No interest in Truth (Wuhan lab leak)
Here we get to the tricky bit. Because nobody in a position to answer that question appears to have any interest in finding out the truth — or at least, they have no interest in the rest of us learning the truth. Not China. Not U.S. policy-makers. Not the World Health Organization. And not the corporate media
One might call it a conspiracy-in-effect since no one actually picks up a phone and conspires but the result is the same and the effect is understood by all.
If the lab leak theory is right, the pandemic’s savior in the U.S. might actually have been one of its chief instigators. And to top it off, senior officials at the WHO have been implicated too, for being closely involved with gain-of-function research through groups like EcoHealth.
Colluding in Deceit
This seems to be the real reason why the lab-leak theory was quashed so aggressively last year by Western political, medical and media establishments without any effort to seriously assess the claims or investigate them. Not out of any sense of obligation towards the truth or concern about racist incitement against the Chinese. It was done out of naked self-interest.
But now, thanks to Nicholas Wade blowing the lid off the Wuhan cover up, scientists scared of being labeled conspiracy theorists are coming forward.
Thus Biden steps in to effect a further lair of cover up.
Plan B: damage limitation. The U.S. president, the medical establishment and the corporate media are raising the possibility of a Wuhan lab leak, but are excluding all the evidence unearthed by Wade and others that would implicate Fauci and the U.S. policy elite in such a leak,
Biden’s “investigation” is really a cynical stall tactic, hoping the publics attention will wane until the next manufactured outrage du jour can take their attention.
What is essential for the political, media and scientific establishments is that we do not ponder deeper questions:
* How is it that the supposedly skeptical, disputatious, raucous media once again spoke mostly with a single and uncritical voice on such a vitally important matter — in this case, for more than a year on the origins of Covid?
* Why was that media consensus broken not by a large, well-resourced media organization, but by a lone, former science writer working independently and publishing in a relatively obscure science magazine?
* Why did the many leading scientists who are now ready to question the imposed narrative of Covid’s animal origin remain silent for so long about the apparently equally credible hypothesis of a lab leak?
* And most importantly, why should we believe that the political, media and scientific establishments have on this occasion any interest in telling us the truth, or in ensuring our welfare, after they have been shown to have repeatedly lied or stayed silent on even graver matters and over much longer periods, such as about the various ecological catastrophes that have been looming since the 1950s?

As if on cue, over at the Orange Satan
If you read the above article at the link you will see right through the propaganda that is the following diary from TOS:
If you are loathe to give them the hits, the tl;dr version is "it would be better if we don't find out the truth cuz gain-of-function is good folks and what's a few lab leaks?"
I shit you not.
I just can't go there, BoB. TOP is CIA.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The 1st comment is a doozy. Let’s kinda take what the previous guy said, but make it less racist and go with that. This way Biden doesn’t look like he’s continuing Trump’s agenda against China because it was bad then.
'With a bit of the mind flip....'
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Let’s hear it for Susan Sarandon
35 years ago she and Geena did this epic ending:
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It was found elsewhere a year or more before Wuhan
Waiting for peer review:
Darn good question:
They told us for a year that it wasn’t true...but all of a sudden it is? Not buying it. There are reports that it was in Italy as early as September if not earlier. When someone says that it’s pretty sure that Covid escaped from the lab in Wuhan I say they are pushing an agenda because no one knows if it even came from there. Russia isn’t the only country asking about our labs everywhere except apparently here in the states. I also know that there is an agenda against China right now and they are being accused of our actual crimes. I know that big pharma puts profits over people’s lives so they too are pushing an agenda that I doubt I’d like. Besides didn’t NY virus come from Europe? The west coast from China? How about the troops in the middle of the country getting sick in October?
Dunno. Neither do they. Unless they do. Beats me. BTW...what about the plans for the event before the event happened? Too many inconsistencies and questions. The government was caught off guard by the epidemic and so none of the supplies for one were available right off..nor 6 months later...nor now if it suits the plan. Farmers dumped billions of pounds of produce because the supply chain broke down because the government hadn’t planned for that either. And lo and behold it still
areis and prices for everything are skyrocketing because reasons and 11 million people face eviction in less than 30 days and the Koch are just waiting to buy their homes for pennies on the dollar after congress gave them a boatload of money. Shall I just stop here? I could go on...edited: got lost in time space in my head so fixed it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh, come on...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not following you Snoop
Considering that Shi admitted to doing much of the research in a level 2 lab (think dentist office) itcould have gotten leaked, or forms of it, multiple times.
Lots of snark in my comment
sorry if it didn't come thru. Look at the 1st link that suggests that it was found elsewhere before the Wuhan outbreak. No one has decided that the virus has been manipulated by hand to release from 'a lab' anywhere in the world, but especially that IT ESCAPED from the lab in Wuhan. After a year of that being shot down we are now supposed to believe that it was true all along, but because Trump said it it wasn't true..?
How about the PTB rolling out the old guns that have already run the WMDs scam on us? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
Condoleezza Rice: Dismissing Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory Was ‘A Mistake’
So one of our partner's labs is running below safety practices and has been for long years, but no one thought to enhance it just so this DIDN"T happen? Or waiting for an excuse to blame them.
Buy a mirror, Condi and take a good peak at the 'suspicious symptoms" that were reported here in young people during the spring of 2019 that sounds suspiciously like Covid Lung which mysteriously disappeared just before the Rona outbreak happened. Yeah color me cynical....hey they supplied the party bus, I just took the ride when it came along. They have made people question whether the sun still rises in the east because if Putin could he'd damn sure make it rise in the west just to piss us off.
Notice how all of a sudden one of the most hated admins in history until Trump is being rolled out to set an agenda.
That is a tweet if anyone want to follow it.
So 20 years later and a year after the Rona 'escaped' from Wuhan it is now time to express our fears? How come we skipped both Trump and Obama SOS huh? Why aren't they trotting out HerHeinous or Kerry, or even Pompeo to scare the beejebus out of us? Condi? Are you kidding? No one could have imagines planes hitting buildings" except that it was written out in OPERATION NORTHWOOD for us all to see why it was AtH. Allowed to Happen....gotta get that war of terror going for 20 years before it is the war of terror against us here at home as planned and as happening now and here we are returning to Obama's pivot to Asia. Think Her would be the best spokeswoman for the job since lots of people still love her. Guess it depends on WHO The target is......aha Trump supporters. Gottit.
The ending has a twist to it:
Are reeducation camps coming for those who are skeptical of the whole damn plot? Who knows? If this guy got his way they would be.
He got one thing right:
Lots of snark because I am pissed off at the yo-yo expectations we are supposed to follow. China is great according to Trump for cracking down as they did. But now it's suspicious cuz Condi says it should be? Will Obama come out next or are they holding him in reserve? What is the truth? How to find it? Will it even matter if we do?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's my big question too
How could it be in Spain 9 months before the leak?
John Campbell suggest it may have to do with viral load. Early 2019 infection were asymptomatic with poor viral replication and therefore little spread.
There were cases of symptomatic "severe" pnuemonia in the late summer of 2019 that may have actually been COVID. I think one of our members at c99 (GLS?) was in South Asia in Oct or Nov of 2019 and caught a flu very similar to COVID symptoms.
There' a great deal we need to investigate, but where are the honest brokers? Does anyone else find if curious that Biden is having the CIA investigate the leak hypothesis rather than say virologists?
Chris Martenson continues to suspect the Wuhan leak, but as pluto's republic reminded me we have gain of function virus lab all around the world. WTF are we doing?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Collection first
If the investigation is going to occur without the cooperation of the Chinese government then information gathering might require intelligence techniques; then the information collected could be analyzed by virologists.
You assume intelligence will pass along info unmolested?
That would be very much out of keeping with CIA history, starting on day one.
Finding trustworthy data is going to be most problematic, regardless of the source(s).
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I could care less where it leaked from.
That changes nothing. All you've provided is possible proof it escaped from some other lab.
All the more reason to cover it up.
Here’s a link to the Nicholas Wade piece you mentioned
The Nicholas Wade piece, Origin of COVID - Following the Clues, is a powerful piece by a career science writer that truly “blew the lid off” the suppressed notion that COVID-19 may well have its origins in a bio
weaponslab, with the supposed zoonotic links not as yet specified. Whether the lab was in Wuhan or elsewhere is of relatively little import, except for its role as a political cudgel with which to smear our enemy du jour.This article is probably “too long” for Fauci and many others, but presents an intelligent and well written exploration of possibilities and probabilities. Draw your own conclusions, but please read it through before you do.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I have since been informed this morning
I will not be linking to his writing nor any sources that in turn were taken in by him.
Lab origination opens up the possibility of several scenarios
The complete development line of control of Covid-19 pathogen needs to be identified, development stages at each lab site around the world identified and investigation of infection clusters of unknown causes prior to December 2020, in addition to Covid clusters of various mutations.
The Wuhan lab link theory appears to assume a jump from small volume of virus in a petri dish or test tube to lab worker then to general public. No animal vector involved except general collection of a bat coronaviris for testing and possible gain of function research using technology and not the older method of using multiple generations in infected animal and human cells.
No wild or domestic animal vector has been identified in China as involved in the spread of Covid to humans. Europe's first public announcement of transmission from mink population to humans was over a year ago on May 20, 2020.
Infected mink on farms in the US was first noticed in Utah last year in July.
There are over 250 mink farms in the United States located in 23 states. Wisconsin, the biggest player, produces about a million pelts a year. Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Minnesota are close behind. Wisconsin prioritized vaccines for mink farm workers in January 2021
In November last year there was indication transmission from mink and possible mutations was a growing concern in Denmark.
Published peer reviewed article last month identified infected feral American minks in Europe.
Perhaps China's medical system was an early identifier of a new infection due to their history of SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome)infections, experiments in Unit 731 by the Japanese and use of biological weapons on Chinese troops in the Korean War by the United States.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.