Submitted by NYCVG on Thu, 06/10/2021 - 12:08pm
So proud that NYC heroes @UFANYC endorsed @AndrewYang and his commitment to advocate for the brave men and women who serve our city.
— Trivette Knowles (@TrivetteKnowles) June 10, 2021

Early Voting Starts in 2 Days
Momentum is building.
This endorsement is going to matter.
Click on each photo and see who is standing with Yang.
Tomorrow, there will be another key endorsement made in Staten Island which will pack a punch to that Borough's small group of Likely voters.
And, just so you know, if you have been following this Machine Against Yang that I have been detailing:
Last week the Corrupt Board of Elections "Leaked" that they had already got 155,000 returned Absentee Ballots.
Apparently I am not the only eagle-eyed numbers wise member of the Public.
That absurd number has been "corrected" to 33,000 a week later. A 122,000 mistake.
Still enough to steal and fuck with, just a little bit less blatant.
Don't know much about
NYC politics, NYCVG.
Just Cuomo bad, Guiliani EVIL.
Tell us a little more about Yang's opponents, especially any grassroots candidates.
You know, in case the Machine bumps him out, who do we then root for?
No, not the "Rents are too high" guy.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The Pretend Progressives
The main opponent is the entrely Unacceptable, ex-Repub, now DINO, Machine Choice, Eric Adams.
I am Bullet Voting.
Only Andrew Yang.
Only my actual preference in each contest.
Others are free to vote for 5 candidates, 4 candidates, 3 candidates, 2 candidate or only 1.
Free country.......\s
tantrum voting or "not voting" is a lot like...
I do not understand your refusal to apply the second choice options available through ranked choice voting. I understand from your posts that you are all in for Yang but it makes no sense to simply ignore the fact that ranked choice voting is now a reality in NYC.
Thanks for the response, NYCVG
I was unaware of the RCV there in NY, which makes my question even more important.
I understand the concept of LOTE voting, which you reject, right or wrong.
But JBOB hits on some interesting points also. I think we really need a wide conversation on this issue of RCV (ranked choice voting) as it is becoming more widely used.
Good or bad, I don't know, but it will impact us all. Even if it isn't in our own city/state.
My own personal suggestion is to never vote for an incumbent. A kind of "hillbillie" form of term limits. But even that has it's drawbacks, i.e. Trump never held public office. Look what that wrought.
I think the election of Trump indicated the publics dislike for "professional" politicians, ones who once elected spend their lifetime there.
Lifetime politicians are developing a stench that the voting public are starting to pick up and turn their noses at. A good development.
I wouldn't mind seeing a kind of lottery or draft involving every American having to "serve" our democracy. If nothing got done, maybe it would be an improvement as there would be NO hands in the taxpayers monies.
Dunno, but we cannot go on like we have, it's un-sustainable.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
A not very good history lesson
In my very early 20s I found myself in the Chicago area. I was not political, but my friends were, so I got a lot of second hand information. When John Daly died he left a machine based on incompetent petty criminals (Daly made sure no one competent would rise up enough to challenge him) As a result his successors found Chicago unmanageable.
Oakland is probably a better example. The first year of ranked voting there were three "legitimate" candidates for mayor. The two "front runners" were hated violently by all but their supporters, so the third place candidate won entirely on second choice votes. Probably because she had no base of her own and obstruction from both sides she was a complete failure.
What NYCVG seems to be saying (to me) is that NYC is like Chicago - petty criminality has become so endemic that only Yang is a valid choice. I suggest that like Byrne and Washington and my Oakland example he will not be able to accomplish anything. (I also think Yang is a con man, but that is yet to be proven or disproven)
NYC specifics aside this is more an a test of RCV. I believe that contrary to popular belief "third party" candidates not only can win, but if based on honesty and personal integrity will win easily. Looking at an electoral map I barely see 70 EC votes for Trump but hardly a state for either Alzheimer's Joe or the Kill Crazy Lovecraftian Horror. But faced with absolute opposition from both sides a President Bernie would have had to resort to the public in the midterms, sacrificing at least his first term to party building, and he would have found very few competent, experienced supporters. Bernie was not really afraid of throwing the election for Trump, he was really afraid of winning.
On to Biden since 1973