New Zealand is a Police State
Submitted by NYCVG on Thu, 09/09/2021 - 8:04am Zealand
Coming soon? Yesterday Caucus 99 discussed Australia. NZ has taken it a step further, it seems.

Ha Ha
This reminds me of the simpleton color alerts
junior bush's admin put in place
believe it was intended to keep us afraid of
terrists or some such
seems the rulers are keen to keep the lockdown
threat in play there
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Well, I hope all those rich
fucks - who are running away from us 99% - enjoy living in their police state!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Little Changes if You Are Rich
Lockdowns and price gouging and lack of anything that ordinary folks fret over, is not their concern. Money fixes mostly everything. The expensive buildings will have their own air and water filtration systems and generators.
Only an EMP will ruffle rich feathers. But by then, they may be safe in their bunkers.
Draconian perhaps but...
NZ has dealt with this more effectively than most. They've had 18 deaths attributed to COVID.

Let's see, handle lock down a bit longer and stop progression or open up like the US and UK?

We're number one! USA USA!
Islands are better able to control the introduction and spread. As to Australia, I'm afraid community spread means more cases and deaths...the cat is out of thebag. NZ may be able to stop the progression? Time will tell.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Effective? ok. so far.
Or are we convinced that the variants cannot do that?
Personally, I am more confused than ever. The enormous load of information has not left me with any clarity.
But lockdowns will cause more business losses and continuing losses to any personal freedom we have left. What a price to pay for an uncertain assurance that Covid can be stopped.
not to mention that imho, the vaccine is killing me.
The US and NZ are in very different situations
NZ is catching up on vaccinations, and since they can effectively trace and contact, they are in a very different situation. It appears to me US policy is to let Delta rip through the population. Chances are if you're vaxed you will likely have mild or no you in turn spread your viral load.
Are you still having symptoms from your vax? That doesn't sound right. FLCCC has a protocol for vaxed folks having issues.
And if there are those fearful of IVM due to the MSM hysteria, listen to Chris explain this safety study (or just read it yourself)
Bottom line, IVM is safer than aspirin.
Hope you get to feeling better!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you,
But, I decided not to put anything new into my system because anything that anybody says will no longer assure me that it is safe for me. Safe and safe for me are not the same thing.
My path is Vitamin D, plenty of fluids, sunshine, exercise when I can, rest when I relapse, and follow the healthy path that got me to here. Until my second shot of Pfizer.
No exit
There is simply no exit strategy for what New Zealand and some other countries
have been pursuing unless they somehow employ permanent isolation from the
rest of the world or effective and 'perfect' vaccines that actually clear the virus and
provide broad and robust immunity become available.
Even the Australian PM the other day acknowledged that getting cases to zero is impossible.
Dr. John Campbell - who has covered the pandemic with near-daily reports for more than a year (and who is pro-vax) now says that we have to assume that *everyone* is going to be exposed to one or another of the variants at some point.
The authoritarian proclivities of Ardern and her crew were evident before Covid came along - the gun-grab after the mosque massacre one example. As I understand it, simple possession of the manifesto of the (Australian) shooter is good for six or seven years in prison there. Most likely because it reveals him to have been a CCP-admiring leftist rather than the right-wing racist he was portrayed as in the media.
Ardern and Oregon's Kate Brown so resemble one another in appearance and their authoritarian ways I've started to have this recurring nightmare about there being a warehouse full of them somewhere...
In France we had the only travel 1-3k limit, pre printed forms
to fill out the nature of our car journey (attestations), all of the limitations mentioned above and more. 6pm curfew each night, essential travel only, no market days, outside with your dog only. There were more but can't remember them all. And they have changed throughout the last eighteen months.
Our biggest loss has been our involvement with our Petit Chœr de Viry-Charolles. It was huge in our life here.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Aux armes, citoyens!
If it comes to that. Meantime, to the streets and malls..
Louis, Louis time?
It's a NWO, fuck em
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Ermagerd lockdowns on a doomed planet!
Here in the US we are FREE to choose the death cult of our choice. Mask or don't mask; vaccinate or don't vaccinate; probably businesses asked to enforce mandates will not do so. The end-result will be that climate change will create the weather phenomena that will destroy us. You can do it at home or away.
There were some anti-mask, anti-vaccine protests along Biddle Road in Medford, Oregon yesterday afternoon. A "Biden sucks" flag at the south end of the protest line set a tone. Mostly drivers like myself just drove our cars past them without so much as blinking. So there's freedom for you. You get the endless for-profit wars and the predatory health insurance system -- no choice there. You can vote for the death cult of your choice: (R) or (D), take your pick. You can save up your pennies to buy a home you'll never be able to afford because real estate costs have jumped out of sight, or maybe what you want to do is incur lifelong debt by getting college degrees. Choice! Hurray!
When do we get to that part of the conversation where we start to figure out how not to have a doomed planet?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Let's leave the kiwis alone
Is the goal to minimize COVID deaths? Then the kiwis are doing pretty well.
Is the goal promoting personal liberties at all costs? then the kiwis may be screwing up massively. But still doing pretty great wrt COVID deaths…
In any event, NZ is not my country, and I have no say in what they choose to do about COVID. Come to that, I have no say in my own country about what we (in the most ludicrous sense of "we") do about COVID.
So what is our point here? Are we supposed to sneer at the kiwis for taking what appears (rationally) to be appropriate and effective action in this situation?
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
The point?
We can certainly sympathize with anyone having to live under an authoritarian dictatorship (well, less so if they were lame enough to go along with or invite it in when they should have known better).
And we can view as a cautionary tale how one of the freest societies in the world can be reduced to such a condition in such short order over what is, after all, a disease now known to be treatable and survivable for the vast majority of people. And consider how far down the path to that *we* are on.
You can't comply your way out of tyranny.
I have to ask
I assume NZ but who knows without asking. Even then Kiwis are reported as being mostly on board with the restriction scheme. The ones I have known are a stoutly independent lot but also have a fierce sense of community and unity.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
From my perspective
of living here the past 25 years, your impressions seem quite accurate.
Yes, I was referring to New Zealand
as one of the freest societies.
Not sure who is doing the reporting, there - you may well be correct, although it is certainly not unanimous.
Similar experience here, in general. As in Canada, high general level of social capital and trust in institutions - which can backfire if those in charge of the institutions take advantage of that trust for nefarious ends.
As for being on board with the restriction scheme, you can be on board with being a slave, but it won't change your status. And if you are enslaved, deciding that you are not on board with it will not, by itself, change your status either.
It is a critical step in the right direction, though.
Just so you don't think NZ is all bad ...
Highly recommended weekend entertainment!
Next time...
...maybe someone should discuss Sweden?
While we're at it, maybe we should all receive a refresher on how evolution works, because it's not just the Red-Staters who have lost their comprehension of science and reason anymore.
Evolutionary theory is essential to defeating diseases - and it's a case where PROPER "social Darwinism" is just as important. Without difference, no diversity - and the top-down one-size-fits-all global-shepherding approach (AKA "tyranny"), WHICH PRETTY MUCH COMES WITH THE TERRITORY OF AN L-SHAPED WEALTH DISPARITY CURVE, is counter-evolutionary.
DON'T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET, PEOPLE!!! It's the exact same goddamned problem we see in everything from iPhones to monotheism. This, of course, is also the reason space expansion is so vital, regardless of the obstacles. As Stephen Hawking said, there's too many things that can go wrong on a single planet.
Am I conveying my point adequately?
See the cat?
See the cradle?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
"The means are the end in the process of becoming” Gandhi
If that is evolution, then I am all for it. I hope we figure it out before we reach the point of no return.
Nice quote
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
So what happens when a mostly compliant population
gets on board and complies instead of complains and refuses to be part of the community that follows the best recommendations of the medical experts because reasons? News from the past month, 9 August to today (try to not get triggered by all the flip flops):
9 August
22 August
26 August
30 August
1 September
6 August
9 August - today
In February the expectation from the government was that the vaccine would be available in small quantities only and would be reserved for front line medical and essential first responders only. By March there was some hint that a few million doses of Sinovac and maybe Astrazenica could become available but nothing significant until 2022 or even 2023. In April a plan by the outgoing government had been introduced that vaccinated those in frontline medical, fire, police, and other essential personnel. By midmonth an online site to apply for an appointment to be vaccinated finally began working. The target population was those over 65 and those with registered medical issues that made them most vulnerable to the virus. The new president, a failed bank prodigy who I don't trust at all, had managed to somehow do what the outgoing government could not or was too incompetent to do. They found doses of vaccine in huge numbers. (Let the medical experimentation begin! HUZZAH!) In early May, following weeks of silence to my application, I was notified of location, date, and time for my vaccination, vaccine unknown just be there. The new president's plan "9 million in 100 days" took effect in roughly the second week of May. By the end of 100 days 9 million of ~17-18 million residents in Ecuador had been vaccinated.
One of the last links has the official numbers. The program continues. The big deal is that 90-95% of seniors and most vulnerable have been vaccinated and 70% of the country age 16have been at least partially vaccinated. The results are in the links. Not bad for a small third world developing nation. Not bad for a medical experiment that magnetizes folks or injects microchips so Bill Gates can something, something or sterilizes morons (too bad that) or that people don't know what's in it or that was developed too fast or wasn't tested properly and fully approved unlike IVM. (Oh wait. I'm told that last one isn't true. IVM was tested but rejected by most of the first world at least, including third world Ecuador, as ineffective and potentially dangerous. I'm also told that social media, YouTube prophets, and a certified stable genius all disagree. Who to believe.....)
I've yet to hear any complaints from the locals that they are being used for human medical experiments or to fill the pockets of Big Pharma or that the government and medical community are recommending loosening restrictions to drive another wave for fun and profit. Now many have loudly and in large numbers complained about the restrictions imposed as late as June into July. What is in the news are the ones still dying and being hospitalized who willingly chose to ignore medical recommendations, pursue YouTube and social media alternatives, their own so called research, or had been "working on their immune system" (that is, actual human medical experimentation) and don't get vaccinated. Strangely, many in those groups are the geniuses (no word on how stable they think they are) in our expat community including a few friends. Even though they know the same half dozen I know who had breakthrough infections of little consequence. One breakthrough even has a titanium heart valve that puts him in a very high risk category. He only felt like shit for five days and was never hospitalized. I'm so glad the ones who know better than we sheep brought their little piece of 'Murican stupid with them to paradise. Not. I just hope that they don't contrary and freedumb themselves into an early grave. I honestly can't figure out though why I care about them.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
The Programme
vtcc73 -
So what I seem to hear you saying is that if someone wants me to consume their product, which they will not reveal the contents of, place it into my body, most likely irrevocably, in response to a threat that has a 99+% survival rate, for which there are known, effective, low-risk, low-cost, prophylaxes and treatments... and the someone in question has a track record of producing dangerous and/or defective products that have killed or seriously injured many thousands of people, a record of deceptive marketing practices... who will profit from my consumption of their product but who will have no liability whatsoever if it injures or kills me... That the smart, intellectually sound thing to do is to say 'Yeah, sure!' and go ahead and take it.
And that doing your own research - looking up papers, listening to the testimony of prominent doctors, immunologists, virologists, Nobel-winning scientists, paying attention to actual accounts of both survival and bad outcomes is somehow dumb and ignorant.
Please let me know if that is somehow a mischaracterization.
Thank for the local expat-rag links.
From the comments to the Sept. 6 article
That explains things pretty succinctly, I'd say.
Another take on Coronavirus in Ecuador and the country's relationship with Big Pharma -
interview with Dr. Mauricio Quiñónez Mendoza, President of AEMEMI (Association of Ecuadorian Doctors in Integrative Medicine) - and their successful trial (zero fatalities) in the midst of the Guayaquil outbreak, one of the worst to occur anywhere in the course of the pandemic:
(Spanish with not-great subtitles)
Think about this NYCVG
You live on an ‘island’ of 9 million people, 9 miles long. There are 5 million people in NZ, an island 1,000 miles long, with a radius of at least 1,600 miles between itself and a neighbouring land mass. Naturally the strategies are different. I’m not saying they’re better here, because I question them myself, but the issue you pose deserves better consideration than just a headline in Zerohedge.
ps. your link led to a page that said “404 - We couldn't find the content you're looking for."
That title of your essay, NYCVG, sounds like
bullshit to me. Basta.