Democrats Gonna Squeak By with House
Submitted by apenultimate on Fri, 11/06/2020 - 8:55am
Looking at CNN's election map for the House of Representatives, it looks to me as though the Democrats are going to *just barely* squeak by with control of the House. Here is the current state of "decided" elections:
Link (although the numbers will update and change)
The Democrats currently have 208, but cursoring over the map at the undecided districts, it looks to me that Democrats are only ahead in 10 additional contests right now.
This would give them 218, the exact number needed to control the House. Right now, Democrats control 233 seats, so this is a fairly large crash for them.
Polls had them gaining 4-10 seats.

What abut the senate in 2022?
Can McConnell get a veto proof senate to go with a Republican house?
On to Biden since 1973
@doh1304 I doubt it. In fact,
@doh1304 The map heavily favors
"Not me. Us."
To misquote Joseph Heller:
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
The Democrat Party is sinking fast.
Winning the figurehead white house position means nothing, especially barely squeeking by, when you give up more and more statehouses, govenorships, House seats, and federal court appointments.
The Titanic Party is going down and stupid Pelosi and Shumer are still on the bridge wheeling away on the steering wheel as though they are in total control.
Now is the time for the smart Democrat Senators and Reps to jump ship and start a new party.
There is a handful of them I would follow through Hell. But most I wouldn't turn my back to.
Tha ks for the post, Apenultimate.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
They don't really mind.
Under Obama the Democratic Party gave, to the Republican Party, all branches of the Federal government, 12 governor's houses, and 900+ state legislative seats. They think the voters have rewarded this performance by (what seems likely now) electing Obama's VP.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
The Obama years disagree
Obama and the Democratic leadership oversaw the loss of literally thousands of offices to republicans. The rank-and-file democrats, like those complete morons on DKos, doubled down in their support for them. These people worship the Democratic Party celebrities and the top of the power structure. They don’t care about policy or a anything else as long as there’s a D as POTUS.
Please Please NOT Pelosi!
Time for her to go! Past time!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.