I will not vote for Jill Biden
Submitted by snoopydawg on Tue, 04/28/2020 - 1:30am
Why is she yelling at us?
— Bukerbabe (@Athens7316) April 26, 2020
Shades of standing by your man?
Hey wait a minute. If Joe’s *wife* still supports him, then maybe he’s innocent of the violent sexual assault allegations! I mean, she wouldn’t stay with him if they were true, right???
— Stephe96 (@Stephe96) April 26, 2020
There are more videos than just this one. Biden's spokeswoman says that she has never seen any evidence of Biden doing anything like this.
— AJ (@SBSportsDiva) April 27, 2020
But there are many people who will vote blue no matter. Or what they did.
Reminds me of these gems pic.twitter.com/8oTYcpwppx
— Frank (@FrankV1313) April 25, 2020

Did you catch it? You know, when Jill reached behind JoJo
to make sure that the ventriloquist dummy kept its mouth shut?
What are the Dims to do now that a boatload of credible Tara Reads accusation supporters have emerged from the nineties? "I believe any woman..." Or is it to be I believe any woman who accuses Republicans? Seems like the Camel may be backing away from ByeDonism. Good move, Harris. Get out before the proverbial ceiling falls down, crushing JoJo and his supporters to ignominy.
Scarecrow Joe, the obvious place-holder before the DNC's real champion is anointed to combat Commander Cheeto is named, will not survive till the Convention, if one is ever held. "Me too" tolls for thee as well as me. Get back JoJo, to where you once belonged.
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow.
There are no words to express
the way I feel about this election.
Who destroyed the very hopeful and helpful #metoo movement?
Joe Biden, and everyone person endorsing him, or voting for him.
A terrible turn of events for everyone, especially women.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I certainly agree with you as to the course of this "election"
- Twitter (I mean, that's ultimately all it is)
- gossip
- groupthink (that shit needs a flat-out cure before it leads to Armageddon)
- angry mobs (see previous; they never hurt the guilty and strong more than they do the innocent and the weak)
- making totalitarian habits like ignoring due process, rewriting history to 'vanish' embarrassments, or freakin' presumption of guilt out to be "progressive"
- reinforcing a general culture of fear and conformity (which exploitation and abuse thrive on)
- treating the innocent/wrongfully accused (e.g. Aziz Ansari, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Garrison Keillor, etc) as expendable/acceptable losses
- resurrecting the very foundation of Western sexism just when it was petering out (i.e. gender roles and the "damsel in distress VS demonic male" narrative)
I'm sure there's a generation-gap issue, too; the whole "women = victims" thing is archaic. Gender politics was one of the few things that were going WELL, and ACTUALLY progressing, before neo-feminism came out of nowhere and scribbled all over the last 30 years of history. This is a textbook specimen of a moral panic, and I think it's partly a reaction to the dissolution of gender roles (which of course would mean that 21st-Century "feminism" is anathema to 20th-Century feminism - remember what Mark Twain said about the radical of one century and the conservative of the next): https://www.sott.net/article/370791-Burn-the-warlock-MeToo-has-morphed-i...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Except that it is being killed on the one case that has
lots and lots of proof that Biden did indeed sexually assault Tara Reade. In case you have missed the many discussions on this here:
Rising is not the only media that has been covering. Of course the right media is after they dismissed Dr. Ford's allegations against Kavanough. A few other leftish media have done so too, but the when the NYT did it was a hit job on Tara and they even went so far to edit out wording the the Biden campaign didn't like. Just wow.
The left media went out of it's way to support Dr. Ford's accusation of Kavanaugh while there was no evidence whatsoever that it happened. They also went out of their way to smear Bernie on hearsay evidence from Warren that he said a woman can't become president.
Then there is how the media failed to cover the many, many and numerous allegations against Weinstein and even went so far as to kill the story on either him or Jeff Epstein. And speaking of Epstein he only got national media coverage after he was arrested just before he 'offed' himself. For god's sake he was raping and sex trafficking underaged girls and many prominent players in the world were involved in that. Many of those who should have held him accountable were too busy partying with him after his bogus prison sentence where he was allowed to leave prison every day for up to 12 hours to go to work.
Should every woman with an allegation be covered and taken seriously? I think absolutely because if you have been paying attention to what Tara and other women go through after they bring them you have to wonder why they would put themselves through hell if it didn't happen. However the men accused should also get to tell their story if they want and see hw that plays out. This is about power another person has over women if they want their careers to go forward. Look at how many prominent men have been outed since MeToo started.
What would you replace victim with when a woman has been stripped of her dignity because another person used their power over them and replaced the lives they were having with a one full of PTSD, fear and other responses? Calling them victims is exactly what they are if you look at it as a crime has been committed against them.
BTW FOlks, read that last tweet on the bottom right.
This means that Joe Biden has LOTS of rapes to catch up with Trump.
How nice. Lesser evil rapist voting. And saying that you would vote for your own rapist if it means getting rid of Trump. ???? Seriously WTF?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
This exposes #metoo as a social issue/scandal
that costs the party nothing like immigration, LGBTQ and other issues. It’s used as a blunt instrument with which to bludgeon the enemies of the party. But we can see that it is bogus when turned on the “chosen one” (that is chosen by the party elite).
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
So true.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You're missing my point a bit
https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/film/harvey-weinstein-was-pushing-me-...). Group identity, as I keep saying, is the seminal problem behind all bigotry, and (while I of course acknowledge this position to be radical) we should be setting our sights on evolving beyond it, rather than inverting the definition of racism/sexism/etc so thoroughly that 2007's obvious regressive somehow became 2017's "progressive".
The problem is people talking about groups, and not individuals - individuals are victims, not groups. Harvey Weinstein abused men just as badly as women, just not in a sexual manner (merely in manners that could've literally killed the unlucky:I have been suffering PTSD due to past long-term abusive treatment myself, and none of this "raising public awareness" crapola has done me any good. That's not the way trauma works; it is a neurological DELUSION that people suffering it need help ESCAPING. Society readjusting to coddle it ("safe spaces"/"trigger warnings"/"support groups"/etc.) creates a PRISON, it is the dead-last thing that anyone with that malady needs. We should be dealing with it much more like how we've been dealing with Covid-19: Cure the stricken individual by individual, practice quarantine to prevent contagion. The WORST thing to expose a person with PTSD to is another person with PTSD...and for some people, that might just be the worst thing of all about the self-incriminatingly-named #MeToo.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
And yet the story about Weinstein was spread far and wide.
Epstein is another matter. Mere weeks after his death, it was as if nothing had ever happened. Right down the memory hole. I think his sins cast too wide a net for him to be used effectively for propaganda purposes. Too many powerful men would have been sunk by it. Nobody outside the alternative press continued to cover the story.
I'll never forget the "Let's do Bernie next. All it will take is a few of us telling stories about him" #MeToo tweet. One of the last ones I ever read.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Oh my fucking god
Did you get a screenshot of it or something?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
No. I really should have.
I should be clear here; I don't mean that all, or even most of the women who came forward with stories were liars. Probably most were honest people who had been grievously injured by other human beings and the system. I mean that the idea that we must #BelieveAllWomen is a nasty tick riding along on the back of feminism, neatly evading the profound immorality of giving one person automatic credibility and license to destroy another's reputation and perhaps even accuse another person of a crime.
The idea that anybody's word is accepted without question cannot be part of a republic or a democracy. It is inherently authoritarian and is the most useful gift anyone could give to an authoritarian individual, organization, or movement. As long as they can find a woman, or a black person, or a gay man, or a lesbian, or a trans person, to make an accusation against somebody, they can automatically take him down. Joe McCarthy only wished he had that kind of automatic credibility.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
And I suppose it might have been a troll.
Somebody trying to cast #MeToo in a bad light. But since #MeToo "believes all women"--that is a basic tenet of their movement, isn't it?--they're already in a bad light with me.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Trying to smear it...
...or trying to stir the pot as some kind of moneymaking scheme...
...or conceivably trying to "troubleshoot" it...
...or just being a troll in the "classic" sense of the term.
If you CAN still find it, you should do so and screenshot it (I don't really know how Twitter works, and yes, I am "proud to be ignorant" of that; lest we forget, information =/= knowledge).
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
If you're talking about an ordinary
99%-er without a great deal of money and with few political connections, this is true:
if you have been paying attention to what Tara and other women go through after they bring them you have to wonder why they would put themselves through hell if it didn't happen.
If you're talking about somebody getting paid to do a political hatchet job on somebody else, would it be hell? You'd have to be well paid to make it worth your while, but you probably would be. You'd know going in what you were getting into. And, most crucially, you wouldn't be an actual rape or sexual abuse victim. You wouldn't be in that raw state of pain, like an exposed nerve. You wouldn't be vulnerable to the nasty stories and ugly responses, because you would, yourself, be quite invulnerable. It's all a pack of lies and you know it. In fact, if anything, *you* would be the one putting something over on the people who thought they were giving you hell.
Like that guy who showed up when George Takei was considering a run for Congress and suddenly produced a rape story from the early 80s which had been nowhere in evidence until Takei suggested running. I don't like George Takei, who is as much a political operative for the Democratic establishment as the women on The View. But that was just too damned convenient.
In the case of Joe, I believe Tara Reade partly because she's not the only source of stories about Joe Biden (she's just the worst story that's come out so far), but even more because we have leaked footage of that news anchor saying that the Tara Reade story was suppressed. She said they had all the evidence they needed and had gotten Reade to agree to come forward, and the story got killed by her higher ups.
Unless there's any evidence that the footage was faked (and as far as I know, there isn't), it seems pretty evident that a story was suppressed because Joe Biden must be protected, which means Reade is telling the truth. But I don't #BelieveAllWomen or #BelieveAllAnybody, because over the last ten years, the powerful have figured out how helpful certain portions of left-wing discourse are to them. Anything where you have to believe someone without question is helpful to the powerful, because if you have to believe all women, all they have to do is find a woman willing to do their bidding and knock down some cultural or political target with a rape accusation. It gives them the capacity for instant destruction of anyone's reputation. Finding a black person to call someone racist can have the same effect. It's not like they have to bring forward any evidence of racism, or even specify what the injury was. As long as it's a black person, we're supposed to believe them immediately, without question.
It would be fine to #BelieveAllWomen if no women were corruptible, but sadly, we all know that's not true.
Unless contradictory evidence is unearthed, however, I do #BelieveTaraReade.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
No I am absolutely not talking about this
People like that should be treated less than dawg poo on our shoes. I am mostly talking about women like Tara Reade and others that have been trying to get someone to listen to them for years after powerful men such as Weinstein, Matt Lauer and the guy from PBS or CBS or both gave them the option to sleep with them or destroy their careers. There is no set playbook for how women respond when they talk publicly about their experience, but more often than not you see that it is still affecting them after years or decades after it happened. And there is a history of their trying to get someone to listen to them like Rose McGowan and others from the Weinstein accusations. Plus so many others, but I will just use him. Like this:
Listen to Tara's story it seemed that talking about it 25 years later was still very painful for her.
I just left another article on this and two comments stood out for how women who bring them out are treated. People who believed Dr. Ford do not believe Tara because for one thing she keeps changing her story. Uh of course this happens because memory can be faulty when it is made during high stress situations In Tara's case it is because she didn't tell the whole story at the time. Here is one comment thread from it.
Here is the response from another woman:
Biden was a deeply flawed candidate even before this came out and there have been so many examples that show that he thinks that he is entitled to treat women and girls in anyway he deems fit. I am even seeing him getting a pass for that because he is from a different generation and men liked to hug women and that shows how warm they are. WTF? No. There is plenty of time still to let him drop out and let the others that had restart their campaign if they wish. Will it be hard? Yep. But not as hard as having Trump win again. But then we know what dems probably think of that.
I do not have an answer for this right now and hopefully later I will. Yes like all things this can be taken advantage of. Do it by a case by case or who decides whether the accusations are valid or not? But in Tara's case it seems like she has been telling a truthful story because after her interview on Katy Halper's show (?) where she told her story people were able to find the evidence that backed it up. Her mom, her neighbor and the other two people she said she had told her story too.
I posted this in the evening blues last night from the woman who create metoo. When Tara contacted them they didn't want to help her because it was too political. It's a 14 tweet that has some good and bad points.
Biden's campaign is telling democrats that if asked about it tell them that the NYT looked into it and said that there is no there there. The Times put out a statement saying that they did not come to any conclusions. The media is saying that Biden should address this issue, however no one from the media has bothered asking him to. I linked to the story in my comment here.
BTW DK has posted 5 diaries on Tara and the comments in them are unbelievable because they attack her looks and it goes downhill from there. 2 are on the wreckage list today. Chris Hayes went under the bus because he covered the story. What's that saying? "If you have nothing to hide...."
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That one's really horrible.
And saying that you would vote for your own rapist if it means getting rid of Trump. ???? Seriously WTF?
As someone who was raped myself, it turns my stomach. So far, this is the most vivid evidence I have seen of how lesser evil thinking promotes, not just evil, but the destruction of the very idea of morality. Morality, even the most basic and important (like objecting to rape or murder) are dispensable things that should be tossed aside when the going gets rough. Morals are luxury items. Sort of like we were told rights were luxury items after 9/11.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm with you.
Smells like an op to me. One that a lot of innocent, wronged people bought into.
Look how different it is than #YesAllWomen was a few years before it.
Did it do some good for some women? Yes. I believe the good was incidental to the main point. Anything to morally launder the authoritarian and reprehensible behavior you accurately describe and change our basic ideas of what is right and wrong.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It's like watching a slow motion train wreck
One just cannot believe their eyes...or their ears. I used to like Jill Biden, but now I feel ashamed for her. She KNOWS, and chooses to look the other way...why? To become the First Lady? Talk about ambitious...throwing her husband (with his help) to the wolves knowing he is just not mentally capable? Ever since he did that last debate with Bernie where he showed a somewhat normal cognitive capability...he has gotten worse. The drugs they must have used on him for that debate seems to have horrible irreversible side effects.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
Shouldn't Jill be the first
to intervene to protect her husband, to put an end to this nonsense? Is it possible that she's in denial? Dementia isn't something we have in our family, I don't have first hand experience with it. Looking in from the outside it seems obvious. Maybe when it happens to someone you love you deny it for as long as you can? Or is Jill so hungry for power that she doesn't care? Does she see herself as being the power behind the throne? I can't guess.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Pumped up on drugs
I saw the same thing with a friend who had a cerebral hematoma from a slip and fall accident. She had considerable mental acuity problems, just like Joe. The doctors had a drug that pumped up her mental acuity and she could seem near normal for a short period of time. I'm convinced that Joe was pumped up, the effect seemed totally similar. I just wished that they had given a small amount of the same drug to Bernie. Also a drug that increased the size of his ego and cleared the fog from his eyes. Even pumped up there is no way that MBNA-Joe should out-debate a serious democratic socialist.
It's pathetic that Jill put up with the abuse of having her husband be the empty-shell placeholder for the Demon-crat party, it's abuse of the elderly ill. Oh wait, She is okay with abuse when it comes from her husband abusing women. Watch her carefully, she's a closet hyper aggressive type.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Who I'm pulling the handle for.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Here's who I'm voting for...
Vote Lebowski 2020: "This aggression will not stand, man."
We must gaze beyond the Euclidian limits of two-party politics!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Good for persons of color—if you’re that “color out of space” …
On Reddit, stuff has been cross-posted to Way of the Bern about
the possibility of Jesse Ventura throwing his hat in the ring.
So far it's all just talk
and may yet amount to a big fat nothingburger.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Who would run his administration? Jill? Nancy? Kamala? Hillary?
It seems with every passing appearance Biden gets worse and worse to now Jill has to speak for him. If he beats Trump, I can't even imagine the power struggle that would result within the White House. Logically one would think that the VP would win out, but the deep state will have a lot to say about it. The smarter people in the democratic establishment must be, have to be looking at a succession plan to take over from Biden.
I can see where if Biden wins, the executive branch going into a chaos above and beyond what Trump has created.
How can they not be?
It is not only his apparant dementia, but it is the rape allegations that the whole DP is ignoring. After the King video was uncovered and discussed all weekend Nancy Pelosi on Monday came out in support of Biden with her wholehearted endorsement. This is as in your face as you can get. But what is the actual end game? Leave him in to lose to Trump? Replace him with someone that hasn't even been campaigning? Trade him for Kamala, Liz, Amy or Pete who was beating Joe and got pulled to clear the way? Or replace him with the planned person all along, Hillary? Cuomo isn't a democrat in any way. He is a Bloomberg and Trump opportunist that switches parties as they go along to further their careers. But of course not replace him with Bernie who will probably campaign for whomever they choose.
Stay tuned huh?
BTW Biden was on media interviews all weekend and not one person has asked Biden about Tara's accusations. Liz, Kamala, Bernie and AOC have been asked about it, but not Joe. Seriously?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hard to see more
Definitely Jill would have a major hand as a sort of shadow Chief of Staff. More WH clout than the VP, though the latter would be given specific assigned areas to oversee, much more than what Clinton gave Gore. The more so if it's a VP with some governing and policy experience -- the Whitmer, Warren types, as opposed to Stacy Abrams. Something like a Jr P but not quite a Cheney.
the country would survive pretty well. I have more concerns about the getting to these questions -- and whether a real, basically honest election will be held in Nov. That's how dangerously chaotic Trump is.
He is getting lots of help from democrats though
Can you name one bill that democrats did not vote for to block Trump's dangerous legislation? The only bill I know of is the tax cuts because their votes weren't needed at the time. However since the GOP screwed it up so badly they have needed the democrats' help in fixing it.
Nancy and her fellow democrats didn't stop funding for Trump to continue locking kids in cages.
Voted for the increased military budget
The list is long. Then when democrats finally decided to impeach him they didn't go after his real crimes. Why? They are complicit in them. Instead they did on the bogus whistleblower Ukraine phone call where they said he withheld military aid. But no one brought up the hypocrisy of Obama doing it too because of how Russia would react.
Democrats have many ways to stop both the WH and the senate from doing what they are, but they just don't want to.
And if they were serious in beating Trump they wouldn't have done everything they could sto stop Bernie and they would pull Biden and run someone that actually has a chance to win. Can't you see how phony their Resistance is?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Biden is a sinister neo liberal neo conservative
He would be worse than Trump. Yeah, I know that's hard to believe as that bar is about as low as it can go. He would be an empty shell of a president approving everything that his neoliberal, neocon staff came up with. Trump has not actually gotten us into a new war, Biden will. Biden opposes lifting the sanctions from Iran. WTF? The Obama Biden admin wrote the JPCOA, Trump discarded it and now Biden supports sanctions. I see his presidency as back to the worst of US administrations of the last 30 years. He has already stated on camera that he doesn't give a hoot about what people think he will go ahead and do what he is intent on. Trump seems vastly more flexible and will back off when he gets himself in trouble as he does so often. I don't think that that is even possible with Biden. Trump lies in a buffoon way, Biden has a long history of lying in a sinister way, as he has done throughout his career. Biden will appoint the worst of the worst of neocons and neoliberals to run the country and then back them up 100%. I am far more fearful of Biden than Trump.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
"Trump has not actually gotten us into a new war, Biden will."
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Wait ... This changes everything!
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden for president
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YojhZAeP-Pg width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
...and The Machine keeps a-crankin'...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Has an heard about Hillary's being VP?
I just got in and this is the first thing I saw.
From her statement:
Just what does she bring to the table? She is not well liked to say the least and she has already been rejected 2 times so go ahead Dems do it. How can it hurt? BTW someone asked this question and woo boy..dawg pile.
Gee who didn't see this coming?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The burning question
about a Biden/Clinton ticket would be: which is the Titanic and which is the gaping, ragged hole in the hull? We already know we have Schumer/Pelosi in charge of putting the first class passengers into the life boats.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Great analogy
I'll add that Pelosi and Schumer will lock us up in steerage before they take off in their lifeboats.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Her would take that spot with the assumption of moving-up
Moving-up to the top spot when Biden steps down due to "health issues."
Electorally though piling Her negatives on top of Biden's own baggage just makes another four years of a Trump presidency all the more likely.
Hasn't anyone in that group reflected on attendance at the "Evening With the Clintons" tour as a measure of enthusiasm?
I agree the DNC's plan is to just get Joe to the convention
and either then replace him with someone else or if he does win he will only serve for a short time and then step down and let his VP take over the presidency. Biden has already made himself a lame duck president when he said that he would only serve one term.
But as others have pointed this out it would be devastating for the progressive movement. Say Biden does serve his whole 4 year and then his VP goes on to win the next election for 2 terms there is no movement on making things better. If Trump wins again there is a better chance for it.
Some rambling thoughts so feel free to skip this.
However, we saw what we got when the worse president of this century was replace by Reagan loving Obama who was actually Bush's 3-4th terms. Now we have Trump. What will the next republican president be like?
There has been talk here of something like martial law coming and how the rules for it have already been passed just waiting to go into effect. I thought about this last night what we can expect. So far the military is not allowed to do certain things in this country because of Posse Comitatos *sp* but private mercenary contractors have been used. Maybe the first time was during Katrina and the TigerSwan at DAPL and other pipeline protests. So if that is the plan to use them then what how will people in the military respond? Will they stay true to their oaths to protect the constitution and join with the protesters? I hope so. IF not we are over as a country. we already might be and we just have the illusion of being free. Side not here: I watched a video of a cop brutally arresting a 14 yo black kid because he had a cigar and wouldn't give him his information. The cop had him on the ground and started punching him once in the head with his fists and then two to the body. When the cop finally turned him over he move the kid's arm high up on his back that could have broken the arm at the elbow or dislocated his shoulder. The cop was over 200 pnds, the kid under 100. The statement by the police department put all the blame on the kid's actions. "He shouldn't have had the cigar and then he wouldn't give the cop his name, ect." Umm don't we still have the right to not talk to the cops. Yes we do. In fact that is what lawyers recommend. DO NOT TALK TO THE COPS. There is a great video with that name.
So we have watched for decades how cops get to abuse our rights and outright murder us in cold blood without any consequences. That cops can get away with it is because too many people say that people should just obey the cops. We've seen the videos of them doing just that and getting killed anyway. Sorry for the tangent here, but it fits the pattern.
During Bush's administration many so called patriot groups fought against the loss of our liberties and those groups were destroyed. Not all, but many. So again are there enough groups that would fight the mercenaries and what side will the military take?
Another side note. Here are the people who say that you must obey what the authorities tell you, but now they are out in force protesting against the stay at home orders.
Getting back on topic here are the Rising duo talking about Bernie dropping out after calling Joe his good friend who of course can beat Trump just at the Tara Reade allegations came out. They echo what is written here. Starts around 3:00 minutes.
They also hammer Pelosi for not allowing the house to go back to work while the senate will next week and also for not allowing remote voting to even work on any bills.
Hey Nance, if you have deemed the house non essential then lets dissolve it until it can find a speaker that will make it so you worthless bag of water.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver