Progressive Democrats progressing but which way?
When things don't go right, if things don't go right, go left.
Oh the Progressive Demokrats™, so wonderful to behold. Yes, behold from a distance, not up close. Oh, the smell. Brings to mind Lynyrd Skynrd "That Smell". Once you smell corruption, you never forget it. Like a foul odor emanating from decomposing organic matter. That smell. Can't you smell that smell?
Bronx Prima Donna grande (PMG) AOC, aka Occasional-Cortex. Winner of more coverage than several football fields. Lot of it green-laden. Yeah. Whence the enthusiasm. AOC is manifesting her acrobatic talents progressively. No one in the District of Corruption performs such graceful flip-flops. Nervous Nancy flip-flop by woodenly doing abrupt about-face without a hint of shame for her hypocrisy. Such a stiff, unartful maneuvering by the Queen of the House is indeed expected performance. NN has been perfecting her mystic art of misdirection for many years. She is a hag but an old and experienced hag. (With a newly revealed inordinate fondness for chocolate ice cream). But AOC flip-flops with unexpected but stunning suppleness with which she effortlessly performs back flips from a standstill, landing on her feet, smiling, arms upraised. Ain't I great! No one can compete with the Bronx Goddess--until the NYC-affiliate of the DNC eliminates her district as soon as possible.
Rashida Tlaib, oy veh! Such class. Man, such class.
Reporter: Rep. Tlaib, what do you think of President Trump?
Rashida: we need to behead that mofo!
(Religious comments and beliefs are not the purview of this alligator. In my swamp, there are no religious bickering. None. Not a one. Ask me why. Go ahead,....dang, y'all probably guessed why no such sectarian bickering occurs in Peaceful Swamp, where I dwell with a multitude of similar scaly, toothy reptiles: yes. We are all agnostics just as we are all igators. No God, no Grief.
Next on the list is a salacious bitch from Northern Minnesota, hijab, 3 husbands, high jinx. Big smile. Big fraud. Her mendacity, Ilhan the ill-advised. Need I say that her ability to flip-flop is utilized just as frequently as is AOC's flip-floppery. But technique. Ilhan is long and slim, suppleness in form. Wow, technique. Deflection masks her flippings. Look over there! Oops, missed that sudden reversal so quick was it.
Allianna (sp) Presley or Pressly or Presly or whatever. This inability to recall of this Elizabeth Warren disciple should not be held against me.
As the author of this foray into Progressive Demokrats™, you have a perfect right to demand that I provide such information, such as that proving satisfactory for admission into the Library of Congress. We have able authors, brimming with sources wandering through here now and again. Therefore and hereinafter (I love that word) I surrender all rights and rewards such that any other's research into topics left largely undocumented by myself.
Promise Me Pray-millie of Washington State, upper left corner of, at first was are fire-belching firebrand. This gal used to go downtown Seattle (perhaps) and wave banners at Fight-for-fifteen rallies. Now she has changed direction.
Change of direction. Change of mission. Change of intent. Change in empathy? Change in sense of service?
Spoiler alert: The Democrat Partei is the Political Black Hole. Once within its gravitational field, no matter how slight, the victim succumbs to the giant maw of nothingness at the heart of said black hole.
Let us apply mathematical logic to solve this multi-part issue. The known facts, as opposed to spin, are fixed. By using strict reasoning, involving precise definitions (no weasel words), then applying logically sound reasoning, then a solution is deduced--deduced, meaning not-induced, meaning susceptible to alteration or misrepresentation.
Fact 1:
For whatever the reasons and whatever blame on wishes to ascribe, the following opinion (opinion) seems frequently held: the DNC = DP
Fact 2:
DP has no soul. Nor core values devoted to the AP* (*see appendix at end).
Two driving principles exist:
Principle A. Retain power by any means necessary
Principle B. gain more power
Talk to me not about foreign policy, nor ecologic policy, nor social support policy, nor health policy, nor of small business support, nor of....
What do you want to hear? Tell me now and I will promise you exactly that 24 / 7 until election.
Fact 3:
You're either with us or you're against us. No middle ground.
Break the line, the partei-line, and we cancel you. We censure you. We oppose you. We primary you. We smear you.
Fact 4:
No escaping the black hole. Once you're in, you don't get out without great difficulty.
Progressives have the life span of an anti-proton.
Please ask a capable physicist about that. I'm not a physicist and I'm often unable.
Pramilla's helpful promotion of stimulus bill.
Nervous Nancy has a disciple here. Great political instincts, Pray-millie. Screw those people you progressively represent.
Presenting the Senior Progressive Of The United States Congress:
Remember: please contribute to our bird sanctuary.

DNC Black Hole
Beyond Salvation
There is a recent theory
that the matter that falls into a black hole is being transported into the future and will all spew out of a white hole. Perhaps a non quisling party will come into being at some time in the future and honesty and integrity and policies good for all of us will burst out like water from a fire hose.
In the immortal word of Theodoric of York, "Naah!"
On to Biden since 1973
What will happen if a white hole
gets pulled into a black hole?
Having consulted A.U.D.P.*, there is an answer
1. No external financial arrangements are held by dept. members.
2. The research followed standard scientific methodology, decontaminated where necessary by our proprietary by Truth Klenz™, when exposed to politics.
3. No animals were harmed during the course of this calculation. But of course, during lunch and dinner breaks, our learned scientists were on their own for forage.
Question restated: What happens when a white hole gets pulled into a black hole?
Response: the referee determines the outcome, from which there is no appeal.
Assembled staff, in no particular order, participating in the project include
Albert Alligator
Niels Cayman
Sir Artemus Alligator, CBE
Robert Crocodile, PMH
Requests for data and calculations should be addressed to AUDP, care of Eleanor Alligator. But I am authorized to answer questions on their behalf.
lmao Trump derangement syndrome strikes again
Trump’s media critics silent on Cristina Cuomo’s ‘BLEACH BATH’ Covid-19 tip, after tearing into president for ‘disinfectants’ line
Shar posted the video of Trump saying what he did.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Damn, Christina is even dumber than Fredo
Once again, commendations for capturing another truly stupid DP statement. But, viewing the volume of such babbling, your capture ratio is unsurprising--but still impressive. If I could bow, I would.
I just saw this
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Clorox is sodium HYPOCHLORITE, not chloride
That's quite a different thing.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Your comment is respondent to what exactly?
Dr. Deborah Birx is squirming
in the first part of the video. Too bad Fauci wasn't present. He can't control his eyes from rolling when Trump gives 'medical' advice.