Global power is slowly shifting against the American Empire
Losing the war in Afghanistan was an important milestone on the road of our dying empire.
But if you listen closely you can almost hear the death-rattle coming from other places, both near and far.
One place where you can hear it is Mexico.
...the friendship has seen better days.
This is mostly López Obrador’s fault...
López Obrador’s attitude has puzzled experts. While some of the president’s sympathizers on social media pointed to Biden’s protocolary video as proof of a relationship unscathed, others think differently. “López Obrador has been escalating conflicts since June’s midterm election, trying to create discord,” scholar Carlos Bravo Regidor told me.
AMLO certainly has been more confrontational of late, but why do you think it started after June's midterm elections? Hmm?
Could it be because we gave political opposition groups in Mexico $591 million, through CIA-front groups, to try to get Obrador out of power. We failed.
Results from the preliminary electoral count indicate that MORENA will win between 190 and 203 seats in the lower house of Congress known as the Chamber of Deputies, equaling or bettering its result in the presidential election of 2018, when it captured 191. Add this to the range of 35 to 41 seats won by the Workers’ Party (PT) and the 40 to 48 captured by the Greens, and the coalition is set to win somewhere between 265 and 292 seats: a clear majority out of 500. The victory will allow MORENA’s legislative agenda to proceed in tandem with its majority in the Senate, which was not up for election.
Could it be, just possibly, that AMLO didn't like it when we tried to rig Mexico's election, and that he wasn't intimidated?
Since then AMLO has given humanitarian aid to Cuba, when we are busy trying to starve the island. He's hosted a Latin American summit with the stated aim of weakening the Washington-based Organization of American States (OAS). He passed a law that DEA agents will no longer have immunity in Mexico. He's given refuge the Bolivia's president that our U.S. supported, right-wing coup tried to murder.
His biggest crimes is that he has rejected neoliberalism. He's reversed the policies of privatizing Mexico's energy sector, and today he announced moves to start nationalizing Mexico's power market.
So maybe it wasn't a good idea to try and manipulate Mexico's elections.
Another place where our Empire is looking sickly is in Russia.
And what do you know, we recently meddled in Russia's elections too. Our media dedicated a whole four sentences to our meddling.
(Reuters) - Russia summoned U.S. Ambassador John Sullivan on Friday over alleged interference by the United States in an election, Russian agencies TASS and RIA reported, quoting a diplomatic source...
The agencies did not specify which election was discussed. Russia will hold a parliamentary election next week.
While the touchstone of conflict between Russia and the U.S. is Ukraine. The battleground is the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and we've got that in the bag.
Yep, we stopped Nord Stream cold. Chalk up that victory.
Wait, what? How did that happen?
But let's take a step back to address a directly related issue - Turkstream. While Russia was building Nord Stream 2, against the demands of Poland and Ukraine, it built and completed the Turkstream pipeline through the Black Sea.
And today it went online.
Russia’s Gazprom said it has started transporting gas to Hungary and Croatia on Friday via the TurkStream pipeline.
Russian gas supplies via the TurkStream pipeline to Hungary have irked Ukraine, which is now deprived of part of transit revenues and also can no longer import reverse flow gas from Hungary.
Ukraine screamed about no longer getting free gas and money from pipelines going through their country. Ukraine called on the United States and Germany to impose sanctions on Russia because it made a legal business deal with Hungary. Hungary told them to stop meddling in Hungary's domestic politics. (where have I heard that before?)
Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to put immense political pressure on Europe to not use the $11 Billion Nord Stream pipeline. So Russia has done exactly what anyone in their situation would do.
Russian gas supplies via the Yamal-Europe pipeline fell on Friday by almost 77% from Thursday, according to data from grid operator Gascade, as Kremlin-controlled Gazprom booked only a third of its available capacity for October.
Now Russiaphobes will scream about this, but Putin made certain that the solution is easy and only requires Europe to live up to its agreement.
The only losers here are Ukraine, Poland, and the U.S. Empire.
Nearly a decade of crippling sanctions on Russia have actually made Russia stronger. It forced it to replace imported goods with domestic goods.
The share of the oil and gas industry in Russia’s economy declined to 15 percent in 2020, down from 19.2 percent in 2019, according to a first such assessment published by the Russian statistics agency Rosstat.
Back in 2018, this share was even higher than in 2019, at 21.1 percent
Remember how critics of Russia like to portray it's economy as nothing but a gas station for the world? Well now the share of oil and gas in its economy is more in line with Canada's or Norway's.
The sanctions forced Russia's economy to adapt, and now it's economy is more diverse.
As for Russia's economy overall, Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) rose 10.9% year-on-year in May, and is expected to grow about 4% for the rest of the year. Plus the government is expected to run a surplus, which will allow it to spend on infrastructure, education and health.
Finally, it's strong credit outlook cannot be denied.
The U.S. has been losing influence in Europe for several years now. Europe created Instex a few years ago to avoid sanctions on Iran.
But the big surprise was when the EU decided to part ways with our Venezuela policy.
The European Union has dropped its recognition of Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's interim president after he lost his position as head of its parliament.
This isn't exactly a bold brave stand. It's more like a reluctant admission of reality.
But what it does do is it opens the door to diplomacy with the actual government of Venezuela.
The reality is that the members of the Coalition For A Coup have been quietly slipping out the backdoor for months.
However, the press statement issued by the US State Department and GAC is notable because of the dwindling number of ally countries that are now “committed to the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.” What used to be a long list of more than 50 nations is now down to just 19

I have spent a fair amount of time living in Mexico between 1990 and 2000. My late husband was a very early expert at installing fiber optic cables. His company offered us a good deal of money along with free pretty much everything to do with living to go down so he could teach Mexican linemen to work with it. He ran the operation laying cable from Mexico City to Puebla then onto Oaxaca. I can say with certainty that the average Mexican is nobodies fool. What their president did is typical behavior when they feel mistreated. No anger no harsh words they just get even. I can also say that being there for 6 months at a time looking back at our country was weird. From a distance we look like we are all crazy hamsters endlessly running in our wheels.
I don't live too far away...
Japan's another possibility I've been eyeing - seriously, why should I care more about/be on the hook for what goes on in/comes out of the Deep South/Tidewater/Tornado Alley than either of the countries that made Silicon Valley so much of what it really is (hell, let's not forget Tonga!)?
Some of them, I assume, assume some of us are good people.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Newtonian politics
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It keeps happening as it has for thousands of years, yet the oligarchs NEVER see it coming.
Maybe it's because they have no sense of humor? I genuinely think that a sense of humor is an essential faculty for understanding the universe; you cannot be intelligent or even moral without one, and I am 100% serious when I say the DSM should start including humorlessness as a pathology on par with suicidal depression and psychopathy.
Anyway, here's hoping this WILL lead to proper Justice for Morgoth and its human Ring-Wraiths (Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Biden, Clinton, Petraeus, Pompeo, Clapper, Prince...well, there's more than 9, and that's not even to mention all the mostly-domestic and corporate monsters and just all the various and sundry cumulative trash that'd have died unknown in a functional society, but it's a good start, right?).
In my heart of hearts, I love my country; but with countries (unlike individuals), it's got to be that archaic frontier tough-love that demands the country fetch you a stick for you to beat it with.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I am all for balancing gas prices, because ours
in Germany are way too high for the little people. Thanks for the essay, too much information in it for me to ingest right now, but I will come back.
Have a nice weekend.
Russia has become
the world's leading exporter of wheat during the Putin era, following the agricultural decline during the Yeltsin era, and in spite of sanctions.
Russia is also the leading supplier of non GMO
grains and seed oils since Putin banned GMO in Russia. They also have other advantages:
Meanwhile Ukraine's land is going to be
usedabused by American GMO crops and chemicals.Monsanto
is one tip of the pitchfork thrust through the heart of the Ukrainian people. At least the children of Ukraine will not be effected, as their school lunches have been eliminated by the IMF.
In other words, FASCISM on a plate.
Great essay!
Thanks for writing this. The American Century has ended. We're still dangerous, of course, as dying empires often go on a rampage. But it's good to see other countries asserting themselves.
Too much being read into the Afghan withdrawal
Our phony wars are never meant to be won. Korea ended at the same borders it started. My first clue in history class that these were phony wars.
Vietnam. Empire didn't miss a beat.
It is worse now than ever and Afghanistan isn't slowing them down.