Continue To Engage

          This is a local road spanning I-5 in Oregon. Some of the travelers passing under this bridge displayed hand gestures with a negative connotation.

Keep Engaging 12 February 2020

          An interesting observation: As we were setting up the "Truth Matters" segment was the only segment showing for a time. For that 20 minutes the negative to positive feedback was small but not zero. It is interesting that during that time we were getting any adverse feedback from the passing motorists. This was probably due to some realizing it was us the "Rabble Rousers of (this area)" at it again. Otherwise how else can you explain anyone "down-voting" this message. Except: we know certain people of this very fine nation are Truth-Adverse, sigh.

          A mundane observation: As our group expanded to include the late arrivals a higher rate, of hand gestures with a negative connotation, was observed as they placed the "Dump Trump" segment as seen in the photo. These two observations suggest a measurable fraction of the population care less about ethics, and integrity, preferring to support an unhinged ideologue with delusions of grander.

          I really hope no one actually thinks of "Truth Matters" as a hateful message. But then again this is the good ol' USofA.

          I was thinking of doing a "Where's Waldo" contest, but instead will just indicate: I am the one holding the roll of Construction Site Safety Fence on the right in the picture.


22 users have voted.


Trump is a habitual liar but his tweets get plenty of coverage. The MSM has become quite effective in avoiding what is actually occuring if it does not comply with their narrative.

15 users have voted.
PriceRip's picture


          As I point out often, I am NOT a blogger, influencer, or any of a number of internet personages. I am an actual on the ground, street fighting, son of a bitch activist. I have years of experience effecting real systemic change in the real world.

          The nightmare is that real change only occurs within the locale in which the activism takes place. Remember, "Think Globally, Act Locally" only ever produces local results.

          To get wide-spread change we need to elect someone, like Bernie, that can actually start implementing real change. Most important we need to intimidate our Representatives and Senators to "do the right thing", in short we half to get off our dead asses and force this country to live up to its stated values!

          If we don't take this county back for the profiteers, it will be a lost cause.


13 users have voted.

My point was that ongoing events are overshadowed by the way that the MSM gives its coverage. Occupy Wall Street was growing and effective concern until it was given negative coverage to keep the PTB in charge.

5 users have voted.
PriceRip's picture


          None of your examples have any influence on me. If we don't rise to the occasion, we are dead. It is very simple, take the narrative away from the MSM. Don't let them stop us from doing the right thing.

          We have many examples of people that don't let the non-ethical "reporters" get away with their shit. We just need to force them to do their job.


4 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture

we're totally fucked.
Mom's pissed and we will suffer the consequences.

3 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Situational Lefty's picture

Keep it up!

I always honk my horn when i see protesters, once i figure out whether or not i support their signage.

It's literally the least I can do, but I do it proudly.

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"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

PriceRip's picture

@Situational Lefty

          … the fact that I never quit. Referring to the work in Nebraska: When the diversion developers came back for the nth time we just developed the nth response. Eventually we got the protections needed for that part of the Platte River and then we moved the goal yet again. Now that the city politicos have adopted our project into their long range plans we can refine the fight to build on that success. I wish others here could understand how the process unfolds.

          Success really does breed success. Just see how big oil and big pharma have been able to screw us. They are tenacious, we just have to be more tenacious.

          The successes of which I write are not for all time. By definition nothing of this sort lasts for ever, but resiliency is in the continued adaptation of strategy to meet the new challenges as they develop. Way too much of the chatter reflects the frustration of not being to see an end to the struggle. Why do so many people despair over the lack of a definitive victory.

          The only definitive victory belongs to the Grim Reaper. We only cease the struggle when we expire and only then may we rest. Herein ends today's lesson.

I'll see you all tomorrow sometime.


7 users have voted.
QMS's picture


What whichever you consider your actions for the cause of a better world
be it blogger, smart ass, novelist, activist, observer or simple commenter
know that it is all good. We need strong rudders to guide the present and
future flow of challenge against the fascist distraction.

Still throwing sand in the gears.

7 users have voted.

question everything

and it probably has nothing to do with your presumption that a segment of the "good ol' USA" is averse to truth. Regardless of what one may think of Trump, the one thing he is absolutely not wrong about, is his crusade against MSM and the infamous moniker he has bestowed upon them: "Fake News" Ergo, if you say Dump Trump in conjunction with Truth, then quite a few people will be thinking if you were so overly compelled to prepend the message with, "Dump Trump," because "Truth", then you and your group must be the segment of population that:

Believes CNN, MSNBC (esp. Maddow), Washington Post, New York Times, etc. as gospel truth
Calls anyone that disagrees with any of your views a racist, homophobic, misogynist
Also calls anyone that disagrees with you as a dumb, slow, uneducated, drawling, idiot (see recent Don Lemon clip)
In glorious contradiction and hypocrisy, now believes that GW Bush, Romney and Bolton are paragons of truth and wisdom, while 4 years ago, also believed those same people were the devil

The assumption will immediately kick in, given the prevalence of people that hold the above views, are typically rabid anti-Trump. Many people that see derisive Trump statements, will knee-jerk assume the issuer probably fits into one or more of the above categories; I have actually seen some of my friends post on Facebook pro-Bolton positions, "because Trump." It's mind-boggling. Bolton's entire political career has been scheming and lying for an agenda; he's admitted on public television that he would lie to the public to achieve political ends, but now, "cuz Trump" Bolton A-OK!

I have seen so much TDS online, even within my personal circle of friends, that I admit I would do the same...whenever I see commentary that has nothing to do with politics, but somehow, some way, the compulsive need to always add some sort of "but Trump..." phrase into it, or Cheetoh, or tiny-hands, or Drumpf, and all the other anti-Trump crap that is scattered across YouTube comments/forums (that have nothing to do with politics), well, I just run. After 4 years of this crap, I'm just tired...

I don't like Trump, I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary, and I'm sick of "but Trump!", "ZOMG Trump!"..."Orange Man Bad" because the source of many of those comments, are no longer coherent in their views. Not all people that disagree or dislike Trump, of course, but so many seem completely off the mental rails now.

This is not to say you or your group are this way. But, I also know I can't be alone in what I've witnessed these last few years. That probably accounts for the visible backlash when you added "Dump Trump" to your message; these people figure you're among the TDS sufferers.

I would suggest refraining from even mentioning Trump in your campaign for truth because I really think that sort of thing harms building any sort of rapport with even the average person; just issue the core message without mention of Trump.

1 user has voted.
PriceRip's picture


          Thanks for the thoughts. I am not sure just what we can do but what you have suggested might resonate and get the creative juices flowing.

          Too many of my newly acquired friends have succumbed to burn-out during this most recent rocky stretch.

          Dealing with this is becoming a full time concern.


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