BuyDone gets $200K to sell out swing state Dem candidate
Ya gotta know this essay is bringing me extreme pleasure. The nectar of the Gods being poured for me by beautiful maids with streaming, gently curled hair. Gold goblet raised up in celebration. This following story will really , really reveal how low the Dems can go.
Nancy Fineswine, who disbelieves Tara but loves her Chinese chauffeur/spy. Holy moly, Liz, Liz, iz whoyouiz? Fucking supporting BuyDone!
Lizzie, you're quite the tease, are you not? Better get it while you can because your beer drinking days are over--back to Chardonay.
Schmuck Schumer gets his sex from money--not what money might buy.
[Editor's note: heretofore, I have been more restrained in the nomenclature referring to the Senior Senator from NY. Usually his first name is stated to be Chuckles--it always makes me laugh when his glasses slide down his nose. Plus, how about him wearing his SAR2 mask below his nose? Think it's just for show and Chuckles knows it--gotta put up appearances.]
Put this code into the Enigma Machine, set the rotors so that DEMOCRATIC PARTY = HYPOCRISY
Ladies, gentles, dawgs, cats, birds, fish and swamp critters here is the denouement narrated by one James Dore, nee Chicago (Go, Cubbies!)
Gotta think of a good song for the ending.

Heading for the Top
Effin' A. Got to go. Up, up, to the top.
(headphones for the headbangers)
Wow, that James Dore had the right hammer
and hit all the nails on the head straight.
One questions, doctor: Why have all those elderly 'good ol' Democrats' the same glassy stareing eyes into nowhere? Pelosi has those eye-looks too, not only Biden. Is that a side symptom of beginning senility / Alzheimer / dementia ?
The gaze of wishful greed
The gaze of cupidity
The gaze of selfish self-aggrandizement
Is that the gaze of which you speak, mimi?
No, it is not the look of dementia. It is the look of corruption. JoJo's gaze has been altered by a paucity of neurons subserving logical thought. Now he wonders to himself: "how did I make all that money? I forgot. Maybe Hunter can remind me."
Both my husband and I have noticed Biden's dementia face.
It is so familiar to us because my mother made that face quite often as she slide into dementia.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin