Don't forget about me!
I noticed at the grocery store recently that, unlike the toilet paper aisle, the pet food and supplies aisle was fully stocked. It made me wonder if people are forgetting Bowser and Fluffy in their coronavirus panic. Seeing all those stacked bags of unsold cat litter was rather disconcerting.
My neighbors are out of town. Their cat is down to her last few morsels of food, and as an already thin elder cat, she doesn't have much margin for error. I'm going to the grocery store today to buy some cat food.
A commenter in another essay voiced concern about her dogs. As things are locked down around the country, what happens to dog parks and other public spaces? If things reach the point where we're restricted to our own home and yard, how do owners of large, energetic dogs that need lots of exercise keep their pets healthy and happy?
I'm offering this essay as an Open Thread for pet matters in the age of coronavirus. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Here are a few for starters:
- Make sure your shut-in or limited mobility neighbors have enough pet supplies
- Offer pet sitting or dog walking for those that can't do it themselves
- Keep a couple cans of dog food and a water bowl ready for strays that wander by
- Check your pet's immunization schedule and get them up to date if needed
- Create an adoption plan so your pets have a home should something happen to you

is one possibility. We get a lot of our cat supplies delivered through them and don't usually buy them from grocery stores. We'll see what happens as things progress though.
This shit is bananas.
Delivery Services
Chewy and Amazon have stated that delivery times are longer than normal, so allow extra time when ordering. USPS, UPS and FedEx are experiencing some delivery delays but are still delivering everywhere that's not under hard lockdown. Because airlines are impacted, express deliveries are either canceled or running late. Items shipped from China are either delayed or unshippable at this time.
@Daenerys Chewy is out of almost
Oh, balls.
Some of my mom's veterinary supplies have been delayed too, for the last week or so.
This shit is bananas.
Thank you edg. I am worried about our pups. We have a
pretty good supply of food, having just stocked up recently. And I have considered Chewy to restock. Maybe I should grab what I can at Kroger. IDK
I hope my daughter will come and get the dogs if my husband and I don’t make it. Our son is an Aspie and will dissolve if we die. I can see the signs already.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Stay safe.
I honestly don't think there will be a run on dog food like there was on other items. When ordering online, be aware that delivery may take twice as long as usual.
Thank Dog, dogs don't use toilet paper
Thank you Edg
We bought two extra bags of dry dog food and some extra toppers and treats at Petco last weekend. They were also fully stocked, so it didn’t seem urgent. But we decided today to get some more anyway. I feel a little bit bad about my worry and stress over our two dogs. Like my priorities might be skewed.
But we got them as rescues, they both had rough beginnings and I promised them a safe home for life. I am crushed thinking I might have to break that promise to them, if we are unable to get supplies or if we get sick/die. They are fortunate to remain happy and clueless about the situation, at least for now.
I don't think your priorities are skewed.
We owe a duty to our pets. While I'd like to help people, my ability to do so is limited. But what I can do is ensure my dogs, my neighbor's cat, and my other neighbor's dogs and their people have everything they need and are as safe as possible.
There have been 5 reported cases in Pima County/Tucson area so far. Tucson ordered bars, restaurants, etc. to close dining and only offer carry-out. Marana, where I'm at, hasn't yet done that.
Thanks again
I need every bit of calming advice and information I can get. I will do everything I can to keep my animals safe for as long as I’m able to. It gives me a reason to hold on to my sanity.
Interesting that Marana has not yet closed restaurants, bars, etc. When I was talking with my husband earlier this morning and told him I was unraveling here at home alone, he asked out of habit if I wanted to meet him for lunch. I just laughed. Where!? I asked! Oh yeah, he replies.
Last night we watched a TV show, trying to distract myself from the stress. The characters were blithely going about their lives, taking plane trips, going out to eat lunch and dinner, laughing together over a beer in a pub. It was maddening! Even my distractions have turned into sharp reminders. I can’t seem to read books or watch stories about normal life with its petty problems anymore.
Communications from my company have not been reassuring today. I give it two months, tops, before most of us get RIFed. Unless there is a very big change from the dire predictions we’re hearing today. Hope springs eternal I guess.
I have that dog in the picture . . . .
She was abandoned at the end of our gravel road with a partner. The partner was gone the next day. She lived in a field with cows before we were able to capture her in a live trap. Then, it took two weeks before we could touch her. Now she is the most precious adorable loving puppy. Our vet said she is old and has had a cesarian section. Meaning she was probably a puppy mill dog deemed unprofitable.
We stocked up on dog and cat food.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
That's my girl Bridget.
We adopted her and her half-brother from a family where the teenage son had brought home a pair of pit bulls. The pit bulls started chewing on the chihuahuas, so the mother put them up for adoption.
This is Gizmo:
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
We stocked up on cat food
Seattle infamously has more pets than children but even so our local independent pet specialty store was fully stocked the other day.
On a related note, I was wondering today what will happen to our (carnivorous) pets if we reduce meat consumption in accordance with global heating mitigation?
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Thanks edg.
Here's a good place to sneak in some savings for those with cats or dogs.
I've been using the following site for pet supplies for about 4 years now.
They market the overstock (with still good use dates). No prescription required. You just have to plan ahead for a 3-4 week delivery. And if you aren't planning ahead for your children....shame on you.
And No I make nothing for promotion of following site.
Flea & Tick
Heartworm Preventatives
Ear Products
Eye Products
Arthritis Help
Dental Toys
Joint & Groom
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Just purchased 25 lbs
of food for the little chap and his sidekick, the little chapette:
from a reasonably stable genius.
You monster!
You're working your cats so hard they passed out from sheer exhaustion!
Is there such a thing as
An exhausted house cat?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The kitty cats were taken care of
Before I was. Food, litter, and a visit to the vet. Afterwards, I calculated what I needed. But given that I actually work in a grocery store, I kinda get first dibs on whatever comes off the pallet. Which includes TP, Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Peanut Butter, Beans, Olives, & Tuna. All of which are in my cabinet now. I think I'll be ok with supplies if in the frightening event I have to self isolate. Haven't gone so far as to arrange a plan for the kitties in case of my demise. If my situation changes, I'll start thinking about it. Right now my focus is on surviving this thing. I've still lots of shit to accomplish.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Now I know where I can turn if I run out of TP.
Thanks, Anja, my bestest friend ever.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.