Democrats go to war against the Green Party

The democrats called people in Montana who had signed the Green Party ballot and bullied them into recanting their signatures. The democrats also got the GP kicked off the ballot in Wisconsin.

You would think that people would be open to fair elections, but since Jill Stein was accused of being a Russian puppet who would do Putin's bidding all sense of reality has flown out the window and centrists are cheering this move by democrats. Never mind that Johnson got twice as many votes as Stein did, it is still her fault that Hillary lost the state to Trump. Hey blaming a woman when a man was more guilty.....hmm isn't that called misogyny?

Hey have you heard that getting the Green Party on the ballot is just a republican plot to keep democrats from winning? Or since 2016 it is a Russian plot to keep democrats from winning?

The green party is group of kamikaze pilots more interested in helping the republican party.

If your conscious doesn't allow you to vote for either party because they don't give a damn about anyone not in their class or that both parties are just as eager to kill brown people in countries that haven't threatened the US then you are a dumb Bernie Bro.

IMO Greens are purists, like the Bernie Brothers who refused to vote for Hillary in 2016.

Or they are too dumb not to know that Putin has gotten into their minds and made them vote Green. Why? Cuz Jill Stein went to Russia to take part in a Russia Today party and Putin sat at her table momentarily as he was going to speak soon. Y'all know the story there and the CT that came from it. Stein went to Russia to get orders from Putin. Funny how that doesn't apply to most members from both parties going to Israel EVERY DAMN YEAR on AIPAC's dime to get orders from Bibi or whomever happens to be Israel's Prime Minister.

Purists? That's their excuse now? Couldn’t vote for HRC so Putin convinced them to vote for Stein and look what we ended up with. Aren’t they just so proud now?

Jill Stein cost Hillary the 2016 election and PUT the Orange Anus in power. Am I missing something here? Oh and one of her backers was Putin!

That’s because from what I can see they are really really stupid. Hmm. Sounds like another group with Red Hats doesn’t it?

Because every person who voted Green actually owed their vote to Hillary. Um, doesn't that kinds miss the point on why people vote Stein in the 1st place? Do they know Stein isn't running this year?

Democrats are accusing Trump/republicans of voter suppression through DeJoy's actions at the post office. It's bad enough that democrats joined with republicans to keep Green Party candidates out of the debates, but to not allow them on the ballot? There is a word for that isn't there?

I am going to laugh my lil tush off when if Biden wins he continues doing what Trump has been doing just like he and MyBoss did with Bush's agendas after they won. Funny how the centrists who had a huge problem with Bush's wars didn't have any problems when Obama took the 2 wars he inherited and went on to start 5 or more wars that were on PNAC's score card.
Libya, Syria, Yemen when Obama armed Al Qaeda and ISIS to help him. Regime change in Hondorus and Ukraine when Obama armed neo Nazis that the US fought against in WWII. Obama refused to arm them and got away with it, but not Trump. Oh no he had to be impeached for not arming neo Nazis that would have increased tensions with Russia.

The other things that is going to flip their lids is that Biden is not going to go after Trump for any of his misdeeds. It is Not Going To Happen because presidents do not go after their predecessors. Heads might explode when Trump hops on AF1 and flies away free from all charges that they think Biden was going to prosecute him for. NGTH!

And how will they react when Biden sends more US troops into Syria and institutes a no fly zone over the country? Zzzzzzz is my guess.

So hop on the bus, Gus and hi yourself down to the voting place and vote for Joe. If not then your are a Russian bot and are helping Trump get re'elected.

“Voting isn’t marriage, it’s public transport. You’re not waiting for “the one” who’s absolutely perfect: you’re getting the bus, and if there isn’t one to your destination, you don’t not travel- you take the one going closest.”

20 users have voted.


usefewersyllables's picture

that there are those in the dem party who believe that some fraction of those who would choose to vote Green will come and vote for their candidate instead, if said choice is forcibly removed. Of course, the media stenographers will not see fit to publicize the inconvenient fact that the dems are the ones who are pushing for this removal. Blame the courts, I guess, or the Rushinz. Certainly not the party.

What a wonderful way to convince even more people that voting is pointless. I'll be voting Green all the way down, unless Jena Griswold (CO's secretary of state) decides at the last minute that her newfound belief in election integrity requires her to purge all of them from the ballot here as well. If the dems were to pull that stunt here, I'd certainly be inclined to vote for anybody who isn't one. I don't think that that would be their desired outcome, assuming that they are honest actors.

And there's the rub. I've come to believe that the opposite is true. The problem is that the dem party has invested in losing so heavily, and for so long. Losing guarantees that they don't even have to try and govern, and they can't be held be responsible for anything: all they can do is bitch and moan. Which will certainly bring in even more donations from the many wealthy people who are also heavy into bitching and moaning, but doesn't do much to actually, you know, help manage any situation beyond fleecing their donors.

Losing is profitable as hell, once you have the scam in place. Why would the party's professional consultant/grifter class actually try to avoid losing when it pays them elephant-choking bales of donated cash? They just want to feed from that self-refilling (and self-fulfilling) trough for as long as possible. Just don't look to them for anything resembling leadership, or support of the population at large. That's not what they are there for in this modern era, after all. There are pockets to be lined.

21 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Pricknick's picture

would be tempted to vote for trump if they removed the green party in Michigan.
Burn it down.

10 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

wendy davis's picture


county's very keen on Diane Mitsch Bush who's running for CO 3rd CD. no green running, and hilariously, 'Lauren Boebert defeated [Tea Party] Tipton in the Republican primary 55% to 45%.

now boebert's a pistol-packin' mama, by gawd!

"Boebert owns and operates the restaurant Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. Boebert's campaign website says that the restaurant "earned national notoriety for staff that proudly open carry as they serve their customers."

4 users have voted.
RantingRooster's picture

but let's call it what it really is, the Democrats war on democracy.

I wonder if it's too late to legally change my name to "None of the Above"? Gee, I would already be on the ballot in every state and not have to spend a dime to do it!

The US, and the world for that matter, are so fucked...

14 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

TheOtherMaven's picture


It isn't. Not anywhere. The DirtyRat and RottenPig Parties won't allow it - because both of them are so Goddamn awful that "None Of The Above" would actually win in a landslide.

13 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven "None of these candidates" is on the ballot in state and federal elections. NOTC received 28,862 votes (or 2.6%) in 2016. Of course the Green Party didn't get ballot access in that election. Whereas, Independent American (Darrell Castle/Scott Bradley) and Other (Rockey de la Fuente/Michael Steinberg did, respectively receiving 5,268 and 2,552 votes. The Libs Johnson/Weld got 37,384 (3.3%).

5 users have voted.

I am not sure any assumption that posits that if no Green listed on ballot, it will help Biden. Maybe those voters will go Trump instead. Or maybe voting for nobody which effectively would be the case if there was a Green on the ballot--that is, the vote does not go to Biden.

12 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

i loved hearing krystal's mega-outraged rant!

thanks for bringing this, Snoop. oh, that angela walker moved during the petitioning process! #WhatAScofflaw!

bruce dixon (rest in power) had it right long ago: if it were up to the Ds, no Greens would be on the ballot, as state by state they kept raising the bar as to #s of signatures, filing fees, on and on ad nauseum.

getting petitions signatures was no easy task during the lockdowns, either.

i will have to say that the truth on stein being called a russia-gater turned out to be true.

on later edit: life later imitating earlier agitprop.

you may not remember, but she raised money to recount the ballots in three states due to (first) 'Russian', (later) 'foreign' interference in the election. i.e., votes for hellary... the states kept raising the price of the recounts, so, iirc, she finally bailed on the project. wonder where all that lucre went?

now she did this at the express objections from not only the green steering party, but her running mate Ajamu Baraka (whom i'd voted for, not stein who was just phonin' it in at that time). you all may also remember that baraka was stein's third choice as her VP (first hedges (ugh), then someone else...and yet he agreed. a truly splendid human being he is.

as a side note, you may also know that the superb long-time SJW activist, anti-imperialist kevin zeese crossed to the other side a week ago. he was press secretary for hawkins and walker.

on edit: here's their ballot access page.

7 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

'Twitter lets Democrat PAC push #TrumpIsAPedo after banning videos of Biden as ‘child exploitation, 15 Sep, 2020,

it ends:

While allowing the Meidas Touch campaign to trend and attract tens of thousands of shares, Twitter has censored users who try to post official C-SPAN footage of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden inappropriately touching young girls. These videos were labeled as violations of Twitter’s policy against “Child Sexual Exploitation,” and at least one user was locked until he deleted them.

Interestingly, this particular push comes as mainstream media critics have defended the French film ‘Cuties’ – featuring oversexualized, twerking preteens – and Netflix for distributing it in the US.

The online movie platform is run by major Democrat donors, and has signed a multi-million-dollar content deal with former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. The Obamas have stayed entirely silent on the film, as has former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who sits on the board of Netflix.

on the left sidebar is 'Videos of Biden touching young girls flagged as 'child sexual exploitation' by Twitter despite being official public footage', sept 14, 2020 though 'being public footage' absolves him!

8 users have voted.

@wendy davis if the photos have been officially labeled as "child sexual exploitation" what does that say about Uncle Joe's actions in them?

Nothing good.

10 users have voted.

They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

wendy davis's picture

@Johnny Q

the text and tweets from the first RT headline, but my point in the second one to point out 'even though it was "despite being national footage". as if he minds sniffing her hair, holding/stroking her arm....he apparently does it all the time. i can't make out what the look on her face might signify.

5 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

first alerted me to his infamous past w/ her: 'hope and grope biden' sig line.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

If they still think that people have nowhere to go they figured wrong. But if they’re trying to lose....?

15 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Situational Lefty's picture

Here in Montana, the Republican Party was found to be financially responsible for collecting all the signatures to get the Green Party on the ballot.

The Republican Party has sued several times to get the Green Party back on the ballot, but have failed in all their efforts.

As far as I know, the Democrats have had nothing to do with this effort to get the Green Party on the ballot, positive or negative.

In fact, we've got a local right wing Gun Nut running as a "Green Party" candidate.

1 user has voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

snoopydawg's picture

@Situational Lefty

They are taking them off. At least watch the video posted before you comment.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

They have to work really hard to win by other means. Sad that they have to take so much trouble.

6 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

grounged in (what passes for) Reality.

conspiracy theory or what w. blum called 'coincidence theory'? ; )

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

Ady Barkin is happy that the greens have been kicked off. I swear he’s a tool for democrats. He’s the guy dying from ALS and said that he’s only voting for someone who believes in MFA. Biden wouldn’t even talk to him during the primary and has said more than once he will never pass it. But there’s Ady being Biden’s biggest cheerleader. And not meaning to sound soulless, but how many years has he been dying? Wasn’t he around during Obama’s tenure too?

1 user has voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.