Jon Stewart Interviews Bernie Sanders in 2011 about his Filibuster
Who does that?
Stands on the Floor of Senate and speaks for over 8 hours on the Xmas gifts-to-the-wealthy, tucked away in yet another last-minute Budget Bill? (ie. the extension of the GWB Tax Cuts to the Rich.)
Senator Bernie Sanders does. That’s who.
Exclusive - Bernie Sanders Extended Interview Pt. 1
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
April 27, 2011 — Bernie Sanders
In this unedited, extended interview, Bernie Sanders believes the Republican plan to cut social programs while extending tax cuts for the wealthy is insane. (6:39)
And when Bernie Sanders filibusters, it's not just some ‘voice vote’ and then gone -- No, Bernie filibusters in person -- and he talks about real issues, real congressional cronyism.
And there's NO "Sam-I-am" filler in Bernie's Public Speeches, either (like some other Presidential Candidates).
No, here's a real citizen who believes in the very real and somber responsibility of democracy ... in action.
Senator Bernie Sanders Filibuster (Full 8 1/2 hours)
Full Congressional Record Transcript of Sanders Filibuster
THE ECONOMY -- (Senate - December 10, 2010)
Third -- and this is a very important point that I think has not yet gotten the attention it deserves -- this agreement contains a payroll tax holiday which would cut $120 billion from Social Security payroll taxes for workers. There are a lot of folks out there who say: This is pretty good. I am a worker, my contribution will go from 6.2 percent today down to 4.2 percent. I will have more money in my paycheck. It is a good idea.Let's take a deep breath and let's think about it for a second and understand what this whole thing is about. This payroll tax holiday concept, as I understand it, originally started with conservative Republicans. I know the Vice President recently made the point this was originally a Republican idea. Why did the Republicans come up with this idea? These are exactly the same people who do not believe in Social Security. These are the same people who either want to make significant cuts in Social Security or else they want to privatize Social Security entirely. Here is the point: They understand that if we divert funding that is supposed to go into the Social Security trust fund, which is what this payroll tax holiday does, this is money that goes into the Social Security trust fund that is now being diverted, cut back, in order to provide financial support for workers--but that is a lot of money not going into the trust fund.
What the President and others are saying is not to worry because that money will be covered by the general fund. That is a very bad and dangerous precedent. Up until now, what Social Security has been about is 100 percent funding from payroll contributions, not from the general tax base. Once again, this is a 1-year program. The loss of revenue going into Social Security can be covered by the general fund. But we have a $13 trillion national debt. How much longer will the general fund put money into Social Security? Is it a good idea for the general fund to be doing that?
There were 8 more substantive hours of Bernie standing up for the rights of average American People.
Who does that? No really, who else ... is willing to fight that fiercely, for Us.
That's called dedication. The same then, the same now.
The same, if we are so lucky to have him, become president ...

Here's part 2.
Daily Show Bernie part 2 (right click, open in new window). He says something here that I think very important. Talk to them. I've long thought that you win no hearts by calling people names. Our side does this too.
Thanks for the diary. I had c-span that year. I was listening while playing a video game, took a nap and he was still going when I awoke. Amazing. Like Mr. Smith Goes To Washington in real life.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I was looking for that!
Part 2 -- of the clip.
Thanks dennis1958, appreciate it.
I like that reference:
Bernie lives it. Everyday, like it matters.
Because it does.
Thanks, that was great to see again...
AND, it led me to the page of historical daily show clips where I found...
the B.S. detector speech!!
We all would do well to learn more about the art of noticing proper~gander, and here are a few pointers
society stew... keep stirring or..
the scum rises
the middle evaporates, and
the bottom gets burnt