El Cid Rides Again (Plan A)

In 1099 AD, during the early days of the Spanish Reconquista, the Christian statesman and general Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (aka El Cid) died of illness while defending Valencia from the Moors. As the battle raged and with their Hero dead, the surviving nobles inside the walls desperately needed to find some way to rally their dispirited troops for one final charge to break the siege and relieve the city.

el cid.png

And so, as the legend tells, Rodrigo's wife Jimena ordered the corpse of El Cid to be mounted in full battle dress on his faithful steed. The animal was then sent galloping straight at the Moorish lines. The Valencia troops, stunned out of their apathy by the seeming miracle of a resurrected El Cid, instinctively followed the warhorse into battle and won a smashing victory before anybody on either side realized the guy leading the charge wasn't actually sentient.

900 years later on Super Tuesday 2020, El Cid rode again.

biden forgot.jpg

Let's all step back from the cacophony of up-is-down beltway punditry and Progressive Twitterati garment rendering for a moment and realize that what we've witnessed since Super Tuesday is not the assertion of overwhelming political establishment might smiting an insurgency candidacy to smithereens, but rather the desperate act of a collapsing party aristocracy consolidating its forces in a last ditch attempt to preserve its elite privilege by any ghastly means necessary.


Stop Bernie Plan A: Lord of the Flies

The elevation of Joe Biden as the single establishment-approved candidate to face Bernie was an act of improvisation. It was NOT the result of some long thought out master plan. On the contrary, all the way up to even the weekend before Super Tuesday, the Stop Bernie Plan A had been quite the opposite: flood the field with marginal candidates to dilute the Bernie vote within targeted states, which would then prevent him from attaining an overall delegate majority nationwide.

With only a plurality at the Convention, Bernie would be unable to secure the nomination on the first ballot, opening up the choice of nominee on the second ballot to unelected superdelegates who, with the support of establishment-backed elected delegates, could select a compromise nominee who in turn (and this is the clever bit) would not necessarily have to actually have been one of the candidates in the race.


As NBC News telegraphed back in early 2019, Plan A's goal was to create a 'Lord of the Flies' scenario:

Why the 2020 Democratic primary could turn into 'Lord of the Flies'

If several candidates run deep into the race, the competition for cash and delegates could turn brutal, according to Jeff Berman, who devised delegate strategies for Barack Obama in 2008 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 and helped rewrite the party’s nominating rules.

...“With up to 15 or 20 viable candidates, there is a real chance no one gets a majority on the first ballot — or, worse, that three or four candidates could make the case that they should be the nominee,” said Chris Kofinis, a longtime Democratic strategist and public opinion researcher. “In that case, it’s Thunderdome politics at its worst, with superdelegates playing king- or queen-maker.”

As one might imagine, Plan A is tailor made for a party honcho like Hillary Cinton looking to muscle Her way into the nomination through the superdelegate back door.

Conversely, Plan A is also useful for a party honcho like Barack Obama looking to play kingmaker by withholding enough establishment delegates to force a three way standoff.

Plan A is NOT helpful to an establishment outsider like Bernie Sanders who receives the most elected delegates but still does not win the nomination. Taking Mr. Berman's 'Lord of the Flies' scenario to its logical conclusion, come the final Convention battle, the Bernie campaign meets the same gruesome end as Piggy.


The 2020 Candidate Map

The competition between the Clinton and Obama wings of the Dem establishment exacerbated the flood of marginal candidates into the primary race, as both establishment power centers supported large stables of hopefuls recruited from states where Bernie performed well in 2016.

Here is my chart of 2020 the Dem primary candidates and likely affiliations superimposed over a Wikipedia map of the 2016 Dem primary results (click pics for larger).

Now here is an NYT map of the relative margins of victory per county in 2016.

Taking the two maps together, we see that most of the Hillary and Obama backed candidates in 2020 come from states where Bernie either won or came close in 2016, with one notable exception in Texas where Team Obama, sensing a chink in Team Hillary's 'solid south' armor, ran both Beto and Castro to siphon off Hillary and Bernie votes in that delegate rich state.


"You don't have to do this, Joe. You really don't."

The other notable exception to the Plan A strategy of running marginal candidates in Bernie states is, of course, Joe Biden. Unlike all of the other establishment-backed candidates, Biden is a honcho in his own right, and his status as party elder meant he was not dependent on either the Obama or Hillary power centers to sustain his candidacy.

While running as an Obama Democrat, Biden also shares longstanding relationships with party leaders in Hillary circles, leaving Joe as the only establishment-backed candidate with the relative freedom to chart his own path to the nomination independent of the whims and circumstances of the two competing party bosses.

And that's where it all went wrong for Plan A.

Biden's relatively late entry into the race threw the carefully negotiated candidate schemes of the Obama and Hillary camps into disarray, as Joe's senior party status and easy access to establishment support scared off a number of marginal candidates who would have been far more willing to entertain a run at the nomination without Biden in the race.

Indeed, within a few weeks of Joe's passable performance at the 2-day beauty contest debate in late July, Hickenlooper, Inslee, Moulton, and Gillibrand all abruptly dropped out citing lack of support. Most of the rest of the original establishment candidate crop would soon follow, leaving Warren, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar as the only potentially viable candidacies to welcome in the New Year.

obama biden.png

As the candidate carnage continued, Obama himself sounded the alarm about Joe's candidacy, dishing dirt in the New York Times about how Joe really wasn't his first choice for VP in 2008 (Tim Kaine) and suggesting that he had tried before to discourage Joe from running before Joe announced in April.

The two men spoke at least a half dozen times before Mr. Biden decided to run, and Mr. Obama took pains to cast his doubts about the campaign in personal terms.

“You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Mr. Obama told Mr. Biden earlier this year, according to a person familiar with the exchange.

Mr. Biden — who thinks he could have defeated Donald Trump four years ago — responded by telling Mr. Obama he could never forgive himself if he turned down a second shot at Mr. Trump.

In the article, Obama went so far as to blatantly question Joe's electability as well as publicly fret about Joe tarnishing his legacy:

He has communicated his frustration that Mr. Biden’s closest advisers are too old and out of touch with the current political climate — urging him to include more younger aides, according to three Democrats with direct knowledge of the discussion.

In March, Mr. Obama took the unusual step of summoning Mr. Biden’s top campaign advisers, including the former White House communications director Anita Dunn and Mr. Biden’s longtime spokeswoman, Kate Bedingfield, to his Washington office for a briefing on the campaign’s digital and communications strategy with members of his own staff, including his senior adviser, Eric Schultz.

When they were done, Mr. Obama offered a pointed reminder, according to two people with knowledge of his comments: Win or lose, they needed to make sure Mr. Biden did not “embarrass himself” or “damage his legacy” during the campaign.

By early January, with Bernie Sanders surging in polls of early primary states and Biden taking a big chunk out of Pete Buttigieg's numbers, Obama's ongoing frustration with Joe's run led him to issue a blunt warning:

[O]ne Democrat, who is neutral in the 2020 race, shared details about a candid conversation with Obama. Apparently concerned about his former vice president’s “gaffe-prone nature,” Obama allegedly told the unnamed Democrat the following.

obama finger.jpg

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.”

As of the time of this writing, Barack Obama has yet to endorse Joe Biden for President.


Warren v. SpiderMike

Team Hillary suffered similar ill effects from Joe's run, with Her stable of candidates left as bereft of strong big donor support as Obama's was. Significantly, Hillary's attempts to float a Warren trial balloon to high dollar turncoat GOP donors in September crashed and burned with a resounding 'NO!' from the NeverTrumpers.

The candidate they liked better? Joe Biden.

A few Republicans opposed to Trump are prepared to support Warren if she emerges as the only viable challenger, affirming a commitment to topple the president at all costs. But for many well-known Republicans and unaligned political operatives inside the community of conservative Trump opponents, there are limits. Joe Biden, the former vice president, is a traditional labor Democrat they can stomach and even promote for. Warren is another matter, at least as they see things now...

With Warren an establishment donor non-starter and Amy Klobuchar persisting to poll in the low single digits. Hillary suddenly found herself in October without a ride to the convention. She briefly toyed with the idea of running Herself, but even Hillary isn't THAT self unaware. She also got Duval Patrick to agree to have his name put on a few early ballots, but the less said about that the better.

And so, desperate to remain a player in the game she had dominated for so long, Hillary turned to the one man who could still make all of Her White House dreams come true. Someone with the national stature of Biden and the money of Crassus to come swinging onto the Dem debate stage like Spiderman, spinning an impenetrable golden web to bedazzle and entrap his opponents.

Except at the first debate SpiderMike Bloomberg promptly swung straight into a multi-candidate bug zapper, and that was it for SpiderMike's campaign. Warren herself took particular zeal in zapping the guy who helped zap her bid for GOP donors, turning to ash Bloomberg's personal reputation and over half a BILLION dollars of his campaign cash faster than Mike could say 'NDA'.

Stop Bernie Plan B(iden).

With the Iowa caucuses fast approaching and neither Team Hillary nor Team Obama fielding a candidate with a realistic chance of sustaining viability past the early primary dates, a consensus began to emerge among the Dem Establishment that Plan A was fatally flawed.*

By mid January, rumors of a Plan B were already circulating, as the party nobility became increasingly nervous about the possibility that Bernie Sanders, with his massive army of volunteers, a universally popular platform, and a cash machine of small donors, might this time overwhelm even the best efforts of the DNC to rig the primaries against him.

As Caitlin Johnstone noted (H/T CS in AZ):

Back in January, well before the Democratic primary race had taken on its current composition, independent journalist Ruth Ann Oskolkoff reported that a source had heard from high-level Democratic Party insiders that they were planning to install Joe Biden as the party’s nominee, and to smear Bernie Sanders as a Russian asset.

"Now the fix is in politically. On January 20, 2020 at 8:20 p.m. PDT I received a communication from a reliable source. This person had interactions earlier that evening with high level party members and associates of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) who said that they have now selected Biden as the Democratic Party nominee, with Warren as the VP. They also said the plan is to smear Bernie as a Russian asset. So the DNC has coronated Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren as the presidential and vice presidential nominees."

Although subsequent poor performances on Super Tuesday would place the Warren VP bid in jeopardy, well before Iowa Caucuses the Democratic establishment was already signaling that the divide-and-conquer strategy of Plan A was soon to be scuppered in favor of an Establishment Unity campaign on behalf of Joe Biden.


Next Time: El Cid Rides Again (Plan Biden)

37 users have voted.


Not Henry Kissinger's picture

[Yet even without Biden in the race, it's far from clear whether Plan A ever truly had a chance of stopping Bernie. Ideally, Plan A requires at least two to three non-Bernie candidates all pulling approximately 20 - 30% of the vote over the course of the entire primary season to keep Bernie under the 50% delegate threshold and force a brokered convention. Yet given the massive expense involved in campaigning in every state and the (intentionally) limited national stature of the establishment-backed candidates, balancing their vote totals and sustaining that fight all the way to the convention seems very wishful thinking.

Moreover, the longstanding primary viability rule that awarded delegates only to candidates garnering more than 15% of the vote, which the party has long relied to weed out fringe (i.e. non-approved) candidates, came back to haunt the bosses in 2020, as the fringe candidates suddenly all turned out to be the party approved ones.

And as we saw in New Hampshire and especially Nevada, with non-viable candidate totals awarded proportionally to viable candidates, Bernie as the top vote getter actually receives a bonus of MORE delegates than he would without the viability rule and, on top of that, proportionally more of a bonus than any of the other viable candidates, resulting in Bernie actually extending his delegate lead rather than having it diminished as Plan A envisioned.]

24 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

dervish's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger as usual!

1 user has voted.

"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Bollox Ref's picture

He looks nothing like Charlton Heston.


Sorry for the flippancy, but it's been a rather crap day, what with pondering COVID-19. Good essay.

16 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

WoodsDweller's picture

Not much to add.
A few days back (it seems so long ago, now) I wrote something to the effect that the Biden gambit was the Hail Mary pass for the Establishment. They can try to pull something at the convention, but between now and then they've pulled everyone else out besides Biden.
We'll see how this "debate" goes. First it was sitting down, a town hall, then no audience, now it's been moved back to DC (why does it matter what city it's in if there's no audience?). They will do everything to prop up Biden (because he's that bad now).
If Biden melts down, either in anger or confusion, with no audience reaction to cover for it, we'll see Bernie respond. The country will see a fundamentally decent man react with compassion to the embarrassment of the man he can't help describing as his friend. "Turn off the cameras, we're done. C'mon Joe, Jill will take you home."
It could all be that simple. Or not.

24 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Alligator Ed's picture

@WoodsDweller Here we have a pair of fun-loving youths, using amiable Uncle Joe's beachfront cabin by the sea. Unfortunately, the day before the big week-end, Biden passed away. No one noticed, because, well, it's just Biden as usual. Nothing new to see here.

Biden has bid this mortal coil adieu, without realizing that he was even Joe Biden anymore. Alas. Our two semi-wayward youths then have to drag Uncle Joe everywhere they go because clever Joe welded his house and cars key to his pacemaker. No thought of surgery here, boys. Can't slice him up, else what would the folks back home say when they return corpus Bidensis home?

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

ByeDone has promised to veto any bill congress passes on it that comes to his desk. And yet here we are with the country getting ready to vote him in to do just that. Shaking my damn head over the silly American people.

I don't think ByeDone could damage Obama's legacy anymore than having Donald Trump following his presidency. His other legacy is being the very first black American president brought that brought slavery to Libya. I'd don't think anyone can top that.

it’s Thunderdome politics at its worst, with superdelegates playing king- or queen-maker.”

Yep. We all knew why they put so many candidates in the DNC clown car at the beginning. I knew they were going to move heaven and earth to keep Bernie from winning, but I am surprised that they did it so blatantly. The democrat party has no clothes. They are standing naked right in front of us and I'm laughing my ass off at them.

I watched a ByeDone presser with my sound off and just watched Jill's face while he was rambling talking and boy did she look uncomfortable at what he was saying. She knows that he is not up to it. So do we.


Todd is a grade A asshole!

Seriously, Chuckles? This is what you think people should hear from you on how Bernie plans to help people? Just how easy do you think it is to get your hands on a TelePrompTer? Maybe they are just lying around for anyone to use?


19 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

janis b's picture


I'd like to do the same and just watch Jill's face.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

My morning routine takes me to many websites and I'm not sure which one had it. It might have been on one of rising's videos. The more I think about it I think that's where I saw it. If so it'd be from today's show.

3 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

janis b's picture


which I set on mute, and just watched.

She looks very serious and concerned, and seems to be holding her breath - almost as if she is trying with all her might to keep it all together for Joe. I can even imagine her looking more relaxed as a mother watching her child perform on stage for the first time with a greater sense of pride than the concern she exhibits for her husband. She also looks very sad to me.

12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

Good find. She does look very uncomfortable and like she is holding her breath and hoping he gets through his speech without screwing up. This is not the first time she has looked like this when he's speaking.

Sorry, Jill, but no I don't think I will just swallow it up and vote for him anyway. Not when there is a way better candidate running.

Thoughts on this tweet folks?

It seems to be truthful. Moon of Alabama is great today as are many of the comments. China, Italy and North Korea all went as far as they could to fight the epidemic. This country is not the only one that doesn't look like it cares how many people die from it. A few people talked about how much money could be saved if pensioners weren't around much longer. I've been thinking this same thing.

Also read a tweet on how people from the cruise ship that has docked in Oakland are being treated. Hint. It's not well. Gawd hope they don't roll out their FEMA camps for us.

11 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg I don't tweet. Don't plan too. Already suffer from too many addictions--like politics. And don't forget, snoopy, that you are a certified political junkie too.

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

Does it not show for you?

Here's what it says.

Last time Bernie ran God sent a bird.
Y’all didn’t listen so now you get a plague.
God ALWAYS balances out the world.
Boomers stand in the way of this world's survival, and now they won't survive this pandemic.
This is cold truth, and it brings me no joy. #CoronaOutbreak

But this one is brutal

7 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Evidently my computer didn't snag the first sending from the ether.

0 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg The first black president to bring slavery to Libya. Right on. But don't forget his pet Rodent.

8 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

given that the Moors who opposed him were protecting what was left of cultural diversity in Spain, and that their ultimate defeat in 1492 signaled a final triumph of the Spanish Inquisition for three centuries to come as well as the extermination of native peoples throughout the Americas.

16 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

janis b's picture

I have read it and will reread it with more attention, because I think your analysis is compelling.

As an aside - Some of the people I know have become more reticent of bringing up American politics with me, and I appreciate having the choice to address the subject, or not. To me their reticence is somewhat a reflection of their growing disbelief in what is going on in America, and distancing themselves more, not having the insight or understanding an American might. As well, I think, out of respect for not hissing at Americans in general. I consider myself lucky to live somewhere where local political and social issues are addressed with somewhat more sanity, even if in some ways the same faults exist here.

Anyway, thanks again.

14 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@janis b Smile

3 users have voted.

the Party establishment is suffering from dementia.

16 users have voted.

Orwell: Where's the omelette?

Alligator Ed's picture

Fine political analysis with which I found myself in agreement. But one question lingers: what criteria did you use to determine which political faction the Hilbots and Obamites belong? The Bernie contingent is obvious.

The Valencia troops, stunned out of their apathy by the seeming miracle of a resurrected El Cid, instinctively followed the warhorse into battle and won a smashing victory before anybody on either side realized the guy leading the charge wasn't actually sentient.

Wasn't actually sentient. A work of art, sir. And the art work is also good. Where did you get the spider-mike meme? The Biden message is a keeper--screen shot it now

10 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --