200,000 flags for Inauguration Day; Woot !
Cuz nothin' says Failed Republic like: 'Flag-packed National Mall, razor wire & military patrols give off surreal vibes ahead of Biden’s ‘virtual’ inauguration (PHOTOS)', RT.com
'Biden hosted a ceremony on Tuesday night to commemorate the 400,000 US deaths linked to Covid-19. The somber event featured a row of candles that lined the reflecting pool at the Lincoln Memorial, prompting CNN to gush that the lights were “extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.” [...]
But the conspicuous presence of the military is far from the only thing that will make Biden’s swearing-in ceremony unorthodox. With the National Mall closed to the public, Biden’s inaugural committee decided to install nearly 200,000 American flags, some of them bearing the emblems of US states and territories. Dubbed the ‘Field of Flags’, the art display was designed to represent the thousands of citizens who will be unable to attend the inauguration.
One wonders if Biden will reach out to the 75,000,000 Trump voters in order to 'heal this divided nation' as he'd promised. Or is that the reason for 'some of the flags bearing the emblems of US states', maybe even...Red States?
will he keep calling so many Trump supporters 'domestic terrorists' and Nazis'? Hard to tell what his website rhetoric implies.
But a couple hours ago several sites ha featured: Live! Trump's leaving the White House with a small crowd waving his/their helicopter away. So glad to hear Nancy Pelosi hadn't had to 'fumigate him out of the Oval Office', aren't you?
Now the close-up photo of the Flags seems to indicate that they're not full-size flags, but the sort one waves along side a Parade. Before I'd checked I'd wondered if they might be handed out to the many homeless camps in the DeeCee Area for bedding or shawls, but now my hopes have been dashed.
But the whole spectacle sure did remind me of this old John Prine song; how about you?
Won't it be a relief to say goodbye to Jan. 20 soon? Oh, and the ceremony is due to start at Noon EST; you can watch it here. #CantWaitToMissIt.

175 million?
Surely a typo, right?
Otherwise, welcome to the new age.
Or sumptin'
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
ooopsie, lol.
thanks i've fixed it. i was just adding the finishing touches when the whole diary disappeared, and the Main Page booted up. Curses! i swore: 'you fookin' Microsoft Mouse!'
i went and ate my toast, decided i could handle a shorter version, but perhaps...longer on DT voters. ; )
i just got this in my junk mail from the Speaker:
You betcha, Nancy. Mind you, i've been a registered Unaffiliated voter for at least fifteen years....
Grifters gotta grift
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i'd almost named her
Nancy the Grifter, lol.
Literally hundreds
Putting aside that these begging emails are essentially non sequiturs, it seemed to me that there were quite a few African Americans in the Trump crowd. There were very few among the Capitol invaders, but there seemed to be a substantial number in the crowd milling around away from the capital. Add that an African-American, Ali Alexander, was a major organizer and that the percentage of African-Americans that voted for Trump doubled from 2016 to 2020, and the just a bunch of racists argument begins to fall apart.
How many flags to commemorate the dead from Obama's wars?
At least the dead American youth? Not to mention the death of their innocence.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
military deaths in 8
years of the obomba regime? dunno how many that might be, but assassinated globally by his regime: almost countless.
I will admit to being calmed --
by the sound of great masses of Brunch Liberals going to sleep all at once. There's a (D) in the White House and all's well with the world, y'know. /snark
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
it's already begun,
hasn't it? CNN already has his back, as will the WaPO and NYCIA Slimes. his cabinet is obomba 2.0, but worse. but, but: We'll hold his feet to the fire for medicare4all and __ and __! (more wars?)
they've already recognized juan guiado as president elect of VZ, yada yada. but such a diverse cabinet! Rice, Power, an indun, gays, lesbians, even a transvestite! a rainbow coalition!
Before the election --
Now we get brunch liberals, Biden, sleep, and a continuation of bad policy with maybe a brief honeymoon period stuck in between so as to insure their loyalty.
When does behaving like a grown-up become fashionable?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
i'm surprised that the NYT
had added biden's plan to the national debt. that's been a football on it own, given economists saying it might increase inflation, comparing the U-6 to the U-3 unemployment figures, etc. beats me, all of it, as i've forgotten most of the economics i'd ever learned under obomba rule back in the day. 'deferred prosecutions of TBtF banks',, for one, lol.
thank you, though. as far as i can make out, the deepening amerikan depression will only be partially caused by the covid lockdowns.
75 million?
Surely a typo, right? Trump received 74,216,722 votes. Eight figure numbers are rounded down when the last six digits are 499,999 or less and rounded up when 500,000 or more.
Or for consistency, you could round Joe Biden's 81,268,757 up to 82 million.
my mistake; not a typo.
i'd used ajamu baraka's figure from my last diary.
No problem.
I've seen that slipping into the conservative lexicon more and more. I think it helps Trump supporters feel better about themselves by reducing Biden's win margin. I'm surprised Amaju Baraka picked it up. I've even seen variants where Trump got 81 million votes and Biden only got 74 million.
Another Freudian slip?
Remember he said that this election would be the biggest fraud in history.
And of course this guy needs to be seen again and be anointed the biggest Dem ass kisser yet.
Gee and democrats and their sycophants have been telling us that Trump will have to be removed by the military to get him to leave the WH. That he'd be frog marched out in handcuffs, and of course Pelosi said that he is too dangerous to leave in office. Okay he is out. Impeachment is used to remove the president of the US. If that president has left office then what's left to do? He has already been impeached twice and pretty much had the hammer come down on his head so isn't that enough?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
remember when Trump put fences up around the WH after the BLM protests became violent for whatever reason; the cops started it or they cleaned up after the protesters did. Either way it was an outrage to democrats because it made it look like the US was a 3rd world country. Remember that? I do.
But now that it was the democrats that made DC look like a fortress with not only more fences, but Razor wire strung across the top of them. Razor wire for gawd's sake here in America's center of government. Not to defend from a foreign country, but against its own citizens. Not only that, but 20,000 troops are patrolling DC and many of them are armed. Armed troops against their own citizens. 6,000 may be there permanently for awhile. How long? Who the hell knows? Now where did that outrage go?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
DeeCee mayor
muriel bowser opined that it may be 'the new normal'. will the mraps stay, too? militarizing the police (first in baltimore?) courtesy of the 1033 program was a brilliant idea too. remember when saint obomba had called back the tanks on treads...but okayed the ones n wheels?
amerika, the banana republic, you mean?
tank treads
are tough on asphalt. Wheels much better. Saves on maintenance so that you can cut taxes more.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
well done, grin...
and nice to see you, amigo.
@snoopydawg Repeat after me, Snoopy
"AT least he is not Trump. At least he is not Trump. At least he is not Trump."
That's good. Keep going.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Yeah I remember when people were bitching about this
look because Trump was president. Now it’s not so bad. Or something.
Boy that sure looks worse than when Trump was president. Lots more troops. What was that about Trump using federal troops to protect federal buildings? This looks so different from when Trump was president.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
ack! i love the 'freudian slip?'
you done brung! poor old clueless joe. ; )
and yep, just like 'the lights were “extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America.”
the big Q is: can the senate bring impeachment now that he's gone? pelosi ket mumbling about her slow-walking the bill to the senate: 'maybe we should give him a hundred days to get his cabinet appt., and issue a zillion EOs to counteract Trumpeter's...'
oh: and his $1.7 trillion (or something) Covid relief. we ain't got our $600 yet; how about you?
Pretty selective math, tRump's $600 makes the $1,400
I haven't got tRump's $600 yet (my sister in Tx has) but maybe we're lucky they don't count tRump's $1,200 relief check as well, or we would be getting (some day) only $200.00 to make that $2,000 mark.
funny math then, that is.
but we're not really expecting ay of it. just making many more lentil stews and chinese tahini sesame noodle soups with tofu. yum, though.
I'm already tired of this Biden guy
I didn't like his speech. I didn't like Garth Brooks. I didn't like Amanda Gorman. I was watching the ABC feed. I didn't like their gushing.
I'm also sick of this whole governmental system. I'll spend some time today imagining something different, something better.
brave soul, you were
to listen. i couldn't afford to, as i'm already too cynical about the Dynamic Duo. i don't even know who amanda gorman do be, lol.
i told mr. wd this a.m. that one MSN site said that one of those asteroids that zip close to earth...were jimmied by several nations or other-worldly outlanders...to hit DeeCee in order to srsly: Drain the Swamp'.
but good on you for your last two sentences. at least some of know what to expect, so...there's that, so now, we can only laugh.
All performance, an extravaganza of self praise
with no real concerns for those across the Country who have lost loved ones to covid,or for survivors of covid now being strangled financially by the medical bills,the lost jobs,businesses closed for good,people broke and facing evictions, all while merriment reigns in the Capitol.
Might as well play music from the Great Depression for the event like 'The Gold-Diggers’ Song (We’re in the Money).
While everyone else hears this top tune of 1930
Brother Can You Spare a Dime
They used to tell me I was building a dream, and so I followed the mob,
When there was earth to plow, or guns to bear, I was always there right on the job.
They used to tell me I was building a dream, with peace and glory ahead,
Why should I be standing in line, just waiting for bread?
Once I built a railroad, made it run,
Made it race against time,
Once I built a railroad, now it's done,
Brother, can you spare a dime?
Once I built a tower to the sun,
Brick and rivet and lime,
Once I built a tower, now it's done,
Brother, can you spare a dime?
Once in khaki suits,
Gee, we looked swell!
Full of that yankee-doodle-dum,
Half a million boots
Went slogging through hell,
And I was the kid with the drum!
Say, don't you remember? They called me "Al,"
It was "Al" all the time.
Say, don't you remember? I'm your pal!
Brother, can you spare a dime?
excellent musical choice.
and soon the nation's soup kitchens and pantries will run out of food, and who is biden's secretary of agriculture to see us thtu the days of hunger? Tom 'mr. monsanto/gates' green revolution' Vilsack. what a fooking brilliant corporate wall street shill choice!
laughter may be the best medicine...for now.
"Joe Biden’s arms embracing America..."
Could there be a poorer choice of metaphor???
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Compare Platitude Central's talking points to THIS inaugural
speech in 1932 by FDR.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
A link to the text of the speech. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/froos1.asp
Sigh! A REAL President!
Some say he saved capitalism. All i know is my mom worshiped him and a man I worked with said he grew up in a shack in South Carolina. The only picture was a framed newspaper picture of FDR.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
ack; i hadn't realized that the senate confirmation
hearings for biden's cabinet choices had begun yesterday.
here's b's 'Biden Administration's 'New' Foreign Policy Is The 'More Of The Same' Old One; today, moonofalabama.org
i'll drop off some raw links indicating subject areas. NYTimes being the longest, of course.
defense secretary lloyd 'raytheon' austin needs a waiver.
the guardian has some coverage of the Big Day, including this and more for fans of bernie sanders:
as well as this letter to the guardian...iirc.
Thirty Pieces of Silver?
Was this his price for quitting on us? How's that quote go?
"To give up your soul to gain the world? But for Wales?"
That's not exact. Who remembers it? Please post.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
That picture of Bernie
sitting in the cold with his mittens just begs for the caption “Now where am I gonna find some new rubes to give me money?”
I went all-in for him in 2016, and against my best gut feel did it again this time as well. Never again. People who go all-in on anybody in US politics are naive at best, and completely delusional at worst.
My donating/volunteering days are well and truly over, and I suspect my voting days are as well. The only thing that would lure me back to that particular time waster will be if some seriously highly-placed heads roll.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Bernie ended a lifetime of politicking
My family raised money, got out the vote, and so did I, until Bernie.
That man destroyed my illusions, so in a way, I am glad he did.
But he stirred within me a simmering hatred for any and all politics as usual.
Even the People's Party will not get a cent from me.
Thanks, Bernie.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
iirc, it was judas who'd betrayed
christ for 30 pieces of silver. but the original quote was:
In Matthew 16, Jesus asks what good it is for a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul (Matthew 16:26).
but the quote you're looking for is:
YES, "A Man for all seasons"
Thank you!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
please pay the cashier $1.99 on your way out the door (my standard fee for Bingling 4 Others). ; )
and from the Twitterverse:
Purple. how appropriate.
The Imperial color. "Born to the purple."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
wide grin. ; )
From what I've seen...
Lady Gaga is president.
Should be an interesting four years.
from a reasonably stable genius.
jugglers and musicians
for the grande parade
another distraction for
the populye.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Fascinating that Biden is somehow Galahad
and will lead us and reveal the Holy Grail...
from a reasonably stable genius.
funny that
leaders tend to leak their intentions
by appointing staff
this we have seen
gill eeh head appears not to lead us into
better times
tho for the the sake of show
away from the badder days
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
never watched, but
i'll take your description. no fire eaters?
kinda disappointing
showmanship style is fenced in
no fire eaters, no trapeze artists
just your run of the mill talking heads
and flag symbols instead of people
would have liked to see balloons
and clowns in drag
maybe some fire works
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
lol. will she be wearing her
'meat dress' in the oval office?
ahhhh...the music.
this is an hysterical satirical burn on the Gala musicians (i'm soooo bummmed springstein played):
'The musical performances at the Biden inauguration chime with America’s bankrupt culture', RT.com, jan. 2021
a preponderance of his poison pen went to gaga, but no, no meat dress on stage, but a few excerpts:
flags instead of people
kinda weird
a sign of the new symbol of modern
civility. Ain't people, only flags.
wtf over.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
time for me to sign off.
this prescient/foreshadowing closing song seems about right:
There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me.
The sign was painted, said: 'Private Property.'
But on the backside, it didn't say nothing.
This land was made for you and me.
One bright sunny morning in the shadow of the steeple,
By the relief office I saw my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there wondering if
God blessed America for me?
good night, and i'm wishing the best for all of us in the hard times to come.
This is fine (hat tip to cloudy_skies547 at Way of the Bern)
This is fine.
those mittens caught fire
among Twitterverse meme-makers. RT.com carried a hella lotta them. some srsly excellent photoshopping. just a couple:
Another Bernie mashup
pardon my ignorance, but
had he sold out on that as well? (no bern fan here, i admit, mainly on issues of Imperial War and other mayhem.)
i finally read (snoozed thru)
his letter at the guardian, and he never mentioned medicare4all, unless i somehow missed it.
ha ha! please make the hypocrisy stop!
via popular resitance this a.m.:
Biden inaugural guest is Venezuelan coup leader charged with inciting violent assault on gov’t building, Anya Parampil·January 17, 2021, the grayzone
she must not have read that Biden recognizes Guaido as Interim Prez or what.ev.er....
gotta love the 'ell outta this, though: