Vote blue no matter who! Right?

Remember folks every vote counts!

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CB's picture

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ggersh's picture


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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh This indeed has to be the Twilight Zone.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

no progress will be made on reforming or replacing the Democrat Party as it is today. - Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jerrold Nadler, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, ad nauseum.

As Progressives do we have anything in common with these criminals? When you vote Blue you empower these creeps.

I'll take the pledge: I will never vote Blue unless the candidate is a genuine Progressive, that means anti-war, pro-environment, and pro-people.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

Because.....I keep wondering why Mitch Mcconnell and the rest of the r's are going to the mat for Trump. The only thing I can think of is that the r's are pushing the envelope with what they can get away with, preparing for the next time they control all 3 branches of government. Then all I can see is Karl Roves dream coming to pass of a permanent republican majority for ever. Then it won't matter what we do.

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Lookout's picture


Tax cuts for the rich; endless wars, coups, and sabre rattling; eviscerating environmental regs to allow wholesale ecosystem destruction even in our national parks; global promotion of fossil fuels and plastics manufacture; climate denial; just to mention a few of these often bipartisan reasons to support Trumpolini.

What a bed we've made....and they all lie in it!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

thanatokephaloides's picture


What a bed we've made....and they all lie in it!

Where's Don Vito Corleone's California minions when we need them? (Use the back quarters of the horse this time!!)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Dems are Republican moles, and we are already on a permanent fascism track, regardless of what Kabuki is used to hide that fact. They are already Republicans' accomplices on all of the most destructive policies including war crimes, destruction of the planet, destruction of the social safety net, and unchecked surveillance.


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Roy Blakeley's picture

@entrepreneur I have never been sure if the corporate Dems are conscious moles, or corporate conservatives that want to win in a Democratic district, or just idiots. Certainly the repeated hiring of utterly incompetent campaign managers such as Bob Shrum and Donna Brazile that have lost repeatedly are consistent with some combination of the mole and idiot theories. The leadership of the party seems to be dead set on losing. Whatever the motivation they have done their best to eliminate progressive populist politics in the US.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Roy Blakeley

I have never been sure if the corporate Dems are conscious moles, or corporate conservatives that want to win in a Democratic district, or just idiots.

"Any two things which are equal to the same third thing are also equal to each other."
-- Euclid of Alexandria


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

edg's picture


1. He won the 2016 election.
2. He secured 63 million votes.
3. He is very popular among the party base.
4. He's delivered tax cuts and deregulation.
5. He makes Democrats look like fools.
6. etc.

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CB's picture

Then he effectively taxed the poor using sanctions on the goods ordinary people use in order to pay for the tax cut. These sanctions are basically a hidden government tax of 25% on consumer electronics, household appliances, washers/dryers, auto parts, electric motors/generators, steel and aluminum. In the meantime American farmers have lost soybean and pork exports (these have been restored but at a lessor level than before due to China finding new markets in Brazil/Russia and other countries.

The Trumpeter's fucking over Huawei has been extremely damaging to American high tech companies. Huawei is now set to become the world's largest supplier of telecommunications equipment AND consumer cell phones and they will do this using Chinese parts and technology. Sanctioning them has backfired spectacularly. They had been willing to work with US companies on a win-win basis but the Trumpeter completely fucked that up.

Huawei is rapidly expanding not only sales offices but tech centers all over the world, leaving the US in their dust.

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edg's picture


Why on Earth would you think Republicans would be bothered about tax cuts for corporations or things that hurt liberal high tech companies?

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@edg I just don't see "Trumpism" as the basis of a political party. Trump is a miserable human being. He's 4 years older than me and growing up he was always in the papers, self promoting all the way. He's the consummate 1%'er of the old world variety. The type that were made officers in WW1 because of their superior wealth and breeding, sending off 10,000 men to die in some foolish vainglorious misguided strategy to feed their egos. He's lazy, self indulgent and selfish. He has done nothing in the way of public service and his schools and charities are scams, always relying on other peoples money to finance them while taking a cut. He's not the Gipper and there will be nothing positive he'll be remembered for. He makes Tbaggers look smart. If you want to know everything about Trump, read his tweets, that's the real Trump.

I just don't see Mcconnell suffering this fool if he wasn't useful. Every dept, bureau, program is being changed. If it can't be killed outright it's being crippled, reshaped into the republican version. Toddler Federalist Society judges are being appointed to lifetime positions. That's where the real action is. Soon vetting for government jobs will include party affiliation, and with the data on us if it's missing the "r" designation it'll be shit canned.If the r's lose the election they'll just throw wrenches in the gears to stop everything they don't like, and pick up again when they regain power. I don't think Mcconnell really cares about Trump being impeached, he's got Pence in the wings. I think he wants to just party on shredding The New Deal, SS and "socialist" programs and Trump's his vehicle.

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edg's picture


I doubt Pence can get things done for Republicans the way Trump does.

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snoopydawg's picture


He's delivered tax cuts and deregulation

If so then the tax cuts will give congress a bigger reason to cut social programs which Trump is already attacking. The 700,000 people dropped from SNAP is just a drop in the bucket for the other number that is coming up. Plus he is attacking SSDI and SSI after giving rich people and corporations more money. This is the East Indies crap all over again. Not new, but escalating.

Regulations on corporations are a good thing. This is why congress passed the EPA in the first place. Trump has rolled regulations back on almost every industry and that is going to get people killed. Sure it will save the corporations money which is why they were deregulated, but the government is supposed to be overseeing the welfare of its citizens. Not the give the corporations everything they want at the expense of the citizens. Trump ain't doing nothing that others haven't done, but not at this scale. And for gawd's sake why do people worry about how much corporations are making? Isn't sky high profits with no taxes paid enough? I think so.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

edg's picture


I presented a list of things that help explain why McConnell and Republicans have and will continue to stick by Trump. I made no editorial comment on them.

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snoopydawg's picture


A Putin loving bot? Seriously just questioning someone's comment means that they are accusing them of this? Does the 3 recs mean that people thought I was? SMDH!

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

edg's picture


Just a joke, nothing to worry about. I assume the 3 votes were from people that considered it humorous or ironic.

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@Snode Trump they are defending. I read something on Moon of Alabama about a deal being made between McConnell and Pelosi to keep any "trial" in the Senate very short with of course a vote not to Impeach being the result. There is simply far too much dirt on all of them to risk that kind of prolonged full trial in the Senate. I tend to believe that since we do know corruption touches them all, and they ALL have a very vested interest in keeping that well hidden. Well, not well hidden of course, it really is right out there for all to see, but to keep the narrative going of a "fight" between sides. Same as it ever was, they'll protect each other before they will ever expose the true corruption in this country.

Your point about dictatorial powers being set in place is spot on, but we already have a fully right wing controlled government so it's not like a Democratic dictator would be any better. Sure, that Democrat might pretty up the language used, and that will work to put the population to rest, all will appear "normal" again and the few that rightly see that for what it is will once again be labeled mere conspiracy theorists. Same as it ever was...

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture


There is simply far too much dirt on all of them to risk that kind of prolonged full trial in the Senate. I

From the MoA essay and others I read Graham, Schiff, Pelosi's son and others got their hands on the foreign aid money that went to Ukraine. And if they are doing that there, then how do we know that they aren't doing it in all of the countries we send money too? From one article I learned that Biden got $900,000 of the money through his lobbying company. Lobbying companies for members of congress? Of course. Just like many of them have foundations where they can park millions and keep it from being taxed. After Hillary's epic loss her foundation's donations went rock bottom and people then started donating to the John McCain foundation instead.

SO much effing graft and crony capitalism with our 'representatives', but no money to help people here. Azazello posted a video with Wolfe that details how both parties have been captured by the organizations that they are supposed to be ruling. And those corporations get to pick who sits on the committees that over sees them and who is the head of them. Wow. Some representative government A?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@lizzyh7 the collaborators, dupes, dilettantes and hangers on that make up the bulk of what passes for a democrat these days. At least as you say, they'll be out in the open passing 1% friendly legislation along with the r's.

I'm really concerned about voters younger than me. They castigate boomers for bringing the nation to this point today, ignoring the fact that we got here by voting democrat, year after year, the exact same thing they're going to do and expect something different to happen.

But maybe, somehow, they could be right. I don't see it, but maybe.

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@Snode As much as we all hate the Democratic party, rightly so, it always concerns me when we talk about the demise of Democrats but little else on just what replaces them. A fully open right wing isn't the answer AT ALL and I do worry about that. Democrats have shredded any credibility they once seemed to have (I can no longer think they ever really were sincere but maybe they were) and as you point out, we did all think we were doing "the right thing" by voting for them and hoping they would really do what they said they'd do. Now that they have been exposed we see the same sickness on the Republican side in many ways, their side must be the "clean" one and at least they are honest in their intentions, which too many might see as sincerity in our team sports political theater. It IS scary and the lies are so thick now it takes real effort to debunk them and IMHO, that'll only get worse as the country implodes.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

edg's picture


You wrote "we already have a fully right wing controlled government". But it's not the right wing government that's impeaching Trump for withholding $391 million in Raytheon earnings from taxpayer giveaways. Most of the parade of deep state witnesses are pretty clearly left wing. When they didn't get their way in Ukraine as quickly as they'd like, they tried to bring Trump down. So I'd say the government is as bipartisan as bipartisan gets.

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@edg What I meant by right wing I should have clarified better - while our Dems and too many of us think in terms of right wing being merely Republican I no longer see it that way. They are both "right wing" for want of a better label (and I do understand the whole fallacy of labels but we work with what we have I guess) is that they BOTH want lower taxes for themselves and their wealthy friends, both want endless wars with corresponding austerity at home, both are hellbent on retaining the narrative of a democratic and benevolent USA while all evidence shows that for the lie it is, and neither one of them give any real shits about this country at all. All of them, regardless of their label, are fine with what Trump is doing, some just don't like the way he's doing it.

Trump has indeed ripped the mask of what both "sides" in this country truly represent, that is the one positive I see out of his election. But sadly, the team warfare is already degrading the truth people have known for decades about our government and too many just want to go back to red vs blue, right vs left, regardless that those terms really have no meaning at all anymore. If they ever did have any real meaning at all. Perhaps I need to dispense with right wing altogether and just start calling them the fascists that they really are.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

edg's picture


The old distinctions between left and right wing are obsolete. Both sides now support more war profits, more corporate giveaways, less action on climate change, and fewer programs that benefit the 99%.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


The old distinctions between left and right wing are obsolete. Both sides now support more war profits, more corporate giveaways, less action on climate change, and fewer programs that benefit the 99%.

You're right, EdG.

We've now achieved a state of Möbius politics, whereby what used to have two sides (one of which was pro-99%) has become twisted to the point where there's only one side, the side of the 1%ers who live off their "investments". And everyone else can just pound (and eat) sand.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

snoopydawg's picture


I'd settle for two. Of course getting rid of the democrats won't change anything because they aren't the only problem. During the tax cuts debate I saw one democrat saying that republicans should have had both parties involved in them because they would have gotten more votes. I think people have seen that both parties are just as corrupt and know that they have been captured by special interests. Most of us know that just getting rid of Trump won't change a damn thing either and that the reason he was elected in the first place is because of how corrupt our government is. Yep. Trump has just shown people the truth about our government, but too many of them think that he's an aberration and things will go back to 'normal' once he is gone. Heh... I used to think that during Bush's tenure and thought Obama was going to make things go back to normal. Little did I realize that Bush's presidency was just a continuation of Clinton's, Bush I and Reagan's. But actually it goes even further back then that. JFK wasn't the progressive people think he was.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


Most of the parade of deep state witnesses are pretty clearly left wing.

Relative to Trump, perhaps.

I always thought that the left pointed in the direction of socialists and communists. Has the Overton Window shifted so far to the right that what used to be left no longer exists within our political window frame?

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

edg's picture


It's indeed true that left has shifted rightward. But Yovanovich, Vindman, et. al. are clearly more left than right. I judge people by how virulently pro-Russiagate they are. Maddowites (true believers of Rachel Maddow) espouse Russia hacked the election memes. Hannityites (fellow travelers of Sean Hannity) pooh-pooh the entire Russia collusion meme.

Many of the witnesses at the impeachment hearings were Maddowites.

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are no more left than Trump is. They are simply doing their best to support the Russia!Russia! meme that the CIA itself helped to create. I would suggest that social and political factors would be more relevant determinants than adherence to any particular fictional story when sorting people left to right.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Pluto's Republic's picture

@ovals49 the Deep State, which is largely tethered to the State Department. Domestic politics is irrelevant, as well, unless something came up domestically, that might eat into their war money. But they turned that faucet off long ago. The people were no longer benefitting from most of the tax money they pay in to the government every year; half of the revenues are drained off and lavished on the War Complex and their think tank cronies. The money instantly disappears into a top secret lockbox and the people have nothing to show for their labor and sacrifice but an audit that says $21 trillion is still unaccounted for. The people don't even ask for anything anymore. If someone does ask for something on the People's behalf, like Bernie Sanders, someone will ask in a defeated voice, "Who's going to pay for it?" The people are now reduced to mewling for health care for all Americans, a human right that the rest of the world has long enjoyed.

The Deep State may be associated with one Party on another for a time, but that is mostly due to money and convenience. Not ideology. The Party ideologies are used way down at the Kabuki Level, where the democracy circus revels in its never-ending fund raising and constant campaigning.

Remember when Trump was campaigning and blowing through his competition in the Republican Party? He was drawing large crowds to his rallies. I was reporting on the text of his speeches for a news org, so I read most of them. Trump was campaigning to the Left of Hillary. That's really how he won. He would sound anti-war at times. He was against paying for Israel's shit-stirring in the Middle East. He was against the US military fighting Israel's wars for them. He said the US promised to defend Israel, and he would keep that promise — but he would demand that Israel pay their share to use of the US military. And he wanted the money up front. He said the same about using the US Navy to guard shipping lanes in the waters of other nations. "It's time for these nations to start paying their fair share of the US Navy's costs," he would say. "Why should American tax payers pick up the bill?" Trump wanted to stop the hostilities between the US and its enemies. It was a waste of money and time when we could be making lucrative deals and everyone could be doing a whole lot better. Trump said that trading deals like the TPP and the TTIP were designed to harm other nations and cause wars (referring to China and Russia). And those trade agreements would also hurt American workers, who would see more of their jobs disappear. Trump was going to turn that whole thing around, and make better deals.

It was not the sort of speech you would ever hear from the Democrats, or the Republicans. If the US had a Left Wing and that Left Wing had a political party, you might hear such a speech from them. But there is no organized Left in America and the Democratic Party will never belong to them. I remember noticing that the media was not reporting of the content of Trump's speeches; they reported on racism pretty exclusively. The Democratic amateurs at Daily Kos were too shocked and outraged to hear much of anything besides these so-called progressive communities had completely transformed into the Anti-Trump Party and they were running on pure identity politics and fund-raising.

Perhaps parts of Trump's speeches would only really register with people they were designed to communicate with. The words had been conjured and arranged by Cambridge Analytica, a tech firm that was developing an advanced artificial intelligence. The scientists at Cambridge Analytica had data-mined a staggering amount of private and personal information from files of Facebook's enormous membership. This and other raw data would be memorized and processed by the AI, and it would begin to learn about the political thoughts and feelings of the American public as a whole and individually. It would discover people's beliefs and behaviors and fears. It would learn where they lived, what they shopped for, how much money they had, the condition of their health, their credit-worthiness, and who they knew. All of this might be cross-tabbed with the pressing issues and concerns of their community and state, the news sources they read and watched, and the topics, celebrities, and politicians they followed. In time, the AI would be able to predict the reactions that various real-world groups or demographics might have to specific ideas or information. It might even predict just the right worlds to use or avoid.

Cambridge Analytica gave the words and narratives to Donald Trump and suggested when and where to deliver them in his speeches. They told him who to admire and who or what to deplore.

Of course, most of it was lies. By 2016, all of them were lying through their teeth. It was a political season like no other. At the time, I had noticed only two groups who really seemed to 'hear' Trump's Left Wing messages: One was the completely disenfranchised blue and white collar Democrats, who had cursed the party for betraying them. They rather liked Trump's rebellious-sounding words. The other group that immediately picked up on Trump's words, despite the fact they were not mentioned in the news, was the Deep-State Neocons. They were threatened by Trump's buried peacenik message, which set them off into a major public panic. A number of them promptly endorsed Hillary Clinton and joined the Democratic Party to lend their evil influence to what the future might bring. They all made pilgrimages to the Sunday talk shows.

It was a perfect fit.

I figure that's when they hatched the plan to out Donald Trump as a traitor.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

from Obama's first campaign speeches and pretty much repeated them? Barry blew sunshine and roses up our patooties and went back on just about every one of them. But hey we did get Lily Ledbetter. You are right that Trump told people what they wanted to hear from democrats and especially Hillary who just ran on what we couldn't have and sexism and misogynism. Trump came off as anti war while Hillary was telling us about creating a no fly zone over Syria which would have risked war with Russia. No wonder people chose Trump.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pluto's Republic's picture


Trump also started promising universal health care. In the next breath he would say, "Were getting rid of ObamaCare. It's terrible. It's failing anyway. We're going to do something better. A great health care system."

It didn't take a genius to know that wasn't going to happen. The Republicans were horrified. But no body mentioned it. Certainly not the media. In a way, it was a was genius strategy to slip that stuff into his speeches. The Democrats weren't going to mention Trump was standing to the Left of Hillary. The Republicans were hoping that no one heard it and never mentioned it again. The Press was with HER, plus mentioning it might help Trump.

The one that bothered Hillary the most was his criticism of the TPP and the TTIP trade agreements. These were born under her SOS rulership. But those trade agreements were the one thing that Hillary decided to recant, and flip her position.

I thought it was a mistake at the time. Her change of heart was so fake and contrived. But now I believe that she had to know she was losing the swing states, or at least PA by then. It was a desperate move. After that she lost the will to campaign, and was dragging herself toward the finish line.

A lot of people knew she was going to use by then. The Intelligence community knew for sure. Looking back at the campaign with that lens could reveal new insights. I'm not sure why so many loose ends are coming together all of a sudden — but they are. Everywhere I read people are waking up or spilling the beans. There's also a lot of leaking underway.

The stuff leaking from the DOJ is potent — and Trump intends to take prisoners. I'm pretty sure he's got the smoking gun. The Democrats may be in a do or die situation with the Impeachment. I think they are going to try to run with the ball, bend the Senate to their will, and rush Trump out of office — all in one great push. I keep thinking about what Schumer said about the power that the IC has over Congress. Brennan and those other jokers have plenty to lose. Pence may be the only one who can safely and legally stop that investigation.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

The stuff leaking from the DOJ is potent — and Trump intends to take prisoners.

We have been hearing this since he became president, but maybe he was just getting all the ducks in a row? I thought he might actually go after Hillary's crimes and maybe he still will. But if he does take down the IC I might vote for him. Especially Brennan. The Barr investigation has turned into a criminal one so I'm hoping that he does follow through with it all the way to the top. But Barr has a history of protecting the PTB. Remember what he did during Bush I with the Iran Contra folks.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Since I've already replied to your comment it'd be nice to see what you changed.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pluto's Republic's picture


I think that's all.

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call the Democratic establishment left wing by any stretch of the imagination.

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snoopydawg's picture

The video shows that Bernie beat her 44-32 and yet the SDs gave Her the win. This is why I say that every vote counts except when it doesn't because the SDs can just overrule the will of the voters. And of course we know that the SDs are the reason so many are running this time. Split the vote so no one gets enough delegates and then the SDs can come in and decide who the candidate will be. As to the vfnmw, funny how that is only if Biden or a centrist wins, but if Bernie wins many dem supporters say they will vote for Trump. As always it the f'cking hypocrisy!!!

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Daenerys's picture

@snoopydawg Why do only the Dems have superdelegates, is what I want to know. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together should see how suspicious it is.

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This shit is bananas.

Roy Blakeley's picture

@Daenerys in the aftermath of the McGovern loss, as a way to insure that party professionals rather than rank and file Democratic voters chose the Presidential candidate. Those were the days in which the Democratic Party controlled the House and Senate, most governorships, most state legislatures and many mayorships. Isn't the Democratic Party lucky to have had such effective leadership since then? (Only a partial snark since many of the leaders of the Dems would much rather have a Republican win than a progressive Democrat, and one can argue that they have been effective in their goals.

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@Roy Blakeley They always point to the McGovern loss, never to the "let's back room nominate pro war Humphrey", who never even entered or won a primary as the chosen one.

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dystopian's picture

If Dr. Suess was alive there would be 'bluenomatterwhos'. They would be a steaming fetid blob of brainless blue shit.

It goes with the 'but he's not a real dem' cry. OK, let's consider real dems. Obama left the DNC 6-7 million in debt, with Debbie Wasshername in charge. They lost a thousand seats
nationwide under their direction. Then HER-> comes in and buys the DNC for the debt, runs a money laundering scheme draining state moneys to elect blues with, loses, and leaves the DNC 6-7 million in debt. They have not been able to function as a proper entity for most of two decades now. Because of Obama and Hillary. Real Dems. My foot.

But Bernie is not a real dem? The people being called real dems have sabotaged the party from the inside out. They are DINO's. First the Clinton's stole the party, and now they have destroyed it. Hard to believe it was by accident.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

snoopydawg's picture


I remind them about Joe Manchin voting with republicans on almost every bill including how he voted for f'cking Kavanaugh. And how Schumer has allowed McConnell to fast track right wing and unqualified judges. If Trump is so dangerous to the country then why did Schumer make a deal with Mitch to appoint more judges just so democrats could have more vacation days? Hmm? I also tell them to look into how Vermont does it's elections.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.