‘UkraineGate’ the documentary by Les-Crises.fr
UKRAINEGATE Part 1 – A Not So Solid Prosecutor
The documentary was produced by French investigative journalist Olivier Berruyer, founder of popular anti-corruption and economics blog Les Crises. Although Joe Biden very often denounces the “cancer of corruption”, this first episode shows that he has lied several times, and that his attitude remains very questionable on this subject. You will also discover three characters at the heart of UkraineGate. First, Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian oligarch through whom the scandal happened. Then, General prosecutor Viktor Shokin, whose resignation was obtained under pressure from Joe Biden, less than ten months after his appointment. And finally, the latter’s successor, Yuriy Lutsenko, whom Biden was quick to describe as a “solid man”…
Part 1: the short version (8:50)
Part 2 – Not so “dormant” investigations
This second episode focuses on the investigations of General prosecutor Shokin, described as “dormant” by the Biden clan. It demonstrates the fallacy of the narrative launched by Biden’s communication advisors. But you will also discover that Biden’s defense – widely reported by the mainstream media without any verification – has been challenged by Viktor Shokin in various interviews, of which we reveal several excerpts that have never been broadcast…
Part 2: the short version (9:58):
Parts 3 and 4 to come.
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UkraineGate @Ukraine_Gate Jan 13
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A very informative piece. It really puts the impeachment in
a proper context.
Biden v. Trump would be the end of the D's. And that's a good thing.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
sick that his impeachment
is based solely on ukrainegate, too. as if there weren't myriad war and other crimes against humanity to charge him with. but then: other D war criminals like obomba would come into play.
i'd only watched the short versions, but the obomba quote about 'sometimes we have to twist some arms', etc. was priceless, as well as what cbs left on the cutting room floor in their interview with shokin.
wish i could have found transcripts as it all went so fast, but then they'd already done so much work.
g' night, amigo.
Excellent report. Shows just how corrupt Biden is.
Will watch the second part tomorrow.
i'm assuming you're watching
the full-length versions, then? even the short ones were hard for me to keep up with, given that M. Berruyer speaks so rapidement, as all french seem to. i'd had to stop and start each of the two several times to try to let my lamus brainus absorb what i was reading.
but yes, the extent of his self-serving lies and corruption knows no bounds.
thx, Wendy, haven't watched and read it all yet,
but believe it's a must read and must see and is essential. On my to do list.
welcome, ma soeur.
there were folks on youtube mentioning they'd download (whatever that means) the series, guessing it'll all be down the memory hole soon. note their facebook Tweet, for instance.
elijah magnier and pepe escobar are moving to an alternative to farcebook: VK.com, and i did kick up a review of it. i'll see if it's still on one of my word documents.
here it is; i'd put it on gjonsit's thread.
never used facebook in my life, don't have to move,
don't need Sugarmountain boy. Can't believe the documentary will disappear. I just have lost interest in all things electioneering, campaigning etc. A lot of documentaries I can watch here in Germany, which are all too much to bear. But what the heck. I am going to sleep now.
French speak too fast, wait til you listen to Italians, they are not only fast but very long-worded.
i hadn't meant to impy that you use
facebook, amiga; i said it for the room so folks could know there's a good multi-language alternative. farcebook is soooo insecure and creepy, i don't have the temperament to Tweet. i once long ago joined it in ignorance, at the request of a friend in the hollywood environs, and getting out was almost as hard as leaving the mormon church, according to a friend they just didn't want to...see leave their godly embrace.
but that reminds me: he'd said the libraries at BYU didn't carry books that weren't faith promoting', and its a perfect metaphor for facebook and twitter banning accounts that act as dissidence to the manufactured narrative, i.e.: censorship.
zuckerman is Sugarmountain boy? for me, the french speak far more rapidly than italians, but it may just be who's doing the listening. ; )
Zuckerberg = Sugar (Zucker) Mountain (Berg)
---> Sugar Mountain. I have not a particular sweet tooth and like spicy and sour food more...
don't worry about me. I always get things wrong reading your posts. Apparently that's not a bug but a feature of my lacking reading comprehension.
I have a twitter, facebook, instagram (never used that) phobie. I may use just 0.1 percent of all the things the internet has to offer. Most so called social media I find very unsocial. Sometimes I read a little twitter, but never more than 20 minutes.
What is offered here by snoopy and others is plenty enough for me. I go to youtube though. And German media outlets. I foresee a future where I don't use the internet anymore. Ha, ha. If I am able to do that, I have won.
Have a good night from Germany, Freundin (=amiga) and keep on going on.
ack; of course!
sugar mountain! how does Schmuckerburger translate?
i like twitter because of the immediacy of it, plus all art is then in the commons...and free.
you.will.not.win.freundin mimi. ; )
sweet dreams if ya can....
Schmuckerburger = Schumerbunny = Milchbrötchen
I never win, I always lose. My Karma. Whatever Karma is. Sweet dreams to you as well.
i'd just been teasing you
about not winning your battle to stay off the internet permanently. no, you've won many things in life, mimi, as evidenced on the boards. mr. wd believes in some sort of god, and has advised me that the best prayers are thanks for what we count as blessings in our lives, many of which we'd help to create, or dark events that we've overcome, even if not quite 'turning poison into medicine'.
it's snowing lightly here (O, be joyful!) this morning, and the maple tree with the bird feeder is full of glorious birds: blue pinion jays, 6 electric teal stellars jays with black hats and upper wings, and even a fat flicker dressed in fine clothes and bird bling jewelry.
thanks for the fun translations! oh, and can you get the new PBS series 'Vienna Blood' on your teevee stations? part II was on last night, and it's excellent (set in 1906). mainly german-speaking actors who'd had to learn english...
No, unfortunately I can't watch this series
on any German TV channel, I have access to. At least I haven't found it. The German title is supposedly just "Lieberman". (I have not access to all channels there are in Germany. It would be too costly. I will watch out for it. May be it will be shown in the future, if there is a German language version of the series. I will watch it via youtube, I guess.
that title makes sense, as
'Max Liebermann, a student of Sigmund Freud, helps Detective Rheinhardt in the investigation of a series of disturbing murders around the grand cafes and opera houses of 1900s Vienna., via imdb of 'vienna blood'.
the BBC trailer. looks as though you can watch all the episodes on youtube, but i dunno how that works, and who wants to sit at their desk to watch?
it was lieberman who first brought criminal profiling to the police force, very unwelcome.
I do this with a lot of YouTubes I expect to disappear at some point. Have an add-on to my Firefox that lets me easily download any YT video.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Great contribution. Thank you so much.
The videos are clear and understandable. Net week will be interesting. How far can the Rs go without causing problems for themselves???
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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but on the flip side: i wonder how much damage the Ds will do themselves next week, lol. it's just such partisan frippery, and miz pelosi can't yammer enough on this issue: "all roads lead to russia!"
how many senators would have to be held at gunpoint to vote to remove him from office? more likely, he'll be censured like bubba clinton. i mean: william jefferson clinton...
yesterday i was drivin' myself crazy with this old devo tune playin' in my head: freedom of choice...>>>>ends with 'you have no choice'...
Part 2 doesn't work as expected
There is no picture on the screen. Greyed out as if it has been deleted. But, I can right click, 'Copy Video URL' then paste in a new browser tab to watch it on YouTube. It may have been malformed when you installed it into essay. Part 1 works fine.
odd bodkins.
i'm using firefox, and as soon as i click the On button, the video plays. it works that way at the café, too.
glad you found a work-around though.
on edit: i just tried it on chrome, and it played fine.
Working now. Maybe something at my end
Part 2 - Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine laid bare
"Corruption in Ukraine is so bad, a Nigerian prince would be embarrassed."
Unfortunately, the massive obfuscation and subsequent coverup of Joe Biden's actions in support of Hunter Biden and Burisma by the corrupt MSM in this matter has served Joe Biden well. If the American public ever finds out that Joe Biden was neck deep in this shiite, he will get tarred, feathered and run out of town at the least. He deserves prosecution and significant jail time but I'm not holding my breath for this to happen. The media and DNC tentacles in this case is bought and paid for. (The GOP may also have some skeletons in their closet they wouldn't want exposed.)
The entire Ukrainian Euromaidan Revolution was based entirely on lies, deception and corruption from deep within the Obama administration. The one good aspect of the Trump admin is that it has exposed the extent of the rot that permeates Washington and it's sycophants in the MSM.
Again, excellent reporting.
yes, but a Nigerian princess might get interested,
see, no way, for the right woman there is no waste in a good corrupt guy .
Oh well, nothing to see here, go on.
and it was very
careful, even-handed reporting as well. i finally made it thru part 2, and m. burreyer made it clear as to what there is no direct evidence of, what we must surmise given thus and so...
but yes, when he'd mentioned geoffrwy pyatt (now amb. to greece) visions of him and nuland slammed thru my neural net.
to say the truth, even if every USian were invited or even forced to watch this documentary, i have strong doubts whether any would be able to see the truth of it and change their already-made-up minds.
thanks for your diligence and comments, CB. but of course st. obomba should be in the hague as well.
operation gladio all the time, or maybe as sibel edmonds has called it: gladio b.
rather than a closing song,
let's hear from Imperialist trump and obomba bleeding eye sclera biden:
had he noticed that random fascist guaido had spoken at davos 2020? g' night.
the MSM media IS the message. i'd wondered belatedly if bloody-eyed joe is dog-whistling for a CIA assassination of nicolas maduro, but there've been three tries so far with no success.
but note he links to the NC/CIA Times. as i'd noted on my assange news thread, glenn greenwald was able to make his case on that 'paper of record'; assange: not on you nellie. it's always: 'even if you loathe assange: press freedom!
and even the big dividing line with progressive elected officials is: maduro is corrupt, holds illegal elections, VZ is ripe for R2Ping, but "i never called him a dictator".
and the may elections in bolvia will be the same, as the new government is jailing MAS journalists, etc. but the US and OAS will make certain that the new non-Indigenous regime wins the election.