A sincere message to @neeratanden:
As President of CAP, you are in an immense position of power. Most of us are not gifted that luxury. Our only chance to bridge the power divide is through the relative equalizer of the written word. This platform gave us a chance to use it.
Doesn't exactly scream unity: "Some progressive activists who declined to back Mr. Sanders have begun traveling with private security after incurring online harassment. Several well-known feminist writers said they had received death threats." https://t.co/UovyMkGAw6
— Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) January 27, 2020
Here is what you need to understand about America before politics will ever truly make sense to you. Vast populations are dying hopeless deaths of misery and impoverishment while their families watch the rich engorge themselves with more than they could use in 10,000 lifetimes.Your particular position on the power ladder triggers a lot of resentment in the hearts of people whose pain and desperation are worse than yours. You represent, via a complex network of monied powers, the interests of the private insurance industry. That industry is killing us.
You talk about hate messages, angry trolls online, etc. Do you want to know what a hate message is? A letter from Blue Cross trying to deny your dad the physical therapy treatment he needs after his stroke. That is real hate. And that is what you represent.
Single payer healthcare will save people’s lives. Lives every bit as precious and real as yours and those of your loved ones. The only obstacle is the apparatus of human greed whose chief manifestations are private insurance, big finance, and organizations like yours.
The only candidate who is serious about single payer healthcare, who is approaching this task with the movement and energy required to abolish for-profit insurance, is Bernie Sanders. Therefore, when you attack him, you’re really attacking us, just absent the spine to admit it.
Every day your organization stands in the way of abolishing premiums and deductibles for all, you are committing violence against millions of people. You may lack the insight to understand this as violence, as it is softened by bureaucracy, but the lives are ending just the same.
Those on here expressing rage at you are not your bullies. They are your victims. They are using what tiny recourse they have to strike back at the machine that is killing them.
I know you know all this already. I’m just not sure if you’ve realized that we know it too.
Neera needs to read this and see what people are fighting for.
Medicare for All 'Is What Patients Need': New Harvard Study Shows Even Those With Private Insurance Can't Afford Care @OurRevolution @BernieBitch420 @BernieSanders #MedicareForAll #Bernie2020 https://t.co/diyWQvO214
— Restore Democracy (@ClemensenGary) January 28, 2020
Neera you are a lying, crazy, cheating, war monger that profits from poor people getting killed. Typical of the ruling class, you act like a mean tweet is worse than 120 children dying every day in Yemen. https://t.co/3qAZuJsa8u
— Graham Elwood (@grahamelwood) January 28, 2020
Can you tell that I really dislike Neera?
I, for one, think it's funny watching powerful Liberal elites like @neeratanden pull the same bullies as victims shit RWers have been engaging in for years.
— Joe Biden is a Racist (@BethLynch2020) January 28, 2020

I'll drop this here
I wonder if people have any options if they rig it again? Besides taking to the streets?
Hmm..wonder if Liz is doing anything to keep it real this time?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The letter to Neera Tanden is eloquent
What this essay emphasizes, in addition to the horrifying lack of a moral system of universal healthcare but the attitude of the ruling elites.
The ruling elites don't care about the ants--that's us. To them, we are not serfs. Those who do not directly service them do not matter one bit. Those that do service them are expendable. The elites don't hesitate taking out whole airplanes of passengers, just to eliminate one or two people. They don't care about collateral damage.
This is why the Yemen comment is so poignant. When an entitled elite asshole such as Gwynneth Paltrow can say that her job (acting) is more dangerous than a combat soldier's task without a tinge of irony, it shows how remote and delusional these people about what the vast majority experience as everyday life.
Don't think this is class warfare? Think about the resistance to ANY issue which would benefit the majority of humanity--or just limit this discussion to Americans. The resistance is from those who perceive that life is a zero sum game. Why? Because those people ADD Nothing to the livelihood or well-being of everyday people. So the more the ants get, the less the elites get. Mine, mine, mine!
NeoColonial vs NeoFeudal -- The Future is Now.
I used to think that our future was Neocolonial and those who believed in a Neofeudal future were far too optimistic.
Well, I no longer believe that because our Neocolonial future has already happened. Not sure when, exactly, although 2016 election and the subsequent 3 years of frisking the whipping boy wound up being the expression of the temporal shift.
This piece, and the comment from my reptilian friend,
, made me realize that the future has arrived.Ants, not serfs, is a very apt encapsulation of NeoColonial vs NeoFeudal, far more apt and concise than the countless comments and several essays I have penned on the topic.
What a great letter and great line of argument. Angry voters who refuse to be cowed into voting for the wealthy agents of oppression are not bullies, we are victims. Epic framing.
Thanks for sharing.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
2016 woke up a lot of people
....who took the blue pill and now see
things for what they really are. Back before the internet gave us a way to expose the rotten under belly of the government I thought that the dems walked on water and were doing everything they could to help us. Then I grew up. Having lots of time on my hands now I research every talking point that comes out and try to find the truth. That truth to me is that the elite are stripping everything from this country and fattening their pockets and not giving a good gawd damn how many people die because of it.
Many thousands die each year from lack of health care and thousands more go bankrupt after having the poor luck of getting sick or having an accident. 10 million people lost their houses during Obama's tenure and seeing him getting rich off that betrayal is disgusting beyond measure.
Neera is on Twit all day long fighting back against what Bernie's offering and unfortunately too many buy into her spiel. With the internet at their disposal I wish they too would research what she's saying and see things as they are. One day they are going to be in many of our shoes and they need to wake up to that. Americans aren't living as long as they used to because of what the donor class are doing to us. And Neera is a gate keeper to what we want.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Well said!!
This is class warfare and the elites are taking the gloves off and using their pawn the Don to attack everything that we the people deserve from the government. I have been asking people to stop looking at things through a red and blue lens and see it for what it really is. I am getting lots of people agreeing with me. Both parties have colluded with the donor class to do this to us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Suppose Trump’s DOJ had cut the kind of deals with corporations
that Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Lanny Breuer did — the outrage would be off the charts.
Neera ain’t hearing it.
I’ve asked Neera on twitter several times (but surprisingly never got an answer): What happens to CAP if Bernie wins?
Seriously, what is the role for a supposedly “left-leaning” think tank that opposes everything the sitting Democratic president tries to do?
Pivoting left to support President Sanders can’t possibly be an option - CAP’s funding would dry up faster than Neera’s mimosa. United Healthcare and Exxon won’t be sending checks to fund the effort to outlaw them.
Neera hates Bernie for all the same reasons that sold out corporate Democrats and MSNBC/CNN infotainment pundits do - he represents a direct threat to their very livelihood.
Neera’s family is wealthy and comfortable and she doesn’t care how many peasants have to die to keep it that way. She cares about her kids’ futures, fuck your kids.