This is what a crash looks like
Before we look at the why, let's examine the what.
U.S. stocks plunged more than 7.5% in the worst day on Wall Street since the financial crisis, as a full-blown oil price war rattled financial markets already on edge over the spreading coronavirus. Treasury yields plummeted, crude sank 20% and credit markets buckled.The S&P 500 sank the most since December 2008, the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 2,000 points and small caps lost more than 9%...
The rout began at the open, with losses reaching 7% four minutes in, triggering NYSE circuit breakers that halted trading for 15 minutes. The markets will close if losses reach 20%. The measure is down almost 19% from its Feb. 19 all-time high, threatening to end the record-long bull market that began 11 years ago to the day.
Just three weeks ago the cost of insuring against the default of corporate borrowers had dropped to its lowest levels since 2007 (i.e. credit default swaps).
Today the cost is at 7-year highs.
It isn't just Wall Street. Europe is getting killed too.
I'll have to do the why in another post.

I love it that
Russia is punishing us in the oil markets because of the Nord Stream 2 sanctions. Be careful who you fuck with - it might come back to bite you in the ass.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Actually Russia is going after our frackers
and that's a big why the market is crashing.
That’s the other part of it.
We’re both correct.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Russia is sending the
AKADEMIK CHERSKIY pipe layer to the Baltic to finish Nordstream 2. It is currently resting just off Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. They are probably taking this time to do some necessary upgrades on the vessel in preparation for the pipe-laying. This was a planned stopover - they are scheduled to enter the Suez Mar 25, 2020. Due to current coronavirus situation, they may take more time and wait things out.
Putin is a very patient and focused man. He never acts rashly. The Trumpeter shoots from the hip and invariably ends up hitting himself in the foot. It's Looney Toons with Putin as the Roadrunner and Trump as Wile E. Coyote.
And I find that terrifying.
Actually there is going to be four individual pipes
Nordstream 1 has TWO 48" cement coated pipes each carrying 27.5 billion M^3. Each line is separated into 3 sections and extensive pressure testing will be done on each. After testing each line is flushed with nitrogen (to remove any O2) and filled with natural gas. There are extensive safety valves if leaks should be detected during operation. Any leakage of gas will dissipate through the water into the atmosphere very rapidly. The route has very weak seismic activity. Top engineers from all over Europe and Russia spent years studying the design before construction started. Here's pdf on commissioning procedures:
When Nordstream 2 is finished they will supply 110 billion M^3 to Europe. Still less than will be required in the near future. Coal and nuclear plants are to be shut down when this gas comes on line. This energy source is required to backup green energy supplies like wind/solar to ensure electric grid is maintained at all times.
There are hundreds of high pressure gas pipelines of various sizes installed underwater all around the world - many of them in the US, UK and Europe.
That's what they are saying
But the real story is complicated
the business of confusion news reporting is the new thing
ghost flight, ghost football games in Europe, brothers showing their killer instincts, kings that try to get away with 'mistakes' ... who the heck can follow that ... ah, just waiting for more confusion news reports ... makes my day.
Pftt. Sigh. Going back to sleep. May be when I wake up, everything will be clear.
Thanks gjohnsit.
In the video they show US troops illegally
patrolling Syria's oil fields while the announcer reports:
"At the end of the day the losers could be us. US shale oil producers could get hit hard compared to traditional fossil fuel extraction methods"
That's one way to reduce costs - move into another country and steal the oil. The one bright spot is with "I like oil, we're keeping the oil" at $30 bbl, it isn't worth the military cost to get it out of the country.
Syria's shattered economy will appreciate the cheap Russian oil at this time.
Lindsay Graham is telling Assad to quit attacking
Turkey's troops. He basically told them to behave. Silly hit forgets it's Syria's country not ours.
BTW did you hear Putin might be able to be president for another 8 years? He says he's playing with western minds..but if the people of Russia go along with it....USA heads will explode. RT has the story.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for covering this.
Looking forward to your post of the why.
I hadn't considered that.
Russia says it can go as low as $30 bbl and still be AOK
This is gonna cause the
fuckersfrackers in the US one hell of a butt hurt. They need $50 to 60 just to break even on most of their plays. WTI and BRENT now stand at $33 and $36. For every barrel they produce, their bank accounts shrink instead of expand.Putin has allowed the ruble to float and due to 4 years of heavy sanctions by the US on the country, Russia's economy is well insulated from global price increases due to prudent financial decisions they made. They make almost everything they need, some in excess. In any event, Russians can take financial pain that would bring an American to his knees in a New York minute.
It's payback time. Two different views of Putin's actions are expressed in the following link. I'm going with the first. Putin is a judoka master. He patiently waits until he sees an advantage and then quickly takes his opponent to the mat. We have seen this time and again in the last 20 years that Putin has been President of Russia.
Yup! That’s the article
I read, too. Don’t underestimate the Rooskie!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
All quite true
Putin is making his move.
Russia has rid itself of US Treasuries, has very little debt, and has been stockpiling gold.
All it took to move him to spring was a worldwide crisis. And here it is. COVID 19
Coupled with the US being run out of the middle east and every country buying Russian arms, the oil debacle is just what Dr. Putin ordered.
It's looking like total Empire Collapse.
Putin: Checkmate mofo.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
OT except for Russia
Imagine anyone saying this about Bibi and Israel instead of Vlad and Russia.
Russiaphobia is exactly the word for what has infected so many people. The 'left' has made this lady a heroine.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How bad will it get for frackers
It's all about the debt.
Debts will come due.
When you lose your job, the credit card bill still comes.
So it is with corporations.
Frackers will be among the first, their business model has never made sense, 2 dollars in for every dollar in sales, but most corporations are carrying debt.
The debt will come due, defaults will follow.
What about airlines ?
No revenue = no debt payments.
Aircraft manufacturers come next.
Look at Boeing, in trouble already, acres of unsalable airplanes sitting in Seattle.
Bankrupt airlines don't buy planes.
It's a cascade. Eventually, swaps will come into play and banks will be revealed to be insolvent. Again.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I wonder how TPTB will try to hide that this time. All they've done before hadn't changed the reality, but it did hide it. But hide it this time?!
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Comment edited.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
so what does that mean to auntie mimi?
be happy to not have to pay mortgage monthly bills?
be happy to not have to pay for oil or gas or electricity at the place you live in?
with what do i heat my hut?
do I have to hamster buy wood?
can I grow my trees as fast as I need their wood on my property?
whose property do I live on when I rent?
Uuh, and what about my cash savings, when the banks close down and don't let me get it out?
ahh, why didn't I hamster buy gold and dig it somewhere in the groud of my garden?
Eeeh, what would that help, would the banks give me cash back, when I tried to sell my gold nuggets to them?
Going back to sleep. I know I have a moment of blissfull inspirational ideas that will answer all my questions ... when I wake up...
PS,besides staying in bed and sleep is the most effective self-imposed quarantaine. So, covad virus, you can starve somewhere but not feed on my blood ... damn blood sucker. And tomorrow I am going to trade my peanuts against some green peas at my local grocery store, the grocery owner understands that all I are peanuts and no cash.
The banks have been running scared of another Penn Central
style meltdown. Much of the fracking debt is overdue, but the banks are carrying them because who wants to foreclose on that hopeless shit.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Why you ask
cuz markits built on twiits have no foundation.
That the Dow/SP/Nas were all just at record highs
was all smoke and mirrors
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Such a crackup
The market crashes and the morons are clapping like crazy at the closing bell.
Simply amazing.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
not even the fed pumping trillions
into monetary memory loss
is able to keep this sinking ship afloat
drive her hard onto the beach
save the billionaires first
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
But wasn't that why Trump cut taxes on businesses?
Yeah right. They bought their own stock while laying off thousands of people. Att just bought another $4 billion in stocks while screwing their employees. I'm sure that the rich will be just fine if they tank the economy again. Don't forget that they got congress to let them keep our money once they screw everything up again. Watch your money folks.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Trump is floating a payroll tax cut
The market will be up tomorrow.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
It'll probably bounce
One thing mostly overlooked is that the dollar dumped today.
We already have a $1 trillion deficit.
What will happen to the dollar with another tax cut?
Yes it will but in a real world Gold, PM's should be flying
And the real problem is tRump/mnuckin/kudlow believe that the markit reflects reality when in fact reality is the last thing the pricing of the DOW/SP/NAS represent.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The proverbial shit is going to hit the fan
It is imperative the US acts IMMEDIATELY. It may even be too late.
I will admit that this virus is scary
But why aren't people talking about how many veterans kill themselves every day in this country? 24/day at last count. How many days will it take for people to die from the virus to get to the number of vets who die in just one year? Or how about the numbers of people who die because they don't have health insurance or if they do they still can't afford to use it because of their copays. Or the number of people who are dying because they can't afford health insurance, their medication or for whatever other reason?
How was the SARS epidemic treated by the media as opposed to this one? I don't remember if people panicked back then cuz I wasn't paying attention to the news. But if it was bad wouldn't I have known about it? I think we are being manipulated by the media on this. The economy was going to crash for years before this epidemic hit the news, but it's now being 'caused by the virus'? Trucking companies were laying off people for months before the epidemic hit and lots of jobs were being lost before this happened. Banks, the retail apocalyptic and other industries have been laying off thousands of people, but we weren't hearing about it in the main stream media. The news articles I read today have totally let people think it's because of the virus with no mention of what the Russians and Saudis are doing. This is manipulated reporting and it's intent is to scare people.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
and I have a hard time ending to read you ... :-)
cute doggie.
Max does a good job explaining...
9 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
oh, my;
thank you for embedding the video; i hadn't even watched or checked it for length, remembering that max and stacy's show was always around 25 minutes.
"Who will be hit hardest, max? saudi arabia?"
Max: "; the US will be." (as he'd explained)
the big take away for me...
Corporate debt is based on the value of the corporation (well duh), and as the market falls so does corporate value... to the point where some must default as debt becomes greater than value. I suspect this is just the start of the bubble popping.
I'm no economist, but it makes sense how this can cascade.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The other shoe drops......
as it seems commenters are answering the 'whys'
as well, i'll add a few things:
First, both self-explanator: ‘Oil price war will expedite the end of petrodollar & rise of Chinese-Russian currency– RT’s Max Keiser’,,9 Mar, 2020
(i'd read fracked gas has to sell for $60 a gallon to break even, but fuck me: the millions of gallons of water pumped into each well!
Second, some excerpts of a very long history of the Fed, credit rates, etc.:
Why the Coming Economic Collapse Will NOT be Caused by Corona Virus
by Matthew J. L. Ehret / March 1st, 2020, dissident voice
third, from nick beams at march 10: Markets plunge in worst fall since 2008 crisis
(a few excerpts)
Some reputation rehab here:
Clinton wanted that law, he more or less campaigned on it he and Hillary both were on board with the DLC drive to de-regulate the financial sector.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
thanks for remembering that,
and challenging the author's weaselly wording. what pissed me off even more somehow was that clinton had also signed into law the CFMA in 2000. from the wiki:
I thought the market was crashing
because of Bernie winning. As soon as he lost Super Tuesday, the markets bounced back with health care stocks gaining the most momentum. What happened, media? Joementia is still leading - why is the market still struggling, huh? What's that you say? It wasn't really about Bernie after all? Oh, well, damage done. Give yourself another notch on your bedpost, msm.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Trump promises a subsidy for his shale oil buddies
and the market goes back up again.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Socialism to the rescue
Biden was the point man
and promoter of U.S. subsidized fracking in Ukraine. Here is a list of articles exploring the problems inherent in our subsidization as well as in fracking itself:
Trump potential fracking bailout
criticized here: