Who's to blame for the Floyd protest violence?
Submitted by gjohnsit on Fri, 06/12/2020 - 4:21pm
We all know who's to blame for the Floyd protests, don't we?
It's Russia!
Or China.
Or Venezuela.
Or 'foreign actors'.
Or the media.
Or President Trump.
But primarily Antifa is to blame for the Floyd protests.
according to The Nation, which cited an internal FBI situation report, the bureau's Washington, DC, field office "has no intelligence indicating Antifa involvement/presence" in the violence that took place on Sunday.
Really, it was Antifa.
a Reuters examination of federal court records related to the charges, social media posts by some of the suspects and interviews with defense lawyers and prosecutors found mostly disorganized acts of violence by people who have few obvious connections to antifa or other left-wing groups.
Trust me, it was Antifa.
Of the 51 cases, spread across 18 states, brought by the Justice Department thus far, 20 involve allegations related to arson; 16 involve the illegal possession of a firearm, more often than not by a felon; another eight people face charges related to inciting a riot or civil disorder. Former federal prosecutors told NPR that "if the government had indications that an individual had ties to or documented interest in a particular extremist movement, they would likely include it in charging documents to cite it during a bail hearing." On Monday, AG Barr told Fox News host Bret Baier that the lack of cases against Antifa activists is not conclusive evidence that they were not participating in the violence.
It was Antifa, dammit!
The Daily Beast also combed through the first 22 criminal complaints federal agents filed since May 31 that were related to the protests. None of them list antifa or anti-fascist ideology as being a motivating factor for the alleged crimes.
Someone forgot to blame MS-13.
OK. Maybe it's not Antifa
And then there's this
Debunking today
Lack of evidence didn't stop the Russiagaters from squandering years and million of dollar looking for it and the culprits. Does the DOJ even have a list of Antifa activists?
Protests with zero violence are the exception. Protests almost always attract a few (often cops) nutcases bent on perpetrating violence and/or looting. Would be far easier to contain if the cops didn't waste their time bashing the heads and bodies of peaceful protestors and limited themselves to keeping everyone safe and collaring those engaged in actual crimes.
Jimmy Dore keeps asking
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
...who now is saying (stubbornly insisting, rather) it WAS Antifa?
Poor Venezuela, getting dragged into this in their present condition....
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
You know who
They will use the word Antifa
and beat us over the heads with it (pun intended) just like they did with the "Russian Investigation".
As the saying goes, a lie often repeated becomes the truth.
And when THAT happens, everyone and everything will be Antifa.
The average citizen does not know what Antifa is (but it sure sounds scary) which just means you are anti-fascist. If people would only think...don't we all want to be anti-fascist? Not talking to you right-wingers btw.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
According to your definition
is anyone who supports the principles of a constitutional republic "right wing"?
And therefore unlikely or incapable of being anti-fascist?
How does that work, exactly - since the values/principles of of fascism are
completely at odds with that of classical liberalism - the one requiring the individual to
be subordinated to the state and the latter seeing the individual as holding unalienable rights
and legitimate government flowing only from free individuals exercising them?
Or do you mean right-wingers *can* be anti-fascist but it doesn't really matter - they aren't the right *kind* of anti-fascist?
got me laughin';
thanks...i needed that!
but a small quibble: Susie the Meathead Rice only said it 'might be Russia!'
no votes for the other Nation of Epic Evil: Iran? Iran gets my vote...except they would have bombed cities with their non-existent low-yield nukes...
okay, my vote goes to the PO-lice being responsible for the protest 'violence™'.
The police???
These protests, like all events in America, are about hating the American flag and Trump.
No one cares about issues, donchknow
yeah, i know.
i was just spit-ballin' and givin' The Minority Report is all... (i'm so ashamed now...)
in the wrong essay. Sorry.
I'll listen to Greenwald and Gaffney,
and let you know what Gaffney's explanation is, Linda. He's a very clever neoliberal technocrat who's also a managed care/MFA activist.
From this point forward, I'll continue to listen to, and document some of the activist/partisan public health experts/"talking heads" appearances and comments on Cable teevee--but, I'll also take them with a huge grain of salt. As for my purposes, if public health officials/experts don't bother to cite evidence at the time of their prognostications--they can pound sand.
Better yet, I don't want to get too OT, here. Probably best that I leave my impressions of the Greenwald interview at EB, where the video is posted. Sorry, gj.
Everyone have a nice weekend.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
i'll bite; i know
greenwald, but gaffney? ah, i just saw your OT apologies to gjonsit; never mind.