"Woke Liberals" are not on the left

Woke liberals are giving the left a bad name.
In the same way that neocons joining the Democratic Party get their policies wrongly associated with the left by the mainstream media simply because the Democratic Party is ever so slightly to the left of the Republican Party.

Let's start with freedom of speech.
The left supports freedom of speech, even when it's unpopular. Especially when it's unpopular!
Whether it's Communists during the red scare, or Nazis marching in Chicago, the left, the real left, knows that the freedom of speech only counts when people that you disagree with can speak.

The right, on the other hand, want to ban flag burning, support anti-BDS laws, and even supported laws to enable people to run over protesters.
The right traditionally is not been a big believer in freedom of speech.

So where do woke liberals lie in the political spectrum?

Being left-wing used to mean agitating against people losing their jobs. How quaint that feels now. In the culture wars of today, the illiberal left’s primary response to any statement it disagrees with seems to be demanding that the person who said it be immediately sacked and made an example of...

Here Bragg just came clean about what these illiberal leftists often try to obscure – that they have become so intolerant that they now stick up for the right of employers to sack people for their opinions. In this culture war, ‘bosses’ rights’ is their rallying cry...
That the bourgeois left has become increasingly shrill and intolerant has been clear for some time.

There are several problems with this article, including the fact that the bourgeois is never on the left by definition. But what it does get right is that the woke liberals are demanding people lose their jobs for the crime of having opinions they disagree with.
They are standing in support of The Boss, and when has that ever been on the left?

However, calling for someone to be fired for having an unpopular opinion is perfectly acceptable on the right. Just ask Colin Kaepernick.

Another thing the article gets right is that we're talking about the bourgeois.
Voices and faces of woke liberals are almost always wealthy people, or the children of wealthy people.

When is the last time you saw someone from the working poor demanding that someone get fired for something they posted on twitter? It's pretty rare. The working poor have better things to do.
And because we are talking about the bourgeois and their values, class is not important if it's even recognized at all.
I'll end this with a quote from Caitlin Johnstone.

Liberals (or “neoliberals” or “corporate liberals” or “centrists” or whatever word you think everyone should be using for this ideology that nobody can agree on a label for) are just a fake imitation of the thing that actual leftists are. Leftists actually fight for justice, equality, peace, truth and anti-authoritarianism, while liberals are cheerleading Joe Biden and sociopathic intelligence agencies and throwing endless inertia on any movement toward real change. Leftists are the thing that liberals pretend to be.

And that’s why liberals hate the true left: because leftists are a constant reminder that liberals aren’t what they pretend to be. That they are just conservatives wearing a fake plastic mask of justice and sanity. That their lives are a crude crayon drawing of the values they pretend to espouse, a layer of feel-good narratives and podcasts and Hamilton songs wallpapered over a rapacious omnicidal machine of endless war, ecocide and oppression.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

"Liberal" refers specifically to "freedom" - which wokies are defined more than anything else by their opposition to. It means a hell of a lot more than this antiquated "wingedness" business that's little more than a relic of 18th-Century French architecture and could use a radical reenvisioning. Caitlin's choice of words is poor.

I spend a lot of time on another (completely different) site with a severe wokie investation; I've just been in another nasty confrontation on there about stuff like this these past 48 hours.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Shahryar's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

Thanks. That's a great term.

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GreatLakeSailor's picture


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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Shahryar ...something flamboyantly, ebulliently hostile, something like: "Hey, Wokie (You're a Jokie)" - do it in a Postwar-Era swing/jazz style, with a fiery young Marylin Monroe/Eartha Kitt-type singing it while she bounces around a cabaret (or a tiki-lounge!).

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Shahryar's picture

is a sure sign that they writer is not interested in discussion.

Those pushing this "cancel culture" thing are, in fact, saying "boo hoo, my offensive statement/action has been criticized. People see me as so unpleasant they don't want to be near me and it's their fault somehow."

17 users have voted.

there is no Left and Right.

There's historical, political, etc definitions of "Fascism." I go with it as "the willingness to use force on others to compel them to conform to one's desires."

Maybe that doesn't cut it as a definition, but it's the key, indispensable flavoring in Fascist Pie.

12 users have voted.

Orwell: Where's the omelette?

@jim p
It's only my opinion, feel free to disagree, but in my view the difference between totalitarian left and totalitarian right is "which master do you serve?"

With communism your master is the ideology of the greater community.
With fascism your master is the ruling elite.

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@gjohnsit with history. The actual practice is the same, though what's on the lips might differ entirely.
The Soviet era joke: "Comrade, what is the difference between communism and capitalism?" "In capitalism man oppresses man. In Communism it's the other way around."
Yeah the talk is different but the walk is the same. Psychology trumps politics, and the seekers of power are mainly lunatics who'll say whatever gets them over.
Oh wait! Aren't we supposed to ruin each other's lives for wrong opinionism?

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

@jim p

from the Soviet era about oppression. Thank you so much for posting it. Your viewpoint, with which I agree, works with research by Antony Sutton showing U.S. corporate control of Soviet industrial development, 1917-1965. U.S. involvement continues through today. Note Exxon and Halliburton continue to work with the Russian government in spite of sanctions.

So, in light of evidence the CIA provided the means of hiding and facilitating this involvement, the Soviet and Fascist oppression were simultaneous and in the interests of the very same corporations, who armed Stalin and Hitler at the same time.

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All the labeling gets confusing especially as definitions are being driven in good part by right wingers. There is a formula that equates something called cultural Marxists with progressives. Sorta crazy phrasing as Marxists take a class based view, while cultural Marxism as defined by the right wing is extremist identity political ideology.

11 users have voted.

Right-wingers made up that label. It has nothing to do with Marxism and all.

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@gjohnsit When I heard it and saw how it was being used was like what the hell. You are right a made up term and general straw man bullshit.

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@MrWebster the cultural Marxism is just a backdoor way to break up society so then the vanguard can be better positioned to seize power in the chaos. Resorted to, because outright class struggle won't work in the USA.
Myself, it just seems odd that we're set into conflicts where only the 1% benefit. Where's the hullabaloo about, oh, war with several civilizations, the shrinking food supply...?

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

lotlizard's picture

Right-wing ideologues do appear to have something definite in mind when they use the term, connected with “the Frankfurt School” of Left academic thinkers and writers in early 20th century Germany.


Less precise, more colloquial use of the expression seems to boil down to “cultural Marxism = dividing people into abstract categories and conceiving everything in terms of members of one category oppressing / having oppressed members of another category, the way ‘classical’ Marxists think of factory owners and, in earlier feudal times, aristocrats as oppressing / having oppressed workers and peasants.” Construing every social relation in terms of power, involving a two-role paradigm of privilege versus victimhood is key.

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snoopydawg's picture

And that’s why liberals hate the true left: because leftists are a constant reminder that liberals aren’t what they pretend to be.

How else can you explain how many liberals were against Bernie and especially his support for MFA and all the other 'progressive issues that they once championed when Obama ran on them? There was an almost visceral hatred for him and mainly because he ran against Herheinous and called out her and democrats for not doing enough for us. A long time liberal told his friend that there is a difference between democrats and republicans. Lotsa of questionable issues, but what gave me whiplash was he said that Clinton nor Obama started any wars. Worth a read if y’all are interested in total denial of reality.

That they are just conservatives wearing a fake plastic mask of justice and sanity.

Im not sure that they stand for either of those things anymore. Lots of them cheered when Manafort and Flynn were charged with process crimes and were very upset when Flynn’s prosecution was dismissed. He was basically being charged with perjury that many in the FBI didn’t think he actually committed. Stone getting his sentence first reduced and then commuted? OMG! "No! He has to pay for his crimes!" "Barr is the most corrupt AG in history because people who commit perjury have always been sent to prison for it." Ahem....Bill Clinton. Brennan. Clapper. How about saying anyone who ignores a congressional subpoena should be sent to prison? Just one example of some one not even being charged for it. Eric Holder who was found in criminal contempt of congress?

"We need more hearings on Trump and people in his campaign and cabinet!"

The republicans are doing an investigation into the origins of Russia Gate.

"This is a witch hunt and democrats need to shut it down right now!"

Benghazi anyone?

When is the last time you saw someone from the working poor demanding that someone get fired for something they posted on twitter?

We have covered how many liberals cheered when Alex Jones got banned from social media and they cheered when others on the right were too.

"We need to support Kamala Harris in getting Trump banned from Twitter!"

Wokies. Are we going with that for us? I like it. Better than Wookiee’s?

I just saw a liberal saying that we need to invade Russia and overthrow Putin. Libya and Syria were righteous wars did you know? Yemen might be one too. It depends on the day.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg if it walks like a neocon and talks like a neocon it's Hillary Clinton.

9 users have voted.
Azazello's picture

I want M4A and an end to neoliberal economics.
I think wars of choice are immoral.

17 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

mimi's picture

and social events. Thank God, you are not woke.

3 users have voted.
mimi's picture

has no precise meaning. Why would I use those words?.

What's 'woke'?

2 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture


stay woke

Deriving from "stay awake," to stay woke is to keep informed of the shitstorm going on around you in times of turmoil and conflict, specifically on occasions when the media is being heavily filtered- such as the events in Ferguson Missouri in August 2014.

[Example:] The headlines say they looted McDonald's, but they won't tell you about the tear gas the police threw at the crowds, or the fact that they needed the milk from the McDonald's to treat the effects of it. Stay woke.

[Definition contributed] by pazwell August 19, 2014

On the other hand, the entries on Urban Dictionary for just plain “woke” now definitely lean heavily toward the cynical:


The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue

Deluded or fake awareness.

Lebron acts woke about China, he just full of shiite.

Being "woke" is what happens when instead of taking one blue pill, you down the entire bottle.

"I'm sure glad I attended that college seminar on crypto-genderism, now I'm really woke."

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mimi's picture

@lotlizard @lotlizard
use precise English words, which could be used in courts and official legal papers?

To be awake, in the sense that you follow and analyze current political and social issues, is English. To use 'woke' is a matter of obfuscation, imo.

3 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture


In Hawaii in 2020, what might you call a politically aware local tough? A woke moke!


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mimi's picture

@lotlizard @lotlizard
in Hawaiian pidgin words. A white woke moke? My son a fake black woke moke?

Jeez. what a silliness. I am me. How about you? Are you you?

Well, I was well distracted and somewhat amused. Thanks.

PS: Thanks for the second link with all the Hawaiian pidgin words - like a dictionary. Really kind of you to point me to it. Thanks.

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lotlizard's picture

Also wären wir doch keine Mokes sondern Titas.

We iz titaz!

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@mimi oh sheesh I can't believe I just said that, sorry. And thanks. You remind me of me when I read you questioning stuff about social media. This name rings in my head whenever I'm confronted with blather from C. Johnstone plus comments. She has good stuff, I think. The best propaganda:
Edward Bernays, Father of Public Relations and Propaganda

Nephew of Freud Made a Profession Out of Shaping Public Opinion

Social media is modern day Public Opinion, and C.J. (plus others) creates, shapes, and spreads opinions extraordinarily well. Absolutely one of the best if you ask me.

Today it doesn't matter at all In Real Life what "woke" means or doesn't mean to me or you or anyone, the bigly purpose is to distract our focus and divide us little people up to prevent us talk-creating our own socialist utopia, ironically it appears to be working. UniParty goal achieved, please proceed. meh

Sorry about all the commas that sort of lurched out in spurts. Probably you already know all that is in that link about Bernays, but review is sometimes beneficial. It was for me. Thanks.

peace and love

4 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@ eyo

just teasing you. I love your linked article about Edward Bernays by Robert McNamara? When did he write that article, this one is an update. But for sure I will read the about what he said about Propaganda. Thanks.

Well, what it comes down to, seems to be that all writing is opinion shaping and so it is propaganda. It ia telling that the word propagare originates with the catholic church:

propaganda (n.)

1718, "committee of cardinals in charge of Catholic missionary work," short for Congregatio de Propaganda Fide "congregation for propagating the faith," a committee of cardinals established 1622 by Gregory XV to supervise foreign missions. The word is properly the ablative fem. gerundive of Latin propagare (see propagation). Hence, "any movement to propagate some practice or ideology" (1790). Modern political sense dates from World War I, not originally pejorative. Meaning "material or information propagated to advance a cause, etc." is from 1929.

I will propagate now my opinion to our gardener that he is a lousy, lazy one and that he should give up cooking. Sigh. I hope my propaganda will have an effect on him, but I doubt it.

Thanks for all you taught me with your comment. Smile

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@mimi thanks. Both profit and cause, I guess. I was thinking about the way Bernays turned propaganda into profit-making for industries over here. Selling us women "freedom" early on.

Bernays was informed that women of the late 1920s were seeking freedom, and smoking represented that freedom. To find a way to convey that concept to the public, Bernays hit upon the stunt of having young women smoke cigarettes while strolling in the annual Easter Sunday parade on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

ka-ching! And remember "You've come a long way, baby." LOL cough cough Public relations is marketing. Google and Facebook are marketing platforms, so it is natural for them to sell ideas, especially corporate-sponsored ideas. Kinda fascist-like if ya ask me. Twitter is just a big bunch of little distractions I think, funny and sad. blue check I do enjoy it for entertainment in small doses.

None of this noise seems new or different to me. It is just more of the same since forever, I think. Probably there were assholes using exploitative behavior even before written history, but I'd have to ask someone who learned their history through spoken stories, not written on paper or screen, I know nobody like that, currently.
Nobody 2020
peace and love

2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

is more or less a "theme". oh, just forget me and my brain.

I plan to send you seeds. Hope you still have the same address by then.

Wishing for peace and love. Even praying for it. Have a good one.

2 users have voted.

Started with Groucho, Harpo, Chico and sometimes Zeppo. George Carlin was a Cultural Marxist.
It was also subverting kids into environmentalism with a line of toys.

P.S. Thanks for setting me straight about "wokies". I always wondered how to describe the realm of The Great Orange Satan.

6 users have voted.

The election of Barack Obama consummated the transition.

From the time of Nixon's Southern Strategy until the political dumpster fire of Shrub's second term, the traditional home of Big Business, the GOP, played to uneducated white people in low population states with ersatz support for the aims of the Religious Right and The Racist White. This approach dominated politics for 40 years and the Dems could only squeeze out three of ten elections by nominating Southern Governors who appeased both of those Rs.

During this era, the Republican Party resolved its own internal discord by expelling all the Eisenhower Republicans from positions of influence. That demographic of upper middle class professionals was sometimes called Country Club Republicans.

Demographics put an end to that formula for electoral dominance and the elections of 2000 and 2004 had to be stolen.

Barack Obama solved that problem and Big Business abandoned their angry white male constituency and adopted the Identity Politics agenda. Almost entirely ignored, corporate America has run the only effective political protests of the last decade, with boycotts of states that pass wingnut legislation like the Arizona bill that made it a crime for a landlord to rent an apartment to undocumented aliens.

You see it now as the mainstream media has turned on the police during the current wave of unrest.

The social class of Eisenhower Republicans, comfortable people who fancy themselves as understanding the Big Picture, but utterly incompatible with the kind of people who like Donald Trump, have become one of the two core constituencies of the Democratic Party. The other is African Americans.

Corporate logic is privatized authoritarianism. Thus this article very astutely describes how this authoritarianism is now the driving force behind Identity Politics. #Me-too was the quintessence of corporate woke-ness. It never applied to anybody but the very famous and their retinues. It offered no means of resolving conflicting claims of truth -- the arbitrary burden of persuasion was just reversed. Instead of victims having to prove their innocence, the now the accused were presumed guilty and there is no appeal for Banishment From Fame.

(It is an interesting philosophical question whether somebody like Super Chef Mario Batali got off easy or experienced a profound existential grief when he lost his gig on network television. It could be that taking fame away from the kind of whack jobs that become famous is cruel and unusual punishment. But I digress.)

So people who call themselves progressive or liberal now support telling people with the wrong ideas to shut the fuck up and backing up that order with the fear of losing one's livelihood. Yuck.

The erstwhile Tea Party and Religious Right now make up the Trump constituency, which felt abandoned by the GOP and were never all that comfortable within the corporate dominated Republicans. Corporate America of course continues to hedge its bets and keeps its gigantic hand in the GOP and the deal they offer the public by controlling both parties is the old "heads I win, tails you lose" gag.

But everybody is free to signal their own virtue and call out the evils of unwokeness.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

but I do have to point out that Democrats were just as supportive of stifling speech when it came to the anti-BDS legislation as the Republicans were. The power elite in the Democratic Party are tightly bound to the Israeli lobbying groups in the US, and support Netanyahu just as much as Trump does.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02

The power elite in the Democratic Party are tightly bound to the Israeli lobbying groups in the US, and support Netanyahu just as much as Trump does.

Just five years ago that was true, but the tides have shifted in recent years.
The Biden leadership is still exactly what you say, but the Dems in the House are split.

Democrats blocked a bill on Wednesday in the US House of Representatives that would have prohibited US support for the anti-Israel BDS movement.

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act, introduced by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), would have expanded the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 to include prohibiting US support for foreign boycotts of Israel from groups including the European Union and the UN Human Rights Council.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02
You are talking about the 2019 bill that passed.
I'm talking about the one from this year that the Dems blocked.

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