RIP: The constitution (1776-2021)
Constitution Dies Of Coronavirus
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 10, 2021
Constitution Dies Of CoronavirusAccording to sources at the National Archives, doctors rushed the United States Constitution to the hospital and were forced to hook the document up to a ventilator after it began having trouble breathing Sunday afternoon.
The document reportedly slipped into a coma en route to the emergency room and was in critical condition for many hours. Doctors confirmed the worst: the founding document of our nation was infected with the novel coronavirus. Finally, surrounded by one or two mourners, as most people in Washington abandoned it a long time ago, it slipped away Sunday night.
"Between both political parties constantly trampling all over the Bill of Rights and stretching and distorting the Constitution for political gain whenever it's convenient, I just don't know how much more abuse it could have taken," said one doctor as he pronounced the Constitution's time of death: 20:20, ironically.
The 232-year-old Constitution has had its share of health scares, nearly being killed in the 1860s, the 1930s and 40s, and the early 2000s, but medical experts say this last crisis was just more than it could take.
"It had many underlying conditions, of course, already being incredibly sick with Obamacare, Obergefell, Roe v Wade, the Patriot Act, and many more diseases," said the doctor. "But it's still sad to see this old boy pass on."
The Constitution's close relatives, including the Declaration of Independence, simply asked for Americans to send "thoughts and prayers" during this time of mourning.

Visitors to the National Archives website looking for the US founding documents are now greeted with labels warning of ‘harmful language’. It isn’t clear when the tags were added, but the move has angered some Republicans.
“Harmful Language Alert” labels can be found on pages displaying the scanned versions of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as the first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights.
It was no joke, however. The link on the label leads to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) statement on “potentially harmful content,” defined as reflecting “racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes” or being “discriminatory towards or exclude diverse views on sexuality, gender, religion, and more,” among other criteria.
The archivists are told to inform the users about the presence and origin of such “harmful content,” update descriptions with “more respectful terms” and make “an institutional commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.”
It was unclear when the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were labeled as potentially harmful. Back in July, during its traditional reading of the Declaration on the anniversary of its adoption – July 4, 1776 – National Public Radio added a disclaimer for the very first time, saying that “the words in the document land differently” after “last summer’s protests and our national reckoning on race.”

A biofascist coup has occurred.
America is on it's way out - I told you guys America is having it's Pluto return - death and rebirth. What will this country be re-born into? Will states secede? I bought a giant bag of popcorn at costco yesterday - just in time!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The smoking gun on Anthony Fauci?
Not exactly on the constitutional death but ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I saw that article
wsws, let's mandate vaccines but no other precautionary measures except for hygiene theatre.... It's a policy that is only destined for failure, well I should say success for the pharmaceutical companies but unnecessary deaths for Americans.
"Poison the channels
of public information"....check. Violate everything stated in that segment of the Nurenberg Code....check. Use the FDA to protect big drug companies instead of holding them to account...check.
There is a book about that American lawyer who fought tooth and nail to get important elements of law included in the Nurenberg Code. I meant to read it a long time ago and never did. Now I don't remember what the name of that book was.
Wonder how Jackson who was the judge of the Nuremberg trials
felt about us bringing some of the worst Nazi scientists here instead of putting them on trial? As Pluto stated that hasn’t worked out in our best interests very well has it? Guess the Israelis didn’t have much of a problem with it either. As they said, the victors wire the rules.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Fauci is impervious and untouchable
Director of NIAID since 1984, Fauci has been responsible for where and how billions of federal dollars get spent every year in the 37 years he has now headed the agency.
He is the medical equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover who was also impervious and untouchable while running the FBI for 48 years.
And, like Hoover before him, Fauci, now 79, will also die in office.
I believe Fauci had something to do with creating the SARS-CoV-2
and allowing it to get firmly established in the US. I think the Wuhan Lab as the source is a red herring to lead us away from the true source. China was set up to be a patsy to take the blame for the outbreak through the actions of Fauci and Peter Daszak. I'm sure the Chinese figured it out quick enough. They put their nation on a war footing and pulled all the stops to protect their nation. After all, they had already suffered epidemics that had decimated their food supply in the previous three years under extremely questionable circumstances.
On the other hand, the US did the polar opposite of what China was doing to prevent the spread of the disease throughout their country to protect their citizens. Less than 5,000 have died in a country that has almost 4 times the population. You will see that China led the way and did NOT attempt to hide the situation. The only 'delays' were ensuring that the information they were putting out was correct. Once they had the facts they responded with force.
On the other hand, Fauci did everything he could to downplay the dangers of virus as well as cover for the lack of testing in the first critical months. This created the very conditions for the spread of the virus to take hold both in the US and around the world because many nations were watching the US response. I recall Fauci standing by Trump's side and not saying a word while the President downplayed the dangers of the viral outbreak. Trump wasn't capable of doing that on his own. He was fed this information by some of his advisors and Fauci was complicit by his own public comments at this time. Trump was just the mouthpiece for those who had his ear. We know that Fauci is not afraid to speak his own mind as is very apparent with his public stances in the preceding 36 years while he was Director of NIAID. He cannot say that Trump overruled him.
Brings to mind both Pearl Harbour and 9/11.........
Could have happened
I’ve seen a few articles about how the virus has been altered and includes the HIV that causes AIDS in it. No idea where I’ve seen it, but if it’s true then it makes things look suspicious. Both Trump and Fauci did allow the virus to go unchecked for some time as did the governors who let international flights continue. It wasn’t just Fauci who said that surgical masks were useless because the virus isn’t stopped by them. Biden’s surgeon general has said it more than once and that’s a year after we’ve been using them. And not once did anyone in charge talk about the things people could do to be more healthy. Just vitamins alone could have made a difference. Also people were sent home to infect more of their families instead of being sent to a hotel or somewhere to quarantine alone with help with food and stuff like many countries did.
Bottom line for me is that every person who could have done something saw how quickly it got bad in China and yet did nothing to prevent it from happening here. Too many people were considered essential workers and there’s the stories of meat factories not providing PPE for the workers. How long did hospital workers deal with no PPE and used garbage bags instead of sterile gowns? I suppose that list could go on and on. No testing for months, no defense authorization orders to get supplies made or to keep supplies moving. How much food got dumped in fields and that list could go on too. No real financial support outside of our outdated unemployment systems countrywide and too many people unable to get any.
Mnuchin held on to the money for small businesses and so many had to close permanently. Congress only bitched at him for that 2 weeks after it expired. The huge transfer of wealth right off the bat before companies were actually in dire straits whilst congress fiddled for a year or so to get money to people and actually not enough so people could pay mortgages and rents.
During the event 201 when Gates and others imagined a worldwide pandemic from the corona virus there were no real doctors at it and one thing they said must happen was to transfer money upwards ASAP, but framed differently. I’ll look for the article. Airlines, banks, the Catholic Church ect could have sold stock to get the money they needed but they didn’t have to.
Lots of what we’re seeing and doing was planned by that group.
Hey if it has spots on it we don’t have to think lions.
Speaking of 9/11 is this just jet fuel burning or was it incendiary bombs going off? How did building 7 actually collapse when it was only on fire? And why did a British news anchor say it had fallen 20 minutes before it actually did? Grenfil that burned the whole building is still standing. And why were FBI reports about the movement of the terrorists ignored and how did Mohammad Atta's passport not burn up when everyone and everything else did and just happened to be conveniently found on top of the rubble? How did people on flight 93 make phone calls before it was possible to do so? Operation Northwoods was a plan that actually did happen.
As for Pearl Harbor why did they move all the newer ships away just before the attacks? Why did the government not take the warnings of an attack seriously?
Lots of interesting coincidences in way too many things that happened that then had bad results for us afterwards. Biden wrote the patriot act before it was needed. Remember that the CIA made up the word conspiracy theory to throw us off the track of what’s happening..
Who killed Kennedy? Did Epstein take his own life?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Interesting timing....
If Bin Laden did die in December 2001 then who's body got dumped in the ocean and what really happened to seal team 6 where most members on the OBL op died in a copter crash?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It will come out.
The answers lie in the vaccine patents and the original research that flourished in 2003.
I did a diary about that 07/15/2021
Nothing about the "novel" coronavirus is new:
Indeed. It is only thru patents and stock options that these people can make immense profits from their work.
Every drug that the CDC has authorized for use with SARS-CoV-2 are ones currently manufactured under patent. I find it impossible to believe that not one of the hundreds of drugs that are off patent could be beneficial to treat a coronavirus. I also find it revealing that none these drugs have even been allowed to be tested for their efficacy.
To date we have only the authorized patented vaccines and Remdesivir (which has been proven to be not efficacious). Many new drugs are currently being developed and patented. As I see it, this pandemic has been a money maker form day one.
Rampant greed by sociopaths cannot be satiated.
I believe that this scenario will occur again before 2025 with a new and more deadly pathogen especially as China escaped grave harm unlike the US. China is now reporting no new cases after several in the single digits. As of Aug. 22, mainland China has recorded a total 94,652 confirmed cases, with a death toll of 4,636, unchanged since late January. It has also been shown that China did not hide information as was alleged by the US media.
I saw your essay on the patents.
I did one as well, although I did not publish it.
Two of the patents were pulled down and classified 48 hours after I began.
Along the same theme
Here's an excellent conversation between Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic (Land Destroyer Report) on how the US has been manipulating the narrative on a global scale in it's quest for global hegemony.
This is a very important interview.
Readers: Those of you who watch from 27:15 to 39:30 (and beyond, if you dare) will discover the very core of what all Americans are missing about the terrible evil that the US is committing in the world. This interview exposes the truth about the US-supported, non-Chinese Yughur terrorists (ETIM), who are the head-chopping butchers of the Middle East hired by the US. And it exposes the lies about the Chinese Yughurs — who themselves were attacked and killed by the US-supported Yughers from Turkey. These witnesses and reporters explain why they are trying to get the truth out to Americans and the West, and the personal sacrifices they make to do this.
In the long run, I don't think it is going to matter. I just don't. The brain damage from this propaganda is wide spread in the US, and throughout the White world. The White world is dangerously damaged and their insanity is beyond salvation. Their delusional communist fixation and reactionary death-wish is a prime example of their madness. They are prepared to destroy the world if they cannot get their way.
But, If you could see the truth and experience the reality of what the rest of the world knows about the US — some of you — you would be doing the same thing.
At the very least, pass it on.
It will be refreshing not to be the sole voice
...calling for a modern Constitution.
Now that everyone knows where the old slave-owner's constitution lands us. It has betrayed us at every turn, denied us human rights, made civil rights revokable, and set no standards for cruel and unusual punishment. Its flaws run deep.
Corruption can run amok when you deny a population, like US citizens, basic human rights, like health care:
There can be little wonder why the US Government hates The WHO, and tries to smear and demonize it at every turn.