The rehabilitation of George Bush
A Message from President George W. Bush@TheCalltoUnite
— George W. Bush Presidential Center (@TheBushCenter) May 2, 2020
The rehabilitation of George Bush
Key aspects of the 43rd president's administration were highlighted this weekend after Trump critics appear to have whitewashed Bush's legacy.
In the video statement, shared on Twitter by the George W. Bush Presidential Center, Bush called on people to come together to face the "shared threat" of the coronavirus pandemic. The former president said "we have faced times of testing before," referencing the post 9/11 period when he said the nation rose "as one to grieve with the grieving"—a time period his administration rolled out its war on terror, which included a torture program.
Key aspects of the 43rd president's administration were highlighted this weekend after Trump critics appear to have whitewashed Bush's legacy.
In the video statement, shared on Twitter by the George W. Bush Presidential Center, Bush called on people to come together to face the "shared threat" of the coronavirus pandemic. The former president said "we have faced times of testing before," referencing the post 9/11 period when he said the nation rose "as one to grieve with the grieving"—a time period his administration rolled out its war on terror, which included a torture program.
And don't forget the "PATRIOT" act, or all his immoral rhetoric. Legitimizing torture ("What if there was a ticking time bomb?") De-legitimizing privacy ("You've got nothing to fear if you've got nothing to hide!") Branding those who opposed the Iraq War as traitors.
— Nā·thən Wī·nənt (@_nwinant) May 3, 2020
The patriot act that the democrats just voted to give Trump control over instead of letting it sunset like it was supposed to during Obama’s tenure. Funny that huh?
The nice little painter man who passed mints to Michelle Obama at a funeral is actually a mass murderer who belongs in front of a war crimes tribunal, not being praised for releasing web videos.
— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) May 3, 2020
Imagine how different the world would be if his granddaddy Prescott hasn’t been allowed to become a senator and start a political dynasty after funding the Nazis.
— robert (@rb218702) May 3, 2020
I can’t believe that Mehdi actually wrote this
Oh FFS. You can be a sane warmonger. You can be a warmonger but be an ok human being to your friends and family. You can be a warmonger and be able to handle a domestic public health crisis.
Trump is a warmonger like most presidents - but none of those other things, too.
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) May 3, 2020
Has DK weighed in on this? You betcha they have. I’m not going to post anything from there because I’m beyond disgusted with anyone who thinks that Bush’s image should be cleaned up just because of Trump. Who’s next? Dick Cheney? Karl Rove? John Bolton already got some hurrahs because Trump fired him. As did James Comey and Jeff Sessions of all people. As did McMasters. Is Trump bad? Of course he is. But that should in no way give any other person a pass for war crimes and crimes against humanity which Bush, Obama and most every other president. You can’t quantify warmongers!

Trump doesn't like him so he's OK!
Yes, that crazy trump is now going off on bush because bush said let's not be partisan about covid. So this makes bush our guy!
What I find confusing is how people react. It fits with the collapse of metoo. Why would people feel the conflict is us vs them with no room for a reason why? I mean, other than we're us and they're them.
Why even bother taking a stand on an issue since it's not a real stand, it's only a mask that can be changed?
Why not just admit it's us vs them?
even the "us vs. them" is a mask. They're just opposite ends of the same polarity. It's all projection, all scapegoating.
MAGA and BlueMAGA, fighting with each other, incapable of seeing anything else but their reflection in the mirror. MAGA labels their reflection "BlueMAGA", and BlueMAGA labels their reflection "MAGA".
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Like that Star Trek episode with Frank Gorshin
"He's completely different! I'm white on the left, black on the right. He, that loathsome creature, is white on the right, black on the left."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Didja ever wonder what happened in cases of miscegenation?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Of course Caitlin is on top of this
Five Things That Are Revealed By Democrats’ Rehabilitation Of Bush
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Gah! This is why I told my husband that there is no point
in my hating on Trump since he’s bound to be rehabilitated down the road anyway. My poor husband didn’t get it. He’s got TDS bad.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I forget
What makes the dems and republicans different from each other?
Don't worry,
The bad ones are red and the good ones are blue, silly!
Vote blue no matter who. If you vote red you might be dead. That’s all you know and all you need to know.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hope this helps
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Saagar on the Bush tweet
I left out the rehabilitation Of Robert Swan Mueller who reprised Fitzpatrick's role of going to take down the Bush administration. The Pussyhat brigade were ready at the drop of a hat to protest against Trump firing Mueller. No need to rehash his multiple lies and crimes.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Where was Mehdi Hasan during hurricane Katrina?
Perhaps Mehdi Hasan needs to read up a bit on the double disaster that was hurricane Katrina. Katrina was a natural disaster compounded by the failure of government at all levels, particularly the federal government, to be adequately prepared and to adequately respond in a timely manner in order to prevent the loss of life.
Although we will never know the true death toll from hurricane Katrina, the most commonly used estimate is that 1,883 people died as a result of that storm. Over one fifth of New Orleans' residents (mostly poor and black) did not have access to a car and were forced to remain in the city to ride out the storm despite much of the city being below sea level. Thousands of desperate people were crowded into the Super Dome and other public buildings without food, water, or sanitation for days because the federal government and FEMA were so slow to react when they should have been prepared in advance.
President Bush ignored the catastrophe for days while New Orleans sat under several feet of water due to the breach of the levee system around the city. Weaknesses in the levees had been documented well before Katrina but were never addressed.
This was a human disaster under George W. Bush's watch and he dropped the ball. I refuse to allow neo libs try to rehabilitate Bush's legacy just as I refuse to allow Obama's legacy be the standard to which we as a nation should aspire. Both are evil war criminals who do not care about the lives of human beings.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Gee this reminds me of something....
Oh yes I remember. Obama ignored the catastrophe of Flint's water supply being deliberately poisoned and when he finally bothered to address it he lied his ass off and told people that their water was safe to drink.
I wonder if the people who wrote that damning report on it asked anyone in O's administration about their response?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Obama drank a glass of Michigan water!
And just to make things clearer, Bush also weakened
both the CleanAir and Clean Water Acts.
Plus, his speaking style was much maligned at the time as is Trump’s now. Vice President Cheney told a Democrat Senator to go fuck himself. All this while decrying obscenity and nudity in film and television.
Bush was considered crude and unpresidential as Trump is now. Politics makes strange bedfellows indeed!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
As Gore called America
The United States of Amnesia
Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
I'm so old, I remember when those billboards were like waving a red flag in front of a bull to the Dems. Has it really been just ten years?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Fiat Justicia Ruuat Caelum
There's NO excuse for "rehabilitating" this monster. It's pure cliocide.
Kudos to Greenwald for clearing this up: Trump-era Democrats = Bush-era Republicans. It really is a perfect fit.
Here's a little something in need of support, if you're of a mind:
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I should mention something
My parents and I just got back from just under 4 months in Australia; our last day there, we had a very helpful airport cabbie who was obviously no more a native Australian than we were (though he said he'd been working that job for 10 years). As we were about to leave, I asked him where he was originally from. His answer?
There are literally millions of people who are never going to forget what Bush did to them - and now, they can be found all over the world.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!