BBC hit job on IVM, in addition to the excellent Dr John Campbell rebuttal there is this posting from Dr Tess Lawrie (BIRD UK Group) disclosing her detailed answers to email Qs from one of the BBC reporters. I didn't see any of her substantive replies quoted in the piece.
This is just one of several standout comments she made in her reply
Of the Yellow Card system (UK's version of VAERS), Dr June Raine (CEO of the MHRA -- UK's FDA) has said previously in a Guardian article: “There is no need to prove that the medicine caused the adverse reaction, just the suspicion is good enough.” As at today on the Yellow Card system there are 357,956 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccines and 1,625 reported deaths in the UK. This is much higher than the number of reports that led to the cessation of the Swine Flu vaccine and needs to be urgently looked into by the MHRA. Why have a system designed to sound an alarm and then ignore it? Perhaps you should look into that.
The BBC authors also did not specifically address the above YC/VAERS issue, only hand-waving it away as "common misperceptions about Covid-19 vaccine data."
It's why you keep on looking at what/who is behind the article/claim, as I did when I saw the article on Sheldrick etc.
It's also why one should not stop at a tweet by Malone or Kory, a repost by Bird or FLCCC or even a video by Carpenter (although I find him more reasonable in his approach than most).
For example, I have followed tweets by Malone where he links to a site, only to find that the site is quite right wing and conspiratorial, akin to Q anon. And Kory's latest claim about Congressional usage of Ivermectin is totally unevidenced and yet you see people taking it as truth.
Skepticism of every source on social media is probably the best course to take.
BBC hit job on IVM, in addition to the excellent Dr John Campbell rebuttal there is this posting from Dr Tess Lawrie (BIRD UK Group) disclosing her detailed answers to email Qs from one of the BBC reporters. I didn't see any of her substantive replies quoted in the piece.
This is just one of several standout comments she made in her reply
Of the Yellow Card system (UK's version of VAERS), Dr June Raine (CEO of the MHRA -- UK's FDA) has said previously in a Guardian article: “There is no need to prove that the medicine caused the adverse reaction, just the suspicion is good enough.” As at today on the Yellow Card system there are 357,956 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccines and 1,625 reported deaths in the UK. This is much higher than the number of reports that led to the cessation of the Swine Flu vaccine and needs to be urgently looked into by the MHRA. Why have a system designed to sound an alarm and then ignore it? Perhaps you should look into that.
The BBC authors also did not specifically address the above YC/VAERS issue, only hand-waving it away as "common misperceptions about Covid-19 vaccine data."
@Fishtroller 02
on some occasional issues you'll have to look to strange bedfellows or unorthodox sources to find the best reporting/analysis. I've noted how this was true in the media's Russiagate coverage. Most people here can sort out or properly weigh the message/messenger/platform distinctions.
As to Dr Kory (I try not to forget the title, and he's earned it, probably having saved hundreds, maybe thousands of lives with his IVM-based protocols) and his anecdote about congress critters taking IVM on the sly, it's offered on an anonymous source basis, so clearly it's Take It FWIW time, something again most people here would recognize and evaluate on that qualified basis. And likely for most here whether his source is right or not matters little in the overall consideration of the worth of IVM for Covid.
But likely for some or many here, the story has a ring of truth to it, as it does for me. But my research leading to a decision about IVM ended months ago. Dr Kory's story is just a sidebar, another interesting item to tack onto the bulletin board on the wall.
It's why you keep on looking at what/who is behind the article/claim, as I did when I saw the article on Sheldrick etc.
It's also why one should not stop at a tweet by Malone or Kory, a repost by Bird or FLCCC or even a video by Carpenter (although I find him more reasonable in his approach than most).
For example, I have followed tweets by Malone where he links to a site, only to find that the site is quite right wing and conspiratorial, akin to Q anon. And Kory's latest claim about Congressional usage of Ivermectin is totally unevidenced and yet you see people taking it as truth.
Skepticism of every source on social media is probably the best course to take.
...The point I’m making is simple: Blood clots, bleeding and autoimmunity are not trivial matters; they’re an indication that the body’s vital infrastructure has been compromised and, perhaps, severely damaged. This is going to manifest itself in all-cause mortality and broader public health data. A sizable portion of these maladies will be directly connected to the injection of a potentially-lethal pathogen into the bloodstream of millions of people who were deliberately misled about the safety of the product. Now we’re going to see the early results of that experiment. God help us.
using skepticism about what you read, and making sure you investigate sources as best you can.
This is a Wikipedia on Ron Unz, the person whose site hosted the article you linked.
Ron Keeva Unz (born September 20, 1961) is the editor-in-chief and publisher of The Unz Review, a website that promotes antisemitism, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, and white supremacist material.[1][2][3] In addition to Unz's own writings, the site has hosted pieces by white supremacist Jared Taylor, among others.[4]
We need more than "God" helping us. I have actually found that deity to be totally useless when it comes to protection of human life.
A former businessman, Unz unsuccessfully ran for governor in the California gubernatorial election in 1994. He has sponsored multiple propositions promoting structured English immersion education. He was publisher of The American Conservative from March 2007 to August 2013.
...The point I’m making is simple: Blood clots, bleeding and autoimmunity are not trivial matters; they’re an indication that the body’s vital infrastructure has been compromised and, perhaps, severely damaged. This is going to manifest itself in all-cause mortality and broader public health data. A sizable portion of these maladies will be directly connected to the injection of a potentially-lethal pathogen into the bloodstream of millions of people who were deliberately misled about the safety of the product. Now we’re going to see the early results of that experiment. God help us.
4 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
using skepticism about what you read, and making sure you investigate sources as best you can.
This is a Wikipedia on Ron Unz, the person whose site hosted the article you linked.
Ron Keeva Unz (born September 20, 1961) is the editor-in-chief and publisher of The Unz Review, a website that promotes antisemitism, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, and white supremacist material.[1][2][3] In addition to Unz's own writings, the site has hosted pieces by white supremacist Jared Taylor, among others.[4]
We need more than "God" helping us. I have actually found that deity to be totally useless when it comes to protection of human life.
A former businessman, Unz unsuccessfully ran for governor in the California gubernatorial election in 1994. He has sponsored multiple propositions promoting structured English immersion education. He was publisher of The American Conservative from March 2007 to August 2013.
is not helpful to dialogue within this community. I think I have demonstrated over years on this site that I am not a bullshitter. Name calling does, however, act as a buffer against having to admit that you maybe have missed something about the source of your information that is less than desirable.
I personally wonder what people who read this and who are vaccinated feel when you present scary skeleton/death images and emphasize the big be very afraid dangers of vaccinations.
Plus you totally skipped my repeated expressions that I do not believe everything any sources post. Do you?
Do you agree with everything the NYT, The Atlantic or The Guardian publishes about the Chinese Uighur and Russiagate?
Why don't you rebut what the individual writer is stating?
5 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
Rather than discuss what Mike Whitney wrote you decided to "attack the messenger". Not a SINGLE comment of rebuttal on what he had to say.
BTW, the graphic is apropos. Here's the current VAERS report:
How do you account for the following situation: (BTW, the latest shows there has been an slight uptick in death rate). Take careful note of the trajectory between the two graphs in the last weeks. They are both falling off in tandem.
is not helpful to dialogue within this community. I think I have demonstrated over years on this site that I am not a bullshitter. Name calling does, however, act as a buffer against having to admit that you maybe have missed something about the source of your information that is less than desirable.
I personally wonder what people who read this and who are vaccinated feel when you present scary skeleton/death images and emphasize the big be very afraid dangers of vaccinations.
Plus you totally skipped my repeated expressions that I do not believe everything any sources post. Do you?
But I find it not only unpleasant but downright offensive when someone makes a reply to an article I've posted without addressing a single point being made by the author but rather uses it as an opportunity go into a tirade about Ron Unz's website.
I have followed Ron Unz's website for many years and have found him to be an honest bearer of truth and knowledge.
As an example, I see the parallels between 2021's Corporate America and what Ron Unz' foretold in 2012:
China's Rise, America's Fall
Which superpower is more threatened by its “extractive elites”?
Ron Unz • The American Conservative • April 17, 2012
A society’s media and academic organs constitute the sensory apparatus and central nervous system of its body politic, and if the information these provide is seriously misleading, looming dangers may fester and grow. A media and academy that are highly corrupt or dishonest constitute a deadly national peril. And although the political leadership of undemocratic China might dearly wish to hide all its major mistakes, its crude propaganda machinery often fails at this self-destructive task. But America’s own societal information system is vastly more skilled and experienced in shaping reality to meet the needs of business and government leaders, and this very success does tremendous damage to our country.
Perhaps Americans really do prefer that their broadcasters provide Happy News and that their political campaigns constitute amusing reality shows. Certainly the cheering coliseum crowds of the Roman Empire favored their bread and circuses over the difficult and dangerous tasks that their ancestors had undertaken during Rome’s rise to world greatness. And so long as we can continue to trade bits of printed paper carrying presidential portraits for flat-screen TVs from Chinese factories, perhaps all is well and no one need be too concerned about the apparent course of our national trajectory, least of all our political leadership class.
But if so, then we must admit that Richard Lynn, a prominent British scholar, has been correct in predicting for a decade or longer that the global dominance of the European-derived peoples is rapidly drawing to its end and within the foreseeable future the torch of human progress and world leadership will inevitably pass into Chinese hands.
#3.1.1 I read whatever you write and appreciate your input CB----- so I'm hoping you will state your disagreement a bit more peaceably.
I get your frustration just as RA does. Don't let any of our disagreements stop your comments. last thing I'd want.
But I find it not only unpleasant but downright offensive when someone makes a reply to an article I've posted without addressing a single point being made by the author but rather uses it as an opportunity go into a tirade about Ron Unz's website.
I have followed Ron Unz's website for many years and have found him to be an honest bearer of truth and knowledge.
As an example, I see the parallels between 2021's Corporate America and what Ron Unz' foretold in 2012:
China's Rise, America's Fall
Which superpower is more threatened by its “extractive elites”?
Ron Unz • The American Conservative • April 17, 2012
A society’s media and academic organs constitute the sensory apparatus and central nervous system of its body politic, and if the information these provide is seriously misleading, looming dangers may fester and grow. A media and academy that are highly corrupt or dishonest constitute a deadly national peril. And although the political leadership of undemocratic China might dearly wish to hide all its major mistakes, its crude propaganda machinery often fails at this self-destructive task. But America’s own societal information system is vastly more skilled and experienced in shaping reality to meet the needs of business and government leaders, and this very success does tremendous damage to our country.
Perhaps Americans really do prefer that their broadcasters provide Happy News and that their political campaigns constitute amusing reality shows. Certainly the cheering coliseum crowds of the Roman Empire favored their bread and circuses over the difficult and dangerous tasks that their ancestors had undertaken during Rome’s rise to world greatness. And so long as we can continue to trade bits of printed paper carrying presidential portraits for flat-screen TVs from Chinese factories, perhaps all is well and no one need be too concerned about the apparent course of our national trajectory, least of all our political leadership class.
But if so, then we must admit that Richard Lynn, a prominent British scholar, has been correct in predicting for a decade or longer that the global dominance of the European-derived peoples is rapidly drawing to its end and within the foreseeable future the torch of human progress and world leadership will inevitably pass into Chinese hands.
that CB experiences with this commenter, @NYCVG
. I, too, am frustrated with the oommenter but it is entitled to it's opinion. The only problem with it's opinion is that unless it is against the FLCCC and all the doctors who are trying to get us out of this mess, the commenter has cotton in the ears and over the eyes. I've often thought it is a pharmaceutical rep or something of that sort - else why would the person be so against what is so obvious? Oh, well - as with mimi - that's my $.02.
#3.1.1 I read whatever you write and appreciate your input CB----- so I'm hoping you will state your disagreement a bit more peaceably.
6 users have voted.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
that CB experiences with this commenter, # I, too, am frustrated with the oommenter but it is entitled to it's opinion. The only problem with it's opinion is that unless it is against the FLCCC and all the doctors who are trying to get us out of this mess, the commenter has cotton in the ears and over the eyes. I've often thought it is a pharmaceutical rep or something of that sort - else why would the person be so against what is so obvious? Oh, well - as with mimi - that's my $.02.
to give an attractive woman a ride home from a bar. Initially she might consider it, ignoring his creepy behavior. After all, he probably won't do anything weird. But hours have passed in the bar, and other patrons swear they saw creepy guy leave with 3 other women who have not been seen since. When he doesn't get the answer he wants he becomes noticeably frustrated and desperate, and his offer to give her a ride home devolves into "get in the f'ing car you bit*h".
...The point I’m making is simple: Blood clots, bleeding and autoimmunity are not trivial matters; they’re an indication that the body’s vital infrastructure has been compromised and, perhaps, severely damaged. This is going to manifest itself in all-cause mortality and broader public health data. A sizable portion of these maladies will be directly connected to the injection of a potentially-lethal pathogen into the bloodstream of millions of people who were deliberately misled about the safety of the product. Now we’re going to see the early results of that experiment. God help us.
No wonder the PTB saw no reason to address climate change and are continuing to pull fossil fuels out of the ground.
Think that they would have no qualms about doing it? Look at how many death squads they have financed and let loose on populations where they have some goals to accomplish. Isn’t the school of America still training death squads but just renamed it?
People are starting to fight back.
Last night all flights in and out of Florida we're cancelled. I've heard something happened in Jacksonville with the ATC. Right now all I hear are rumours. Why isn't there any concrete news about this yet?
NOT ONE OF THEM WERE ELECTED and they should have no say in what people put in their body. Especially when the vaccines do not keep you from getting infected or from spreading it. Congress passes laws for the consent of the governed. Not people who have too much gd money. Period!
...The point I’m making is simple: Blood clots, bleeding and autoimmunity are not trivial matters; they’re an indication that the body’s vital infrastructure has been compromised and, perhaps, severely damaged. This is going to manifest itself in all-cause mortality and broader public health data. A sizable portion of these maladies will be directly connected to the injection of a potentially-lethal pathogen into the bloodstream of millions of people who were deliberately misled about the safety of the product. Now we’re going to see the early results of that experiment. God help us.
11 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It ends with this observation..."Right now, some forms of vaccine effectiveness are slipping, but the most important ones aren’t. Unless that changes, widespread boosters in already vaccinated countries are likely to provide diminishing returns, like topping off a drink that’s already on the verge of spilling over. In the meantime, billions around the globe have yet to take a sip at all."
4 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Before they knew what it was. He found himself in an ICU for 3 weeks in an induced coma on a ventilator. Because it had yet to become the giant uproar it has been whipped up into his very skilled doctor was honest with his wife who was once a nurse. They gave him a very slim chance of surviving. The doctor told her it was not the virus but the fact that his immune system had been tricked into over reacting. His issue was blood clots too. I know nothing about why that happens or what causes it in one person and not others. But everytime I hear one of these cases of blood clots it makes me wonder if the vaccines are not triggering that same immune response. He did survive. In fact when they saw things dropping the woke him from his coma and in 3 days he was good to go home.
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the rapid production of vaccines aimed at the production of neutralizing antibodies against the COVID-19 spike protein required for the corona virus binding to target cells. The best well-known vaccines have utilized either mRNA or an adenovirus vector to direct human cells to produce the spike protein against which the body produces mostly neutralizing antibodies. However, recent reports have raised some skepticism as to the biologic actions of the spike protein and the types of antibodies produced. One paper reported that certain antibodies in the blood of infected patients appear to change the shape of the spike protein so as to make it more likely to bind to cells, while other papers showed that the spike protein by itself (without being part of the corona virus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier. These findings may be even more relevant to the pathogenesis of long-COVID syndrome that may affect as many as 50% of those infected with SARS-CoV-2. In COVID-19, a response to oxidative stress is required by increasing anti-oxidant enzymes. In this regard, it is known that polyphenols are natural anti-oxidants with multiple health effects. Hence, there are even more reasons to intervene with the use of anti-oxidant compounds, such as luteolin, in addition to available vaccines and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the harmful actions of the spike protein.
Before they knew what it was. He found himself in an ICU for 3 weeks in an induced coma on a ventilator. Because it had yet to become the giant uproar it has been whipped up into his very skilled doctor was honest with his wife who was once a nurse. They gave him a very slim chance of surviving. The doctor told her it was not the virus but the fact that his immune system had been tricked into over reacting. His issue was blood clots too. I know nothing about why that happens or what causes it in one person and not others. But everytime I hear one of these cases of blood clots it makes me wonder if the vaccines are not triggering that same immune response. He did survive. In fact when they saw things dropping the woke him from his coma and in 3 days he was good to go home.
7 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think that is likely, given that so much of this disease is appearing more and more to be damaging to the vascular system and the spike protein is a good candidate for being the culprit.
Has anyone seen any numbers reported on the load on the body of spike proteins at different times post-vaccination vs post-infection with covid?
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the rapid production of vaccines aimed at the production of neutralizing antibodies against the COVID-19 spike protein required for the corona virus binding to target cells. The best well-known vaccines have utilized either mRNA or an adenovirus vector to direct human cells to produce the spike protein against which the body produces mostly neutralizing antibodies. However, recent reports have raised some skepticism as to the biologic actions of the spike protein and the types of antibodies produced. One paper reported that certain antibodies in the blood of infected patients appear to change the shape of the spike protein so as to make it more likely to bind to cells, while other papers showed that the spike protein by itself (without being part of the corona virus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier. These findings may be even more relevant to the pathogenesis of long-COVID syndrome that may affect as many as 50% of those infected with SARS-CoV-2. In COVID-19, a response to oxidative stress is required by increasing anti-oxidant enzymes. In this regard, it is known that polyphenols are natural anti-oxidants with multiple health effects. Hence, there are even more reasons to intervene with the use of anti-oxidant compounds, such as luteolin, in addition to available vaccines and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the harmful actions of the spike protein.
Yet, no messaging on the importance of weight, instead fast food was promoted and available the entire pandemic.
#5.1 I think that is likely, given that so much of this disease is appearing more and more to be damaging to the vascular system and the spike protein is a good candidate for being the culprit.
Has anyone seen any numbers reported on the load on the body of spike proteins at different times post-vaccination vs post-infection with covid?
4 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
New peer reviewed study on COVID-19 vaccines suggests why heart inflammation, blood clots and other dangerous side effects occur
#5.1 I think that is likely, given that so much of this disease is appearing more and more to be damaging to the vascular system and the spike protein is a good candidate for being the culprit.
Has anyone seen any numbers reported on the load on the body of spike proteins at different times post-vaccination vs post-infection with covid?
Re the recent
BBC hit job on IVM, in addition to the excellent Dr John Campbell rebuttal there is this posting from Dr Tess Lawrie (BIRD UK Group) disclosing her detailed answers to email Qs from one of the BBC reporters. I didn't see any of her substantive replies quoted in the piece.
This is just one of several standout comments she made in her reply
The BBC authors also did not specifically address the above YC/VAERS issue, only hand-waving it away as "common misperceptions about Covid-19 vaccine data."
This is why you don't stop your research at an article by BBC.
It's why you keep on looking at what/who is behind the article/claim, as I did when I saw the article on Sheldrick etc.
It's also why one should not stop at a tweet by Malone or Kory, a repost by Bird or FLCCC or even a video by Carpenter (although I find him more reasonable in his approach than most).
For example, I have followed tweets by Malone where he links to a site, only to find that the site is quite right wing and conspiratorial, akin to Q anon. And Kory's latest claim about Congressional usage of Ivermectin is totally unevidenced and yet you see people taking it as truth.
Skepticism of every source on social media is probably the best course to take.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
As we've discussed before
As to Dr Kory (I try not to forget the title, and he's earned it, probably having saved hundreds, maybe thousands of lives with his IVM-based protocols) and his anecdote about congress critters taking IVM on the sly, it's offered on an anonymous source basis, so clearly it's Take It FWIW time, something again most people here would recognize and evaluate on that qualified basis. And likely for most here whether his source is right or not matters little in the overall consideration of the worth of IVM for Covid.
But likely for some or many here, the story has a ring of truth to it, as it does for me. But my research leading to a decision about IVM ended months ago. Dr Kory's story is just a sidebar, another interesting item to tack onto the bulletin board on the wall.
Filed under the category of things you won't hear from the MSM
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Why does everyone have to be vaccinated?
Here is a perfect example of what I posted above about
using skepticism about what you read, and making sure you investigate sources as best you can.
This is a Wikipedia on Ron Unz, the person whose site hosted the article you linked.
Ron Keeva Unz (born September 20, 1961) is the editor-in-chief and publisher of The Unz Review, a website that promotes antisemitism, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, and white supremacist material.[1][2][3] In addition to Unz's own writings, the site has hosted pieces by white supremacist Jared Taylor, among others.[4]
We need more than "God" helping us. I have actually found that deity to be totally useless when it comes to protection of human life.
A former businessman, Unz unsuccessfully ran for governor in the California gubernatorial election in 1994. He has sponsored multiple propositions promoting structured English immersion education. He was publisher of The American Conservative from March 2007 to August 2013.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
That's a bullshit game you are playing
Do you agree with everything the NYT, The Atlantic or The Guardian publishes about the Chinese Uighur and Russiagate?
Why don't you rebut what the individual writer is stating?
Accusing me of playing a" bullshit game"
is not helpful to dialogue within this community. I think I have demonstrated over years on this site that I am not a bullshitter. Name calling does, however, act as a buffer against having to admit that you maybe have missed something about the source of your information that is less than desirable.
I personally wonder what people who read this and who are vaccinated feel when you present scary skeleton/death images and emphasize the big be very afraid dangers of vaccinations.
Plus you totally skipped my repeated expressions that I do not believe everything any sources post. Do you?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Yes, you are playing a game
Rather than discuss what Mike Whitney wrote you decided to "attack the messenger". Not a SINGLE comment of rebuttal on what he had to say.
BTW, the graphic is apropos. Here's the current VAERS report:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/1/2021

How do you account for the following situation: (BTW, the latest shows there has been an slight uptick in death rate). Take careful note of the trajectory between the two graphs in the last weeks. They are both falling off in tandem.
so unpleasant
well, I think most of us can clearly understand
who is 'peaceably' and who is not. May be you underestimate the readers of these conversations. Just my 0.02 cents.
I'm sorry you find it unpleasant
But I find it not only unpleasant but downright offensive when someone makes a reply to an article I've posted without addressing a single point being made by the author but rather uses it as an opportunity go into a tirade about Ron Unz's website.
I have followed Ron Unz's website for many years and have found him to be an honest bearer of truth and knowledge.
As an example, I see the parallels between 2021's Corporate America and what Ron Unz' foretold in 2012:
China's Rise
I get your frustration just as RA does. Don't let any of our disagreements stop your comments. last thing I'd want.
Perhaps you are not aware of the level of frustration
that CB experiences with this commenter,
. I, too, am frustrated with the oommenter but it is entitled to it's opinion. The only problem with it's opinion is that unless it is against the FLCCC and all the doctors who are trying to get us out of this mess, the commenter has cotton in the ears and over the eyes. I've often thought it is a pharmaceutical rep or something of that sort - else why would the person be so against what is so obvious? Oh, well - as with mimi - that's my $.02."The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
not aware of the "history"
Or a simple denial minus freighted language.
You're letting...
frustration get the best of you, CB. I know you know better than that.
I suppose so
Maybe it's because I missed my afternoon nap....
This "offer" of a vaccine is like an offer by a creepy guy
to give an attractive woman a ride home from a bar. Initially she might consider it, ignoring his creepy behavior. After all, he probably won't do anything weird. But hours have passed in the bar, and other patrons swear they saw creepy guy leave with 3 other women who have not been seen since. When he doesn't get the answer he wants he becomes noticeably frustrated and desperate, and his offer to give her a ride home devolves into "get in the f'ing car you bit*h".
Pardon me, but I don't trust creepy guy.
Well that’s pretty terrifying isn’t it?
No wonder the PTB saw no reason to address climate change and are continuing to pull fossil fuels out of the ground.
Think that they would have no qualms about doing it? Look at how many death squads they have financed and let loose on populations where they have some goals to accomplish. Isn’t the school of America still training death squads but just renamed it?
People are starting to fight back.
NOT ONE OF THEM WERE ELECTED and they should have no say in what people put in their body. Especially when the vaccines do not keep you from getting infected or from spreading it. Congress passes laws for the consent of the governed. Not people who have too much gd money. Period!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I found this article in the Atlantic to be very interesting
and educational on the issue of waning vaccine effectiveness. Quite a good coverage of how the body responds to vaccines, etc.
It ends with this observation..."Right now, some forms of vaccine effectiveness are slipping, but the most important ones aren’t. Unless that changes, widespread boosters in already vaccinated countries are likely to provide diminishing returns, like topping off a drink that’s already on the verge of spilling over. In the meantime, billions around the globe have yet to take a sip at all."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
My cousin had it very badly
Before they knew what it was. He found himself in an ICU for 3 weeks in an induced coma on a ventilator. Because it had yet to become the giant uproar it has been whipped up into his very skilled doctor was honest with his wife who was once a nurse. They gave him a very slim chance of surviving. The doctor told her it was not the virus but the fact that his immune system had been tricked into over reacting. His issue was blood clots too. I know nothing about why that happens or what causes it in one person and not others. But everytime I hear one of these cases of blood clots it makes me wonder if the vaccines are not triggering that same immune response. He did survive. In fact when they saw things dropping the woke him from his coma and in 3 days he was good to go home.
glad to hear your cousin survived and is well...
Many think some people react to the spike protein your body is tricked into making after vaccination.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Let's assume that the spike protein is toxic in some way.
Has anyone seen any numbers reported on the load on the body of spike proteins at different times post-vaccination vs post-infection with covid?
The only study that comes to mind...
Explains the link to obesity. Fats evidently can store the spike proteins.
Here's one article
So I bet blood level of the spike proteins is dependent on BMI/obesity.
Yet, no messaging on the importance of weight, instead fast food was promoted and available the entire pandemic.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The spike protein is dangerous if not contained in muscle