Observation report: Shared 52yrs after T.I.
First of all, I had made some comments to expand on in the Gerrits' Easter-Bunny as well as the anti-capitalist thread by Mr. Jaytee, and maybe a few others. This first initial part may start folks wondering about my mind, my sanity, or not, it may astound confound confuse and amuse. Some people never feel right in their own skins, most are usually gender related or rather gender identification. Myself, I do not identify my spiritual form as "Human". (Right a warning buzzer is going off in people's heads), I am a believer in reincarnation, and I have been a round a very, very , very long time, and that may be why it is I state my sense of self as non-human. I may go into more details in other parts of this essay, or maybe one totally devoted to it so others can also discuss their "other-ness" or sense of possible such. Onto the report concept.
I was able to be in this world back in 1964, Terrestrial Insertion went smoothly, I was born to some folks back in Florida, then adopted off (totally side track story there). I started to make my observations, folks thought me a strange child, but as I talked I settled in. At age six, I maybe made a mistake discussing my self and why I was here to a Elementary School Psychologist, the man had no reference frame for the data I imparted to him. I spoke of some of the kinds of other-ness that I was inserted into the human meat-shell as the best and safest method of insertion through a trans-dimensional barrier, that there were other dimensions, and that this world was not unique, but one of many copies with slight alterations, keep in mind my physical age at the time was 6yrs old, he was in his late 20's early 30's this was well back in 1970. Now we have men and women, like professor DeGrassi discussing the multi-verse hypothesis as part of present Quantum and spatial physics. (My mistake was not making sure the people here, at the time, had the same referential knowledge I had), the man was unsure what to make of me, labeled me a Schizophrenic I found out many years later, even though no other symptoms have ever surfaced, I do test mid to high for Asperger Syndrome, and that seems to prevent me from certain judgment calls.
So, I observe that based on what was once actual reading and televised journalism, this world had several major key issues Ideological conflict, and potential Thermonuclear Annihilation bundled into the term the Cold War.
The other, Massive Industrial scale Pollution, as in water so bad that the Ohio river was lit aflame at some point, and that air quality was amazing poor, and people wanted something done about it. (I have also back referenced historical documentaries and news files regarding the pollution issues), and discovered that some ideas were on the horizon, and I waited to see what would come of these ideas.
To understand this war of ideologies and mass destruction, and as a natural born citizens of the United States (Got a birth certificate for any one silly enough to make an alien crack, LOL). I joined the Army, prepared for it in High school with German for 11th and 12th grade language. I also made note of the weird concept of "cliques" as they occurred in my school life. (I became friendly with people of all, but never became part of any of them, confused my fellow classmates, Human culture is bizarre, fascinating, scary and fun all at different times).
So, I made it through testing and basic as well as A.I.T. got sent to Germany with the Pershing missiles where there was worry the missiles would be ordered to fly, (End game), or that we may have to evacuate if the Soviet tanks came roaring through the Fulda gap and other parts of Germany's' division zones. I eventually as happens got out of service with a Honorable discharge.
I worked at many jobs over the years and observed patterns as well as the situation in the late 1980s and 1990s unfolded, and these years will have an impact upon my upcoming essays.
By those years I noted that Fossil Fuel;s were still leading power, and that they fought alternatives tooth and nail as many others observed. My Military service was made possible due to he actual reason of nuclear power, not to make energy(that is a by product, not the end all be all of it), and they also started the whole fracking thing quietly so as to get more fossil fuel out. the EPA regs being further under attack by the right wing, it was taking steps forward from my youth and stepping backwards.
(My apologies if this is rambling. This first piece is basically a reference point for me to go back to and elaborate on in more focused postings.
So, Fossil Fuels
Alternative power
why Nuclear is not using Thorium but still dangerous Uranium
why I see the nation and it's police state development
the energy crisis, and how I saw it impact all aspects of life
the MIC switching us from the Cold War to other wars
That we as a society pick Narcissists/psycho/and sociopaths to lead
Climate change, or as I call Environmental collapse
reliance on social safety nets
just to name a few juicy subjects I wish to share my views on with all.
Here is hoping I did not bore anyone to death.
Peace to all.
Go for it!
That psychologist
I bet that psychologist looks back and thinks what a cool kid he met and wishes he could talk to you again.
You didn't mention anything about the Shift. Does that play any role in why you T.I.'d when you did?
Hard to say
He would have to still be alive today for that, no clue if he still is or not.
I just looked that up, watched the trailer at their site. Refreshing to see. Hopefully it is in time.
Some of the problems I came to observe are still ongoing, I have been here 52yrs. That is why some are addressed or spoken about in that trailer, why are those problems still around and impacting Humanity of this world? Status Quo is just another term for suffering in a prolonged downward spiral.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
(with great solemnity) Welcome, fellow Aspie. n/t