Hillary Clinton is not a Badass. She's a Bullshit Artist.
You don't have to read this Wreckage list post at Daily Kos, and you probably do not need to, considering the title: Hillary Clinton is an Epic Badass. Deal with it.
Here is my rebuttal.
Hillary Clinton is a liar. She lied about her visit to Bosnia when she claimed she came under sniper fire. There is video evidence that that she was not exposed to sniper fire. She later recanted, calling the story a mistake. But it was no mistake, it was a flat out lie. How do I know? Because she told the story of her trip to Bosnia in her memoir, Living History, and in her book the story she told about her trip to Bosnia comports with what the video showed:
Interestingly, Clinton's memoir Living History depicts an arrival that, though dangerous, included neither actual sniper fire nor running. It matches the CBS footage and appears to contradict Clinton's later retelling:
"Security conditions were constantly changing in the former Yugoslavia, and they had recently deteriorated again. Due to reports of snipers in the hills around the airstrip, we were forced to cut short an event on the tarmac with local children, though we did have time to meet them and their teachers and to learn how hard they had worked during the war to continue classes in any safe spot they could find. One eight-year-old girl gave me a copy of a poem she had written entitled 'Peace.'"
People do not forget about times when they come under gun fire. It's a traumatic event in people's lives. She remembered it well enough to describe it truthfully in her memoir.
She also owas evasive about her stance for gay marriage to Anderson Cooper at the debate on October 15, 2015, when he confronted her about her past opposition to marriage equality:
Clinton insisted she’s been “consistent” in her values throughout her life. “I’ve always fought for the same values and principles. Like most human beings, including those who run for office, we do absorb new information.”
In fact, in 2014, she admitted to Terri Gross on NPR that she opposed recognizing same sex marriage . As this Atlantic article noted regarding that interview:
Hillary Clinton didn't refrain from supporting same-sex marriage for political reasons—before last year, she earnestly believed that marriage equality should be denied to gays and lesbians. That's the story the 66-year-old Democrat settled on when NPR host Terry Gross pressed her on her views. The admission is easily the most significant in the interview with the former senator, secretary of State, and presidential candidate ...
Here's a video put together by Mark Armstrong in which he accuses her of lying for 13 minutes straight during the CNN debate:
[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI]
Hard to argue with him. She did not tell the truth about the emails on her private server. If she told Wall Street to Cut it out about the sketchy mortgage derivatives, why did she blame homeowners for the Housing bubble? Why did she call out Bernie Sanders and falsely claim he would eliminate the Affordable Care Act because he proposes s single payer system? In 2008 running against Obama, she adamantly opposed more gun control when she thought it would help her win the votes of the white working class:
“We have one set of rules in NYC and a totally different set of rules in the rest of the state. What might work in NYC is certainly not going to work in Montana. So, for the federal government to be having any kind of blanket rules that they’re going to try to impose, I think doesn’t make sense.”
To summarize her thoughts on the issue, Secretary Clinton stated "I respect the 2nd Amendment. I respect the rights of lawful gun owners to own guns, to use their guns. But I also believe that most lawful gun owners whom I have spoken with for many years across our country also want to be sure that we keep those guns out of the wrong hands. And as president, I will work to try to bridge this divide, which I think has been polarizing and, frankly, doesn’t reflect the common sense of the American people.”
In 2016, she painted Bernie Sanders as opposed to gun control (he's not, he even received a D grade from the NRA) even though his positions are identical or more intrusive than the ones she advocated in 2008. Even more ironic, is that her campaign manager attended a fundraiser on her behalf hosted by a recent NRA lobbyist, Jeff Forbes, an event openly publicized by the campaign and which John Podesta, defended.
She will say anything to get elected - Anything. Isn't that the essence of a bullshit artist? It sure doesn't make her a 'badass' when she uses Rovian-style attacks against Bernie's character and record. It makes her a scumbag.
The Bosnia episode
is what killed her for me long ago.
To top off the lie, she blamed it on sleep deprivation.
I sure as fuck don't want her answering a phone call at 3am.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
But she'll use her blackberry to answer.
So she has that going for her.
As do hackers who can easily clone her phone, without leaving a trace.
We TOLD you not to use the blackberry 15 times!!!! what is it that you are regressing Hillary? oops, foundation email... shhhh personal... (delete) what were you saying???
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
Are you mentioning "Sniper Fire?"
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Billary is corrupt to the core
I sure don't want Billary, who have taken over 100 million dollars in bribes from billionaires, Bank$ters, Big Oil, Big Coal, companies who ship jobs offshore, war criminals, etc., to be in charge of prosecuting the crimes of her "donors" and regulating their abuses.
Feel the Bern!
Yes of course.
Though to be fair, Clinton has fought for the same principles throughout her life -- she's just lied about them more often as she got older. Her principles are the same ones she had when she was a Goldwater Girl.
The ruling classes need an extra party to make the rest of us feel as if we participate in democracy. That's what the Democrats are for. They make the US more durable than the Soviet Union was.
That's gonna leave a mark
Gotta love the similarity
Gotta love the similarity between both those badges. Both with arrows pointed to the right, not left. I think we have more an answer as to Hillary's leanings than what comes out of her mouth!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Red Arrow Right
Breaking up the pillars of blue. How VERY appropriate.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
I agree, she has consistently
I agree, she has consistently espoused the same principles throughout her life. Her problem is she's running for POTUS in the 'D' team, and she can't tell us what those principles are because if she does she couldn't be elected Dem dog-catcher. Her principles are radioactive to actual progressives. Hence all the lying and changing the subject and focus groups to try to tell us what we want to hear.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. -- St. Augustine of Hippo
its the money
The greed takes over.... do they understand what reality is really like for the rest of us? no... do they think they deserve 1/2 billion dollars for selling progs out? I suppose the Clintons do. Never mind the progs, or humanity or the climate change as well as the fracking crap. But my biggest peeve is that Chelsey... and her lies, she has learnt so very well from mom and dad.
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
Of course she is!
But holy crap, they're getting desperate over there with the clickbait--that's what a lot of that shit is, and that post is a prime example of it.
AND, I'm not ashamed to admit that yes, I stopped by there anyway--I just rolled my eyes and sucked up a little bit (does this make me a masochist?). Didn't even really talk about the subject, we talked about the --yes, obvious thread derail in the first thread by a person alleging to be a Sanders supporter. And I'm proud of the fact that I only got sucked IN to a couple of comments, because that is the kind of post that used to suck me in for hours
I should just do what you do and write rebuttals, that would probably be cathartic too. Except it would take longer, ha ha! I actually got stuff done this evening
No you aren't a masochist
I did the same thing. I like to go in to the pro Hillary diaries and read the sucky, lovie dovie comments that people write about her highness.
It's nauseating to see intelligent people being sucked in by her. Good lord, these are the same people that think that Obama is the best president ever. And he has ended two wars and hasn't started any new ones.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Odd that...
Given that they must have derided Clinton initially, when supporting Obama in 2008.
But then establishment Dems pivot easily when told who the establishment candidate will be.
Just like Boss Kos.
from a reasonably stable genius.
hahaha man !!! THIS > "and read the sucky, lovie dovie comments that people write about her highness. " hahahahaha
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
the GE footings
haha, Its like a big slime bucket on the (cough) Front Page of information related to the general election success of Hillary The Rod Clinton... and BBB, my god, Kos is mighty proud of his stable of fables
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
That I resisted the urge to even open that diary I took as a sign of progress in my efforts to wean myself off of going there period.
I'd be more productive going to Red State and saying Republicans Suck!
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Hillary is a crook
Thank you for the diary. Spot on!
John Nelson
I see passive/aggressive
I see passive/aggressive tactics used by Hillary and her campaign staff and her supporters with such regularity that it seems like a feature, not a bug. The "deal with it" title was just one more example. Not the kind of amateur games one should expect from a world leader.
Another Refugee from the Great Orange Purity Troll
Her campaign is obviously training their people in troll/disruption behaviors. I've seen it repeated very effectively way too many times on the GOS for it to be an accident.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. -- St. Augustine of Hippo
Agreed. It's been obvious for a long time that every pro-Bernie or anti-Hillary diary have an assigned minder to disrupt the comments from the first comment spot. There's about a half dozen and it's not even subtle that they rotate.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Read that post earlier
and I actually thought this was sarcasm:
Now that's funny.
That claim is ridiculous...
It was based on that chart that showed Bernie all the way to the left. Anyone that posits that there is no room to the left of Bernie Sanders on the political spectrum is either too ignorant or too disingenuous to be taken seriously.
Here is a more accurate portrayal:
Plenty of room to the left of Sanders.
I would put him farther left than the piliticalcompass.org chart has him, like about half way left of center, but I think they got Hillary right on..
She lost me w/ this when she no longer had a path to nomination
To her, there yet remained one possible path to the White House in May 2008
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
As far as she's concerned
she has a path the White House - it just involves lying through her teeth.
And cheating--don't forget the many ways to disrupt voting
I think it likely she lost MA, MO, possibly IL, and sure as hell lost more votes than the quasi-official record shows in AZ. The Democratic Party machine is at least as sleazy and practiced (and shameless) as anything the Rs have, and always has been, and the party's machine is at the service of the Clintons. A few of the better known Democratic party machines:
Boss Tweed, Tammany Hall machine/New York City
Pendergast machine/Kansas City
Daley machine/Cook Co., Chicago
Rizzo machine/Philly
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Henry Fucking Kissinger
HRC's being proud of praise from Henry Fucking Kissinger is what lost me forever. I was thrilled when Bernie announced he was running, and contributed to his campaign immediately. And I was even willing to overlook HRC's proclivity to lying in the general election if I had to. But after she started bragging about Henry Fucking Kissinger, and Bill did too, I re-evaluated my ability to overlook all the things I had been forced to overlook as a Dem in the 90s. And I will not do it. I don't think HRC is even a Dem, at least as I've always understood Democratic principles.
I'm a few years younger than HRC and grew up a few suburbs away. For those of us who came of age in the shadow of Vietnam, to think of palling around with a war criminal is beyond my comprehension, if one is a Democrat. And spending the holidays with HFK in the Dominican Republic? Are the Clintons so hard up for friends that that is the choice they make? Atrocious judgment, adding to all the lies. The Clintons, both of them, are just classier grifters than Sista Sarah and Mike Huckabee. I don't want either of them near the White House, peddling their influence.
What is wrong with palling around with a war criminal
When you are one yourself? Or are friends with Albright who thinks that 500,000 children dying because of the sanctions you helped put on the leader of the country?
These assholes that sanction countries know damned well that it is the people that will suffer, not the leaders.
The Clintons aren't hard up for friends, they share those people's values.
Clinton hasn't seen a military intervention that she wasn't in favor of.
Look at this list of interventions she has agreed with going back to the 80's.
She's a sociopath and doesn't think anything about the number of innocent civilians that have been killed by the US.
And remember how she laughed after seeing the horrible way Gaddafi died.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The friendship with Kissinger furthur
muddies the private server issue. Remember that Kissinger had his own secret vault to hide official documents. I'll bet he is the only outsider who knew about the server's existence. He could very well be where the idea of a private server came from in the first place. According to HRC, he did praise her management of the SOD office and that could very well be because she was following in his footsteps.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Kissinger wasn't the only one
Sidney Blumenthal must have known too, and he was not supposed to have had anything to do with anyone in the Obama administration, per President Obama's explicit orders. But Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, sneaked behind the President's back and stayed in communication with Blumenthal.
Maybe she can spell "ethics", but she sure as fuck has no clue what the word means.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Bill did that too with Dick Morris
and I don't know that much about Dick Morris, only that he used to be a hard core Repugnant strategist and he may have been one that slammed the Clintons hard, and then when asked, came over to their side. I don't think they have a clue what "ethics" means either.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
True that
Also, I believe that President Obama gave a speech about transparency in government prior to her setting up that server or opting for a non-government email account. It makes one wonder how he has convinced himself that she will carry on his legacy unless, of course, he means the TPP and some other things that he won't be fondly remembered for.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Her husband proud of being Shrub's brother...
from a different mother wiped it out for me. The Clinton's and Bushes are tight as ticks. Murderous bastards.
Guess what war criminals will be spending time in the Lincoln Bedroom if she beats the odds and manages to win...
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
This Bullshit has been reappearing through friends on social med
Interesting to read the comments thread before Bernie became a force and Hillary was the only option. Even then most recognized a weak argument when they saw it. Yet my Hillary friends, who still insist they luv thems sum Bernie, are bringing this crap out of the junk heap to try out for another spin.
The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Panicking.
When she criticises Obama
For RESTARTING the war in Iraq, I'll consider possibly believing her story about her original vote.
And I state "Consider" in the same way that she will consider releasing her transcripts.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Lying Isn't Her ONLY Shortcoming!
Look at all the cheap shorts she's launched at Bernie. And, how can one ignore the issues Democratic voters have been having trying to vote across the nation, especially as Sanders' popularity grew? I won't rule out that Hillary's team is involved in this, for they are covered enough by the activities of the Republicans in doing the very same things to the same groups of voters that no one will catch on. So, Hillart is a LIAR AND a CHEATER. How very Republican of the former Goldwater Girl!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
And I can't help it
but I still think Bill got Trump to run as a foil for Hillary. I know, it sounds loony, but there was that old rumor, and with their dirty tactics, I would not put this past them, either one of them.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The cognitive dissidence burns so badly.
Not that I read the original article; I've had enough of headaches and confusion for today, and that's all pro-Hillary arguments tend to inspire at this point.
If you had read the diary, you would have more than headache
You would have puked, which I almost did. Spare your head and your stomach unless you are a masochist. I watched the video of Hillary lying for 13 minutes, all the while, feeling the bile ascending to my mouth.
The real goal
I saw the title and recognized it as a trap to lure Sander's supporters into saying anything that would get them banned.
So I didn't go there or I would have been.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Yeah that diary was a trap
Too many attempts at manipulation going on over there.
Beware the bullshit factories.
She's a badass liar.
Just at lying, generally not much else, unless you count dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.
LOL I just posted that above...
Every time someone mentions Bosnia or Sniper Fire in any way related to Hillary I automatically post it...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Is NYC in Montana? Im really confused.
So, Hillary is a bad bottom!
from a reasonably stable genius.
That woman (there, I said it!)
is so constructed as to represent nothing, no one, except a being with huge yearning to be First Female POTUS. I was struck, Stephen D, by this phrasing you listed above:
There is something off with that verb. The entire sentence has a passive-aggressive tone. Many would probably have used the verb "learn". Maybe lawyer-speak includes using as many multi-syllable words as possible, like 'utilise' when 'use' would be fine.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
LOL, riverlover: "She Who Must Not Be Named" :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
She is a 'badass' in the same way...
Dick Cheney is a 'badass', I suppose.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Maybe so
but I don't think that's she's ever mistaken anyone for a duck while holding a shotgun.
and they had that damn smug clinton in ray bans image furiously poking the very Blackberry she was warned about 4 times for using. The law is quaint for the clintons and their saud buddies.
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
I was toying with the idea...
Of reposting that picture in the comments below with a "How Appropriate" comment...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
my first time-out from Kos
Hi, fellow refugees! I found a hilarious article last night and did a copy-paste into the first thing I'd published there and the hillary bots are freaking the fvuck out! so i'm on a 3-day hiatus.
haha a badge of honour!!
read your diary It was great !!!. But my! there sure are a lot of Hillary fans with hurt fee fee's. The pressure is cracking them....
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
LOL... I visited...
And Uprated all your comments...
The hiddens are gone and your tip jar could use a few more Rec's...
It's ridiculous that you caught that much crap on an "Onion" based snark...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Thanks you Steven D!!!
I heard Jim Hightower repeat while driving the other day and I thought of you from when we marched in DC.
I have never liked HRC.. Gawd, I did so much biting of my tongue over at Kos. Why did I do that? Why did I "tone it down" even for a little bit?
No one can ask an anti-war, anti-poverty household to vote for HRC.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thanks for trying Steven D,
Thanks for trying Steven D, but sadly with Hillazombies, it may be wasted effort. They can see no wrong in their candidate, she is perfection itself as far as they are concerned. Full of sound and furry, but signifying nothing best describes her.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
hits keep a rollin... KOs fail
My WORD!!! Things are really getting the "cult of personality" going over there in the delusional Kos box
In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are...
Bob Herbert said it best more than 15 years ago
link: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/02/26/opinion/in-america-cut-him-loose.html
Don't believe everything you think.
bad egg/actor + asshat = badass
By those measures, yes, she is indeed a badass. Bad on so many counts, ass on so many others. Anyone see this rather exhaustive piece about the home service and email?
You are a brave man, a man a mission, or a glutton for punishment. I prefer to see you as the first two. Thanks for allowing us to read your essay here instead of your diary there.
More of Hillary's "evolution" on issues, aka, inconsistency and flip flops, in this ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdf6E5Bm8tQ
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Clinton's = Pre modern technology/ media
More so this election than any other has proven that the constrains of technology and media had during the 90's and prior are why we have politicians like the Clintons.
I want to live in a world where lying, cheating, stealing, and bribery are looked upon by a majority with disdain, not as a badge of "Bad Assery."
Hillary the Hun
is an epic bad ass. 'We came we saw we killed' I think being a nasty evil bad ass is a bad thing. How many villages has this bad ass Kissinger kissing killer bombed or put to work in sweatshops cranking out cheap shit for Wal Mart? Why anyone thinks it's cool for a powerful woman to be another bad ass scourge on humanity is beyond me. She's also a liar, cheater, criminal, crooked racist, madwoman who instead of being lauded for being a bad ass ought to be in jail with the rest of the freaking pigs that run and own this country.
As far as being a bs artist she's not very good at it. Obama was a master bs.artist. Every time she opens her mouth it's apparent what she is about. Some people like this as it means she's a strong woman who can break those glass corporate ceiling's so be women competative with the biggest bad ass male CEO's. They also like her bad ass endless global warring against the endless enemies who threaten our interest's, ur I mean her and her cronies interests. A sign of our national sickness that her supporters think this is what makes her such a good candidate.
so good to see you here lady :)
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison