Important Announcement
Sometime this evening a Front Page will be added to this site and the content of the Diaries Page (this page you're on now) will be transitioned to a new page. The URL of the current Diaries Page (this page) is, the URL of the new Diaries Page will be caucus99percent/, so change your bookmarks accordingly after the changes have been made. The header and sidebar menus will be changed to reflect the new URLs, the "Diaries" menu links will take you to the Diaries page and the "Home" menu links will take you to the Front Page. The URL will take you to the Front Page when completed. If you experience any weirdness in the site, that is why. Any questions ask here. Thanks.
PS: I'll probably wait until later this evening when things slow down to make the changes.

The reason...
for moving this diaries page to another page is because technically right now this page IS the front page, so to make the distinction between the front page and regular diary listings page, these diaries have to be moved. In the future the only content that will be promoted to the front page will be pootie and Hillary photo diaries. mmK?
Probably only so many pictures of HIllary with
horns I'll be able to come up with. But I'll deal with it. I don't do cat diaries. Mine just brought a mouse
in the house and let it go. Now we don't know where it is. She thinks it's funny. I told her to start
acting like a damn cat.
Just think of...
all the fun you'll have being wide awake all night while she chases it around the house.
Booh, I want doggie and Bernie photos exclusively on the FP/nt
Can I HR this comment?
JtC has crossed over to the dark side.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Honorable Rating? Sure go ahead. I know, I know, I'm Hillayrious.
You made me laugh just as I was taking a sip of tea!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
you crack me up... :-) /nt