China, Russia, and Iran fanning civil war flames in DC

photo by anna moneymaker

New Warnings of Violence as Security Tightens for Inauguration’, Jan. 16, 2021

“Federal law enforcement officials have said they continue to be alarmed by an increase in chatter from groups like the boogaloo, a far-right group that aims to start a second civil war, and other racist extremists threatening to target the nation’s capital to protest Mr. Biden’s decisive victory in the popular vote and Electoral College.

Since the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, intelligence officials have seen Chinese, Iranian and Russian efforts to fan the violent messaging, according to a joint threat assessment dated Thursday. [15 page pdf: ‘Unclassified Official Use Only]

The escalation is consistent with previous attempts to take advantage of divisive Republican talk, such as Russia’s drive to amplify disinformation spread by President Trump during the campaign about the security of mail-in voting.

Officials wrote in an intelligence bulletin obtained this week by The Times that extremists aiming to incite a race war “may exploit the aftermath of the Capitol breach by conducting attacks to destabilize and force a climactic conflict in the United States.”

My guess is that the report above isn’t 'the media' that AOC is speaking about here: ‘AOC says committee being discussed to ‘REIN IN MEDIA environment’ and prevent ‘false information’ spreading’, 13 Jan, 2021,

“During an Instagram livestream on Tuesday night, Ocasio-Cortez at one point answered a question from a viewer asking if there were discussions in Congress for “truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives,” and she confirmed there are.

“I do think that several members of Congress, in some of my discussions, have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here and we’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation, and misinformation,” the congresswoman said.

AOC suggests adding “media literacy” as a mandate for a congressional “truth and reconciliation” committee

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 13, 2021

The ‘Squad’ member added that she and other lawmakers are “looking into” this vague committee idea because “it’s one thing to have differentiating opinions but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false.”

Ocasio-Cortez did not detail how such a committee would go about policing speech in the media or what powers over speech she believes Congress actually has.

“False information” regarding election fraud, Ocasio-Cortez believes, is partly to blame for the storming of the US Capitol last week.

The New York Democrat also described her experience during the Capitol riot during her lengthy Instagram discussion, claiming she thought she would die and also saying she was fearful that “white supremacist” members of Congress would turn her over to the rioters.”

@tomselliott  Jan 13

AOC: Republicans “don’t give a damn about the law … they give a damn about about white supremacy; they care about preserving the social order and the mythology of whiteness”; “they lust for power more than they care about democracy”

AOC: “The only way our country is going to heal is through the actual liberation of southern states … liberation of working people from an economic, social, and racial oppression”

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CENSORSHIP NOW! And "if you don't parrot the DNC line then you are a comsymp".
I woke up this morning and found myself in 1950. But without the belief in the future.

EDIT: Totalitarianism is here, but it wasn't from Trump. it's from the DNC and their corporate owners.

14 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

wendy davis's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

and will be under biden.

but i'd almost prefaced this one with a Word Salad alert, but had decided not front-load ; )

“The only way our country is going to heal is through the actual liberation of southern states … liberation of working people from an economic, social, and racial oppression”

WTF does that even mean?

7 users have voted.

@wendy davis
A picture on economic oppression:

I've got a better one going back to 1950, but I have to go right now.

5 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

wendy davis's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

The only way our country is going to heal is through the actual liberation of southern states...

she may not remember or know, but if we're talking wealth disparity and race, black families lost almost all of their 'wealth' due to obomba's subprime mortgage debacle, and has never been regained. i'd say that's likely the same for for all colors of the 85% of us, though.

and which party has made grand bargains with the social safety net most often? as well as started the most wars, then claiming: TINA! but hey! biden is promising us a one-time $1400 stim cheek, and $15/hr for federal jobs (hardly a living wage in any event).

but clearly many MAGA supporters had reason to gripe about 8 years of obomba screwing the people, and here come's biden's cabinet, Obomba 2.0 and worse. black rock (1) and goldman sachs (2) flaks included. yeah, our future's so bright, we just got to war shades! (h/t timbuk 3)

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edg's picture

@wendy davis

Economic oppression may take several forms, including the practice of low wages; denial of equal opportunity; practicing employment discrimination; and economic discrimination based on sex, nationality, race, and religion.

Social oppression is when a single group in society unjustly takes advantage of, and exercises power over, another group using dominance and subordination. This results in the socially supported mistreatment and exploitation of a group of individuals by those with relative power.

Racial oppression is burdening a specific race with unjust or cruel restraints or impositions. Racial oppression may be social, systematic, institutionalized, or internalized. Social forms of racial oppression include exploitation and mistreatment that is socially supported.

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wendy davis's picture


most especially if that had sprung from your forehead like minerva did from zues's.

; )

'immiseration' is a related subject, isn't it? and so often direct result of capitalism, as i understand it. but it's small wonder that this nation's citizens are so angry, depressed, opioid addicted, hopeless, homeless, hungry, and ready to explode.

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RantingRooster's picture

How can they have any credibility at all at this point?

My goodness, everything they have told us over the last 20 years has been bullshit! They have cried wolf way too many times for me to find any credibility at all, in anything they say. It's beyond absurd.

Here's a tweet displaying the notes of CEO Michael Lindell, a rabid Trump supporter and frequent speaker at Trump rally's, otherwise known as @MyPillowGuy.

The DailyMail reviews what can be seen of the notes Lindell was carrying.

A Washington Post photographer obtained a close-up of papers carried by Lindell.

One ominous line said 'martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any....' The term does not come without precedent. Former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn spoke openly about it while parroting Trump's claims of a 'rigged' election – and scored his own White House meeting afterward.

Another line, partly obscured by Lindell's hand, most likely referenced the 'Insurrection Act' – the subject of discussion before after the election about use of forces inside the country. It said to 'Act now as a result of the assault on the ...'

Other lines hinted at recommended staff moves. One reads 'Colon NOW as Acting National Security...' – suggesting a staff move atop the National Security Agency or a new National Security Advisor.

Here's Lindell in his own words:

This isn't over.

AOC, well she can just kiss my lilly white butt. Media literacy? Well gee, we would 1st need lessons in hypocrisy, which, AOC would be a great example!

AOC: “The only way our country is going to heal is through the actual liberation of southern states … liberation of working people from an economic, social, and racial oppression”

Because ya know we have to solve ALL the injustice of this world BEFORE she can ever push for a floor vote on Healthcare for all, during a fucking pandemic!


14 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

wendy davis's picture


'it's not over', but it's still the Amerikan Papers of Record who control the narrative. we're so conditioned now by: Iran China, and Russia' did this or that that true believers no longer even question it.

in numerous cable tevee series we've been watching on DVDs, 'Venezuela' is often added to the list.

ah: just twigged: you're referencing 'the Pillow Guy'.

on edit: i do get your butt-kissin' request. ; )

but see? the NYSlimes ratchets up the threat levels. 'Unclassified' (so we can leak them to the newspaper)....made me laugh.

any idea how many estimates there are of the crowd that surged the Capitol?

never mind pelosi slow-walking the house impeachment articles because: er, this, that. and t'other to consider...gawd's blood, i love a parade charade!

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RantingRooster's picture

@wendy davis while Pillow Guy might be humorous to some, these guys worry me.

From the Intercept:

“When we actually get involved, we’re going to kill Democrats, liberals, and communists at a rate that will defy anything that’s occurred in history, and when that happens, we’re going to make sure that it’s done so thoroughly that we don’t ever have to have this argument again. … It’s going to be so ugly and ruthless. … We’re going to go to the homes of the tank operators [who would be called in to put down an insurrection] and kill their wives and their children and nail them to the walls.”

(bold mine)

I've been in the military. I know these types. They are not humorous nor are they people to be triffled with. They are serious operators and know how to take out a city with team of just a few guys, 25 or less. As we learned under Obama, JSOC, is the president's private special ops.

Pillow Guy, like Trump, adores Special ops. Pillow Guy can help fund Special ops. He himself might seem harmless, crack head (lol), but it's his "devotion" and his money, that show be watched closely.

When I say this shit ain't over, I mean exactly what I say, this shit ain't over!

7 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

wendy davis's picture


humorous, nor have i kept up with any of the 53 arrestees such aa the one known as Qanon bison-something or other. but i will offer that it's beyond the purview of my original OP, and if you'll click thru to the times pieces, you'll see that DeeCee is an armd campith at last 20,000 nationeal guard, new 12 ft. fences with razor wire, secret service, 'safe zones', etc., so yes, may are taking the stated violence of the Trump 'white supremacists very seriously.

DC mayor hss been quotes as saying that this may be 'the new normal', as well. that's all.

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edg's picture


"we have to solve ALL the injustice of this world BEFORE I can ever push for a floor vote on Healthcare for all".

For me, solving injustice includes providing healthcare for everyone.

6 users have voted.
edg's picture

It's amazing how AOC has become the whipping girl of the right AND the left. Change one or two words in the frothing commentary about her and the difference between Fox News and leftist media is indistinguishable.

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wendy davis's picture


okay; it's up to each of us to decide who she really is, i'd say.

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edg's picture

@wendy davis

I was thinking of Tom Elliot when I wrote that. He blithely turned "looking into" into a "mandate". That's disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst.

Frankly, the whole thing sounds like a set up. What kind of viewer would be "asking if there were discussions in Congress for 'truth and reconciliation or media literacy initiatives'"? I suspect close to 100% of average citizens don't even know what those things are.

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wendy davis's picture


idjit i just spent 15 minutes trying to find the original thing on her Twit account, but jeebus, she tweet the live long day. she'd been wearing this navy turtleneck, and this is the closed i could come.

it's fine with me if folks want to defend her, but i'm most sincerely gold that more folks have been pushing back at the 'fraud squad' and that their votes oftn don't reflect their virtue signaling on twitter and interviews.

i should have listened, but...i didn't. ; )

4 users have voted.
edg's picture

@wendy davis

at least that's what the RT article you linked says.

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wendy davis's picture



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edg's picture

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snoopydawg's picture

but because congress had a fear for their lives it is NOW time to censor the president? Okay like that doesn't set a very bad precedent. And it is not just the censorship, but the erasing of Donald Trump who members from both parties and the media have been giving him their support for 5 years.

"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," the future president said on Feb. 1, 2016. —

I am not impressed at those finally speaking out. Or quitting. What kids being permanently separated from their parents wasn't an heinous enough act to censure, impeach or effing quit supporting him? Okie dokey then. Watch as the money behind the protests gets off while the foot soldiers, cannon fodder is left holding the justice bag. Again.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


just scanning i remember 'give them a rough ride'; i'll try to save some time to tead it more closely. he is a man of violence, including to other nations, as is pompeo his chief enforcer now for 'war by other means'.

separating would-be immigrant children from their parents bomba did as well, but he'd never said 'shoot them over the border', OMG! obomba should have been tried at the hague for war crimes, as should pompeo, trump, and clinton, at a bare minimum.

this is a fascinating premise; i'll need to let it percolate in my slow brain:

Watch as the money behind the protests gets off while the foot soldiers, cannon fodder is left holding the justice bag. Again.

6 users have voted.
edg's picture

False statements aren't unequivocally protected by the 1st Amendment. There are over 100 Federal laws that criminalize making false statements. Materiality is an element. See: U.S. v. Gaudin

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enhydra lutris's picture


enforced, almost nobody would survive a tax audit.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

edg's picture

@enhydra lutris

It seems to mostly be enforced when lying on financial applications and disclosures. Can't have the banks and mortgage companies being cheated instead of being the cheaters, now can we?

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enhydra lutris's picture


3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

MSNBC or Fox. They're a propaganda outfit, and just like those two there isn't a single thing RT publishes or prints that deserves being taken at face value.

I think AOC is in Sanders territory: functioning primarily as a sheepdog for the Democrats while trying keep her credentials by occasionally virtue signaling on matters of race. But none of what she said mentioned anything about censorship, and any "truth and reconciliation" committee these days is going to be a toothless exercise in self-promotion.

Anything Russia, China, or anybody else does to foment division/discord is going to be a drop in the bucket to what already exists. Anyone focusing on them has definitely lost sight of the bigger picture. It's too bad people continue to cite RT: they're kinda giving ammo to the DNC fearmongers on this point.

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wendy davis's picture


interviews are often more than fair, at least back in the day with chris wallace, i believe his name was.

as far as (and sometimes sputnik), it's one place that offers a platform to those who offer alternatives to the MSM news. russia-expert stephen cohhen (RIP) and not that i like them all, but lee camp, glenn greenwald, chris hedges, and how cool is it that they carry caitlin johnstone's columns. in fact (and i just clicked in on anther tab), i'd used this one on my last diary that referenced biden's statements about creating a 'domestic terrorism law': Caitlin Johnstone: Consent-manufacturing for Patriot Act II continues

and sure, the place features all manner of click-bait, including cage fighting or, and loves 'Twitter spats'. but it's a trust then verify place, imo, although many i've named above are simply op-eds.

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snoopydawg's picture


RT is not a state mouthpiece and lots of great American journalists that have been closed out of mainstream media and they found a place that accepts their views. You don’t get to say that they are not allowed here. Unless you’re calling Chris Hedges a Russian stooge? Or others that write there? Or many of us who find RT a good source? Debate the information, not the source. Even cnn and msdnc get some stories right.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@BayAreaLefty Tyrel Ventura (Watching the Hawks)and many more are on RT because they can't get booked on MSNBC,CNN, ABC etc..
Just as Pulitzer prize winning journalist, and former foreign correspondent reporter for the NYTs, Chris Hedges can't get a show elsewhere, and is very very rarely on any channels like CNN,MSNBC etc. and that didn't use be the case many years back.

Even Ralph Nader was on tv many years ago, but like fellow Public Interest Lawyer Mike Papatonio, RT is the only place they can have an audience.

Dr. Cornel West is on RT frequently,so is Matt Taibbi, and most of all throughout Julian Assange's persecution/prosecution RT has published more reports on his situation than any other media, and smear jobs by western press don't count.

In fact Nils Melzer, the UN Rapporteur on Torture, has been on many shows on RT and has published a lot of his articles regarding the treatment of Julian Assange.

I could give a lot more examples of how RT is very different from mainstream press but I get the feeling you've never looked at RT, and if that is so all you know about RT is what all the newscasts that you say you don't trust have told you.

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Dawn's Meta's picture


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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

wendy davis's picture


many more names over recent history.

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wendy davis's picture

has turned into a bit of a Rorschach test. note the title, as well as the tags close to realpolik satire, and so on.

i'd never brought in free speech issues, although i do have my own viewpoint. i never brought in those possible/likely MAGA miscreants, nor did i bring in Trump, for that matter.

anyhoo, good night and good luck. who knows what tomorrow may bring?


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wendy davis's picture

posted at

Progressive pundit Jimmy Dore helping ‘FASCISM’ by calling for Julian Assange pardon, liberal commentators claim’, 16 Jan, 2021

Progressive commentator Jimmy Dore has been flamed by liberals after he called for the pardoning of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. His crime wasn’t advocating for Assange, but doing so on Fox News’ ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’.

Appearing on Carlson’s show on Friday, Dore spoke out against the left’s support for the tech industry’s censorship of conservatives and Trump supporters.

“The first person to be deplatformed was WikiLeaks and Julian Assange,” Dore argued. “A great way for Donald Trump to stick the thumb back in the eye of these people, is to pardon Julian Assange. If he knows what's good for freedom of speech and freedom of the press, he should pardon Julian Assange” Dore continued.

tucker's close relatu0nship to trump, yada, hada, who knows, tweets counter-tweets including aaron mate, and finally

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@wendy davis

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wendy davis's picture


great partisan news and civil war great divide, isn't it? but let's keep tearin' this divided nation apart!

it reminds me of this old tune:


2 users have voted.

some college graduate.
what a moron.

gee whiz.

2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


thought i could find this tweet at the café, but nopers. her it is, and boy, howdy have a hella lotta fun with it.

hope this works.

1 user has voted.

@wendy davis

I have no room to talk and should not poke fun.
but gee whiz.

Didn't "Fig" Newton invent the calculus?

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wendy davis's picture


included: 'don't you mean Maynard G. Krebbs?'

one she may have scrubbed was her appearance on firing line lauding the 'supreme intellect of
William F. Buckley!'

but a couple of her constituent detractors know how to dig them out of the Wayback Machine, however that works.

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