Let's Make the People as Dumb as Possible and let the Media Handle the Brainwashing
Here's one example of how that works. But you can find examples across all topics that rely on statistics and data. Look closer and you will discover a cover-up for a government policy mistake.

One human cell infected by SARS-CoV-2
Why has the CDC stopped collecting data on breakthrough Covid cases?
The US is stumbling in the dark when it comes to breakthrough cases. Why?
Breakthrough cases – infections among vaccinated people – are happening. These are normal and expected because the vaccines, though all powerfully protective against Covid-19, are not 100% effective. But how many people, and which populations, are having breakthrough infections? And what are the chances they will develop long Covid, the cluster of debilitating symptoms that can last for weeks or even months?
It’s difficult to answer these questions because there’s a dearth of rigorous data on breakthrough cases in the United States. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks only breakthrough cases that lead to hospitalization and death, which it does by gathering data from state health departments. Only 25 states report some data on breakthroughs, and only 15 of those states update it regularly, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state data. Encouragingly, this data suggests that breakthrough cases among the fully vaccinated are extremely rare – well below 1% in states collecting this information. (Note that undercounts are expected, since people with breakthrough infections may not know they are sick or bother to get tested.)
The CDC used to be more thorough in its surveillance of breakthrough cases. It tracked them all between 1 January and 30 April of this year, counting 10,262 in that time frame. But on 1 May, the agency changed its strategy to investigate only breakthrough cases that led to hospitalization or death. “This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” it explained.
There’s no question that learning about hospitalized or fatal breakthrough cases is critical. But it is just as important to know about the ones that don’t – the ones that are asymptomatic but still contagious, those that lead to mild symptoms and, crucially, those that develop into long Covid. Frankly, it is shocking that breakthrough cases that lead to long Covid are not counted among those of “greatest clinical and health importance” to the CDC.
The general public must have this information so they understand how and why to protect themselves, even if they are vaccinated. Vaccine-hesitant people must have it so they can see that the likelihood of breakthroughs is rare because the vaccines are such a powerful shield against new infections. And researchers must have it so that they can understand how the virus is evolving and track any emerging vaccine-resistant variants that may be driving breakthrough cases.
We cannot afford to navigate yet another phase of the pandemic without data to guide our way.
::Read more at the Guardian. The author Yasmin Tayag is a freelance science writer.
This evidence of corrupt negligence at the CDC is probably all the warning that you will get on the immediate need for you to protect yourself to the maximum right now.

is guilty of changing what it says depending on what the oligarchs want. I posted Dr.Chris Mortensen's video on how the CDC changed it's definition of herd immunity to include people who contracted covid resulting in natural immunities plus vaccines to only vaccines produce herd immunity. We are being lied to for profit and control. Period.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Red Flags raised December 2020
By IM Doc, a internal medicine doctor working in a rural hospital in the heartlands
There were many other concerns expressed that went unaddressed. The EUA was approved for three vaccines here in the US. The seemingly willful ‘ignorance’ and paucity of good data on these, and other questions continues to plague our pandemic response to this day.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Current update of the situation from Dr.Robert Malone interview
A well spent 39 minutes. No histrionics, lots of background information on our current vaccines and some important questions about how to proceed addressed head on.
Twitter Interview Link
[sorry I could not figure out how to embed Rumble videos]
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Wait! Back up…
It seemed that the whole point of the quoted article was that complete information is not being provided to the public by the CDC. But then it says
(my bold, and should be "is high" or "is low" anyway.)
But didn't they just say we don't have enough data to make such a definite statement? Smells like propaganda to me…
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Follow the link
...and read the article. The point of the article is that key data is no longer being collected by the CDC. Data that is vital to weighing the efficacy of vaccines and making treatment decisions.
I did, thanx
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
I see what you are saying.
The vaccines promise to protect against serious infections (hospitalizations) and death. That is what the efficacy number relates to. Vaccine efficacy does not refer to stopping infections.
The vaccines teach the body's immune system to recognize signs of SARS-CoV-2 so they can fight it. However, all immunity takes place inside the body and it involves an actual fight with the coronavirus. Immunity only works if you become infected by the virus, even if just for a few minutes. You will only be attacked if the air you breathe contains a lot of virus and you are not wearing a protective mask.
Not all vaccinated bodies are able to fight off the viruses at first. An infection may get the upper hand, but the immune system never stops fighting. The infected person may not feel any symptoms, although they can shed just as much virus as an unvaccinated person who is infected does. Eventually the immune systems of the vaccinated will get the upper hand — but they can still spread Covid-19 to the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike.
The CDC avoided this factual narrative (for all the wrong reasons) — so there is a great deal of misunderstanding and suspicion about the vaccines that will continue, going forward.
The current Delta variant sheds more than 1000 times the amount of virus that the common SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was designed for. More than 90 percent of the infections in the US are now Delta. The infected take in many viral loads at a time. It is harder for the immune system to fight that much virus at once. That's why the vaccinated are more easily infected, for some period of time. Without mass testing, which the US does not practice, there is no way to know the infectious rate of the vaccinated.
Now, the CDC has suddenly decided that it will count the vaccinated who become infected only if they are sick enough to go to the hospital, as the CDC tries to hide from its bad decisions. Thus, the number of vaccinated who become infected do not exist at all in the data. This makes everyone in the US too ignorant and uninformed to properly protect themselves.
I read and understood the article.
Thank you.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Excellent explanation
My personal opinion is that COVID has been politicized by all parties since the beginning thus leading to severe mistrust by the people of both the severity of the pandemic and the efficacy of the vaccines and of face masks.
Anecdotally, I personally know of over one dozen people who have tested positive for COVID 19 ranging in age from 28 to over 90. So far, everyone I know who has gotten this disease has survived Two had no overt symptoms, several had mild to moderate symptoms, and four had more severe symptoms, including three whose symptoms persisted for months. Not one of these people was vaccinated because they all contracted COVID before the vaccine was widely available. I personally do not know of any break through infections among vaccinated people I know
So while some folks here are hesitant to become vaccinated, I hope they will at least wear a mask when out in public. Masks offer some protection to the wearer and more protection to those around them. The greater the number of people who mask, regardless of vaccination status, the greater protection we all will have from this horrible disease.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good advice,
regardless of your vaccination status or your opinion of the ultimate usefulness of current vaccines.
Let’s hope future vaccines are more robust and promising repurposed drugs for minimizing transmission and for prevention are put to work without further delay.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Your take is absolutely the right one.
This is ultimately about policy. Public Health loses credibility with every step they take. The situation is not improving. This is a terrible time for unmasking. There have already been 1,000 Lambda infections in the US, which may be much more dangerous than the Delta. We need more prevention and more treatments for that one. The vaccine may not help.
I just wish…
From my viewpoint, the addition of several hundred words of everybody's personal theories and anec-data about COVID just adds to the general froth-n-slosh of verbiage and obscures the fact that we are being lied to by the PTB. See how difficult it is to talk about the propaganda without getting wrapped around the axel of theoretical epidemiology!
I don't really care about COVID and generally ignore articles about it. I do care about how the constant pressure of the propaganda is crushing our democracy. And look how difficult it is to get people to focus on that!
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
efficacy is just a dumbed down word supposedly replacing
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Fauci has used it several times. New ways to say the same old lies.
Neither word means anything
...if you are not told what the GOAL is. The CDC withheld the goal of the vaccine from the public. They wanted the public to assume that it would keep them from catching the virus.
All of these lies coming from the so-called Public Health agencies has been the root of the problem. And, all this emphasis on vaccines over treatments and prevention was a big mistake. That was a decision based on corruption and greed.
100% agree.
The vaccines look to keep people alive
and from getting as sick and dying, but not from being able to infect others which many scientists were warning about before they were authorized on emergency basis. Smallpox was obliterated because it gave us herd immunity which kept people from spreading it to the unvaxxed. If enough people are protected the virus has no more people to infect. Get enough people vaccinated and it has no one left to infect. These vaccines do not give that protection because they aren’t ‘lethal' to the virus which just lets it continue to not only spread, but mutate. And the mutations are not originating here, but in countries that haven’t had enough vaccinations.
Here’s one guy explaining it even though he went on Fox to say it.
This guy also explains it far better than I can.
h/t raggedy ann for posting it in the ‘something to consider' essay.
From CNN:
Not tooting my own horn, but this comment has lots of information that’s from Pluto’s other essay on this.
Fauci’s masks flip flops
Great read:
Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb?
As RA states the CDC changed how it considers herd immunity. (I posted this info when they did that on the WHO website) It once included people who have had the Covid virus which gives them immunity from getting infected again to only vaccinated people. Fauci and others say that they are changing the information because they are following the science, but it seems that they are changing the science to match what they are saying. And it’s driving people to say horrible things about the unvaxxed people. From not allowing hospitals to treat them to insurance companies to not pay their medical bills to putting them in concentration camps to keep the vaccinated people safe from the unvaxxed. And much worse things. No compassion for anyone who does not obey. Obey? So much for medical ethics and body autonomy that medical doctors swear an oath to uphold.
This is why so many people are not getting vaccinated. They do not trust what the government is saying. How can they when they are lying to us daily. And exactly what is the reason they are pushing so hard to get everyone to take them? Could it be so when devastating news comes out they can hide it too?
Bottom line for me is that if their concern is to keep people alive then they would first off make sure that people are as healthy as possible by giving them universal health care and enough money to eat proper diets. They would tell us at the least about taking vitamins and they would tell us that there are some meds that can help us stay alive if infected like ivermectin for one. And they would mass produce whatever cocktail Trump and other ‘important' rich people got when they were infected. That they are not mentioning those things tells me that they have another agenda that they want to force on us. Let’s start with vaccine passports and go from there.
"Get vaccinated so life can return to normal and we can put this behind us to get vaccinated so you don’t have to wear masks anymore to…..?
So this is how liberty dies . . . with thunderous applause.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here is the link to the video
In case people missed it. He’s saying
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Absolutely false........
In fact, smallpox is still with us but was subdued by vaccination programs.
Many lived through it and became immune through the herd immunity but many millions more would have died without a robust vac program.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Not what I’ve read
smallpox has been eradicated.
I missed- wrote what I meant
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Dodo was easy.
When humans claim to have obliterated a virus, I call bullshit. Around the world we are discovering new viruses. Be it the melting ice or the combination of ice and earth. We are being inundated with life that has slept for millennia.
Thanks for acknowledging that smallpox was not defeated by herd immunity.
It's a bullshit story that has run rampant recently.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Fauci's Mask Flip flops
Funny if it weren't so sad.
These guys have some fat nerve to sit there now and tell us what to do.
Every day is Opposite Day
The instructions we have been given about COVID and the vaccination program they are selling certainly does not support that supposition.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Breakthroughs aren't the only
thing they are hiding. Equally opaque is the number of people who have serious long-term reactions to the second vaccine. Not the first shot, the second one.
Jimmy Dore described his reaction to the second shot to Joe Rogan and Jimmy's symptoms were different from mine but the onset---10-14 days after the second shot and what Jimmy called "Long-term Covid vaccine syndrome," or something like that was the same.
First I had a 12 week siege of nasal and chest congestion which made eating and sleeping really difficult and the spitting up of phlegm socially awkward, to put it mildly, and then it abated for a while.
The last 2 nights I've been awakened again by feeling I was choking, followed by more phlegm coming up and out.
it is all disgusting and worrying. Not sure this will ever go away.
Meanwhile, the best answer, all along, was wear a mask. The simplest and least profitable answer of all.
Fauci should not be forgiven. They all knew it was airborne and that a mask was the best defense. Murderers.
Are there pharma trolls policing comments like yours?
But it seems to me that there are voices trying to downplay serious non-lethal side effects of the mRNA viruses. The messaging from medical sources is that the side effects are nill to mild. Not from some of the cases like my project manager who among other symptoms developed serious case of vertigo and was unable to work for a number of days. The guy who owns a small car repair shop I use told me all of his guys got Moderna and two of them were laid up for a few days.
I am thinking any booster shot program is not going to do well given the extent of the side effects.
No Trolls
This site has very few trolls on any subject.
It is a free speech zone. Which other sites claim as they lie through their teeth and bully opposing viewpoints.
(Mimi, FWIW is for what it is worth)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
smiles, thanks /nt
*looks at virus picture*
Dear god...where've I seen that before...?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
It's absurd
to see our public health organizations decline to use the age-old strategy of using numbers. They are declining to count. They don't want to collect data. They don't want to aim for accuracy, which is obviously always a challenge, but at least it used to be our goal. Things are getting increasingly laughable and Kafkaesque. The result is, as you all say, dumb. With less reliable information is it any wonder people don't believe what the public health organizations say.
Here is another article in NC https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2021/08/hoisted-from-e-mail-covid-death-... which points to out the terrible data collection.
The article goes on to quote some observations by people who are watching this unfold (and this is where we all are when we have to draw conclusions from mere clues):
The article ends with the macabre joke that we all try and track increased refrigerator truck rentals that have gathered around hospitals and morgues.
This pandemic could be avoided and eliminated...
We could nip it in the bud if only the solution of ivermectin was pushed. Cheap, available, extremely safe...what would be the harm?... loss of profits for big pharma.
Listen to this Key West Dr who had only one hospitalized patient (his first COVID case who he cured), plus his 600 other patients which were never even hospitalized. It really is unbelievable they are letting people die for big pharma profit, but that's the only conclusion which I can reach.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
C'mon Lookout, we know better than that s/
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I know, I know...
I'm a sucker for conspiracy. I wonder why?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Dr. Bhakdi explains the process
by which the mRNA
vaccinesgene therapies can cause blood clots in the blood vessels in the brain and lungs and also why a second or third shot can cause immune dependent enhancement of the disease.New report by Dr. Robert Malone
So now I'm going to die because I was vaccinated
with the mNRA Moderna vaccine- right?
I and all the other millions of people who decided, often against our typical medical decisions, to try to preserve our own health and the health of millions, are going to pay for that decision because...
... big pharma wants us all to die
... so does the CDC and and all the scientists who work on infectious diseases
... all our politicians and everyone in government do not care if we all die because it won't affect them or their families.
We all made A BIG MISTAKE and now the whole world is going to pay for it whether they get vaccinated or not.
Is that it? Did I get this all correct?
Oh, I forgot. Only Dr. Malone and Ivermectin can save us.
OK, got it now.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
the part about ... big pharma wants us all to die
needs a modifier: big pharma wants us all to die slowly
extended illness is in their business model
there is no money in healing
question everything
Big pharma ONLY wants you to die slowly
if you can afford their treatments. Otherwise you're just a useless eater. There's now 7.9 billion people on the face of the earth and we are messing up the place big time. Maybe we're finally due for a culling?
In another context Fauci said that Polio wouldn't be cured today.
He Meant, "Because of Misinformation and propaganda." MF LIAR.
No. Cures for Polio will not be found because testing and treatment are more profitable. Cures and prevention will be limited to the wealthy and well informed.
Take your Vitamin D,
Insist on Ivermectin if you need it.
When does this time bomb go off?
I did not buy into the conspiracy theory that the vaccine was meant to kill us and now I am going to pay the ultimate price. Damn, my intuition is way off. So when does the time bomb that is going to kill me and other people who made that fateful choice going to go off?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What time bomb?
The closer we get to the truth of our situation, the closer we get to dealing with the situation. More data, more acknowledgement of the limitations of current public health policies, and the courage to admit mistakes actually improve chances of finding better solutions.
Like most, I have had the ‘jab’. I feel more hopeful at this point than I have since the first wave sent us into a tailspin of panic. The longer we cling to a strategy that isn’t working, the longer it will take to find solutions that actually work better.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Probably not
Some of us are pretty damaged by reactions to the second shot, but at this moment I don't think it is fatal.
Well, if you are alive and kicking right now
it is apparent you were not one of the people who got any adverse affects so you should be fine. The whole thing should have been based on a cost/benefit ratio which has not been done due the extremely fast roll-out and lack of testing of these
vaccinesgene therapies.It has become apparent that this "therapy" has not performed as well as it was originally touted. It doesn't prevent cases (only makes them less severe), it doesn't prevent infection and its efficacy lasts for only 6-8 months which will mean that booster shots will have to be given annually. We will also have to wait until a majority of the people, vaccinated and un-vaccinated, are actually infected before we reach herd immunity. BUT, if the "vaccine" is actually driving mutations (which it appears to be) that will be impossible to reach.
A better approach would have been rolling out well known prophylactics to minimize the dangerous effects of the disease. But there was no big money to be made in that approach and it was basically banned by TPTB. Maybe we should have a look at them now.
I doubt anyone here is saying that
for one it’d be wrong. What they are saying is that we are not getting all the information that they have about both the vaccines and the possible treatments for Covid. Knowing that Trump and other ‘important people' got cured while ordinary Americans were sent home to recover or not at home with just over the counter meds to try to be more comfortable. Trump sent the navy hospital ship to New York, but Cuomo didn’t use it and insisted that infected people be put in nursing homes when masks were not available for the masses.
What I’m doing is calling out the inconsistencies and outright lying about what we should do. The CDC again released more info without showing where it came from or how they got to their decision. It’s like they are just making up facts to suit whatever the narrative is now.
As for scaring people with the information I’ve been finding that’s not my intent. I appreciate essays like this because I can read something and decide for myself if it’s valid. Better than being kept in the dark.
I’m seeing people saying that no one has died from the vaccines, but that’s not true. Even if VAERS is total bunk, it’s purpose is a warning that something might be going wrong. There were 50 odd deaths from the swine flu vaccines and they were pulled because there were indications that something might be wrong. And even people who participated in the trials were injured, but because they have immunity from consequences people are racking up huge medical bills.
And no Dr. Malone and ivermectin are the end all for treatment and vaccines should not be taken, but he has been studying the trials for ivermectin that have been peer reviewed and sees some positive results from using it. India started using it and cases fell big time. As always people can make up their own minds with the information they see. I don’t see anyone scolding people who did get vaxxed. It’d be boring if we all agreed with each other. Malone is admitting that they are working to keep the vast majority alive and he has been vaccinated. If anyone thinks that he’s anti vax. Same with RFK. He’s not anti vax, he does question the amounts kids are getting now and how much younger they are getting vaccinated. What’s the harm expressing caution? But people read one little thing and decide they know what he means. It’s like the game telephone. People only hear what they think they hear and within 10-15 people no one is addressing the original topic. Just look at long Twitter threads and see it in action.
We can look at what is happening in Israel to see how effective they are.
Would people rather not know about it? I do.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My comment
Due to family circumstances and the fact that I live in a state with a very high infection rate, I made the choice to be vaccinated as soon as it was available to me. Yes, FLorida is the epicenter of the delta variant and our governor is an idiot who is playing with people's lives
As for the vaccine, I have seen numerous comments, particularly on Twitter in which people who are opposed to the vaccine have actually attacked those of us who chose to become vaccinated. I have been personally attacked even though I have never tried to push the vaccine on anyone else.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Florida not only epicenter of Delta variant
Florida had symptoms of COVID-19 as early as January 2020 which they apparently tried to obscure.
Your information and research
...has been really outstanding. Thank you.
If you want to infect the Eastern US
just make Florida the epicentre during Spring Break.
That shouldn’t be happening to anyone
and it’s just as bad for the unvaxxed on Twitter and especially DK and other shitlib sites. From saying that if the unvaxxed get sick then hospitals should deny treatment because people who were adults got the vaccine and they shouldn’t be given beds when sick people need them and so should insurance companies not pay for treatment and much worse things. Some cheer when an unvaxxed dies no matter if they had valid reasons for not taking it. People should go back to when it was rude to ask people about their medical issues.
As for Covid I treat everyone like I did during the AIDS epidemic. Everyone could be infected with it and that’s why universal precautions exists. One doctor made a big deal with one patient that had it and had surgery. He told me to double glove and wear a mask when I removed his bandages. I actually lit in to him for not taking universal precautions with everyone. You don’t know….
People’s health is a private matter. It should stay that way. IMO.
I apologize if I seemed to be targeting you. I wasn’t.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I Want To Know
And one more thing...
We have never known what the true numbers are since the beginning of this whole Covid adventure. Millions have already had the virus, didn't know it, and didn't report it. So the total case count for our country and the world is WAY off. Same with death numbers. They've been reporting deaths from other causes as being from Covid if there was anything on a person's medical chart using the word Covid. So when we supposedly "hit a half a million deaths" as reported all over the news, we did not.
We won't know the numbers for breakthrough because of the same situation, so making conjecture out of all of this is not helping at all.
Whether true or not, these kinds of reports followed by a flurry of other "information" from tons of other places in comments only serves to cause panic, which I am now feeling.
I'm totally done with any diaries or reports on this site regarding SARS- COVID 19 etc.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
This nation has been deliberately dumbed down.
It's an old historical pattern. The same crappy mindset rises to the top, and voila. I was born a natural genetic optimist, but now I wonder? Why the same old stupid mindset screwing things over and over? Sure glad I don't have kids! Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
You can fool some of the people
all of the time, and all of the people some of the time - and that's all it takes.
I have given up looking an answer for a "simple" question.
Having good numbers would answer my question. Maybe because I am using google is the problem.
So here is my question:"I have a serious underlying problem called in some circles "diabetes" and a heart problem. I got vaccinated. How is my protection against the virus compared to a normal vaccinated person with no underlying problems?"
Can't even find anything directly addressing the question except to say that the vaccine is a good thing. One article, but based on speculation and no numbers.
One concerning fact is that the majority of break through cases in Israel have diabetes--more so than the percentage of unvaccinated diabetes having the virus.
Even though my state says all clear for vaccinated people hanging out with vaccinated people, I am following the most "strict" precautions like double masking, few trips to stores, spacing, etc. Outdoors mask comes off.
And oh, American Diabetes Association estimated that 40% of virus fatalities had diabetes.
Diabetes, Obesity, Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is easily curable and D3 tablets are available in every drugstore.
If you are tested and are deficient, a prescription bottle will cost even less.
Have your Vitamin D level checked, if you have not done so. asap.
Glad to hear
Transparency and honesty
would be helpful with regard to Covid, vaccinations, data, and treatments. We don't have that though and as someone said above, we have not had that from the start. I do appreciate all the arguments and different points of view here and elsewhere. At the very least it helps reveal the inconsistencies (as snoopy said above) in the dominant narrative.
So what is the purpose of the second tweet?
Bots saying that they are infected after getting vaccinated. I really don’t get it. Who’s doing this?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
As Price Rip used to intone
to balance the equation
solve for what is not there
question everything
You know my mind doesn’t work well at times
and especially trying to figure out the hidden message so any help is appreciated. Apparently they are hospital workers who are spewing some message unless it’s pointing out that they aren’t working as designed? Is that it? If so sometimes things just click. If not, I’m lost….
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Fauci is now 'pivoting' to non-vaccine prophylactics
This tells us that he now understands that the vaccines he originally promulgated are not a permanent solution to COVID-13. I can guarantee this will turn out to be another money-maker for the drug companies.
This A-hole has a stranglehold
on how world governments are dealing with the COVID-19 'plandemic'.
This is an interesting
This is an interesting publication thats highly relevant. I'm including its abstract.
Sirtuins Are Evolutionarily Conserved Viral Restriction Factors-
ABSTRACT The seven human sirtuins are a family of ubiquitously expressed and evolutionarily conserved NAD ⴙ -dependent deacylases/mono-ADP ribosyltransferases that regulate numerous cellular and organismal functions, including metabolism, cell cycle, and longevity. Here, we report the discovery that all seven sirtuins have broad-range antiviral properties. We demonstrate
that small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of individual sirtuins and drug-mediated inhibition of sirtuin enzymatic activity increase the production of virus progeny in infected human cells. This impact on virus growth is observed for both
DNA and RNA viruses. Importantly, sirtuin-activating substances inhibit the replication of diverse viruses, as we demonstrate for
human cytomegalovirus, a slowly replicating DNA virus, and influenza A (H1N1) virus, an RNA virus that multiplies rapidly.
Furthermore, sirtuin defense functions are evolutionarily conserved, since CobB, the sirtuin homologue in Escherichia coli, protects against bacteriophages. Altogether, our findings establish sirtuins as broad-spectrum and evolutionarily conserved components of the immune defense system, providing a framework for elucidating a new set of host cell defense mechanisms and developing sirtuin modulators with antiviral activity." Sirtuins Are Evolutionarily Conserved Viral Restriction Factors
IMPORTANCE We live in a sea of viruses, some of which are human pathogens. These pathogenic viruses exhibit numerous differences: DNA or RNA genomes, enveloped or naked virions, nuclear or cytoplasmic replication, diverse disease symptoms, etc. Most antiviral drugs target specific viral proteins. Consequently, they often work for only one virus, and their efficacy can be compromised by the rapid evolution of resistant variants. There is a need for the identification of host proteins with broad spectrum antiviral functions, which provide effective targets for therapeutic treatments that limit the evolution of viral resistance. Here, we report that sirtuins present such an opportunity for the development of broad-spectrum antiviral treatments, since our findings highlight these enzymes as ancient defense factors that protect against a variety of viral pathogens.
please don't use that phrase,
please don't use that phrase, it's way too creepy.
Afghanistan - Reminds me of Cambodia
This is what happens when the people who are supposed to be the good guys are actually the bad guys..(Nixon was secretly napalm and cluster bombing the country, trying to look like a madman, who would do anything and could, while denying it all.)
(His "Madman Theory")
Nixon was acting, Pol Pot was a real madman.
The news stories have an errie familiarity, I grew up watching the news about vietnam, replete with these bureaucratic spin on the war. They were always bragging about how many insurgents the governmemnt had killed,
Where did this militarism in Washington come from? Its not aging well.
Its true that they have been
Its true that they have been waiting for this crisis for a lomg time determined to get the absolute most out of it as possible, in terms of legal changes. Just like 9-11 which occurred less than a month before the critical Doha Minesterial of the WTO.
I couldn't shake this feeling I had that the two were connected by more than just the name similarity, which was clearly being used to push everything even marginally related to the WTO out of the British and US news - actually the news all over the world. Meanwhile countries were being pushed by US and the other Quad nations into horrible deals that they didn't understand would decimate their once public services. Not just developing countries, developed ones like the UK, and US. But we never had public anything, So we had little to lose besides Social Security and Medicare and public education, which never caught on in the UK like it had here, the UK is much more tiered than the US, except in healthcare, but the UK who wrote article 1:3 (of GATS) wrote it so it wouldnt protect the NHS, So next year Brexit will have the opposite effect than what they want. They are like babes in the woods, they have no idea how much for profit healthcare costs. Basically they think it costs around 1/10 of what it does here. They are not going to be happy next year. It will be the same here as we lose the last vestiges of once public housing and fuel subsidies, leading to the loss of millions of affordable rent-stabilized rented homes that were made possible by the 50 years of cheap energy. If you live in a city realize that the loss of cheap natural gas will create an unsustainabke situation for a very great many families as buildings are cincdemmed as "blight" because they use natural gas that costs twice as much as it did before we started exorting it to other countries that pay more, until its gone. If you live in a building built before 1970 or so this may impact you. (because they are selling off the natural gas used to heat them, they will be torn down and sold for the land's value to degvelopers like our former President. They want to use taxpayer money to build new market rate housing to raise the tax base of many communities and promots economic recovery by pushing poor people out and building condos so the rich move in. They want to build new market rate modern housing,.
It will also funnel increasingly scarce entry level jobs to the most highly educated people in friendly economiclly compatible HIGH YIELD Least Developed countries.