The Empire is Gunning for China: Epic Danger Ahead?
Possibly Part one of II. For now, two from wsws (with permission):
‘US imperialism puts China in its sights’, Andre Damon, 16 March 2021,
“Behind the backs of the American and world population, the Biden administration and the US military are preparing an escalation of military tensions against China with incalculable consequences.
Earlier this month, the Japanese Nikkei news service published excerpts from the Pentagon’s Pacific Deterrence Initiative, which calls for stationing offensive missiles, previously banned by the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, along a string of densely populated islands that includes Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines.
To fund this initiative, the Pentagon requested an annual Pacific budget, in the words of Nikkei, of “$4.7 billion, which is more than double the $2.2 billion earmarked for the region in fiscal 2021.”
Against the backdrop of these plans, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Japan this week, threatening to “push back” against “aggression” by China. While Blinken and other US officials habitually speak of Chinese aggression, it has been the US under Obama, Trump and now Biden that has aggressively confronted China in the Indo-Pacific to prevent any challenge to American global hegemony.
In a brief and tightly choreographed press conference, the two US officials and their Japanese counterparts, together with the vetted press, ignored the burning question: 75 years after American bombers obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were their policies exposing the people of Japan and China to a similar fate?
While the question was not directly addressed, the answer was clear. “We reconfirmed the strong commitment of the United States regarding defense of Japan, using all types of US forces, including nuclear,” said Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi.
Even as more than 1,000 people die from COVID-19 every single day in the United States, and the disease surges around the world, the US is preparing for a conflict that risks incalculable human suffering. Joining this offensive is the United Kingdom, with the highest COVID-19 death rate of the major European countries, which announced Tuesday a massive expansion of its nuclear weapons program, calling China a “major threat.”
It is not COVID-19, but China that the US has planted firmly in its sights. As Blinken made clear, “Several countries present us with serious challenges, including Russia, Iran, North Korea… but the challenge posed by China is different. China is the only country with the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power” to “challenge” the United States.
On March 10, Adm. Philip Davidson, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing he believes that China is likely to invade Taiwan within the next six years. “I think the threat is manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years,” Davidson said.
Given that the United States has, in the words of Defense Secretary Austin, “commitments to support Taiwan’s ability to defend itself,” to predict that China will invade Taiwan within the next six years is to predict a major Sino-American war within that same time period.
To this end, Davidson stressed, “We absolutely must be prepared to fight and win should competition turn to conflict.”
What would the world look like if “competition turned to conflict?” A preview of this reality is provided by Adm. James Stavridis, former supreme allied commander of NATO, who published a book titled 2034: A Novel of the Next World War just one day before Davidson’s comments. The novel depicts a nuclear conflict between the United States and China, involving the total annihilation of major cities on both sides.” [snip]
How many people in the US know that the United States is preparing to deploy offensive missiles in highly populated areas off the Chinese coast? And how many people in Japan? The evening news and major newspapers are silent on these war preparations, even as they relentlessly and falsely demonize China.
Leading the charge has been the Washington Post, owned by Amazon oligarch Jeff Bezos. In an editorial on March 14, the Post accused China of “genocide” against its Muslim population, echoing the declarations of the Trump and Biden administrations. The Post demanded that the United States withdraw from the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, declaring that to attend “when the Xi regime is actively seeking to destroy a group of more than 12 million people would be unconscionable.”
At the same time, the Post has continued its campaign to falsely assert that COVID-19 could have been created in a Chinese laboratory. It condemns the findings of the World Health Organization, which declared that, in the words of the Post, the “laboratory hypothesis was ‘extremely unlikely’ and would not be further studied.”
In response, the Post declares that the “WHO needs to start over” and consider “both the zoonotic and laboratory hypotheses.”
These efforts to demonize China are sheer propaganda. A major aim is to divert mounting social tensions outward toward an “external” enemy.” The 20th century’s horrific wars were prepared with such propaganda, designed to obscure the real war aims of capitalist governments.
In the 21st century, the costs of a major war are greater than ever. In the 20 years of this century, despite perpetual wars and proxy conflicts, there has never been a full-scale clash between nuclear-armed states. But exactly such a war is threatened by the massive US military buildup against China.
The workers of the United States and China have nothing to gain from such a horrific conflict. It is they, not the generals and politicians, who would bear the cost.
If a relapse to the bloodshed of the 20th century is to be avoided, it is the working class that must prevent it. The fight against imperialism and the danger of a new world war must be developed as a revolutionary movement of workers throughout the world, in opposition to the homicidal policies of the ruling elites and the entire capitalist system.”
‘Quad summit consolidates US-led military bloc to prepare for war against China’, Peter Symonds, 15 March 2021,
Scott Morrison (left) participates in the inaugural Quad leaders meeting with the Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in a virtual meeting in Sydney, March 13, 2021 (Credit: Dean Lewins/Pool via AP)
“The first leaders’ summit of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, which took place online last Friday, has dramatically raised the stakes in the accelerating US-led war drive against China. While the Quad is not yet a formal military alliance, the Biden administration clearly views the consolidation of the partnership as a central element in its efforts to undermine, encircle and prepare for military conflict against China.
The summit not only issued a formal statement. Unusually also, Biden and the prime ministers of India, Australia and Japan—Narendra Modi, Scott Morrison and Yoshihide Suga respectively—put their names to an opinion piece published prominently in the Washington Post on Sunday. The comment is replete with cynical motherhood statements about their advocacy of democracy, action on climate change and COVID-19 vaccines, and commitment to “an Indo-Pacific region that is free, open, secure and prosperous.”
However, while China is not mentioned, it dominated the discussion at the summit. The pledges by the four leaders to pursue regional co-operation, partnership and engagement do not, of course, extend to Beijing. Buried in the various public statements were thinly-veiled references to Chinese coercion—from the US that has routinely waged war and ousted governments to advance its imperialist interests—and the need to uphold “freedom of navigation”—that is, for the US Navy to provocatively intrude into waters around Chinese-controlled islets in the South China Sea.
The Washington Post comment includes a fanciful history of the Quad—supposedly borne out of the cooperation of the four countries in response to the catastrophic 2004 tsunami in Asia. “Our cooperation, known as the Quad, was born in crisis. It became a diplomatic dialogue in 2007 and was reborn in 2017,” the leaders write. How and why it mysteriously disappeared, and reappeared a decade later, is left unexplained.
Yet the genesis of the Quad is very revealing. It did not begin with the tsunami but with the election of the right-wing Japanese politician Shinzo Abe as prime minister in 2006. He called for enhancing the US-Japan military alliance by forging close partnerships with India and Australia. The plan was driven by growing concerns in the Japanese ruling class about China, which was about to overtake Japan as the world’s second largest economy. The Bush administration, under fire from the Democrats for inaction over China, seized on the proposal and the first official meeting took place in May 2007. Its military purpose was underscored in September 2007 by the expansion of the annual US-India Malabar naval war games to include the navies of Australia and Japan.
Beijing protested against the formation of what was emerging as a military alliance in the Indo-Pacific targeting China. The Quad ignominiously collapsed months later in February 2008 when the newly-elected Labor government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, concerned about relations with Australia’s largest trading partner and the danger of war, abruptly withdrew from the dialogue. Foreign Minister Steven Smith underscored the Canberra’s determination not to join a grouping that could be construed as anti-Chinese by making the announcement while standing alongside Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.
(Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard with then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2012)
” Rudd’s withdrawal from the Quad was just one of the “crimes” for which he was ousted in a US-orchestrated regime-change operation in June 2010. While he was fully committed to the US-Australian alliance, Rudd’s advocacy of the US making compromises with China to avert war came into conflict with the thrust of the Obama administration’s policy to confront China. Rudd was summarily removed as prime minister by four key Labor powerbrokers, later revealed by WikiLeaks to be “protected sources” of the US embassy in Canberra, in an operation that kept, not only the public, but Labor ministers and party members in the dark.”
(The other half is here.)
(For related reading, you might check out the following, although I admit I’m still agnostic on the subject, and hold no entrenched position.)
‘Is China Committing Genocide? Behind the US Government’s Propaganda Campaign?; The U.S. and its allies have declared China is guilty of genocide against Uighur Muslims. Behind The Headlines’ Dan Cohen examines the claim and the extremist figures behind the propaganda blitz, Dan Cohen,, March 12, 2021 (with 18-minute video)
Please consider this a PSA; Part II may follow soonish, but things in Ukraine may be heating up as well. Weekends are loaded with RL chores, and I'm slower than ever right now.

I better dust off those fallout shelter plans
Hopefully, this is just a clash of oligarchs over the division of spoils.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
maybe not so much, i think. this fear and loathing of chinese power has been growing an morphing since obomba's team had twigged to heartland (geopolitical) politics, and his 'pivot to asia'.
let this be close enough for the time i have:
Actually I envisioned him on his knees as he pivoted to China
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
well played.
; )
If anyone wants to visit Xinjiang
they will have no problems.
Reporters are soo free to come & go in Kashmir or the West Bank?
The media establishment of today is pure show biz, Bernays-ian vaudeville / fraud-ville, working for the Deep State and an integral part of (as some call the machinery of our war-based empire) “the Blob”…
If, in the 1950s and 60s, it used to be mainly just Henry Luce and Time magazine, now it’s the entire oligarch-owned media spectrum playing fast and “Luce” with the truth…
Most Americans have no clue about China
i know some of it,
but i'll try to imagine what your video says. (Videos be not good for me, lol)
Socialism with Chinese characteristics
can you provide any cliffs
notes? i clicked thru to see if there might be transcript, but...apparently not.
Have spent a fair amount of time in the orient
enough to know these are people just like us
like everyone else, not monsters
the tact the western military machine is taking
to demonize entire countries to fuel aggressive
behavior is just wrong. Confusing issues is the first
step in unethical behavior. mainstream madness
question everything
nice take.
on reflection, is the western imperialist media rather 'damning their enemies' with iron-clad innuendo? ; )
Diplomacy the american way.
and right from the horse's
er...mouth. thanks, hadn't heard the General Speak yet.
Thanks Wendy,
you and others may have seen this, and, it is primarily to do with who is manufacturing hatred of Asians here in the USofA. Pretty relevant to the anti-China push for war as well though. Fucking Capitalists.
gawd's blood, yes!
8 murdered in an atlanta massage parlor/spa? the Lotus Flower was decrying the hate crimes on the MSN homepage rolling thunder. irony lives.
this is also on his account:
as is this reTweet:
nice find, peachcreek.
Israel doesn't have a hammerlock on our economy
China does.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
add this to the mix
as well: Beijing blasts US and Japan over joint statement, laments ‘shameless and unpopular’ attempt to hinder Chinese rejuvenation, 17 Mar, 2021,
b at MoA had linked to:
'Foreigners in their own country: Asian Americans at State Department confront discrimination
,Hundreds of people of color are handed "assignment restrictions" due to concerns over split loyalties or being susceptible to foreign influence', politico, march 18
what's next? asian american internment camps? nah, couldn't happen in America, could it? oh: wait...
Funny, they covered THIS in a famous computer game, too...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
it was short enough
that i gave it a go, but i had no earthy idea what it was about, grin.
You're not exactly the target audience :)
The point is (and I expressed the same sentiment back when Trump was first making these moves) America starting a war with China is akin to a lone knight with delusions of invincibility making a spectacularly bizarre charge into a death-trap of countless tiny dragons that is sure to lead at the very least to the knight's humiliating demise, if not a catastrophic chain-reaction.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
an allegory within
a computer game, then. thank you for the explanation, esp. of your additions. what many of us worry about the large possibility of false flags leading to nuclear conflagration and WWWIII against any or all of the nations whose quests are in search of mutual respect and a multipolar planet.
far too much to ask of an Empire in Decline and Decay.
Yes. Epic.
It's on.
The Americans have bought the Xinjiang/Uyghur lie 100 percent.
The non-Chinese Uyghur are contractors for the US. They work with al Qaeda and ISIS.
The Chinese Uyghur are not immigrants; they are citizens and have constitutional rights. Archeologists place them in China as early as 1600 BC.
Hundreds of foreign and UN delegations have visited Xinjiang in 2020, as have tens-of-thousands of tourists. It was China's number one tourist destination in 2020.
Facts like these will help you wade through US propaganda.
This information is not safe to spread.
Some of your favorite writers have problems for doing so online.
I'm not going to name them.
Don't fall into that trap.
News is what big media is paid to deliver. Where are those cowards hiding?
while i don't believe that
the western hegemon is gunning for china solely based on the 'uyghur genocide story' most of cohen's essay at mint press news is based on this 2019 grayzone investigation by ajit singh and max blumenthal. i find their version entirely believable, but as i'd hinted, it's one area of study i've chosen not to delve into and remember.
but i'm glad you do...and are able to, as your RAMemory is at least 10 times what mine is. now one thing i'm adamant about is that the hong kong protests are astroturfed, and that the young leader is BFFs with one of the leaders of the White Helmets, stars of stage and screen and organ sales. yeah, i filed the tweet, but i'm too lazy to go get it on my own.
You misunderstand rather completely.
That story is fictitious propaganda. All nations are aware of that.
Hong Kong is a widely recognized NED farce.
The US is demanding than China cease its innovation in technology, stop building infrastructure outside of China, cease communism in government, and allow the west to invest Chinese industry.
OR to cease to exist (as will any nation that dares to trade with China).
What did you think the US wanted from China?
PS: I have never read the Grayzone investigation, but I am grateful to see the link you provided. I've seen references, but never with a link. Not even from my China sources that mention it. I use some of the same source material they have used. And plenty that they do not. My investigation into the China matter is independent, and based on much of my own long experience with Chinese thinking. We are looking into an abyss, here.
That's all I intended to convey. I don't want to see anyone go out believing a lie.
'misunderstanding completely':
it wouldn't be the first time, and what you'd quoted frrom me is not what i'd written.
but in the OP i'd brought the link from cohen's column at mint press news, which as i said had used the grayzone journalists in 2019 as ballast.
yes, you're quite militant in knowing that it's all a lie, a bit more casually, but with acid on his tongue, Andre Damon had in the first wsws op-ed.
you, go, gurl!
Can you explain in more detail?
I also have to say, while there's nothing good about Strangelovian saber-rattling, I've largely looked positively on the pivot away from China - it would be good for America to undo Nixon's Faustian bargain at long last, and the "social credit" system scares me shitless, all the moreso as an Aspergian mutant. I want that shit SQUISHED, it must NOT be allowed to proliferate.
I also happen to view the betrayal of liberal-democratic values in their former putative bastions as being fueled in significant part by neocon/neolib pseudointellectual courtiers looking at China and saying, gee, freedom and democracy sure are inconvenient, I wish we could be more like China, they seem to have everything figured out... for the past ~15 years, so a fall of the CCP could do to the reputation of authoritarianism much of what the fall of the USSR did to the reputation of alternatives to capitalism - a lot of bad ideas got launched in the 1990s, but it was also a decade of genuine hope and optimism for we the people.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I get it, Lib Moonbat.
I've been reading you more carefully, lately, and see that you are very well informed. So, responding from that level, I share most of your fears. I still don't understand the "social credit" system, and as something of a misfit, I am suspicious of it. There are few complaints expressed by the Chinese (as opposed to fake complaints made up by the State Department), so maybe it's not a big deal. Or, maybe it's not in place yet.
Have you ever done a people search on yourself or someone else on the Internet? The kind you pay for? Now that is truly terrifying. Every detail of your life, every comment made about you, every casual photo ever taken, follows you around for the rest of your life. Things you have no memory of.... spewed out for everyone to see with no recourse. It makes EU law about the Right to be Forgotten look pretty good.
Capitalism results in tremendous mental illness, so this view is in evidence:
Instant digital sharing of filmed evidence makes it pretty hard to deny.
You were supposed to believe it. Every single news outlet in the US reports it using the same words from the same memo. A trained journalist would say, "Where is the evidence?" "Where are the witnesses?" "Where do they live?" "Who are they?" "Why is Bellingcat involved?" They they discover that all that "Uyghur genocide" news comes from a single source in the US. (Just like all that Russian Collusion news came from a single source in the UK: "Christopher Steele.)
You will never learn the truth in the US, because no journalist will tell the story and no publisher will print it. The US is onto a new, more sensational story now, so that will slide down the memory hole. But Americans are permanently tainted by the hate they were made to feel — by the lies they were told. That's forever.
There has never been a pivot away from China. Believe me. China shut her doors against the West for a long, long time.
There has only been a pivot TO Asia and China. And now that is ALL there is.
I regret that everything that you wrote after
...did not happen in the universe where I reside. Or if it did, I didn't notice it and can find no record of it.
But it's just history, and everyone is entitled to their own personal narrative of history.
The present is still the present. Demand to see the evidence before you sign on to anything. The government has never once told the truth in my lifetime.
In the Real World, the Uyghurs have been in the news in 2019 and 2020, because they and their homes in Xinjiang Province were the location of China's last major effort that pulled all 1.4 billion people in China out of poverty! This has allowed China to celebrate the eradication of poverty and show the world how it is done.
That's about as sinister as the Chinese get.
Soon you will be told that China is aggressively planning to take over the entire world and rule it by force using communist decrees.
Terrified Americans will be clamoring for a pre-emptive strike to completely vaporize China. Will you be one of them?
It's one sure way to eradicate the human race and let the Planet heal itself.
If a multi-polar political / economic world
is so alien to western values,
perhaps projected insecurity
is a reason.
question everything
this was also to be part of
a possible Part II:
UK’s new military policy: More nuclear missiles, more wars, targeting China and Russia’, Chris Marsden,, March 18, 2021
a few outtakes of lengthy report:
i'm out for the night, too depressed 4 words.
from elijah magnier, war correspondent, even though his 'further reading' may be behind paywall or some such:
dunno who did the images, but bradley owns this song, imo.
no, tehran is not responding,
and magnier makes a most excellent case for why that is. it diagrams: bibi dragging biden into war, never signing onto the JCPOA again. neither tasnim news nor the tehran times has a word about it.
and you've likely read the 'UK increasing its stockpile of nukes' (against its own NPT obligations.
MoA link)
As usual
The USA has done great harm to Iran starting in 1953.
Israeli elections tomorrow and there's very little reason to predict that bibi will be vanquished.
We got rid of Donnie. Next Bibi or Bojo?
It is not looking so good for these changes any time soon.
zarif is a spectacular
FM, isn't he? and you appear to be referencing the MI-6/CIA overthrow of secular leader mossadegh (sp?) on th behalf of standard oil. mossadegh had apparently nationalized iran's oil...can't have that, can we (they)?
zelenskiy in ukraine's in political hot water, as is bibi. it would be great to have bibi out, but sadly dementia joe's following the Trumpeter's FP...and has upped the antes in syria, perhaps ukraine/crimea. and the donbass....again.
did BoJo pattern himself after the Trumpeter? kinda seems so...
thanks, nycvg.
consortium news has published
'The ‘Independent’ Report Claiming Uyghur Genocide’, It was brought to you by a sham university and neocon ideologues lobbying to punish China for U.S. interests, Ajit Singh reports’, March 19, 2021
it's easier to read than the Grayzone's is (singh and blumenthal)
in bizarrro world, two sole sources are reporting on what's afoot in the donbass. one is a euromaidan PR site, the other is a lone donbass watcher on Twitter, deanie beano. nothing at the russian embassy, Tass....strategic culture, the Saker, so...nothing's going on?
but it's the reason i'd gone to consortium news in the fist place. ; )
ok, Wendy, reading this two days after it was posted,
I would say in German: Wenn alles zum Kotzen ist, (if everything makes you throw up) stop eating and start fasting immediately. It will help clean out the shit in your guts and your head will feel better.
Don't give into depression and don't get lost in the mud. Try to get away from it and heal yourself. Amiga, right? Ma sister, right? Hugs to you. Never give life a chance to break you.
Sigh, I can't stand myself for saying these platitudes. But then what else is not flat?
sage advice ma soeur,
i thank you. but as joss would have it, a longish phone call from a family member after i shut down gave both mr. wd and me what i can only call PTSD. so i woke at 2:30 for a wee, and stayed awake in shock and confusion from then on. it wasn't a day i was able to greet the day with thanks for all our blessings.
and of course, online depression pales in comparison. but i will do the EFT acupuncture point tapping and eye movement protocols that almost always help, and there's leftover fried rice and veg in the fridge.
my best to you, and solidarity, mimi,
rolling your eyes
with meat in the thread

seems to dissolve the
pain in your head
question everything
does it?
if you say so, mi amigo... ; )
or are you calling me a Meathead, lol? i resemble that remark!