Just saying....
The last time the government rushed out a vaccine for a viral epidemic was the 1976 swine flu scare, and that ended with numerous permanently damaged or dead individuals due to faulty vaccines.
Vaccines fast tracked
Why should anyone trust a vaccine that was rushed out in less than a year’s time? China and the rest of the world spent over a decade trying to develop a vaccine for SARS unsuccessfully, but we are supposed to believe that they created a vaccine for SARS related Covid 19 within months?
Dueling vaccines
The biggest COVID-19 related news on Wednesday is the release of the final data from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine trial, which showed the vaccine to be 95% effective, on par with Moderna's mRNA vaccine results, which were released earlier in the week. While we await Moderna's "final" data showing its vaccine to be 96% effective, it's worth noting that this wasn't the only new development in the battle against the virus.
AstraZenaca enters the vaccine race
AstraZeneca and Oxford University's potential COVID-19 vaccine produced a strong immune response in older adults, data published on Thursday showed, with researchers expecting to release late-stage trial results by Christmas.
Joe Biden's COVID-19 Task Force is a clear and present danger to Blacks--wanting to tie vaccination to food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 if this is true; NEXT, they'll bundle vaccinations with income tax refunds, or worse . . . for all. BEWARE.
— Cynthia McKinney PhD (@cynthiamckinney) November 19, 2020
Disgraceful? Think we need a stronger word. Heinous works for me. Sociopathic asswipes also works.
Absolutely disgraceful behavior from Tyson Foods: "Plant Manager Tom Hart organized a cash-buy-in, winner-take-all, betting pool for supervisors and managers to wager how many plant employees would test positive for COVID-19." https://t.co/Q4MlNgHguo
— #Resist Trump's USDA (@altusda) November 18, 2020
During the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, Tyson Foods supervisors bet money on how many workers at a pork processing plant in Iowa would be infected with the lethal coronavirus, according to allegations in a wrongful death lawsuit that critics say reveals the "breathtaking callousness" of corporate managers who put profits over people.
While the owner of Tyson Foods became $600 million richer during the pandemic, 11,000 of his workers got COVID-19 because they were forced back to work in unsafe and unhealthy plants as managers placed bets on how many would get sick. We must end this disgusting corporate greed.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) November 19, 2020
Cuomo, the New York governor is closing schools, but will allow bars, restaurants and gyms are still open. Remember back to the fall where states were insisting that schools open while the DNC/RNC both said it was too dangerous to hold the conventions with the public attending.
Krystal/Saagar take Cuomo to task for yelling at a reporter, but more so for writing a self congratulatory book saying how well he managed the COVID crisis. Yeah, letting nursing homes kill off the elderly and then giving them immunity for it was such a wonderful thing to do.

I wasn't planning on getting the vaccine anyway, so
this just confirmed my instinct.
Why aren't we hearing more about that nasal spray?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I'm not one of those
"anti-vaccer's", but, I'm not going to get the jab, especially if these companies are "legally immune". Especially considering Doctors are letting patients die that have COVID.
Thanks for the heads up SnoopyDawg!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I will, but only after a few years of experience
Wow! I was thinking the swine flu was under Obama. So it was Jimmy Carter. Not much difference except I don't remember Jimmy ever starting any wars. He wouldn't do it even after an embassy was violated.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
No -- the 1976 swine flu
No, sorry I don't
I remember Johnny Carson joking about swine Flu, so it couldn't have been Obama anyway.
Hey! I remember Jack Paar, not much about him, but I remember him. after my bedtime anyway. When my buddy across the alley would come over for a Friday sleepover, we would make Pizzas and watch Shock Theater (sort of an early Mystery Science Theater 3000 for you youngsters). Those were good days. like having a twin brother.
EDIT: That was circa 1957-1959 I remember Eisenhower giving speeches, maybe even the famous MIL speech. at the time I thought he was a boring old man. Wish I had paid more attention. All the family, even those who later became Christian Conservative Republicans thought FDR ranked with Lincoln and Harry Truman was a pretty good president too. I know Truman was unpopular but not in my family. Even if there were policy differences, and there were (but not the bombs), they liked Truman's gutsy personality. "Old Harry didn't take any crap from anybody."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It’s almost the 1st face you see in the video.
But as the Rooster states, companies have gotten off being held accountable if they kill people with their vaccines. Even the vaccine harm hotline has been neutered. Instead of a million people having a nasty side effect from a vaccine, they get to lump them together as one case. It’s worse than that even. You’d have to search for it to see how bad.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Gyms where sweaty people are huffing and puffing
The last place you want to be. even after the bars with their alcoholic inhabitants.
But don't invite Cousin Tommy for Thanksgiving dinner. That's more dangerous than strangers in a gym breathing hard or the neighborhood drunk breathing on you. /snark
Who greased Coumo's palm?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Well I'm on food stamps & section 8 housing
So if a bum's rush of vaccine becomes necessary to continue with those benefits (what's next Social Security?) the only positive thing I'm certain of is that there will be a lot of legal opposition holding it up from across the political spectrum.
How long who knows, but maybe long enough to see if it truly has no negative consequences for those that chose to trust this rushed vaccination job.
What if this requirement to be vaccinated was included in the eligibility to hold public office, including their families, and for government retirees that are still receiving benefits from their job or service to a govt. position?
In fact everyone in government office that are involved in supporting the vaccine imperative should be the first people vaccinated. First, and proof it happened.
I don’t see how getting a mandatory vaccines
is constitutional, but look at how hospitals make them mandatory. Yes you can refuse to get one, but then they don’t have to hire you. Same thing with drug tests for employment. But it should never have been accepted by the population.
But tying them to social programs? Or how bout tax returns? Flying, train traveling, etc? You’ll need proof that you are not infected, but how reliable are they? I’m still seeing stories about false positive/negative. The PCR test is lacking from what I’ve read, but then I’ve also read how reliable they are.
I’d reserve that for those who are pushing for mandatory vaccines. I’m trying to find the article on how pharma companies rigged it so they get immunity. It’s been a crap shoot for decades. Look into the Gardisal vaccine for young girls. Lots and lots of problems with it, but what have you heard?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Permission slips
The nightmare we are experiencing will not end.
Doesn't this tie in well with Wendy Davis' essay yesterday?
Is this scary?
I think it is if he’s saying that the military is going to be giving us the vaccine whether we want it or not.
Partial transcript:
I guess we will be lucky if schools got parent’s permission to give their kids shots. I’ve seen lots of articles where the schools leave the parents in the dark about what they did to their kids. Some girls got the Gardisal vaccine over their parent’s objections. There have been deaths from it across the world. And they want to make it mandatory for boys to get it too.
This is tying into lots of people who are warning us about how the government is rescinding our rights or are going to take a mile if we give them their inch. The epidemic is real, but there are a lot of people pushing for things non related to it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Money for the shots coming from school budgets, for example? A smart redditor suggested this to me and it makes sense.
The answer to many questions is Cui bono? Who benefits?
This is the answer to a lot of questions isn’t it?
Cui bono? The pharmaceutical companies sure make a killing from their stuff.
Vaccine liability is a scam as I stated above and it’s easy to get lost doing research on it. Here is one article on the Gardisal/HPV vax, but there are a lot more.
Of course they readily accept the fact that their product cost....oh who am I kidding? They all fight almost every case they can. But why not? Oil companies can pollute and poison our air, water.... and they kill thousands every year just because no one cares if they build a factory, dump and other things that will never be allowed in rich people’s neighborhoods. But back to the COVID-19 vaccine, with Gate's name even being mentioned around it there is no way in hell I’m getting one unless it’s at gunpoint. Hasn’t anyone watched Stargate SG-1 "2012"? That vaccine sterilized 93% of the population over 2 decades and they went from being highly educated to a farming community to send stuff back to their conquers.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Haven't watched Stargate but it will take a gun to my head too
This won't work for everyone, but as long as not everyone has been vaccinated the fight is still on.
However I think the Constitutional challenges to this edict should be enough to tie it up in Courts until it dies,and is second only to mass uprisings against it with grassroots organizations ranging from BLM and MAGA in the streets.
Hell,I doubt even a proven vaccination that cures cancer would go over as easy as some might think because most people don't trust the government, and for good reason.
Ntm what about the next virus?
I hope it get tied up in the courts
I recently read that the incoming president gets sat down and given the talk about what he’s allowed to do now that he’s president. Trump actually spilled the beans on what he could do. ANYTHING. Yep. Article 2 of the constitution gives him the authority to do basically anything because he’s the president. Nice huh?
So yeah there might be a chance that Biden could issue an executive order for all people to be vaccinated against their will. The armed opposition to it might delay it for a few years, but..they have more guns and ammo than we do. Don’t forget that during Bush’s tenure every department in government bought ammunition by the billions. Social security, the IRA, health and human services and every tiny department we’ve never heard of. Why? No one has found that out. Yet.
I don’t know how true this is. Might look it up.
Obama was just adding on to the older EOs that previous presidents have written.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
I knew there was a reason I liked you!
It was the Aschen!
For those non SG Nerds
, who are the Aschend?
It's a rare moment when one encounter's a fellow Gate Traveler. The event must be celebrated!
"Jaffa, Kree!, drinks for everybody!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Stargate SG1 2010
If anyone is looking for a fun series to binge on I recommend this series because it's out there. It is best to watch the original movie Stargate that the series is based on. Kurt Russell and James Spader.
They first did Stargate 2001 which is set in the future and they find out that their new alien allies,, the Aschen who has wiped out their mortal enemy the G'ould and everyone's lives are of leisure and luxury. Until Sam finds out that she can not have children. But it's not just her, but 93% of the population has been culled through low birth rates. So they send a note.
U-Tube doesn't show 2001 preview for some reason.
2010 is when they meet with the Aschen who promise them so many nice things, including how to get rid of the G'ould, but then Daniel finds an underground city library that tells the story. Anyhoo it is a fun 2 episodes. And one of my favorite series.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
they've had legal
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
This is why so many people are questioning the
vaccine. That Gates name is even mentioned is what raises red flags. The horror stories coming out of 3rd world countries should have gotten more attention. Tying it into finances? Brilliant move on their part, but does that happen before or after the cashless society starts? Boo hiss.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
no coverage if you aren't vaccinated. wait for it.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Flu Vaccine Fantasy
The HIV virus arrived in 1981 and we have no vaccine. Treatments that work, thank god, but no prevention or cure. Treatments are where the profits lie.
A safe effective vaccine in less than a year? Tell me another one.
Cuomo is the Raging Bully and de Blasio has a calmer disposition but they are both blowing it bigtime.
My humble opinion and practice is to wear a mask and live my life as best as I can. Which includes shopping for what I need in local stores, eating out in restaurants with spaced out tables, taking walks,etc. It kills me that the schools are closed and the two men leading my state and city want to close stores and restaurants.
Not all vaccines are created equal
This is but one problem with the question of "to vax or not to vax?"
The MMR should probably be mandatory; flu shots of any kind (which I think would include COVID, right?)? No fucking way. I've literally never had the flu in my life, nor have I ever had a flu shot - and I honestly fear that whatever "vital impurity" (to borrow an image from Robert Louis Stevenson) has gone right with me could be ruined forever by a flu shot.
NOT ALL BODIES WORK THE SAME. SCIENCE, BIOLOGY, AND MEDICINE ARE COMPLICATED. THERE ARE NO RULES IN THE REAL UNIVERSE, ONLY FACTS - and governments, of course, hate that. They can't deal. It makes their job hard, even if their intentions are pure. To those who say government officials cannot be trusted to make medical decisions for us, I say: Can't argue with that! "Keep Your Laws Off My Body" is no longer a women-only slogan (it never was, really).
This is going to be hell for the struggle for universal healthcare, of course, but it should be obvious how it's supposed to work, in healthcare, welfare, security, and all else: The government provides; individuals decide.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
What did you edit?
It’s nice to note your edit if it’s hours after you posted. I thumbed it earlier, but don’t see what you changed. This isn’t just directed at you. It’s just common curtesy. IMO.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
It was comparatively trivial
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I routinely edit
I don't see the typos/misspellings until later. If I add or change anything. then I note it. Don't think I've ever deleted anything, but if I did, I would note it. I do beleive, I have apologized in an edit.
But spelling, punctuation errors? Nah? An example is my mos-spelling of believe above. Does fixing that require a note? Perhaps JtC will issue courtesy guidelines.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
That is creepy, so is this
I think this will be misinterpreted, I couldn't make perfect sense of it myself:
California's vaccine plan will prioritize Blacks and Latinos, among others.
Huh? So they have to take it first? Huh.
Look under your chair! Every one gets a vaccine! whoop whoop
Right now I do not want another vaccine that will make me sicker, I am done with that approach. The only flu shot I ever took, on advice from my doctor, it made me sick for a couple of days, miserable. And then later that year I caught the flu and was sicker than dawg for ten days, bed ridden. No luck with flu shots here. I had a polio vaccine when I was young, and measles shot plus boosters, also chicken pox I think. I did catch the measles in kindergarten, that was a bummer what I remember, it was very itchy.
I'd rather focus on strengthening my whole immune system, and why doesn't the state spend money on extra sanitation and PPE for under served communities? Bastard corporate managers and pHarma donors go to hell.
The norovirus makes me extremely sick, and it is also highly contagious and kills old people. I get it almost every year, probably from tourists or one of the many assisted living facilities around here. Like food poisoning I really feel like I am going to die from dehydration when I get that one. I can barely walk for days it is so depleting. Every year I get older and it gets worser.
Take my vitamins, wash my hands, put on a godamn mask going out and don't touch my face until I wash my hands again. That's my approach. I cannot wait until this madness ends. Thanks.
good luck
Sadly this is true
Some of it is because they are poorer and since they most probably don’t have health insurance they aren’t very healthy to begin with or over weight because of food deserts or lack of money, but add in COVID-19 and they get hit harder. Plus with low wages they live with extended family and more people get exposed because they have to work or just can not work. This is probably the biggest reason congress won’t do a decent stimulus. They are forcing people back to work.
Read more on the meat factory illness and death. People who are sick are being told to stay working. Not telling others their coworkers are infected... this is criminal and a crime against humanity in my book. Billionaires have increased their wealth biggly. Hey! Let’s tax them more.
Cuomo, the piece of shit is cutting the budget for mostly people who are not rich whilst refusing to raise taxes on those who can afford it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
By far, the most power prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2
....is iodine-based nasal spray. One spray kills viruses for hours and can kill viruses you may have already ingested, which gather in the nasal passages. You can buy it in a drug store or make it yourself. Garglng with a .5% iodine solution will clear corona viruses building up in your airways and prevent or reverse serious infections.
There are dozens of current studies focusing on its effectiveness with Covid-19. Almost all infections enter the body through the mouth and nose. All health care workers should be using this. It offers more thorough protection than they currently have.
Naturally, it works very well against common cold viruses. Can't think of anything more effective. The CDC is not sharing this information with the American People.
Could you comment on what it leaves you
tasting or smelling like? The iodine option sounds excelent. But a dentist's hand sanitizer I had to use recently had an added 'fragrance' I couldn't get off with either soap or rubbing alcohol for at least 12 hours.
Went shopping and bought the wrong thing
I went to the source: http://ph.betadine.com/en/upper-respiratory-tract-infection-care/betadin...
Oh! The "Where to buy" section doesn't have any familiar names on it. I remember Lookout recommending iodine for my tooth funk, but I didn't bookmark anything at the time, I didn't search. TMI too much information overloaded.
Wow it was a beautiful day yesterday, great to be outside walking. I gargled with salt water after I got back, can't believe the sludge that builds up in just a few hours. From wildfire to wood smoke, don't spare the air. Also in Cloverdale there is always the fresh scent of diesel fumes on the street. Always. This is a sawmill town on the insides, trying to look like a wine cave town on the outsides. Mmmm, diesel.
Someone three doors down bought a new Tesla, and a pink electric scooter for their daughter. She rides it up and down the sidewalk all the time with her friend hanging off the back or sometimes off the front. LOL! it is pretty quiet and it does not stink. Right on. I sweep the oak nuts off the sidewalk so they have a smooth spot to turn around. go future
good luck
Was that years ago? flu shots are different now.
Many people got sick when they first were made. They know what they are doing - now.
Science does evolve. I'll take the covid vaccine maybe five years from now, maybe ten if I'm still alive.
Edited for clarity, Changed "the vaccine" to "the covid vaccine". And I DON'T mean the mRNA variety. I plan to leave this world with the same genes I came in with. Won't knowingly eat GMO food either.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
About six years ago, first and last try
I might just have bad luck with mainstream healthcare, if there's a negative side effect I usually get it. So consistently that I stopped reading about them before ever trying anything new, just to make sure I wasn't planting the idea inside my own fine head.
It's a gamble anyway, right? Every year a different flu vaccine is created based on... what? I'm not sure, the year before I think. Because it takes them almost a year to produce enough doses. So when they plan the mix it is the current year, but by the time you get the shot it is already next season. I don't even know who exactly I'm talking about when I say "they" and "them". The ones who have to constantly keep fixing other people's health in order to have a career that puts food on their family.
"Doctors! They don't call it a practice for nothin'." --Farmer Zack
And I am a lousy gambler, the house always wins. I even lose quarters at the laundromat every time I go, it's like a casino which machine will be broken each time.
good luck
On the lighter side...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Too close to the truth.
I keep remembering that Governor Pritzker comes from a family that owns a hotel chain. Is his on again off again designed to destroy the competition? And notice how Congress' handouts benefit large companies over small.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Despite being in a state and age group
that has been particularly hard hit by COVID-19, there is no way in hell I would allow myself to be vaccinated by a vaccine that has been rushed through the process. Further, I am not sure that any vaccine would be effective against this virus.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
AstraZenekz vaccine had serious side effect
This is what happened to the girl in the video above. The woman in that video did not fully recover from her ordeal. Here’s hoping that this one does.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
More on this
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: Huge setback for Australia’s hopes
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
"Missing or invalid product identifier", it tells me
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Fixed link to news dot com article
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: Huge setback for Australia’s hopes
here is a fixed link to yet another murdoch rag, from September 9, 2020 12:02pm:amp identifiers break the internets
(giant flus_ing sounds)
Edit: instant karma got me, because t_ere is no _ttps protocol.
sewer _ole
good luck
That one literally doesn't work at all :S
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
It's not you, it's me. Try again? Never mind!
Edit: c'mon man! I can't believe I have wasted minutes linking to the empire of Murdoch, let's not give him any more clicks. That's an old article, ancient in COVID-19 minutes, there's no there there. Go forth and prosper.
peace and love
NOW it works!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!