Besides A.G. Barr, Mick Mulvaney and Pat Cipollone are Opus Dei, too
All three are involved in Trump’s impeachment.
During his July 25th call with Ukraine Pres. Zelensky, Trump urged Zelensky to work with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and Attorney General William Barr to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Humter.
When Trump’s chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, was asked whether a “demand for an investigation [into the Bidens] was part of the reason that [Trump] ordered withholding funding to Ukraine,” Mulvaney replied, “.... We do that all the time with foreign policy … Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.”
White House counsel, Pat Cipollone, is the “architect” of Trump's fight against impeachment and “the attorney who will play a leading role in Trump's Senate impeachment trial defense” according to NPR.
Barr and Cipollone are former board members of Opus Dei’s Catholic Information Center (CIC), as noted by the National Catholic Register.”
Mulvaney, who is also director of the Office of Budget and Management, is a member according to the official news service of the U.S. Catholic bishops.
Opus Dei is a secret society – member’s names are unknown unless self-disclosed - and an official arm of the Catholic Church. (Pope Francis champions Opus Dei.) The society “uses the Catholic Church for its own ends which are money and power …. Its members form a transnational elite. They seek to colonize the summits of power. They work with stealth – ‘holy discretion’ – and practice ‘divine deception,’” declared Robert Hutchison in the introduction to his book, Their Kingdom Come: Inside the Secret World of Opus Dei.
Located on K Street just two blocks from the White House, the CIC’s “members and leaders continue to have an outsize impact on policy and politics. It is the conservative spiritual and intellectual center … and its influence is felt in all of Washington’s corridors of power,” reported the Washington Post.
Pompeo's new commission
Opus Dei’s influence has extended even to the State Department. “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo formally announced the formation of a new Commission on Unalienable Rights, which will bypass the State Department’s existing human rights infrastructure and bring a ‘natural law’ lens to examining U.S. human rights policy,” Peter Montgomery wrote in July.
“Natural law theory has been used for a long time by Catholic Church leaders and theologians who reject LGBT people’s identities and their relationships,” New Ways Ministry’s Bob Shine wrote. Pope Paul VI’s 1968 Humanae Vitae encyclical “relied on so-called natural law arguments to defend the Church’s ban on contraception,” Gonzaga University professor Patrick McCormick noted several years ago,” reported Montgomery
“News of the planned commission emerged when it was reported that anti-LGBTQ activist, Princeton University scholar and conservative Catholic Robert George had played a prominent role in the creation of the commission,” Montgomery reported.
George is a regular speaker at the CIC. In October, he received the CIC’s award for "John Paul II New Evangelization" as announced by the Witherspoon Institute. George, “this country’s most influential conservative Christian thinker” according to the New York Times, is chairman of the board emeritus of the institute. The Witherspoon Institute is funded by Opus Dei affiliates.
On Dec. 20, George called Trump’s impeachment “a mistake…. Precedents like this promote the idea that impeachment can be used as a political tool.”
The new commission is chaired by Mary Ann Glendon, “a Harvard University law professor who serves with George on the on the advisory council for Catholic University’s human rights program.”
Glendon, named to the supervisory board for the Vatican Bank by Pope Francis, “has also helped promote the Religious Right’s portrayal of U.S. and European advocacy for the human rights of LGBTQ people as ‘neocolonialism,’” Montgomery wrote.
Also, “Glendon is a board member of Becket, formerly known as The Becket Fund, which represented Hobby Lobby in its successful effort to get conservative Supreme Court justices to declare that a for-profit corporation could claim exemption from generally applicable laws based on the religious beliefs of company owners,” added Montgomery.
Before the case was settled, Pope Francis met with Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby. Green, who is a Baptist, said the pope "mentioned the issue is important to Catholics" adding that the pope also "asked when the ruling was going to come down."
Regarding Pompeo and Glendon’s new commission, “If this administration truly wanted to support people’s rights, it would use the global framework already in place,” Joanne Lin, national director of advocacy and government affairs for Amnesty International USA told Montgomery.
Pope Francis granted a private audience to Pompeo on Oct. 3, an honor not bestowed, with the exception of Pres. Obama, to any U.S. Democrat politician or office holder.
The new Commission on Unalienable Rights held its first meeting in late October.
Mulvaney, the Catholic activist
Mulvaney “has met with a long list of lobbyists, corporate executives and wealthy people with business interests before the government.” His meeting with Opus Dei’s Jeff Bell, architect of Reaganomics, covered “religious and political matters,” as reported by the Washington Post and ProPublica.
At the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington on April 23, Mulvaney spoke briefly about Trump. "Over the past two-and-a-half years, I think you can see the principles of our faith being manifested .... To be part of that, has been very invigorating," said Mulvaney,
In August, Mulvaney and “far-right Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán were among participants in a secret meeting of far-right Catholic politicians at the Fátima Marian shrine. Portuguese newspaper Público reported on the secretive meeting in Portugal of the International Catholic Legislators Network (ICLN). But the full list of attendees and the agenda at the ICLN has been kept in the strictest confidentiality,” according to the Novena news service.
On Dec. 18, Mulvaney had an “off the record briefing” with Catholic leaders. “He touched on ‘all the major issues’ that then-presidential candidate Trump discussed in his 2016 letter to Catholics” - "pro-life" and government protections for Catholic institutions that discriminate against the LGBTQ community.
The good news is that the Trump administration could be replaced in 2020. The bad news is that his appointment of life-time judges as directed by another CIC board member, Leonard Leo, will impact the U.S. judiciary – including the Supreme Court – for decades to come.
Other related blogs:
"Opus Dei's influence is felt in all of Washington's corridors of power."
Why Catholic officials have been so deferential to Trump.
Betty Clermont is author of The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America.

I personally think the impeachment is a mistake
...not to defend nor support the Opus Dei. I think the primary purpose is distraction as the dims give the DoD more money than they requested, continue to fast tracking Trump's judicial nominees, and generally are passing Trumps legislative agenda...while pretending to oppose him. It also seems an attempt to suppress Bernie.
It is as though they want Trump re-elected. His fund raising has gone through the roof. I tend to agree with this op ed
The obvious charge for impeachment would have been emoluments...but both sides of the aisle are guilty of the graft and corruption. So plenty of blame to go around on all side IMO.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's so blantantly obvious
taken to stop das furher, have you?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Great cartoons
Loved all the ones on the bradblog. Here's a couple more just for fun...

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Francis probably loves Opus Dei and its actors
within the US government because they are following his directive for more "evangelizing" by the church. The RCC's notion of evangelizing isn't just the attempt to gather in more souls. It is the dominionistic take over of secular governments all over the world. Here is a quote from his Xmas speech that gives me the willies.
“Christendom no longer exists!” Francis declared in his speech. “Today we are no longer the only ones who create culture, nor are we in the forefront of those most listened to.” He insisted such changes require a new mindset in terms of evangelism and pastoral work.
“We are no longer living in a Christian world, because faith — especially in Europe, but also in a large part of the West — is no longer an evident presupposition of social life; indeed, faith is often rejected, derided, marginalized and ridiculed.”
Makes me even more determined to be a vocal anti-theist. Their view is that ALL people must accept the ideas of "faith" without question. This is Christian Nationalism plain and simple and beyond that it's not far from a fascist view of how the world should be.
The lastest Pew poll on religion in the US now reports that those in the "nones" category (non-religiously affiliated) has now passed the number of Catholics in the US (24-23%). This is where our hope should lie for the future of this country, and those of us who see the danger should be actively countering all the rhetoric that comes from the agents of Opus Dei and the RCC.
Hi Betty- hope you are doing well!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Democrats Motto
If you can't beat him, impeach him.
They must be really worried that former Vice President Joe Biden won't be able to beat Trump after Biden is anointed as the 2020 candidate. Thus, Plan B - morning after impeachment.
Thanks so very much for your comment, Fishtroller 02
"Nones" surpass number of Catholics. That's great news. Pope Francis loves Opus Dei even more because this secret society of financiers and bankers is also funding the Vatican and Catholic churches and institutions around the world.
I'm doing well, thank you, and hope you are, too. All your posts are much appreciated!
Betty Clermont