SuperTuesday Essay 1: Biden Wins Virginia, North Carolina, and Alabama; Sanders Wins Vermont

I'll be updating regularly here:

A mild disaster for Sanders . . .


Biden: Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Minnesota.

Sanders: Vermont, Colorado, Utah

Bloomberg: American Samoa

Still in play: Maine (trending Biden), California (Sanders most likely), Texas (trending Sanders but Biden is closing up).

If Sanders can win big in California and pull out a Texas win, that'll make it a mild disaster (Sanders was not expected to win Texas). If he loses Texas, it's a much larger disaster.

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Lily O Lady's picture

sure until Wikileaks released the emails. The subsequent lawsuit was unsuccessful because the judge accepted the argument that the DNC had every right to cheat. Donna Brazil admitted to leaking debate questions to Hillary. Yet our discussions still have given the benefit of the doubt in favor of an essentially fair system. It ain’t!

We should have realized that we no longer live in a democracy or even, hell, a representative republic after Bush v. Gore. Whatever anyone says about Gore, he really cares about the environment, an existential threat to the 99%. We have been and continue to be so screwed. We must have exported what little democracy we had left back when Dubya said it was our job to export democracy to the world. There isn’t any left. We are totally bereft of any sort of representation. All that’s left is smoke and mirrors.

I don’t know what we can do. No matter if we swallow the red pill or the blue, we’re still stuck in the Matrix. And I’m not blaming Bernie. He did the only logical thing. Our system is so ossified that a third party doesn’t really have a chance. We’ve tried it before. The Progressive Party with people like Jessie Ventura was a minor distraction from the two party straight jacket we are trapped in. Ralph Nader was criticized for not having a long term party structure.

Bernie built a movement which transcended one election cycle into the next. Can Our Revolution carry forward beyond Bernie? If it does it will be in spite of TPTB doing everything in their power to kill it. Is that our fault or theirs? All we have are numbers. They have everything else including the kitchen sink.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

mimi's picture

@Lily O Lady @Lily O Lady
their fault. Everyone is responsible for his own vote. They are responsible how they manipulate your mind, rigg the votes and cheat you with their advanced technology of vote counting.

Scheiß Electoral System. That's all. Scheiß media helping to manipulate the vote. Scheiß counting machines. Scheiße everything. Deal with your Scheiße. It takes a long time (more than one or even two generations) for Scheiße to turn into compost). My garden compost tells me that.

I wonder what I will do when I stop crying and being beyond those FUBAR electoral happenings.

PS and if you think i will ever vote for a woman, just because she is one, you can kiss my behind. I vote for Tulsi, not because she is a woman fighter, but because she understands who the enemy is and fighting for the right cause. Period. I am mad as hell of the shenanigans of our lovely sisters to sell out their integrity, ethical and moral values and those who supported them at face value.

Next time 'you can't be sure of being cheated', listen to your gut's suspicions even if you can't be sure. My own life's experience is that one doesn't have suspicions for no reason, even if you can't be sure the reasons to be right. Don't wait for the proof. Do your own thing. Listen to your own guts.

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@Lily O Lady TPTB are able to rouse even greater numbers, at least wrt those showing up to vote. Bernie however still leads by a wide margin in turnouts for rallies. And probably in on-the-ground field organization. Usually these signs bode well for a good outcome, but not this time. Biden barely showed up or had a campaign presence in some of the ST states he won.

Change takes time and can't be accomplished in one election cycle (I keep reminding myself). Especially going up against a very powerful and influential national party machine in cahoots with the MSM.

Now it's up to Bernie himself, along with his surrogates, to take off the gloves, finally, and go directly and forcefully after Biden. There is so much rich material there to work with. Bernie attacking on the issues, surrogates pointing out the obvious about Biden's constant lying (and not merely "misstating") and his deteriorating mental condition. Bernie's team, and Bernie himself, have been far too gentlemanly so far.

There are other things he can do to improve his chances. Some re-adjustments are necessary. This one is not over yet.

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Situational Lefty's picture

neither were expected to be liberals, but they both betrayed big money contributors who thought they could control them.

JFK's daddy was a corporate tycoon who gave money to Adolph Hitler.

Bernie Sanders marched with civil rights leaders and got arrested in the 1960s.

What was Joe Biden doing back then?

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"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
