The Dose - 5 OCT 21


Just in case it is needed ..

What we know — and don’t know — about Merck’s new Covid-19 pill ..

Doctors are excited about the medicine, molnupiravir, because a regimen of pills, even one that involves taking several pills twice a day for five days, should be far easier to deliver to patients than current antiviral Covid-19 treatments, which must be given intravenously. But it’s still unclear how widely this treatment will be used. There will also be debate among financial analysts at investment banks regarding exactly how many billions of dollars in sales the new drug will generate.

An excerpt, my bold about the bucks.

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QMS's picture

Thought I would throw it out there anyway. Community content etc.

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question everything

Lookout's picture

...from the start.

First off the utter lack of promoting prevention strategies...even to the point of not recommending masks as we were selling our stock pile to China.

U.S. exports of surgical masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear to China skyrocketed in January and February, when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc in the country where it began and as U.S. intelligence agencies warned it would soon spread.

American companies sold more than $17.5 million worth of face masks, more than $13.6 million in surgical garments and more than $27.2 million in ventilators to China during the first two months of the year, far exceeding that of any other similar period in the past decade, according to the most recent foreign trade data available from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Later Falsie claimed the no masks recommendation was because he was trying to save masks for health professionals.

To this day I'm still not hearing the importance of Vitamin D, C, and Zinc to prevent serious symptoms, nor advice to gargle with virucidal mouthwash upon exposure to others.

Additionally no recommendation to begin a good health program to promote weight loss and overall condition. The fact that the Standard American Diet (SAD) is unhealthy as are standard dietary recommendations...especially around healthy fats and oils.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of mishandling this outbreak.

They ignored Mina's inexpensive spit test, which could have prevented all the lockdowns and closures, by allowing people to test before leaving home.

I've said repeatedly this pandemic has been managed for profit and I think the evidence is overwhelming especially when we look at inexpensive IVM being more than ignored, but actually suppressed and disparaged. Let's see a fair study between Pfizer's new treatment, Merck's, and IVM. First of all it won't happen because they can let the effectiveness of a cheap generic drug out preform new expensive less effective treatments.

Well that's just off the top of my head all the foolish way we mishandled this. The US is less than 5% of world population with over 20% of COVID deaths. I think that speaks for itself.

As someone's sig lines says..."it didn't have to be this way."

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Purposefully mishandled for profit. If there is a silver lining, perhaps more people will wake up to the realities of the broken health care system in this country.

6 users have voted.

question everything

@Lookout Mina's rapid home testing. I suppose it's asking too much for one of the non-Fox cables to carve out 5 minutes of their time to have him on to discuss it, after they've broadcast 50k hours on Covid in the past 19 months.

And on this item

To this day I'm still not hearing the importance of Vitamin D, C, and Zinc to prevent serious symptoms, nor advice to gargle with virucidal mouthwash upon exposure to others.

similar silence from the MSM. Those supps and at-home treatments are too cheap and don't involve a big long payday for Big Pharma. Fauci mentioned his taking Vit D supplements in one interview a year ago, but not since. Perhaps his big Pharma masters sent him a reminder after that one interview to keep the discussion focused on the vaccines else people might get ideas.

I think TPTB all along wanted us to be thinking solely in terms of the vaccines as the magic bullet, and now maybe with people overdosed on hearing about the vaxxes as they are being lectured about getting the booster, we're being given permission to think of the new expensive Merck drug too.

(Personal note: I was recently handed a 4-day suspension from a major social platform merely for mentioning that Vitamins D3, C and Zinc can help build one's own immune system. I said nothing in the post about vaccines or supplements as an alternative to the vaccines. I suppose it was enough that the censors thought some people might get that idea in their head, and Dr Fauci once touting Vit D as a useful supplement offered me no protection.)

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CB's picture

not needed as late as May 10, 2020 and I doubt that many Americans would have worn them in any event at that time. The US had also just starting testing at this time so they had no idea where the best regions to put them to use. Meanwhile China and Germany had already started mass testing by the beginning of January.


Maybe it was a good thing that ventilators had been sent to China. When they were replaced by Chinese companies in May, it turned out that hospitals were actually killing more people by putting them on ventilators.

The 36 million masks from the US would have only covered China's need for a few days in any event. By Mar 2020 China had geared up and were producing masks by the billions. There was no way the the US could have produced the quantities they ended up requiring.

Booming mask production in China meets global demand
March 28, 2020

BEIJING: As the coronavirus pandemic that originated in a central Chinese city has gone global, thousands of factories in China have nimbly turned to a new and very profitable market — face masks for export.

At the height of China’s outbreak in early February, Guan Xunze’s company created a new mask factory in just eleven days.

The factory, with five production lines in northeastern China, made the much-needed N95 face masks which were in huge demand as infection numbers surged.

As cases in the country have dwindled, the 34-year-old — who was previously in pharmaceuticals — is now profiting from new markets and exporting masks to Italy, where the death toll has overtaken that of China.

In the first two months of the year, a staggering 8,950 new manufacturers started producing masks in China, according to business data platform Tianyancha — racing to fill the huge gap in demand.

PS. If I was a conspiracy theorist realist I would think that TPTB actually wanted the COVID pandemic to take hold in the US.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

discusses the fake ivermectin pill by Merck.
Scroll down to the videos:

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


a "miracle drug" by Kory, one that totally "stops transmission" of the virus ( he and his daughter got Covid while on an IVM protocol), this study still calls for more testing and clinical trials

"Both IV and M should
be compared in randomized controlled clinical trials, and the possibility of their
combination for anti-SARS-CoV-2 antiviral actions, explored further.
Keywords: COVID-19; Antiviral therapeutics; Molnupiravir; Ivermectin"

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 said it "totally stops transmission" in a 100% sense. Cite for that? But language to the effect that IVM would substantially help in stopping community transmission, yes, and that was likely the idea he wanted to convey.

On "miracle drug", certainly it is compared to what little was out there at the time of his senate testimony 10 months ago, and today little has changed. Certainly when we consider it has a 40-yr track record of safety, given its proven effectiveness (65 studies, some meta-analysis gold standard), and given its cheap cost, and given the unsafe and ineffective vaccines, IVM does at least approach something worthy of the "miracle drug" label.

No doubt Kory, in introducing IVM to a public mostly unaware, was in part trying to sell its tremendous usefulness the way most people go about promotion when they want to sell things or themselves -- by erring on the side of overstatement. But most unbiased and reasonable people will not overly fault him for the occasional excess in rhetoric. By far his position on IVM stands on the studies done so far and his findings in his own medical practice -- the Totality of the Evidence -- and this is reflected in the info found at his website, which, last I checked, does not have any headlines about IVM being a "miracle drug" or 100% transmission stopper.

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Lookout's picture


Dr Kory recovered from COVID in less than three days and was back working in the ICU in less than a week. Not sure of his daughter, but suspect similar results.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout and a good testimony to the effectiveness of IVM in the treatment phase.

And it bears repeating, Dr Kory has never stated IVM gives 100% protection against getting the virus. As I recall, flccc puts its effectiveness in the 85-90% range. And Dr Kory does see a lot of Covid patients, hundreds, so eventually the odds were going to catch up with him. Something his critics need to consider when they seek to find fault.

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had short term cases or practically no symptoms at all, and they didn't take IVM. My point being that Kory has no good complete clinical data to make his claims.

Maybe new trials will show this, but so far, most of the studies on this drug show its effectiveness is as an anti-parasitic. The Covid claims still stand at the level of anectodal.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Lookout's picture

@Fishtroller 02

You are entitled to your opinion that IVM isn't proven and lacks testing.

I, on the other hand, consider the following as ample evidence:
meta analysis.png

So let's stop trying to convince one another, and just accept on this matter we disagree.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


You or me?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Lookout's picture

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


and here is just one take on it...

And another...

"Different websites (such as,,, among others) have conducted meta-analyses with ivermectin studies, showing unpublished colourful forest plots which rapidly gained public acknowledgement and were disseminated via social media, without following any methodological or report guidelines. These websites do not include protocol registration with methods, search strategies, inclusion criteria, quality assessment of the included studies nor the certainty of the evidence of the pooled estimates. Prospective registration of systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis protocols is a key feature for providing transparency in the review process and ensuring protection against reporting biases, by revealing differences between the methods or outcomes reported in the published review and those planned in the registered protocol. These websites show pooled estimates suggesting significant benefits with ivermectin, which has resulted in confusion for clinicians, patients and even decision-makers. This is usually a problem when performing meta-analyses which are not based in rigorous systematic reviews, often leading to spread spurious or fallacious findings.36"

IF Jtc meant for The Dose to simply be a rote regurgitation of the same anti-vax/IVM stories and souces without any challenges, then someone needs to let me know. In the meantime, if I see comments that contain questionable ideas or sources, then I'll say something.

I don't intend to try to change minds on this. That would be fruitless both ways. But I think it's important to know that there are other arguments out there.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Lookout timeline, but iirc Dr Kory and FLCCC tweaked their recommended dosage of IVM from 1x/week to 2x/week after he got infected and as they considered the Delta variant's higher viral load required a more robust response. It's just smart science and good doctoring to make adjustments as necessary.

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which was posted on Instagram..

"The video in the Instagram post is from Kory’s Dec. 8 testimony before a U.S. Senate committee. He argues that while the National Institutes of Health in August 2020 said ivermectin should not be used outside of control trials, new evidence showed that the drug is effective against the coronavirus.

"We are now in December, this is three to four months later," Kory says in the video. "Mountains of data have emerged from many centers and countries around the world showing the miraculous effectiveness of ivermectin, it basically obliterates transmission of this virus. If you take it, you will not get sick."

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 proved my point above, that in the context of the times 10 months ago when Dr Kory was introducing IVM to an unaware public, he likely engaged in some hyperbole in order to drive home his message and put IVM in the public conversation. Not much there from which to make a federal case.

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at what point in time is it OK to quote Kory? He said what he said to the Senate under oath.

And what other things has he claimed that are also "hyperpole" just to drive home a point?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 He was making the case for IVM for the first time to a public unfamiliar with it. And he was trying to make a persuasive case in front of Congress, people who could well have a very influential role in how IVM would be treated in the approval process, so he had to get through to them.

Persuasive arguments often use enhanced rhetoric to highlight key points. It's not unheard of and entirely proper. Lawyers in a courtroom or in front of a panel of judges obviously.

He also had studies -- not the mere "anecdotal evidence" you claim -- to back up the overall thrust of his statements. Were you under the impression he would testify in front of the senators, or even be invited, if he only had anecdotes to relate?

Here is a long list of various studies -- roughly 65 by now -- including meta-analyses, which are the gold standard, as I understand, in scientific-medical research.

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a product would stop transmission of a disease and guarantee that a person would not get sick if they used it, and it turned out that those statements were not true, he/she would be in a lot of legal trouble.

Hey, if you want to make big stretches of excuses for big stretches of the truth, that's your decision.

I read an analysis of those 65 cases that pretty much found big flaws in most of them. I'd share it with you, but it would be a waste of my time.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 not intent on mischievously nitpicking and insisting on strict verbal literalism would understand the context and observe that Kory was offering his characterization or opinion of the overall situation, which is not only not objectionable but understood within the format of senate testimony where opinions and characterizations from an expert are sought or expected and are not subject to perjury. Contrast with what Kory did not do, the clearly problematic matter of grossly misrepresenting a study or scientific finding and doing so repeatedly, which would have rightly created trouble.

No excuse making on my part. Just trying to explain why you are way off base in your insistence on a simplistic black-and-white interpretation, and that sometimes reality comes in shades of gray.

Winding down my exchange here, on your alleged rebuttals, your choice, but if they are anything like the several biased and dishonest gravitas media hit piece sites you've offered up as worthy rebuttals, you shouldn't expect others here to find them persuasive.

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and his statements before the Senate. I'm sure that before he testified someone informed him that if he didn't have complete evidence for his statements, hyperpole was OK with them.

"It isn't just a federal crime to lie to Congress while under oath — considered the “general perjury" statute — it’s also illegal to make false statements to Congress even if you're not under oath."

Kory was under oath according to the FLCCC site. I read his statements and got a kick out of Table 1. You can look it up online for yourself.

I'll leave you with this article that I'm sure you will not read...

In case you are worried that I have once again offered a link to a shoddy website, here is the info on the author.

David Gorski
Dr. Gorski's full information can be found here, along with information for patients. David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University.


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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
before it even started discussing ivermectin was the following:

"One example is how, a month ago, ivermectin was being offered to every citizen of India as the pandemic was killing thousands of people a day in that country."

The Forbes link: 'every citizen of India'

Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment
May 11, 2021
The state health minister of Goa, Vishwajit Rane, said Monday that people will be given 12 mg of Ivermectin for a period of five days as prophylaxis to protect against Covid-19.
The Goan chief minister Pramod Sawant and his government have faced criticism for failing to impose restrictions to control the spread of Covid-19 in the state. With sprawling beaches, Goa is one of India’s most popular holiday destinations with tourism being one of the state’s biggest economic contributors. However, even as the second wave of the pandemic spiraled out of control across the country Sawant and his government refused to shut down its beaches and casinos. Even as the neighboring state of Maharashtra quickly emerged as India’s Covid epicenter, Goa allowed its state borders to remain open.

Which leads to this:

Goa CM makes a U-turn on use of ivermectin for Covid-19 prophylaxis treatment CM Pramod Sawant also said the government had now formally dropped the proposal for purchasing more ivermectin tablets
Jun 09 2021
Nearly a month after the Goa government announced free distribution of ivermectin tablets as a part of a new Covid-19 prophylaxis treatment protocol, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday claimed that the Health Ministry had not purchased a single pill.

The Forbes link just led to a pile of bullshit! Do you see how the information was manipulated?

Now for the truth of the matter in India.

Make damn sure you listen to his report! Dr Da Costa explains how ivermectin was actually distributed and used despite attempts by the WHO and other vested interests in attempting to stop it.

Dr Lenny Da Costa (Goa) - The True Story of Ivermectin in India

Here's the result of widespread use of ivermectin - despite the WHO attempts to prevent it from being used. Notice the dates:

Daily new cases India.jpg

US Death Rate 2,181/million
India Death Rate 322/million

Compare to the US complete fucking failure!

BTW, I have found other discrepancies in your link that I don't time to debunk.

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CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
that I don't know where to begin. It is basically a hit piece. One of the common reasons the author rejects a study is small sample size and lack of placebo for reference. Unfortunately there are no drug companies willing to fund large studies in third world countries. So we have to work with individual doctors reporting their findings.

There are now some large independent studies being done of some prophylactic drugs but unfortunately the results will not be available until the end of 2021 or later. By then the drug companies will have brought their versions to market.

The studies that show ivermectin drug levels in vitro are too high to be used in vivo are based on infecting live mice, waiting several hours and then injecting ivermectin to see how it performs. This effect is similar to the rigged Scientific American study you previously posted. Ivermectin (just like other drugs AND authorized vaccines) are less effective in the acute phase. Many studies that I have looked at uses a similar method to "prove" ivermectin doesn't work. But, the proponents of ivermectin have always stated the drug must be taken before or at least when symptoms first appear for maximum effect.


BTW, this requirement allows the drug manufacturers to blame adverse side effects such as ADE on acute COVID infection - especially when given to people that have had prior COVID infection.

I also note that the American Journal of Therapeutics published a systemic review of ivermectin for COVID-19 about a month and a half ago that basically reminds me of the “clinical review” that I discussed first. Hilariously, at one point, the FLCCC systematic review tries to compare COVID-19 case counts and death rates with areas with and without ivermectin distribution programs in order to argue that fewer people dying in areas where ivermectin was used suggests that ivermectin works.

Using that type of language shows where Gorski is coming from. I will simply direct you to COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

The interesting thing is we can use overall vaccination rates as placebo. Keep in mind the overall quantity/quality of health care available in the following countries:

USA - deaths 2,183/mil - vaccination rate 120%
Israel - deaths 844/mil - vaccination rate 175%
India - deaths 322/mil - vaccination rate 67%
Bangladesh - deaths 166/mil - vaccination rate 32%

Take note: I could also make a claim that vaccinations CAUSE deaths if I didn't have a valid reason to suggest it was ivermectin which PREVENTED deaths.

At $700 per application of the new Merck prophylaxis pill (useful only for prevention or mild to medium cases as an adjunct to vaccines - which ALSO minimizes disease) compared to less than a nickel for ivermectin. The financial incentive to denigrate ivermectin is great.

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CB's picture

@Raggedy Ann
I don't know which video you are referring to. Thanks.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

on this site. Just go to FLCCC and scroll down - you’ll find Kory’s interview. Here’s another good article:

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

CB's picture

@Raggedy Ann
What I meant by posting the headers:

"Revised Meta-analysis Published — Still Positive for IVM"

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Here's the title of the video: Ivermectin vs Merck's new early treatment drug

4 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

6 users have voted.

question everything

CB's picture

There's way too many of us and we are destroying the planet big time. The SARS-CoV2 global pandemic has given the elite a VERY powerful tool to exact sweeping changes. It's now time to initiate The Great Cleansing er Reset.

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snoopydawg's picture

From the article:

Trigger alert: This article may upset those who care about other human beings.

Why, when the litany of studies have been published on the efficacy of off-label use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, has the media been silent or hostile to the published studies? When meta-analyses find that the studies - both randomized clinical trials and observational studies - spanning the range of prophylaxis, mild, moderate and severe COVID-19 support immediate adoption for early treatment using ivermectin especially - why in the world is Merck’s molnupirvir interim analysis given the spotlight?

Slow Down, People. The Molnupirvir Study is ONE Study (And It’s Not Even a Study) In Non-Hospitalized People Without HIV, Hepatitis or Liver Disease. And the Hospitalized Patients - They’re Found in A SECOND, BURIED Study.

Before we get too excited about molnupirvir, let’s remember that there are 29 studies on ivermectin and 32 studies on hydroxychloroquine totaling over 26,000 and 54,000 patients combined, respectively.


Merck and NIH allowed 14.1% of people in the control arms to develop severe COVID-19 and die with no treatment. None. Just placebo. How did the NIH and the FDA let this happen in the face of the evidence of efficacy of early treatment? How could they?

Because that’s the standard of care for early COVID-19: go home, incubate, get sick, and die if you must. But don’t call us until you are seriously ill.

Was this even a serious attempt at a study?

Notably, none of the actual data from the trial is posted to (See FDA and NIH let clinical trial sponsors keep results secret and break the law ).

Well there you have it. A new wonder drug that has been fast tracked for use even though the trial was inadequate and looks like lots of information from it has been buried against the rules. Or law.

I know nothing about this site, but here’s an article on this wonder drug.

Molnupiravir was developed for the treatment of Influenza. According to whistleblower complaint Molnupiravir has mutagenic properties and may change your DNA. Now, Molnupiravir has been repurposed for COVID-19. Merck has entered into agreements with Indian manufacturers and has also announced $5 million of donations to enter into Indian market. Here is all you need to know about Merck’s Covid pill Molnupiravir.
In April 2020, Rick Bright, who was removed as head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) before the approval of the drug, submitted a whistleblower complaint asserting that Ridgeback pressured BARDA to provide funding to manufacture EIDD-2801 despite Bright’s concerns that similar drugs in its class have mutagenic properties.

A previous company, Pharmasset, that had investigated the Molnupiravir’s active ingredient had abandoned it over similar concerns.

In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that permanently changes genetic material, usually DNA, in an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level.

As many mutations can cause cancer, such mutagens are therefore carcinogens, although not all necessarily are. All mutagens have characteristic mutational signatures with some chemicals becoming mutagenic through cellular processes.

Hopefully more articles on it will be found and we can see more about this. The FDA has approved many drugs that looked like they worked well, but then as time passed they were found to cause more problems than they fixed. Vioxx caused heart attacks which was known before given authorization. Chantrix for smoking caused cancer and the most recent drug that they approved was for Alzheimer’s, but it actually failed trials because it didn’t actually help. Oh well just rewrite a few words and woela it works again. 2-3 doctors on the advisory board quit over that kerfla.

10 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Raggedy Ann's picture

@snoopydawg . I just posted the same article for CB.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11


Robert Malone: I investigate the source he is using. Last time my research took me to a very questionable site that was rated very high for right wing influence.

This time the substack writer this article comes from is a man named James Lyons-Weiler (substack name is popular rathionalism). James Lyons-Weiler has been writing anti-vax stuff for a while now (before covid). One of the "studies" he published was on the presence of aluminum in vaccines. His study was roundly slammed. One source on this issue is here...


And so, I continue to find Robert Malone a highly questionable source for discussions on Covid treatment.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

Since you have made up your mind on ivermectin I see no further use to engage with you. As for where people get their information it’s been accepted here to use right wing sites. Fox News hosts many people from the left because MSDNC and CNN won’t have them on. Greenwald has pointed out that is why he goes on it. I frequently use articles from zero hedges and even RT and others. Gasp..Russia Today. Same thing goes with those sites. Many people think they are fully right wing sites, but they host writers from other sites that the ‘left' finds acceptable.

Malone seems to trigger you for some reason, but his work is well known and accepted by many. I will continue listening and reading what he has to say. Again no offense intended and I’m not asking you to stop commenting. I believe that ivermectin works well as do other treatments. If I happen to catch the Rona I will take them. As I’ve said I cannot get vaccinated with the current vaccines. Those treatments might save my life and keep me from having more life long issues.

Be well, fish.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg an impressive scientific background, particularly in vaccines. Last I saw he was being hired by major Pharma entities for consulting purposes on upcoming vaccines. Apparently he's good enough for them.

Ditto for Dr Kory, also under attack here. Solid ICU specialist, actually on the frontlines treating Covid patients for well over a year, trying to achieve good outcomes rather than sitting back passively and waiting for safe and effective vaccines to come along, which, as it turned out, still haven't arrived.

I don't find ad hom attacks against either to be very persuasive, and they are usually a sign of weakness as the attacking side surveys its weak substantive position.

RW sites and media outlets: you don't have to have a PhD in Media Communications to observe accurately that the liberal establishment media and social platforms have been completely captured and are in cahoots with Big Pharma and Big Public Health Agencies and so have effectively blocked all voices and views not conforming to the identical BP/BPHA script. Thus the dissenters must go where they must go, to Fox and occasionally to more colorful venues on that side of the spectrum.

Sorta like with Russiagate. GG and a few other were only invited to Fox and so there they went. But, even Bernie and Obama went on Fox.

8 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02

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QMS's picture


Used to be you see what you want to see
and hear what you want to hear
Now it goes deeper
You see what the ptb wants you to see
and hear likewise.

5 users have voted.

question everything

@CB And I like the N Tesla reference.

Where do you find this stuff? ; )

5 users have voted.

of Dr. Paul Merik. He covers many points that we have been discussing. Some of these points are:
the safety of Ivermectin, the number of adverse effects and deaths from vaccine, the role of WHO, and FDA in lying to the public, the ethics of having a randomized control trial in the middle of a pandemic, the role of big Pharma, and the use of off-label drugs.

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


in the video.

Good listen..thanks for posting it.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg , how often "unethical" pops up. It is also very sad. I would imagine that many of these front-line clinicians are repulsed by the administrators that pull the strings in their field.

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magazine still finds Kory, Marik and company troublesome in terms of valid science.

Note the part on Marik's cocktail for sepsis.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 @Fishtroller 02 , there has been a recognition that even the most "prestigious" scientific and medical journals have been compromised and corrupted. I cited a story about this just the other day.

The salient part of this article is here:

the drug companies are able to deceive doctors about the safety and effectiveness of their drugs. The gist of the story is that the sources that doctors rely on for information are effectively compromised by their ties to the industry. For example, the FDA committees that make recommendations on a drug’s approval typically include members who have received payments from the company whose drug they are evaluating.
This turns out to be the same for medical journals, which often run articles where the referees and editors do not have full access to the clinical trial data on which they are based. And, researchers at universities and other non-profit institutions are heavily dependent on grants from the pharmaceutical industry.

This issue of the corruption in science and medicine has been noted many times on C99 with a plethora of examples.

Your argument is absolutely weak when you say "Scientific American magazine still finds Kory, Marik and company troublesome in terms of valid science".

Why should I accept Scientific American Magazine's notions about who is troublesome? What is the proof?

11 users have voted.

@randtntx and thx for the c-punch article. The big journals, peer reviewed ones included, are not immune from undue influence from powerful quarters.

Re the SA piece, or hit piece, it's just another example (a previously cited Atlantic hit piece is another) of one-sided propaganda wrapped in a cloak of media gravitas. Unless I missed something, Dr Marik was not contacted by the author for his response on the sepsis sideshow, nor were any FLCCC doctors interviewed on IVM. The author had a goal in mind, to trash IVM while questioning how any reasonable person could possibly question these vaccines. It's just the print version of what Rachel Maddow dishes out nightly on these issues.

10 users have voted.

@wokkamile , and the glaring clue for that is right in the title when they describe these doctors as a "Fringe Doctors' Group". They are being derogatory, and dismissive right out of the box. Classic "othering" and smearing before they even attempt to make their case. That is not how you set up an intellectual argument that is premised on respecting the other group as equals.

5 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
and designed to show failure. It is a disingenuous corporate hit piece. (It is also not the first one that SA has been involved in.)

The study shown is for Septic Shock. But Marik says his prophylaxis MUST be given early at the first sign of sepsis in a patient to PREVENT septic shock. It can also be given in a home environment to improve outcome instead of waiting until you are so sick you have to go to the hospital. There is little doctors can do once the disease takes hold. That's why Septic Shock still remains one of the most dangerous factors which kills people today.

Septic Shock

Septic shock is the final, most severe form of sepsis and also the most difficult to treat. Patients in septic shock are often called the “sickest patients in the hospital,” as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work to save them from long-lasting complications or death.

People are more likely to develop sepsis in the community than in the hospital – up to 87% of cases start from infections people contracted at work, school, or home. Sepsis can start gradually, or the symptoms can come on very suddenly. Sepsis must be treated quickly and efficiently as soon as healthcare providers suspect it. If it isn’t recognized and treated quickly, sepsis can progress to severe sepsis and then to septic shock.
When Sepsis Becomes Septic Shock

Sepsis treatment usually requires intravenous (IV) fluids and antibiotics. It is essential that the treatment begin as early as possible. The chance of sepsis progressing to severe sepsis and septic shock, causing death, rises by 4% to 9% for every hour treatment is delayed.

Severe sepsis occurs when one or more of your organs stop working effectively. For example, you could need a ventilator to help you breathe or dialysis to filter toxins from your blood. Any organ can be affected.

People with severe sepsis are already very ill, but if your blood pressure starts to drop, you become even sicker. You go into septic shock. The medical definition of “shock” is a drop or fall in blood pressure. When it is associated with sepsis, it is called septic shock.

One of the best advice the doctors can given is ensure that you are taking the basic vitamin and minerals necessary for good health. Our manufactured McJunk Big-Ag food is making people fatter and less healthy which in turn "feeds" Big Pharma. Anyone who tries to inform is shot down by the bought and paid for media. This includes the internet - big time.

Comparative effects of vitamin D and vitamin C supplementations with and without endurance physical activity on metabolic syndrome patients: a randomized controlled trial
Published: 08 November 2018

We conclude that, consumption of vitamin D or vitamin C supplements may improves the life of metabolic syndrome patients. However, the combination of physical activities and vitamin supplements maximize the effect, and this combination should be recommended.

BTW, as I have said several times before to you, the failure of a meta study doesn't mean the automatic failure of the individual studies. Plus, there is plenty or real-world studies that can be done in nations that have used inexpensive prophylaxis before or at first sign of disease. The problem is that only well financed Big-Pharma have the millions to fund large studies on ivermectin or any other inexpensive drugs for off-label use.

Big-Pharma have a significant disincentive to do so.

A likely new treatment for Covid-19 was made possible by government-funded innovation
Oct. 5, 2021
Before it was tested for Covid-19, EIDD-2801 had accrued millions of dollars of federal funding. In 2019, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) gave the Emory Institute for Drug Development a $16 million contract to test the drug for influenza. It had previously garnered funding from several other NIAID grants, as well as funding from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), as disclosed by Emory. When attention turned to Covid-19, Emory received pledges of more than $30 million from NIAID and the Department of Defense to cover development of the drug.
Merck eventually backed Ridgeback and took on development of the drug. Molnupiravir then received even more federal funding: In September 2021, BARDA procured 1.7 million courses of the five-day regimen for $1.2 billion, or $700 per treatment course.
Federal support for innovation is essential for biopharma innovation and has been critical for fighting the pandemic. The rapid development of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 demonstrate that federal agencies can enhance the role of the state in coordinating public and private sectors. The underlying technology of mRNA vaccines has a long history of public funding for research that can be traced back to NIH funding in the 1990s. Between 2002 and 2020, the NIH spent nearly $700 million on research funding for the technology underpinning these vaccines. Since then, several countries have invested billions of dollars into research on mRNA vaccines.

Why do you keep gnawing on this meatless bone?

Do you have a vested interest? I have one. I don't intend to sit around and get sick and have to wait at home twiddling my thumbs until such time I get sick enough they will admit me to hospital - w or w/o the fucking jab.

4 users have voted.
mimi's picture

was the best suggestion and solution he made to deal with the damn information.

It is so nice to avoid reading its content or to read it all in one place concentrated.

Ok, with Ray Charles, I don't need a doctor and avoid to have to deal with them. Wink

Stay healthy, if you can, and have a good one.

4 users have voted.
QMS's picture

would get better minnows in another format?
This is why we separate The Dose from the rest of the dope.

7 users have voted.

question everything


It's just the latest Covid news, but only on one side of the issue?

I didn't realize that.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

QMS's picture

@Fishtroller 02

If masks protect you and others then it
makes sense to wear one.
This is a separate thread to express
one's understanding of Covid issues.
Some would argue opinions and present
supporting evidence. We, unfortunately, are living thru
a 'variable degree of truths' episode. Contradictions are rife.
Trying to understand other opinions goes both ways.

8 users have voted.

question everything


the questions of Covid treatments etc. I constantly see sources and personas offered up as experts on this topic who are firmly in the anti-vax/pro IVM camp and who have very questionable connections and backgrounds. I see false information about the Covid vaccines and/or IVM as a treatment presented. When I see this, I present opposing information with links. I follow links and videos that others present unless it is just a repetition of the same info over and over again. I don't use personal insults. And yet, I am the one being asked to back off. So how am I suppose to interpret this?

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

QMS's picture

@Fishtroller 02

I have no argument with any of that.
Guess I meant to preclude animosity.
Charge ahead, by all means.
Strictly speaking, when posters care not to engage
with whatever opinions are presented, generally
there is not a strong pushback
if you can see the response, or lack thereof
it is an indication to the degree of acceptance
with your stance
we are trying not to argue the intricacies of ideas
so much as to share common knowledge

2 users have voted.

question everything


I hear what you are saying. However, when the common knowledge is based in error, it doesn't help any of us. Also, if vigorous rebuttal of information presented is taken as "animosity" then there is a blockage of clear communication.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

‘Run on Covid money’: Project Veritas VIDEO claims to show Pfizer scientists privately promoting ‘natural immunity’ to virus

An undercover Project Veritas video allegedly showing Pfizer scientists talking about the company running on “Covid money” and the benefits of natural immunity has sparked another heated debate on coronavirus vaccines in the US.

In the latest investigative video from Veritas, one scientist identified as Nick Karl says “natural immunity” to the virus is “probably better” than any vaccination.

Karl says at one point he believes vaccine mandates are a positive thing, though he admits the goal of cities like New York is to make life “inconvenient” for the unvaccinated more than anything else.

“It’s just about making it so inconvenient for unvaccinated people to the point where they’re just like, ‘F**k it, I’ll get it.’ You know?” he says.

6 users have voted.

@CB will keep us from going places, doing things.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

@on the cusp
The drug companies and governments have turned the COVID pandemic into a manufactured crisis for money and its corollary, societal control. The writing is on the wall and TPTB are not going to let this crisis go to waste.

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