Bill Gates Doubles Down on FrankenFoods
They are engineering shortages in aid of the Bill Gates/WEF fake meat agenda.
— Club des Cordeliers (@cordeliers) June 2, 2021
If Bill Gates gets his way, food in our future will little resemble what’s on our plates today. It will be replaced by menu of GMOs, fake lab-made “meat’ + artificial cheese—all made with patented technologies from which he’ll make millions. #TheDefender
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 2, 2021
(A few excerpts, but as you read, please recall that Gates has invested heavily in ‘lab-grown human breast milk’ as well)
“To the techno-food industrialists, hunger and climate change are problems to be solved with data and engineering. The core ingredients of their revolutionary plan: genetic engineering — and patenting — of everything from seeds and food animals, to microbes in the soil, to the processes we use to make food. Local food cultures and traditional diets could fade away as food production moves indoors to labs that cultivate fake meat and ultra-processed foods.
Gates says rich countries should shift entirely to synthetic beef. And he has the intellectual property rights to sell them. As a food that can help fix the climate, Gates touts the Impossible Burger, a plant-based patty made from genetically engineered soy and textured with engineered yeast. Its manufacturer, the Gates-funded Impossible Foods, has two dozen patents and more than 100 patents pending to artificially replicate cheese, beef and chicken and permeate these products with manufactured flavors, scents and textures.
Ginkgo Bioworks, a Gates-backed start-up that makes “custom organisms,” just went public in a $17.5 billion deal. The company uses its “cell programming” technology to genetically engineer flavors and scents into commercial strains of engineered yeast and bacteria to create “natural” ingredients, including vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and flavors for ultra-processed foods.According to its investor presentation, Ginkgo plans to create up to 20,000 engineered “cell programs” (it now has five) for food products and many other uses. Axios reports that the company plans to charge customers to use its “biological platform” like Amazon charges for its data center, and will take royalties like apps in the Apple Store. Ginkgo’s customers, the investor pitch makes clear, are not consumers or farmers, but rather the world’s largest chemical, food and pharmaceutical companies.”
Originally published at US/UK Right to Know
@cordeliers Jun 2
'Ruling class orchestration of food shortages and price shocks will also be used in support of their depopulation and 'climate change' agendas, as well as to trigger regime change operations.'
The estimable UK investigative journalist Colin Todhunter had weighed in earlier: ‘Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food’, April 19, 2021 off- guardian (h/t ggersh, as i had missed it when i was indisposed)
Also: ‘Bill Gates: America’s Top Farmland Owner’, January 11, 2021, by Eric OKeefe,
O’keefe did some diggin’; you decide what it may signify. Too bad he doesn’t know that ‘the Gates’ portfolio, etc.’ is sufficient. ; )

Happy To Read Your Work
on any subject, Wendy.
And this is a big and very troubling issue. My fear in this is that we are too far down this road to change much at this stage.
It has been at least a decade since farmers have been prevented from using their own seeds and that I heard of a seed bank in the Wilds somewhere to preserve America's seeds for future generations.
Gates scooping up farmlands is similarly ominous. I will be reading your post carefully as soon as I finish my quick comment.
You know Israel better than I do, I think, so please weigh in with your facts and opinions on what is there today. Especially if I am off-base.
thank you.
whoa, nellie;
you're really asking me to earn my money, eh? ; )
it may or may not be too late, at least globally, which is very troubling. don't quote me on this, but iirc (not likely), vendana shiva had reported that eiter gates monsanto, or both, had been filing patents even on native seed, as in: wild seeds. how fucked is that?
you're likely thinking of gates and company building and controlling the Svalbard Seed Vault in the arctic circle near norway. it flooded a couple years ago i remember. here's wm engdahl's report at voltaire net::
as far as bibi being gone, if i read it right, the fat lady hasn't sung yet:
Bibi’s done? Anti-Netanyahu coalition notifies Israeli president that it has formed new government after Arab party joins 2 Jun, 2021,
RT had also reported: seems to agree:
Knesset Speaker to Announce That Lapid Has Formed a Government, Vote Expected Within 10 Days
Members of the parties seeking to oust Netanyahu feared that the current Knesset speaker, a member of Likud, would drag his feet on swearing in the Bennett- and Lapid-led government’,
it's hard to say what it will mean for palestinians, but it will be great not to see bibi's smiking face any longer, which iirc, a few members of the arab joint list said last year when they agreed to a coalition with blue and white party's Benny Gantz.
and you're welcome.
I Have Plenty of company
Bibi is not entirely gone. But the Knesset is taking a vote on Monday that may seal the deal. Previous votes may no longer mean much.
Bibi's coalition has only 52 Knesset votes.
Anti-Bibi has 68 Knesset votes. 61 seats is how many are needed.
as I said this is Trump. King for Life. In their own minds.
Something funny happened on the campaign trail in NYC today. I'll be right back.
Trump and Netanyahu have not cornered the King For Life meme. Bloomberg stole his third term by subverting democracy in My City and ruled for 12 very long years.
yang's rejoinder re: bloomberg was great!
i confess that all along i'd thunk biden had given yang a position in his administration, as he checked every rainbow box in biden's ID cabinet, etc. arsenal.
the vote's monday? i live in a time warp....
anyhoo, and FWIW, fininan cunningham's weighed in in a new op-ed at RT: Israel’s ‘change government’ means the oppression of Palestinians is set to get a whole lot WORSE
two key graphs:
will the burgeoning and still growing support for the palestinians matter? time will tell, i suppose. i'm agnostic on one-or-two-state solutions.... jared kushner's plan (ptui) was a sorry joke, though.
Bennet is the Spoonful of Sugar
Bennet is exactly as bad as his critics say. He will be PM for 2 years.
Then Yair Lapid takes over. A whole new ball game. Lapid is a Centrist secular Liberal whose cabinet will no doubt include the many voices and colors of Israel.
Meanwhile, Bennets tiny Party, Yamina holds only 7 seats. one or two of which may or may not defect to Bibi's Likud.
The 2 Arab Parties hold 10 seats.
This will be a tumultuous two years and Palestinians understand the game as it unfolds. They will stay the course.
Hopefully his wife takes him to the cleaners with the divorce ..
Sadly he will be left with too much money and will continue to spread his power and influence in less than beneficial ways.
i agree.
his charitable giving has doubled his wealth since he began 'giving it away'. and who knows what ungawdly things melinda will do with her settlement?
their wealth and power is epic, their PR team is magnificent, his high-tech, dangerous, and geo-engineering climate change schemes include: small nuclear plants, carbon capture and storage, and all sorts of shiver-worthy plans.
bingling brought these hits. but right on cue, AOC is touting the USA selling innovation to the rest of planet. me, i think it's all over but the 'Entrepenurial' Green-Washing. a member recently reminded me via email that:
even during lockdowns, the carbon PPM rose, as did the global temps, methane is still bubbling out of of both polar seabeds, and tra la la. the oceans are acidified, full of plastic, and many coral reefs are dying. the seas are hot, and warm enough to melt chunks off both icecaps. yeah, i read too many pieces by robert hunziker @ counterpunch. ; )
ha! good on him: May 28, 2021, The Net Zero Mirage
that phrase bugs the tar outta me, as does 'invest in renewables', as opposed to 'sustainable', very different.
sorry to have gone so far afield.
sorry to be so direct.
but yes, bill: lets' invest in self-watering agro-plants.
The world be a better place if Bill Gates had been aborted
First he screwed up the software industry, then vaccines, now food.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i wouldn't have expressed
it that way, but the world would have been better off without him, imo.
To all those Gates fanboys out there,
know that his cheating on his wife is proof positive that he is a flawed individual, like the rest of humanity.
Worship of him is beyond foolish.
May his downward spiral begin in earnest.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
for me, there are a hella lot
more indications that he's a flawed individual than cheating on his wife, but then i've been a detractor of his since i began blogging a dozen years ago.
I want to know tech details how ransomware effects production
When Maddow was claiming that the Russians could knock about energy grids of various kinds, experts laid in that would be close to impossible as it would require extensive human intervention. Sleeper cells I guess.
How exactly does ransomware knock out oil pipelines and meat processing? How can the encryption of data turn off or stick industrial control systems? Aren't those industrial control system basically controlled by embedded software control systems immune to encryption? How can ransomware lock up say valves of an oil pipeline? Before Colonial's ransomware attack, there was more and more interest in claims that it was responsible for the worst pipeline leak in US history.
My point is that blaming Russians for software attacks may be ruse to cover up issues like pipeline spills or maybe tainted and diseased meat. Just speculating.
I can answer the oil question.
I haven't been following the pipeline one too closely (it's kind of in my line of work though) but I'd be willing to bet at the center of this is an unpatched or unsecured PC.
EDIT: it occurred to me you probably understand all this already. The better explanation is, they can encrypt the hard drive so the software can’t run and you can’t access any way to manually override it.
These operations are usually pretty sophisticated and the groups will understand exactly the choke points to squeeze. It also won’t be just one computer, but they’ll wait until they have found their way into all the computers they need to shut everything down completely. Usually, these are meticulous people who work on this over a long period of time. Think of it as a sophisticated bank heist vs a crime of opportunity like someone finding an unlocked car door. The media likes to portray this stuff more like the later, and yeah, that happens often. But this pipeline job, I guarantee you wasn’t just some dummy clicking on a link and oops! That’s also why I don’t believe the hacker group’s statement that they didn’t know what this was. I promise they knew exactly what they were doing
ONE MORE your big point: I've read enough about the pipe line to believe it was a ransomware attack. As to if it was those pesky Russians, that no one knows. The story out there from more reputable sources says that this was essentially a work for hire job, but as of now, neither the hacking group or who hired them are known. The hacking group is not known to be any of the usual suspects and, apparently, have broken some hacker etiquette with this and have ruffled some feathers in the underground.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
it's a worthy Q,
and cordeliers Tweet at the top may have been a bit speculative as to who ordered the cyber attack, but he often has good instincts.
I own more land in NM that Gates.
Thankfully I had a bit of foresight. Hopefully I can make it work for my family.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
why does he own 1 acre in NM? but bless your foresight, RA!
we own 20 acres in SW colorado, but the hitch is always: if we can keep it.
there was music galore on an australian series we're fitting for the likes of Bill, but i'd need to spend time on youtube finding the sound track, scoping out all of the songs. for now, i'd ask him tracy chapman's question:
maybe not, though; by now he likely believes his own PR team.
as to this:
it would change everything, wouldn't it?
on edit: i dunno how many acres bill and microsoft bought in new zealand last year, but my guess is a lot. nor do i know if the end-times underground bolt-hules are ubiquitous. i tried and failed to find it in a post i'd written in aug. of 2020, but but a few key graphs:
lord love a duck.
sure, nuclear power is comparatively carbon free. they should all be taken offline!
stir in fukushima. ay yi yi:
Updates April 29, 2021 (coy lying language by Japan and all):
local seafood has been safe to eat for a long time now...
great idjit that i be...
i'd totally forgotten that composing here wouldn't bring the internal hyperlinks that cross-posting my home site, Café Babylon (hosted by word press) does.
infuriatingly enough, i can't 'create a new post', and am forced to log in, so i'll need to spend buckets of time online conversing in a tiny box with one of the Word Press happiness team.
anyway, from the op-ed first published at the UK/US right to know site, a bit more:
... /nt
nice to see you,
in any event. ; )
That Bill Gates. He is so rich,
people do not even notice he is a psycho. Just amazing!
Well, foisting murderous vaccinations on the poor was suspended for a while, so poisoning food and soil will take their place to continue the murdering.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
a true sociopath in
in a hero's costume. are there any mega faux-lanthropists who aren't similar? they all built their fortunes stepping on the backs of other human beings.
a woman from seattle was here last year after our next-door-neighbor had a stroke. she'd just been laid off from managing a natural foods coop, but will.not.hear.a.word.against.him.
'but you don't know him as i do!' 'you don't know him AT ALL, and you don't want to!' said i.
she mailed me pages of good Gates PR, and told me what i should be blogging about instead of maligning her hero.
but my stars; mr. wd has brought in five enormous vases of peonies, bearded iris w/ blooms as large as cantaloupes, and columbine.
he has all day off, and is helping me make 3 loaves of fake dill sourdough bread. ; )
Good reply to the woman, btw.
The flowers sound beautiful! A good husband will do that!
I don't have the time to prepare sour dough, but dill sour dough is one of my favorites.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
i'd tried to respond last night,
but my fingers were tongue-tied. ; )
i suppose there are myriad answers as to why the uber-wealthy believe in their Divide Rights to dictate to the rest of us, but the simplest idea starts with the de facto rule of capitalism: make all the
filthy lucremoney you possibly can, as almost (?) limitless power comes with it.part of that belief for the bill gates jrs. of the world is that they're experts in every field ad subject. i wonder how many Green Bonds prince charles sold after hawking them at Davos recently?
gates having touted cashless societies, the dark-hearted narendra modi eagerly complied, woe to the lower castes. billy's bullish for the same globally, pretending 'the poor' will benefit. rupee india had carried the story of the consequences, iirc, and it was hella sad.
said woman may live with her brother as she exits seatlle, but by my reckoning they'll murdalize one another within ten days if she comes.
he's a great husband, mr. wd is, and that's a fact. he'll want to bring in the just-opened giant white poppies w/ blackish purple centers, too. he's out in the pushing the small dab of river water available this year. we've had 45/hundredths of an inch of wet this spring.
we'll take the now bread for a test drive in a bit, but the toast it makes is delectable. i can hardly wait.