COVID-19 Update March 6: when is it time for proactivity?

COVID-19 is still here and, as the song goes, getting stronger every day. Here is today's update from Dr. John Campbell, after which a few comments from me.

As of today, March 6, 2020 the official number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in US (read: Government approved disclosure via CDC) is 133. Washington State 70 cases with 10 deaths, the majority of which came from a single nursing home in Kirkland. This includes the quarantined passengers from the Diamond Princess, transferred from Japanese quarantine to U.S. for quarantine in Kansas.

Dr. Campbell makes the point that the time for proactivity rather than reactivity in the UK, and perhaps elsewhere, is now. Good point--where draw the line to begin school closure, banning large crowds and emphasized self-quarantine.

For self-quarantine to be effective EVERYONE in the household needs to self-quarantine, even if only one person self-quarantines on the presumption of COVID-19 illness. That means in many cases loss of income. It also implies loss of ability to shop for food and supplies. Americans, being the "rugged individualists" which conservatives prefer, are unlikely to effectively self-quarantine when economic survival, hence domestic survival, is at stake.

WHO reports death rate of 3.8%, based on about 3804 deaths amongst 100,000 confirmed cases. And here's the flaw in the estimates of disease infectivity and R0 (the number of contacts made ill by contact with a patient with COVID-19).

Despite all the fine medical minds involved in dealing with this disorder, dreadful ignorance still abounds.

The heart of the problem, which I have not seen adequately addressed either by Dr. Campbell or other experts, is the difficulty posed by asymptomatic cases. An asymptomatic person is defined as a "person infected with the virus, showing no obvious symptoms, who is confirmed by testing at some stage to have the disease".

The class of asymptomatics contains two subclasses.

Class A asymptomatic are those who eventually show disease signs and/or symptoms.

Class B contains those who, although infected with the disease, are never ill, demonstrating neither symptoms or signs of the illness and who subsequently recover without external evidence of having had the disease.

It is the Class B group which fouls up all epidemiological estimates.

Until wide-spread testing of large population groups, symptomatic and asymptomatic is carried out, we will have no idea of true infectivity. Yes, counting the "confirmed cases" and then counting deaths in those confirmed cases yields a rather easy calculation. For instance, with today's figures, per Dr. Campbell of ~100K infected and 3700+ dead (i.e., confirmed to have died to COVID-19) is a simple calculation.

But what of the Class B patients who will never be counted until all people in any given geographic area have been tested, regardless of symptomatology? Excluding China, known to have falsified the disease for months and likely continuing to do so, no nation has yet begun widespread testing. South Korea and perhaps Japan are soon going to be doing almost universal screening due to adequate supply of accurate test kits.

For purposes of this essay, I consider (incorrectly of course) that all test kits used are both sensitive (i.e., detect all cases with disease) and selective (detect only people with the disease). So in that perfect, yet unrealistic scenario, testing a whole population would give realistic figures about true infectivity and true R0.

Based on the rate of growth of diseased patients identified, outside China, the disease seems to be spreading exponentially. But is that so? It is quite likely that there are many, many more Class B cases than suspected.

For instance, why is the infection rate in children, up to early teens, so low? They are usually disease factories with undeveloped immune systems and crowded class rooms. The prevalence of confirmed disease in children is amazingly low. Influenza, for instance, is notorious for afflicting not just the elderly, but especially also children.

Here I propose that there is an enormous reservoir of Class B patients. This proposal can only be contradicted when large scale administration of accurate tests are administered.

An ideal example of such a situation would be to test elementary and middle school students living in an already effected country but none of whom show any signs of disease.

Consider the passengers and crew of the Diamond Princess, all of whom were quarantined for 14 days after the first diagnosed COVID-19 case. Did they all join Class A? The number of people aboard the Diamond Princess is probably 100%. The number of people confirmed infected, as of February 17, 2020 was under 500. Quarantine ended February 19. I don't find figures for the case ascertainment for the date. Let us assume, as I did in yesterday's essay that in two days, the number of affected passengers and crew doubled. That would mean less than 900 people infected. But let us consider a truly geometrical progression in disease incidence> Thus in two days, the case number would quadruple, involving 1800 people.

Two factors would then need to be considered before proceeding further.
1. Test kit accuracy--it won't be 100% sensitive and won't be 100% selective.
2. If R0is 2.6 as claimed, then each affected person should infect 2.6 other people.

Assume the worst case scenario, that the 2.6 case increase all happened on the last 2 days of quarantine. In other words, between February 17 and February 19, when quarantine ended, then and only then each infected passenger would infect 2.6 other people.

Feb 17--454 cases
Feb 18--454 X 2.6 cases = 1180
Feb 19--each of the new cases infect 2.6 more people. Remember that in this worst case scenario, all 454 patients have already infected 2.6 patients (unrealistic obviously--but still worst case). So new cases would be due to spread from those infected Feb 18. Again assuming that in the next 24 hours, all new cases infected their theoretical maximum of 2.6 then we have

(1180 - 454) X 2.6 new cases Feb 19. This equals 1888 cases acquired in the last day.

Add all this up: Feb 17--454 cases
..........................Feb 18--1180 new cases
..........................Feb 19--1888 cases new since Feb 18.
Total COVID-19 confirmed cases = 454 + 1180 + 1888 = 3522 cases

The number thus calculated, including calculation requiring maximum immediate infectivity is still less than the total initial at risk population (3700). Which means using worst case scenario of rapid and immediate infectivity (R0) equal 95% total infection rate.

But this number is extremely excessive relative to actual disease-ridden people, despite being quarantined together in a limited space for 14 days. A perfect disease hot house.

But as of Feb 23, Diamond Princess count was 705 ascertained between Feb 19 - 21..

Something is amiss here. Test kit accuracy, determined by false negatives and poor selectivity, underestimated or over-estimated infection. We don't know the figure.

If the R0 figure is accurate, then obviously the rate of spread from one individual to new patients is far slower than the 24 hours postulated in my worst case example.

My feeling is that:
1. Widespread test kit availability has not yet occurred
2. Test kit standardization has not yet occurred. This means acceptably reliable sensitivity and specificity of all manufactured kits used in population testing.
3. R0 calculation of 2.6 is either wrong or the rate of infecting the additional 2.6 contacts is much slower.
4. Far from 100% of people were infected despite being confined to a disease hot house.
705 / 3700 = 19%. Pandemics require 30% community infection. This did not occur on the
Diamond Princess

Conclusion (mine)

There is a huge underestimation of disease prevalence. Prevalence means the proportion of people with currently active disease to cohort (sample) size.

Death rate will prove much lower than the postulated 3.8%

What will it take prove or disprove my assertions?

1. Widespread usage of accurate test kits
2. Adequate provision for prodromal (i.e., both presymptomatic and symptomatic cases) to test positive for the disease.

Is infectivity present after patients have "recovered"?
Is the incubation really only 14 days?
What is the average duration that symptomatic patients remain in contact with uninfected people?

Barriers to Accurate Case Ascertainment

Not only do we have the aforementioned issues, but we have governmental inactivity or malactivity. Denial of local authorities to manufacture, distribute, use and report test kit data existed until only 2 days ago (when Trump removed an Obomba-era order precluding non-federal testing usage).

Guidelines authorizing physician and health service testing is overly restrictive. In part, this is unavoidable due to current lack of test materials. But the requirements for testing are much too narrow.

Here, in California, the Department of Health in the county where my clinic is located (San Luis Obispo County) restricts testing to:

"Individuals who are symptomatic AND have a history of contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within 14 days of symptom onset.
Individuals who are symptomatic AND have a history of travel to China, Italy, Iran, South Korea our Seattle within 14 days of symptom onset...

In the case of COVID-19 symptoms consist of
Temperature Greater or equal to 100.4 F AND
Cough OR Shortness of Breath or Fatigue"

The first Health Department specifically excludes ALL Class A presymptomatic contacts and ALL Class B patients.

Note: designation of Class A and Class B is my creation, but the principles are valid.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Please confirm or correct them.

5 users have voted.

What we "know":
There are a lot fewer reported/confirmed cases than expected, especially among children
There are a lot fewer reported/confirmed deaths than expected (though in the Kirkland case there are a lot more deaths than expected, with caveats - perhaps the disease is unusually deadly only to vulnerable people?)
This leads me to suspect:
The virus is a lot less infectious and a lot less deadly than feared, or every government and every health system is under reporting the real figures, or the virus has a much longer incubation period than assumed, or it allows a huge number of asymptomatic cases
This means that every government is either under reporting the true risk of the disease, or every government is either allowing or fostering panic. Any other possibilities?

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On to Biden since 1973

Roy Blakeley's picture

@doh1304 are consistent with the virus being highly contagious but asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic in young people and deadly in old people. If it is minimally symptomatic in young people, they move about freely spreading the disease. Alligator Ed is right that we need more testing and not just of people that are symptomatic. If only people with symptoms are tested, we cannot know the role of people without symptoms spreading the disease.

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CB's picture

Where did you get this "information" from?

China, known to have falsified the disease for months and likely continuing to do so

China's response was not perfect but it certainly cannot be defined by your comment.

Under the same circumstances I sincerely doubt that any other country in the world could or would have responded as well as China did to this epidemic - esp the US. The world should be thankful for China's massive efforts to contain Covid-19.

Timeline of the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak in December 2019 – January 2020
1 December 2019
The first known patient started experiencing symptoms on 1 December 2019. He had not been to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market of Wuhan. No epidemiological link could be found between this case and later cases.
27 December

On 27 December 2019, almost complete genetic sequencing of the previous sample have been finished and shared to Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College (CAMS&PUMC).[15]
21 January

A total of 291 cases have now been reported across major cities in China, including Beijing and Shanghai. However, most patients are in Wuhan, the central city of 11 million at the heart of the outbreak.[40]

A report by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London suggested there could be more than 1,700 infections. However, Gabriel Leung, the dean of medicine at the University of Hong Kong, put the figure closer to 1,300.[40]

After 300 confirmed diagnoses and 6 deaths, Chinese state media warned lower-level officials not to cover up the spread of a new coronavirus.[40] Officials declared that anyone who concealed new cases would "be nailed on the pillar of shame for eternity", the political body responsible for law and order said. Local Chinese officials initially withheld information about the epidemic from the public. It later vastly under-reported the number of people that had been infected, downplayed the risks and failed to provide timely information that experts say could have saved lives. In its commentary published online on Tuesday January 20, 2020, the Communist Party's Central Political and Legal Commission talked of China having learned a "painful lesson" from the SARS epidemic and called for the public to be kept informed. Deception, it warned, could "turn a controllable natural disaster into a man-made disaster".[40]
22 January

Officials announce a quarantine of the greater Wuhan, China area to commence 23 January 2020 at 10:00 am. No traffic will be allowed in or out of the city.[131]
24 January

By the end of the day, the entire Hubei province had gone under a city-by-city quarantine
28 January
China's Supreme People's Court ruled that whistleblower, Li Wenliang, had not committed the crime of spreading "rumors" when on 30 December 2019 he posted to a WeChat forum for medical school alumni that seven patients under his care appeared to have contracted SARS. In their ruling, the Supreme People's Court stated, "If society had at the time believed those 'rumours', and wore masks, used disinfectant and avoided going to the wildlife market as if there were a SARS outbreak, perhaps it would've meant we could better control the coronavirus today," the court said. "Rumours end when there is openness."[

The US now stands at 331 confirmed cases with 14 deaths and 8 recoveries (the only country in the world that has more deaths than recoveries - something is being hidden). I won't get into the differences between the US testing compared to China but it is by a factor of 1 to 10,000 plus they are free of charge (as are hospitalization and drugs).

I suggest you view the following report from the WHO.


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Alligator Ed's picture

@CB Dr. Aylward, the WHO epidemiologist who presented the data nicely explained many aspects of Chinese infection control. Certain conclusions he derives are based on statistical analysis of case rates, confirmed by actual testing presumably.

Also in China, they had been prepared for monitoring disease outbreaks of flu, SARS, etc. due to the 2003 SARS epidemic. This was a functioning process with testing stations in various provinces, routinely performing disease ascertainment testing on relatively small samples during each inter-epidemic interval. Case ascertainment, therefore was already able to be ramped up quickly because of the already in place inter epidemic testing program. Centers and staff had already been prepared. Flu test kits were on hand.

Were the early test kits in this epidemic sufficiently sensitive to COVID-19? I don't know the answer. If these kits then allowed detection of a novel virus, COVID-19, to be detected in addition to prior known infectious viral diseases, such as SARS, MERS, influenza A, influenza B, then these early collection sites could provide adequately verifiable statistics about infection. If you have information about Chinese testing kit reliability, specificity and sensitivity initially available, then rates of disease spread--and remission--would be reliable markers of COVID-19 incidence and prevalence. Were such initially available?

Maybe, maybe not. At 38:50, Dr. Aylward said quite openly we don't know this disease.

Statististics, augmented by artificial intelligence techniques, then provide the material for population-based infection, transmission, recovery rates. As one wag, years ago said: "there are lies, there are damn lies, and there are statistics".

I currently believe, based on the world wide focus on the Chinese epicenter(s) pf COVID-19, that there probably is only minor fudging of the numbers. But initially, I do not believe this was the situation initially.

Dr. Li Wenliang, one of the first to recognize COVID-19 as being a novel virus, tried sounding the alarm in late December 2019.

On Dec. 30, Li sent out a warning over the WeChat messaging app advising fellow medical-school grads to wear protective clothing to avoid infection after several patients from a local seafood market exhibited symptoms similar to SARS.

He was one of eight whistleblowers who tried to sound an early alarm about the new virus — which has killed more than 560 people and infected more than 28,000 — only to be denounced by authorities for “rumormongering.”

He was summoned to the Public Security Bureau and required to sign a letter in which he professed to have made “false comments” that had “severely disturbed the social order.”

Li wrote on Weibo that he had started showing symptoms of coronavirus in early January.

He said he developed a fever on Jan. 11 after unwittingly treating a patient infected with the virus.

He was hospitalized two days later, and his condition deteriorated so much that he was admitted to the intensive-care unit and given oxygen support.

He was diagnosed with the virus on Jan. 30, and local authorities later apologized to the virus-stricken physician.

Chinese justice is certainly more severe in many cases than those of other nations (although the US definitely is guilty of legal and prison abuse). When summoned before a People's Magistrate in China, the choice often is either recant your statements or have an injection of lead in your brainstem. Li "confessed".

Now in the interval between December 30, if you wish to use that date for viral initiation, many cases went unreported. How many healthcare workers would be willing to face death or imprisonment for "rumormongering" as Li's admonitions were officially described?

Furthermore, the disease onset, likely in the last 2 weeks of December, 2019, went unsurveilled until sometime in January, probably in mid-January which one of the graphics in your comment depicts. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil--that's the initial response likely elicited by Beijing's early response.

Back to Class B cases. Remember: "we don't know this disease".

The group represented as "mild", indicated by the yellow block on the left of the chart includes only Class A patients. Why? Because even China does not have more than a half-billion test kits by which to monitor the entire quarantined population. This amounts to 750,000,000 people. How many people are still passing undetected because they are Class B? The information may be known by some but is it?

So did China's government lie? Initially, the answer is a resounding YES. The gov't actively suppressed reporting with their harsh treatment of Dr. Li. Are they still lying. If our gov't is any indicator (which I believe to be the case), the answer remains Yes.

The relative sparing of children is confirmed in one graphic, confirming what was stated in my essay. This is unusual, definitely distinguishing COVID-19 from influenza and other viral illness.

Questions unanswered in WHO's video remain unaddressed: how long is a person infectious? What is the infectivity rate, R0? How large is Class B?

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CB's picture

@Alligator Ed

When summoned before a People's Magistrate in China, the choice often is either recant your statements or have an injection of lead in your brainstem. Li "confessed".

Cut the fucking propaganda or I'm outa here. It's now 2020 not 1970! I expect better here. If you truly believe that you obviously haven't a clue of how the Chinese government now functions.

Read the following VERY carefully paying close attention to dates:

Outbreak chronology

Dr. Li Wenliang reported to his colleagues that he thought the pneumonia related cases was caused by SARS from partial genetic sequencing report he read that was not correct. China has experience with SARS from 2002 which had a 10% fatality rate. By this time the Chinese CDC was working on the problem trying to determine the facts. Wuhan medical authorities forbade doctors from making public announcements.

The Chinese government allowed the CCDC to do it's work and make their reports as they saw fit. ANY government must make plans before the populace is notified that there is a deadly virus running rampant and they must also know what they are ACTUALLY dealing with to prevent spreading FUD.

By January 3 the genetic sequencing was completed and it was now known this was a new coronavirus - not SARS. They could now start work on a RT-PCR test kit. The first ones came out on Jan 13 followed by improved kits that could do the testing within 15 minutes on Jan 21. They manufactured these by the tens of thousands.

On Jan 23 construction was started on a 1000 bed hospital that was opened on Feb 3 and staffed by several thousand medics from the Chinese military. A week later construction was started on another 1600 bed hospital and staffed in the same way. During this time, companies in China had started production of 100 CT machines and other medical equipment required to treat this disease.

China also developed a 15 minute test for Covid-19 antibodies Feb 15,2020 which is great for testing people who are asymptomatic and/or have recovered. This should answer your Class A and Class B dilemma.

China now has a huge data-set to work with and they are using it to their advantage using AI combined with Big Data. This will greatly assist to detect and forecast new infection hubs should they occur in the future.

I sincerely doubt the US could have accomplished what China did in the same 2 months.
The US is now up to 338 confirmed cases with 14 deaths. If it gets up to 1000 in NYC do you think they could lock down that city? Maybe the Health Industry will get their wet dream and get rid of those expensive old folks. It would profoundly change the demographics of the country if the median age was under 30. Luckily China has given the world more time to come up with a vaccine.

Meanwhile, China is getting back to work.

BTW, China is now worried about new IMPORTED cases. They just reported 36 new cases from overseas today.

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Alligator Ed's picture


Cut the fucking propaganda or I'm outa here.

The propaganda about which this protest refers relates to the Chinese Commies executing their political dissidents. That was very prevalent during the Cultural Revolution. Much less common now, yep. Include also the results of the Tianemin (sp) Square riots. If and when I describe the Chinese govt for their humanitarianism, you will know it is with deep distrust.

On another level, CB, I do admire the adroitly expressed clinical knowledge. Worthy, in my unhumble opinion, of a medical professional. I don't know anything about you except through comment and essay. But if I disagree, then that disagreement will be made politely and firmly.

Oh yeah--don't forget about the Uyghurs.

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CB's picture

HRW, USAID, NED and the other CIA front groups and believing them then you are completely wrong about the Uyghurs situation in China.

@Alligator Ed

The US has been waging a hybrid war against China by promoting disinformation programs since PNAC inserted their tentacles into the Washington swamp in 1996. If you believe this shiite then you also believe the White Helmets are Boy Scouts earning badges.

I won't get too deep into the Uyghur situation in C99 because I've noticed it is somewhat of a sacred calf here. (BTW, I have been looking into this hybrid war since the mid 90's when the internets still used pipes instead of ether.)

I'll meet you in the middle with the following:

China’s Nightmare: Xinjiang Jihadists Go Global

While fighting in Syria, the Turkestan Islamic Party has joined forces with global jihadist movements.
By Uran Botobekov
August 17, 2016

Al-Qaeda and Islamic State Take Aim at China

Why have both groups turned their attention to Beijing?
By Uran Botobekov
March 08, 2017

The Truth Behind China’s ‘Uyghur Problem’
December 14, 2018

In recent months Western media and the Washington Administration have begun to raise a hue and cry over alleged mass internment camps in China’s northwestern Xinjiang where supposedly up to one million ethnic Uyghur Chinese are being detained and submitted to various forms of “re-education.” Several things about the charges are notable, not the least that all originate from Western media or “democracy” NGOs such as Human Rights Watch whose record for veracity leaves something to be desired .

China is far from a shining city on a hill but the Middle Kingdom should be left to develop as it sees fit. Her people seem to like what has happened since reforms dating from the early 1990's. Bringing 700 million people out of poverty during that period is no mean feat. This scares the shit out of Washington because it knows it is about to be knocked out of it's catbird seat well before 2030 if it doesn't do something drastic right now.

The Great Game is going into hyper-drive - USA - China - Russia. I'm placing my bets on the latter two.

Sorry about this rant. I got sidetracked. Father Time is taking it's toll on me.


The propaganda about which this protest refers relates to the Chinese Commies executing their political dissidents

There was also a time the US used to grow "Strange Fruit"


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Alligator Ed's picture

@CB @CB Firstly, I plead guilty to getting most of my Uyghur education from the excellent MSM. You obtain your information from other sources. Admirable. I admit to not so doing. My bad. Taking you at your word, as I have no reason not to do so, it would seem, that as usual, there are at least two sides of the story and I plead ignorant to the other side which you present. Although this nice-China debate its off topic, I think you are performing a service to me and other brainwashed swamp dwellers. However, past abuses in both countries cannot be denied, e.g., strange fruit. Needless to say, China's past is every bit as sullied as our own--comparisons here are useless. Both countries have done and are doing bad things.

I still contend that both countries, and many others, lie whenever it fits their purposes. I have not watched CGTN before. I suppose it is an alternative source for shall we say information not contaminated by the CIA. But the propaganda musical video you posted of the happy caucasian dancing around China and the adoring throngs of cheerful Chinese dancing and singing couldn't possibly be propaganda also, could it?

About empires, I agree entirely--still off topic though. Empires come and go. Hopefully, ours is going. But empires usually only collapse in a paroxysm of violence. So, I promise to consider non-MSM viewpoints regarding China into future account.

One item neither of us has commented upon but which its evident from the video and other portions of my essay is the remarkably swift and smooth cooperation between the medical services of both China and the US. Now,m if only that helpful attitude could pervade other aspects of our binational relationships, the world would be much happier.

May I suggest that you write an essay about the status of China as you understand it? Your comment states you think a lot of people at c99 have been sucked in by anti-China propaganda. If true, why not educate us? I would appreciate what you have to contribute on that subject.

In the meantime, should any anti-China propaganda sneak into one of my health essays, please bear with me--I am still learning.


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CB's picture

preexisting health conditions - esp. heart and diabetes. There have been no deaths for children 9 and under.

This a dream epidemic for the health corporations. /s

10 users have voted.
edg's picture


Get rid of those worthless old fogies that are busting the budget with their incessant demands for the Social Security benefits they spent their working lives paying for.

9 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@edg result. Don't forget, we have the Pelosi types who talk about giving "the people" there hard earned social security and Medicare benefits but were all in for Obomba's Grand Bargain. The bargain that would have cut both programs but was saved from enactment by the Tea Partiers who wanted more drastic cuts and wouldn't approve lesser cuts.

11 users have voted.
CB's picture

@Alligator Ed
It is setting a bad example.

Chinese hospitals treat about 8 billion patients per year. To tackle the global challenge posed by medical insurance, China firmly believes that "an all-around moderately prosperous society cannot be achieved without the people's all-around health. Public health should be given priority in the country's development strategy." Check out this video and have a look why China can provide 1.4 billion people with healthcare coverage.


8 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@CB First of all, my takeaways from the video:

Two public-type insurance systems: workers' insurance, insurance for every one else.

Copays now, although low by US standards (averaging about $500 per person yearly vs US $1800 yearly), however consume relatively more of a person's income.

GDP expenditures in China 6%, US 19%.

Many prescription drugs are overpriced in China, but that is improving.

Hospital usage is inverted: 48% of hospital visits are to upper tier hospitals, apparently due to relative distrust of local hospitals. This constitutes a dramatic waste of resources. Most illness are relatively simple to treat, even after accounting for coughs, colds, etc. Most trauma does not require high level ICU admission.

Now why doesn't Bernie point to the successes, which as the video shows are still expanding, of the Chinese Health care system? Just think of the shit storm he endures still, days after praising Cuba's literacy rate. Bernie will be pilloried in the press for praising dastardly Xi and his gang.

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

China Jan 30, 2020 - China ramping up to produce 180 million masks/day by end of Feb.

USA Feb 25, 2020 - US has 30 million masks in the Strategic National Stockpile. They say they are short 270 million.

Chinese oil giant China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) will build 10 production lines of melt-blown fabric, the basic material to make the masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Sinopec will build two production lines in Beijing and eight lines in east China's Jiangsu Province, part of which will be put into operation as early as March 8.

China has been put on a war footing to battle Covid-19.


The Chinese State Council's inter-agency task force on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak is holding a press conference. Officials will discuss supporting local governments to guarantee people's basic well being, the payment of salaries and normalizing operations to counteract the impact of the #COVID19.

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snoopydawg's picture

It's confusing to know what the media is saying is true or not and especially when they have a bad habit of lying to us. It does seem that the game hasn't been doing all it could to inform us. But then it'd be okay if lots of elderly and disabled people died because they don't have to pay social security benefits.

Democrats pushed for more money for the epidemic. They are at least addressing the large number of people who don't have enough sick leave to stay home and get well. Of course they had no problem finding it as well as the money the banks got. Again. Or further...?

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mimi's picture

most of us are not able to judge the science and statistics being offered by both of them. So ...


PS. That is not to mean that I won't try to make my own judgement, but it wlll take time and after that not anymore helpful to post here.

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