The Truth" but the evidence I had requested which would support the assertion that Molnupiravir, Merck's new covid-19 drug, was just "watered down Ivermectin". I watched said video, and since it contains no such assertion nor even an insinuation to that effect, let alone anything that might constitute evidence of that proposition I assume that the truth is that Molnupiravir is NOT just "watered down Ivermectin".

It did contain some insuations of improper and arguably sinister behavior by Merck, to the effect that it improperly and even illegally advertised against Ivermectin in order to support its attempt to make Molnupiravir the approved drug of choice for fighting Covid-19 because it would be much more profitable. This could be partly true, but certainly would never stand up in court. Merck has a relatively ironclad defense that is also somewhat of a gimme.

Corporate decisions today are based largely if not entirely on cost-benefit analysis. One major input into any such analysis is the output matrix or matrices from their risk management department or division. As a manufacturer of Ivermectin, Merck is potentially at risk of liability for damage awards due to any ill effects from non-disclosed contraindications or side effects of any use for which they recommend or arguably even fail to warn against, with additional findings of negligence and/or gross negligence if they have not done exhaustive studies and trials. Even if the suits in question are simply ambulance chasing, they could be quite costly and decrease sales of other Merck products. As Dr. Kory was quick to point out, there is no real material profit potential for them from increased Ivermectin sales because it is off-patent. So an indeterminate and possibly huge risk versus a negligible benefit means that they should protect themselves from any potential suits brought by persons who could somehow claim that some later condition was due to their use of Ivermectin of who relied solely upon Ivermectin as a prophylactic and/or treatment and were injured or suffered as a result, or the relatives of some such persons who died as a result.

By simply stating, far and wide, in multiple languages and on multiple platforms that they do not recommend or even advise using it for treatment of covid-19 or any other off-label use they make themselves bulletproof in this regard. They reiterate that it is only to be used for the treatment of specific conditions (the original and continuing on-label uses). (Covid-19 treatment needs to be specifically addressed because nobody can possibly claim ignorance of the fact that such use is widespread and widely promoted.)

That, however, is all beside the point. The point is that there is no evidence nor even any assertion by Kory or anybody else who might be in a position to have access to such evidence, that Molnupiravir is simply watered down Iveremectin.

Zo, the floor is yours.

10 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Due to "sick-out" workers pushing back against mandatory vaccines at Jacksonville Air Control.

12 users have voted.

question everything



This is starting to demonstrate what effective resistance looks like.

12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It ‘twas the weather that caused the canceled flights. Weird tho how the weather only affected SWA.

However I don’t see companies backing down on the mandates because of you know.. reasons and the fact that vaccines must be put into every arm. It’s why they aren’t accepting natural immunity.

The Whitney essay should go viral so people can look at what happened before the great Covid experience happened. It goes well with lots of other information. IMHO.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@QMS Unimaginable, but happening.

Climate improvement happening as a non-causative factor.

7 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

does not pass the real world test. In the real world corporations no longer use cost/benefit analysis because - as Chevron has proven - capitalism has become so universally corrupt that there are no costs, and benefits are only limited by the extent that people can be forced to pay.
That said, fact loose statements like "watered down ivormectin," are counterproductive. Now, according to Merck's own press release, which compares Molnupiravir to a very conservative study of ivormectin, claims approximately equal results (before side effects) for only 1500 times the cost.

12 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

Expensive @ $700 per treatment course.
Not recommended for those sexually active of child bearing age, of both sexes.
A novel drug with mutagenic mode of action and no long term safety data. (What could possibly go wrong?)
Early indications of modest efficacy in ‘mild’ cases, but not in ‘moderate’ or more severe ones.

If IVM wasn’t being suppressed so vigorously I can’t imagine anyone choosing Molnupiravir over Ivermectin for early outpatient treatment. Perhaps that’s been the reason behind these huge suppression efforts from the start.

9 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

CB's picture

which are quite contrary to what we were told by the gene therapy vaccines manufacturers.

New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA
June 11, 2021

Cells contain machinery that duplicates DNA into a new set that goes into a newly formed cell. That same class of machines, called polymerases, also build RNA messages, which are like notes copied from the central DNA repository of recipes, so they can be read more efficiently into proteins. But polymerases were thought to only work in one direction DNA into DNA or RNA. This prevents RNA messages from being rewritten back into the master recipe book of genomic DNA. Now, Thomas Jefferson University researchers provide the first evidence that RNA segments can be written back into DNA, which potentially challenges the central dogma in biology and could have wide implications affecting many fields of biology.
In a series of elegant experiments, the researchers tested polymerase theta against the reverse transcriptase from HIV, which is one of the best studied of its kind. They showed that polymerase theta was capable of converting RNA messages into DNA, which it did as well as HIV reverse transcriptase, and that it actually did a better job than when duplicating DNA to DNA. Polymerase theta was more efficient and introduced fewer errors when using an RNA template to write new DNA messages, than when duplicating DNA into DNA, suggesting that this function could be its primary purpose in the cell.

We may have opened a Pandora's Box with the ultra-fast approval and roll-out of the under-tested vaccines.

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@doh1304 @doh1304

cases. You will find many companies, even quite recently being fined or subjected to penalties which have stood up and which they have had to pay, as well as many which have had to pay assorted judgments and settlements in civil suits. Beyond that, they needn't prove that to have been their sole or even primary purpose, only to convince a judge or jury that is is a plausible purpose in order for the claim that they indulged in criminal negative advertising to fail, which is all that I asserted.

That said, fact loose statements like "watered down ivormectin," are counterproductive.

Arguably quite true, but that is the assertion that was previously posted here at c99p that I was addressing.

Now, according to Merck's own press release, which compares Molnupiravir to a very conservative study of ivormectin, claims approximately equal results (before side effects) for only 1500 times the cost.

Which does not address the point. Is it or is it not watered down Ivermectin? PubChem gives the following formula for Ivermectin: C48H74O14 with a particular structure I can't reproduce here. AS near as I can tell, Molnupiravir is C13H19N3O7 which is clearly a different animal if only because of the Nitrogen and the fact that it is a far smaller molecule.

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

CB's picture

@enhydra lutris
Prevents replication of SARS-CoV2 RNA virus by causing many errors during transcription such that the new duplicated virus RNA is not viable and it cannot continue the infection.

The yet to be released Pfizer "pill" works a bit like ivermectin - it is a protease inhibitor that stops replication.

6 users have voted.

@enhydra lutris Steven Donzigers ongoing claims were what caused the renaming, IIRC.

5 users have voted.


Pluto's Republic's picture

@enhydra lutris

... what Ivermectin and Molnupiravir have in common is that they were both in early development as agricultural insecticides.

3 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

When all else fails let's serve up propaganda for everything that serves the corporations/MIC

12 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley


The correct response to someone who supports going to war if China attacks Taiwan is “Are you enlisted?”

The correct response when they inevitably answer “no” is “Then shut the fuck up.”


But if If Taiwan's accepting (unvaxed/borderline geriatric) volunteers - and willing to spring for a plane ticket I'll go. Taiwan certainly has more of a democracy to defend than the US can lay claim to these days. Which is the thing about it that really constitutes a threat to the PRC.

So, Caitlin, YOU are welcome to FRO.

Unfortunately, I think there *are* forces within the US power structure pushing for war with China.


"An injury to one is an injury to all."
(formerly popular leftist slogan)

5 users have voted.

@ggersh gross. but not unexpected.

3 users have voted.


CB's picture

There is way too much in this report to summarize properly so I can only give you a taste of what Whitney reports. Take note of problems with their mRNA vaccines, connections with the World Economic Forum and Event 201.

Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary”

Before COVID-19, Moderna was in danger of hemorrhaging investors, as persistent safety concerns and other doubts about its mRNA delivery system threatened its entire product pipeline. Fear caused by the pandemic crisis made those concerns largely evaporate, even though there is no proof that they were ever resolved.

by Whitney Webb October 7, 2021 36 minute read
In this first installment of a two-part series, the dire situation in which Moderna found itself immediately prior to the emergence of COVID-19 is discussed in detail, revealing that Moderna—very much like the now disgraced company Theranos—had long been a house of cards with sky-high valuations completely disconnected from reality. Part 2 will explore how that reality would have come crashing down sometime in 2020 or 2021 were it not for the advent of the COVID-19 crisis and Moderna’s subsequent partnership with the US government and the highly unusual processes involving its vaccine’s development and approval. Despite the emergence of real-world data challenging the claims that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, Moderna’s booster is being rushed through by some governments, while others have recently banned the vaccine’s use in young adults and teens due to safety concerns.
Moderna first teamed up with the WEF (World Economic Forum) just a few years after its founding back in 2013, when it was named to the Forum’s community of Global Growth Companies (GGC). That year, Moderna was one of just three North American health companies to receive the honor and was additionally recognized by the Forum as “an industry leader in innovative mRNA therapeutics.” “We are honored to be recognized for our efforts to advance our platform and ensure its potential is realized on a global scale, and we look forward to being a member of the World Economic Forum community,” Bancel said at the time.

As a WEF Global Growth Company, Moderna has closely and regularly engaged with the Forum since 2013 at both the Chinese-hosted Annual Meeting of the New Champions and the WEF’s regional meetings, while also having access to the WEF’s exclusive networking platform that provides the company privileged access to the world’s most powerful business and government leaders. Additionally, such carefully selected companies are given opportunities by the Forum “to shape global, regional and industry agendas and engage in meaningful exchanges about ways to continue on a sustainable and responsible path of growth.” Essentially, the roster of such companies constitutes a consortium of corporations that are promoted and guided by the Forum because of their commitment to “improving the state of the world,” that is, their commitment to supporting the Forum’s long-term agendas for the global economy and for global governance.
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission dated November 2018, months after Moderna had claimed to have fixed the issues with its lipid nanoparticle delivery system, the company made several claims that appear to contradict its purported development of a new, safer nanoparticle technology.

For example, the filing states on page 33:

Most of our investigational medicines are formulated and administered in an LNP [lipid nanoparticle] which may lead to systemic side effects related to the components of the LNP which may not have ever been tested in humans. While we have continued to optimize our LNPs, there can be no assurance that our LNPs will not have undesired effects. Our LNPs could contribute, in whole or in part, to one or more of the following: immune reactions, infusion reactions, complement reactions, opsonation [sic] reactions, antibody reactions including IgA, IgM, IgE or IgG or some combination thereof, or reactions to the PEG from some lipids or PEG otherwise associated with the LNP.

The November 2018 SEC filing makes other statements regarding its supposedly fixed lipid nanoparticle delivery system that are worth noting:

If significant adverse events or other side effects are observed in any of our current or future clinical trials, we may have difficulty recruiting trial participants to any of our clinical trials, trial participants may withdraw from trials, or we may be required to abandon the trials or our development efforts of one or more development candidates or investigational medicines altogether. . . .

Even if the side effects do not preclude the drug from obtaining or maintaining marketing approval, unfavorable benefit risk ratio may inhibit market acceptance of the approved product due to its tolerability versus other therapies. Any of these developments could materially harm our business, financial condition, and prospects.
A month later, at the 2019 Milken Institute Future of Health Summit, there was a panel discussion on universal flu vaccines and how a “disruptive” event would be needed to upset the long-existing bureaucratic vaccine-approval process to facilitate wider adoption of “nontraditional” vaccines, such as those produced by Moderna. Panel speakers including former FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg, a veteran of the 2001 Dark Winter exercise and scientific advisor to the Gates foundation, as well as Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Rick Bright of BARDA, who previously worked for the Gates-funded PATH. The panel discussion notably took place shortly after the controversial coronavirus pandemic simulation called Event 201, whose moderators and sponsors had been intimately involved in 2001’s Dark Winter.

During the panel, the moderator—Michael Specter of the New Yorker—asked the question: “Why don’t we blow the system up? Obviously, we just can’t turn off the spigot on the system we have and then say ‘Hey! everyone in the world should get this new vaccine we haven’t given to anyone yet,’ but there must be some way.” Specter then mentioned how vaccine production is antiquated and asked how sufficient “disruption” could occur to prompt the modernization of the existing vaccination development and approval process. Hamburg responded first, saying that as a society we are behind where we need to be when it comes to moving toward a new, more technological approach and that it is now “time to act” to make that a reality.

Several minutes later, Anthony Fauci stated that the superior method of vaccine production involves “not growing the virus at all, but getting sequences, getting the appropriate protein and it sticking in on self-assembling nanoparticles,” essentially referring to mRNA vaccines. Fauci then stated: “The critical challenge . . . is that in order to make the transition from getting out of the tried and true egg-growing [method] . . . to something that has to be much better, you have to prove that this works and then you have got to go through all of the critical trials—phase 1, phase 2, phase 3—and show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, is going to take a decade.” Fauci later stated that there is a need to alter the public’s perception that the flu is not a serious disease in order to increase urgency and that it would be “difficult” to alter that perception along with the existing vaccine development and approval process unless the existing system takes the posture that “I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive way and an iterative way.”

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Raggedy Ann's picture

@CB @CB , on the subject:

Edited to add - don't vaccinate your kids, people! Listen to Whitney!!!!

8 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

CB's picture

@Raggedy Ann
The Last American Vagabond's YouTube videos usually have a short shelf life. Many are deleted within a day. If you find the video has disappeared you can get it in other formats here.

7 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Raggedy Ann
I have cued Whitney's discussion of Moderna:

6 users have voted.

Well, if you hold the chart sideways...

Singapore flattens the curve.jpg

More at Citizen Free Press

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CB's picture

@Blue Republic @Blue Republic
Take note that the turn in the Indonesia curve is the approximate date at which ivermectin use was allowed for prophylaxis and mild/moderate cases. Singapore has banned ivermectin use.

Indonesia covid.png

Like the US and Israel (Edit: Add Canada), there seems to be increased deaths in Singapore occurring when second vaccinations start to take place. What needs to be done is to find out what vaccines and doses were given to those who died.

8 users have voted.


Like the US and Israel, there seems to be increased deaths in Singapore occurring when second vaccinations start to take place.

it looks like in Israel cases and deaths continue up as they go to boosters.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Is the CIA pushing forced vaccination on Americans via medical neglect?

The appearance of a physician from the CIA’s venture capital arm in a Washington Post op-ed arguing those who have not been vaccinated should not be prioritised for medical treatments raises some alarming questions.

Recent posts on its website include a paper on “considerations for using digital technologies” in contact tracing, and a “high-level guide” to sensors that can monitor Covid-19 symptoms remotely. The latter is rather concerning when one considers that not only is In-Q-Tel investing in skincare products that collect DNA, but in the second edition of its quarterly magazine, since-deleted from the Web, the organization outlined its desire to “exploit physiological intelligence.”

This is defined as “understanding the human genetic and biochemical response to disease or environmental exposure to chemicals or organisms,” and “new modalities for sampling, sensing, and understanding that response.” In essence, In-Q-Tel – and by extension, the CIA – sought to “leverage” the evidentiary goldmine provided by the human body’s “biomarkers”, such as brainwaves, breaths, genomes, heartbeats, and more. Skin, for example, was said to present “a unique, underutilized source for sample collection.”

Also on People are horrified the Taliban seized biometric devices, but the real scandal is the extent of US military data collection
However, In-Q-Tel predicted that “inescapable ethical considerations” would arise from the use of such technology, given that a patient’s consent is always legally required before biological samples are collected from them, yet “the very nature of intelligence collection on individuals” meant samples would need to be harvested without a target’s knowledge or consent. This would mean an “appropriate balance” would have to be struck between a subject’s privacy and the needs of a mission.

One can only wonder if the CIA felt such an “appropriate balance” had been struck on the great many prior occasions it conducted experiments on unwitting and unconsenting human subjects, which are today universally regarded to constitute utterly egregious breaches of medical ethics, amounting to physical and psychological torture of the grossest kind.
In 1997, the neoconservative think tank Project for a New American Century published the enormously influential Rebuilding America’s Defenses, which outlined various strategies by which Washington could “preserve and extend its position of global leadership.” Considered even by mainstream observers as cementing a blueprint for the post-9/11 national security state, it stated that “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes” would be “a politically useful tool.”

At the very least, whatever the CIA’s investments in biosecurity, Langley’s inability to forecast or guard against the Covid-19 pandemic would very much suggest its biosecurity portfolio isn’t concerned with protecting the nation’s health. It’s precisely for this reason that one of its arm’s-length representatives openly recommending the potentially life-threatening restriction of medical care for those who are unvaccinated must not be considered to be in the public’s interest, and raise questions about what the intelligence community’s ultimate objective is in attempting to foist vaccines so aggressively on the populace.

Opposing view

As a doctor, here’s my message to anyone who thinks it’s OK to deny medical treatment to those unvaccinated against Covid

This should terrify you.

Physicians are translating these verbal assaults into action. Doctors in Florida staged a mock walkout, frustrated that their hospitals are filling up. A North Texas task force was obliged to walk back a proposal to allot ICU beds based on vaccination status rather than need. An Alabama family practitioner is firing all patients who chose not to be vaccinated, whether they were sick or not.

The medical community in the West is teetering on the edge of philosophical malpractice, and for the sake of patients' present and future, its members must step back and recall why and how we do our jobs.

A fundamental tenet of medical practice is non-maleficence, summed up in the Latin primum non nocere –first, do no harm. In televised remarks on June 2 of this year, President Joe Biden declared of the three available Covid vaccines: “The bottom line is this — I promise you: They are safe. They are safe.” This message has been echoed, without qualification, by powerful entities ranging from hospital administrations mandating staff vaccinations to professional organizations: “The vaccine is safe.”

Let me be clear: I believe vaccination is one of the most important therapeutic innovations in the history of medicine. Vaccines have saved millions upon millions of lives. That said, I also believe that the way these Covid vaccines, with their novel mechanisms of action, have been introduced to the public - as a silver bullet, idiot-if-you-decline, nail-in-the-coronavirus-coffin solution - is disingenuous, hyperbolic, and simply not justified by the existing data.
There are some indications that the vaccines may not be entirely safe to all. VAERS – the United States government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System – suggests that, while adverse events are extremely rare, they include paralysis, inflammation of the heart, blood clots, and death. These have been largely dismissed on the grounds that the VAERS reporting doesn’t establish causation, and that isolated cases – like the BBC presenter who died after she received the jab – aren’t data, and all that’s certainly true.

Lots of information in both articles.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

We want to start a conversation and get back to understanding one another. You need to ask yourselves why we, as health professionals, are willing to risk our careers, livelihood and reputations to oppose this dangerous political interference with the practice of medicine and science. We are sacrificing everything we love and have worked for, not out of selfishness, but out of a genuine concern for the people we took an oath to serve and care for. The stand we have taken has come at great personal cost and we have all suffered loss. But we are compelled to speak out and to act with our hearts and our commitment to our patients, communities and loved ones.

You have probably noticed the many contradictions in the messaging from our public health office (PHO), government officials and mainstream media. What we are being told just doesn’t add up. Our leaders have left us exhausted, confused and disillusioned. We have heard a lot about transparency, but we have received exactly the opposite. Information has been hidden from the public or made difficult to find or understand. Statistics are being manipulated to support a narrative and agenda that has little to do with our health and wellbeing, but everything to do with coercion, intimidation, control and punishment. Our public officials have encouraged us to go against our neighbours, when what we really need to do is support one another. The following letter will provide you with clear and compelling evidence needed to eliminate the misunderstandings and confusion caused by this false narrative. Then we can move forward in unity to bring an end to the pandemic. We only require that you open your mind to another perspective and read on.

One of the most deceptive and divisive messages being promoted to the public by our government officials is the idea that the science is settled in relation to the safety and efficacy of these experimental injections, masks, distancing and lock downs. The impression given is that scientific debate has occurred and consensus has been reached. Anyone who questions the conclusion of “safe and effective” and “we are following the science” is accused of wilfully spreading misinformation and is censored and even punished. This leads the public to believe that anyone, including well-educated professionals, are to be discredited if they question the government narrative. It is truly shocking to see how these highly respected medical and scientific professionals have had their character attacked and their accomplishments, education, and experience ignored and discredited without real justification. This extinguishing of open debate and discussion is the antithesis of science.
Dr. Bonnie Henry, Mr. Adrian Dix, and our Premier John Horgan have made it clear that they believe the only way to get out of this pandemic (someday in the unforeseeable future) is for everyone to get an ever-increasing number of doses of an experimental gene modifying injection that our PHO or the WHO recommends. You will notice that we have also addressed this letter to our Attorney General David Eby, as he has stood by and watched this all happen and is therefore complicit in these actions. However, observation reveals that we are no further ahead after rolling out the “vaccines” and, in fact, we are worse off. We have more “cases”, hospitalizations, and deaths than we experienced before the “vaccines” became available. Now we are rolling out boosters and injecting our youth. The drug manufacturers are currently applying to vaccinate our children aged 5 and up, who were never at risk for either getting the disease or transmitting it to others. When will we realize the repetition of a failed strategy does not produce a different or better result? Instead, it is more likely to get worse, with more cases, adverse vaccine reactions, deaths, depression, suicide, overdoses, isolation, anger and segregation. Do we really think this is how a crisis should be managed?

They are questioning whether governments are looking out for people’s best interests or big pharma’s.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

of death by defining “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated”.
What is even more confusing, is how the BC government defines the terms “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” on the Data Notes tab of the BC Centre for Disease Control website. The BCCDC is responsible for tracking and reporting all of the details and statistics regarding cases, vaccination status, hospitalizations and deaths in B.C.109 One would think that the same definitions would be used by the BCCDC that are used by PHO in her health orders to ensure consistency and transparency. However, on the BCCDC website:

  • in order to be considered “vaccinated, 2 doses”, the date of illness onset must be greater than or equal to 14 days after the administration of the 2nd dose of the vaccine.
  • in order to be considered “vaccinated, one dose” the date of illness onset must be greater than or equal to 21 days after administration of the first dose, and less than 14 days after the 2nd dose.
  • “Unvaccinated” is defined as someone who has not had the vaccine at all, or has been vaccinated with one dose but becomes ill any time within less than 21 days of that first dose.

Research, and our own experience, shows that most acute reactions to the “vaccines” occur within the first few days after vaccination, and therefore people would be recorded as “unvaccinated” even though they may have had one or two doses of the “vaccine” when they became ill. These definitions and the reporting of statistics based upon them in the mainstream media, by Government and by Dr. Henry, paint a very misleading picture of the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines” and what the true vaccination status is of those who are reported as becoming ill, hospitalized or dying with Covid-19 or with adverse reactions to the injections.

The death count has been going up as the vaccination rate has increased, just as in the US, Israel and now Singapore.

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snoopydawg's picture


There have been many doctors, scientists and researchers participating in multiple research events that have found harmful ingredients in the Covid-19 “vaccines”. The manufactures of these “vaccines” and our Provincial and Federal Governments have now admitted this truth.
A medical conference held in Germany on Sept 22, 2021, comprised of hundreds of scientists and doctors from 35 countries, revealed their findings from examining the contents of hundreds of vials of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines. They identified numerous previously undisclosed materials such as heavy metals, stainless steel, mobile parasite-like materials and other substances that could not be identified. Some resembled tiny computer chips and appeared to be self-propelled in blood samples 6 months post vaccination. Please see both the 15-minute summary11 and the full 2h 40m conference.12 They discussed the findings following autopsies performed on 8 people between the ages of 50 and 90 who died within 14 days of getting the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson and Johnson “vaccines”. The autopsies showed prolific organ damage with metals imbedded within the tissues and tissue invasion by large numbers of white blood cells in concentrations never seen before. The damage and swelling of lymph nodes were at unprecedented levels. Please see the 12-minute video summarizing the results of these incredible autopsy findings. 13

On August 20, 2021, Dr. Robert Young, CPC, MSc, DSc, PhD, ND, published his team’s findings after analysing the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson “vaccines”. 14 He has confirmed that these are not actually “vaccines” but rather nanotechnological drugs working as a genetic therapy. Their findings both confirm and expand upon prior investigations carried out by Dr. Pablo Capra from the University of Almeria, Spain, and Dr. Juan F. Gaston Ananos from the Hospital de Barbastro, Spain, and are consistent with the most recent findings at the September 22, 2021 conference held in Germany. The studies found multiple toxic ingredients in the “vaccines”. One consistent finding was that all 4 “vaccines” contained graphene oxide.
Graphene oxide has been proven to be toxic to humans, creating physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. It can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, blood-placenta barrier, and accumulates in the lungs, liver, and spleen, etc. 15
These are some of the common uses for graphene oxide. One has to ask why this toxin would be in a “vaccine” for humans:

a) It is one of the most conductive materials for electricity and heat, which makes it the perfect material for electronics and many other industries. This includes reliable and controllable electromagnetic material, very powerful as a super conductor and optical communications and optical sensors and switches.

b) Its electrical and mechanical properties make it helpful in developing transparent and flexible conductors, field-effect transistors, electrical and optical sensors, fluorescence quenchers, LED (light-emitting diodes), and more.

c) Graphene oxide is helpful for the production of transparent conductive films in flexible electronics, solar cells, and chemical sensors. Graphene oxide is cheaper and easier to manufacture than graphene. It is widely being used as an electrode material for batteries, capacitors, and solar cells.

Dr. Lieutenant Colonel Teresa Long, MD, MPH, FS, recently swore an affidavit 16 in support of an injunction application in court at Denver, Colorado to halt the “vaccines” for military personnel in the United States. She outlined the significant concerns in taking Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines”. She discussed the ingredients and their toxicity. At paragraph 25 of her affidavit, she confirmed that the polyethylene glycol (PEG) is listed by Pfizer as one of the primary ingredients in its “vaccine" and is close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers propylene glycol, which is a common ingredient in antifreeze.

If true then there’s another conspiracy theory that isn’t one. There are links to back up what is being said. I know that graphene oxide and propylene glycol is harmful if ingested, but if injected is even worse because it travels throughout the body. Good lord. Hell yes if it’s true then stop vaccinating people.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Raggedy Ann's picture

and there's another one I cannot remember but is on my nightstand so I'll edit this comment with the book title later.

5 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

enhydra lutris's picture


At paragraph 25 of her affidavit, she confirmed that the polyethylene glycol (PEG) is listed by Pfizer as one of the primary ingredients in its “vaccine" and is close in molecular makeup and in the same family of synthetic polymers propylene glycol, which is a common ingredient in antifreeze.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris It is commonly prescribed for serious constipation. It works the same way as fiber in your large intestine. Osmosis pulls water into the bowel and off you go. If you've ever taken the "prep" for a colonoscopy, you probably drank a few liters of the stuff. In the vaccine, it is probably there to stabilize the lipid spheres and keep them from fusing with one another and thus to keep them of a uniform size.

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enhydra lutris's picture


element in Anti-Freeze is hydrogen hydroxide, aka water.

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture


propylene glycol is harmful if ingested

Propylene glycol is a very common food additive, ingested daily by tons of people.

Ethylene glycol is a highly toxic chemical used in the manufacture of certain polyesters and in anti-freeze

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

CB's picture

with ivermectin and then is fired for doing so.

Doctor who says he gave ivermectin to rural Alberta COVID-19 patients triggers AHS warning
In a video circulating on social media, Vancouver-based Dr Daniel Nagase says he administered ivermectin in September to patients at hospital in Rimbey, Alta.

Nagase says provincial health officials are “withholding life-saving medicine for an entire province.”
In the video, Nagase said the three COVID-19 patients in Rimbey had “deteriorated overnight” and were being treated with oxygen and steroids.
Nagase said he enlisted the help of a “town pharmacist” who had acquired ivermectin for him.

“He couldn’t get it from his usual supply of chemicals because it was a Saturday. He had to get it from a farm supply,” Nagase says in the video. “He went to the Co-op store."

In the video, Nagase claims the drug worked quickly on patients, allowing the three to be discharged from the hospital within a week. Two of the patients, he says, were “almost completely better” within 18 hours.

Nagase says that within hours of receiving ivermectin, an AHS medical director banned his patients from receiving the drug or any of the other drugs he had prescribed for them.

He said he was removed from the hospital and “relieved” of his medical duties the next day.

He says there is “something malicious” about the care of COVID-19 patients in Alberta hospitals.

If this information were to get widely spread, it would spell disaster for the $700 pill from Merck. There are untold billions of dollars riding on this.

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snoopydawg's picture


He was told to stop all treatment by another doctor which is usually never allowed unless they see the patient in person, but over the phone? Unheard of. It’s medical malpractice. Fortunately 2/3 of the patients were on the mend by the time the new doctor pulled their treatments.

That letter is incredible and shows how much information is being censorship and how the rules behind the mandatory vaccines make absolutely no sense unless you let your imagination wander. Crimes against humanity is exactly what we are seeing if even half of it is true. It’s hard not to see what the end goals are. What will happen when this information gets out into the mainstream? I doubt many media folks are going to report on it.

This is a pandemic of “deception and lack of treatment”.

Gawd help us if the courts have been captured. So far a few have.


You can’t say no, you can’t sue for harm, and you can’t see the data underlying the government’s claim that the product is safe and effective. That seems fair.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg I might shoot him an email, see what's going on.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

to have to acknowledge that RWNJ Gov Abbott of TX is much more in tune with my views on vaccine mandates while virtually all D office holders are not, and is probably going to gain politically from this move:

The order states that "no entity in Texas" can enforce vaccination against anyone in the state who objects "for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19," according to a news release from the governor's office. "The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and our best defense against the virus, but should remain voluntary and never forced," Abbott said in a statement.

Should remain voluntary of course, in any sane world. But it's not "safe, effective and our best defense." And I wonder why it is that seemingly zero of our D leaders, none of them, have voiced concerns in recent months about vaccine safety issues, let alone efficacy. None of them heard of VAERS numbers?? Not widely publicized for sure, but not exactly a state secret either.

Which also causes me to wonder, has a congressional committee in this area ever called an expert to testify about VAERS stats on these vaccines? The silence by our public leaders about vaccine deaths and major injuries is deafening.

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