Statement Condemning US Removal of Democratically-Elected Evo Morales

Via Stop Imperialism in Latin America, Nov. 29, 2018,  As the petition’s already in the commons, I’ll paste in the complete English version (there’s one in Spanish, as well.)  The situation for Morales supporters is getting worse everyday; the Tweets I’ve seen over the past few days have made smoke come out of my ears, and my heart and stomach sick.  I may bring a few at the bottom.

“Following months of destabilization, on November 10, 2019, the legitimate, constitutional, democratically-elected President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, was driven at gunpoint out of office and the country by the US and its allies, among them Bolivian fascists and several members of the Organization of American States (OAS), including Canada. This latest aggression follows centuries of colonial, imperialist, and neo-colonial conquest and plunder of the Indigenous-majority population of Bolivia.

We the undersigned, in horror and rage, state as fact that this coup d’état was concocted in the White House of Donald J. Trump and is the handiwork of the CIA and its fascist and racist clients and proxies.

This regime change is in flagrant violation of Bolivian law, US law, and international law, flouting ratified conventions and treaties respecting the right to national sovereignty and forbidding aggression as well as national laws prohibiting theft, extortion, assault, torture, kidnapping, and murder.

Against the shamefully equivocating and deviously complicit statements of pseudo-lefts whose open letters have been published in the past few days, we state as fact that Evo Morales is the President of Bolivia and that his current term ends in January on the day that the fourth presidential term to which he has been lawfully elected by a landslide begins. We reject the presumptuous attempts by North American liberal academics to grant amnesty to the murderers of other people’s children and to legitimize and reward the junta and its sponsors in Washington. We are disgusted by the pressure and blackmail these parties deploy to attempt to force the elected government of Bolivia to negotiate with these fascist assassins and terrorists. They belong in prison, not government.

We demand the immediate restoration of the President, his administration, and the whole elected government of the Movement for Socialism–Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples (MAS). We demand the arrest and prosecution of the protagonists of the coup and the violent crimes that constituted and followed it. We insist that it is the minimal duty of the US Congress to conduct an investigation to expose and gather evidence against US government officials and other citizens and residents of the US involved.

We denounce the perpetrators of this coup and the bloodbath that has followed, including Donald J. Trump and Jeanine Áñez Chávez, as criminals, and their apologists, a list of many of whose names can be found in the signatories columns of those two letters (here and here), as their accessories.

We offer all our solidarity and admiration to the courageously resisting working class of Bolivia.

Viva MAS. Viva Evo Morales. Down with Empire and its henchmen and shills.

We Demand:

— That Evo Morales, the legitimate and democratically-elected President of Bolivia, be restored immediately;

— That officials of the junta purporting to be the de facto government of Bolivia, including and especially Jeanine Áñez Chávez, must be prosecuted and punished for the killings, assaults, and other crimes committed by them directly and under their authority;

— That all political prisoners, including MAS officials and cadre, must be released immediately;

— That no attempt to indict or prosecute Evo Morales will be or can be tolerated;

— That all officials at the state and local level dismissed by the Áñez junta must immediately be restored to office;

— That the results of the Oct 20 elections be acknowledged as valid, free, and democratic by the US government and the UNSC; no additional elections are necessary and none must be tolerated;

— That the involvement of the US government and its agencies in initiating and steering the coup must be investigated by Congress and appropriate indictments issued;

— That any diplomatic, financial, or legislative actions carried out by or under the junta are null and void.


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You can add your signature here.

I wasn't able to find the Tweets on the coup government's privatizations and new business deals, but:

as in: sentence first, trial later? #TooManyAssholes

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CB's picture

but I think it would fit in with this one so I am adding it here.

Ben Norton does an excellent job in explaining the origins of the coup in Bolivia and how it was staged and implemented by the US State Department and CIA.


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wendy davis's picture


given that i haven't the hour+ to watch/listn, it's lucky that i've been following it since before the coup; as in: when the Big Green Groups blamed evo's policies for lighting the amazon rainforest on fire. #WhatBullshit.

i found a few more relevant, if ghastly) tweets i'll leave here; hope you don't mind, my friend.

i found a couple others on the coup gummint's 'bidness', but i haven't quite understood all the connections yet. so...later on them, if at all.

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CB's picture

@wendy davis
explaining the links between the various forces that have mounted the coup against Morales. Leaders of the Bolivian army and the police were trained by the School of the Americas and FBI in conjunction with the CIA in preparation for this coup.

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wendy davis's picture


your brief cliffs notes; cia i knew, not fbi, i'll admit. and juan guido (VZ) was trained by the CIA as well.

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ppnortney's picture

@wendy davis

They're like scavengers hovering, waiting for their prey to die or weaken enough they can kill them. Psychopaths, one and all.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

wendy davis's picture


but scavengers clean up dead carcasses in the RW. not pinging very well by now, but does 'parasitical psychopaths' work as well? maybe not, as parasites eat the host, which then...expires.

sorry to be so thick and muzzy; not much zzzzzleep lately.

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wendy davis's picture


in his opening, i'll bet it's based on this: Bolivian coup leader Luis Fernando Camacho is a far-right multi-millionaire who arose from fascist movements in the Santa Cruz region, where the US has encouraged separatism. He has courted support from Colombia, Brazil, and the Venezuelan opposition', By Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton, nov.11, 2019

i'd featured it both here and at the café on one of my posts, and thought it was excellent. detractors on twitter noted that it was based on other journalists' work, but still... ; )

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Good thing I am not headed to Central or South America any time soon, so I will not get detained by customs and immigration!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

wendy davis's picture

@on the cusp

amiga. stay safe on your travels. i signed it too, but it took a day or two to 'take'.

gawd's teeth, this is Imperial criminality at its current worst, but oh...gotta stem the troika of (pink) tyranny! jezum, crow, how many worsts are there afoot, come to thiink of it?

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@wendy davis of socialism, nothing is deemed by our government to be an atrocity.
Our oligarchy is more afraid of socialism than nukes.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

wendy davis's picture

@on the cusp

said before, to andrea lobos at wsws, evo's not sociaist enough, and she's mocked him as a coward for relocating in mexico, etc. another author has called nicolas maduro 'a bougie neoliberal' or close.

and i should have said 'good on ya' for signing the petition. that one at the guardian they'd objected to had so many weasel words in it, but: 805 public signatories!!!!

oh,crap, the roof's leakin', gotta go get some towels. it's snowing now, loads more is predicted, but at least for now the screaming gale-force winds have stopped. hard to even sleep thru, to say the truth. i lie in bed trying to sort out the various sounds, and can't help my head seeing images of the sounds. #WackJobsRMe.

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@wendy davis was to avoid work, grill some steaks.
Well, it is raining. So much for my plans. I seem to be on a roll for plans going to hell.
Believe it or not, I had been making plans to visit Bolivia. A trip back to Columbia with a trip to La Paz.
Who wants to go to those countries any more?
A travel pal wanted to go to Argentina/Brazil/Chile. I was willing to do the trip again.
Are you seeing the trend?
Guatemala City airport shut down, for runway repairs, we were told. My entire 4 day vacation got scrapped, which is why I am stuck here at home today.
Bolivia will likely never return to a socialist government run by an indigenous person. The US is willing to kill the population there for their lithium.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

wendy davis's picture

@on the cusp

'not central amerika', that was due to closed airport because runway repairs? sure hope you were told before heading out the the airport.

i do see the trend, but colombia under el duque: ish. brazil under bolsonaro: riots galore, same for chile, and now ecuador: fuck lenin moreno! in argentina the leftist one, fernaandez, beat ultra-conservative mcri, thank the gods.

the other disappointment was in the run-off election in uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou beat leftist daniel martinez in a squeaker. matinez conceded, but i reckon the the US interfered in that election. is the OAS caling for a recount?/s

'Bolivia will likely never return to a socialist government run by an indigenous person. The US is willing to kill the population there for their lithium.'

the lithium is a big part of it, but nationalizing mineral wealth was a no-no, as was refusing USAID and military planes to 'battle the emergency fires evo set!' yeah, he'd have known what would be in all those planes and USAID convoys wouldn't he?

but to me, that laid the groundwork for the US/CIA/OAS >>> military coup.

sorry ya dinnae get to grill your steaks, adding insult to injury, i guess.

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@wendy davis landing, when the pilot announced the airport closure, and the turn around. I lost that day, would have had pure hell making the rescheduled flight, might have lost my hotel booking, so I just said screw it. 3 days transit for 1 day of touring Mayan ruins. Nope. Didn't sound worth it.
I have been to Ecuador twice. First time, the guide bitched privately about the socialism. Second time, the guide bitched privately about austerity and capitalism. Within days of leaving the second trip, the riots and protests shut down their airports and major cities.
I got to Brazil and Chile during happy times.
Columbians were happy to be chums with the USA last Christmas when I was there. I took the guide aside, told him the USA $ came with CIA presence, so beware. And told him austerity would ensue.
In group tours, guides are allowed to describe government, elections, identify their governments as communist, socialist, whatever, but they are not allowed to talk politics. But, they tend to follow me to the smoking area to talk politics privately. It is like "a thing". I can't count how many cigarettes I have given guides and drivers, then gotten them to open up and rant or rave about their governments. All over the world I have had those frank "talks". Greece during the Grexit melt down, Thailand while their coup was actually happening, Romania, Tanzania, and on and on.
If I treat them to a beer or glass of wine, it gets even better.
I am roasting pork loins. The steaks can wait.
I might see if tour agencies are suspending their tours to Bolivia and Chile.
I hate to hear of the left-leaning candidates loss in that election you mentioned.
It is hard to impossible to beat back the "progress" of capitalism. These people show us that they are willing to die trying.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

@on the cusp @on the cusp
travels a lot internationally due to your work related tasks. Is that about right?

I am curious, would you mind to tell us, who you work for, and what exactly brings you to so many countries?

I hope you don't take that question as an indiscretion or overstepping a personal line with regards to your privacy rights.

Thank you.

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@mimi My travels are the only days I do not work. I work weekends, holidays, and the only break from it is to leave. Even then, I check my office email day and nights.
I carry approximately 200 open cases at any given time.
I tend to book about 4 trips a year. They average 11 days per trip. 321 days working. If I had a normal job, I would get 104 weekends off, plus holidays.
I chose this, no complaints, just need to pace myself to avoid burnout.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

@mimi @on the cusp
I can imagine how much you deserve a lot of travels to break out for a couple of days.

I miss my last job before I retired. I liked working in a rather fast paced TV news producing office in DC, but got too tired to go on after I was 65 years old.

I travelled privately to other countries through the job of my husband, whom I was allowed to accompany a couple of times (on a spouse G4 Visa for employees of UN related agenciest). Otherwise I would have never heen able to visit African and Asian countries the way I did (ie not as a tourist).

Bon voyage on your next trips. Smile

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@mimi perfect. I am very tolerant of the usual and customary travel deficiencies.
I am glad you got to see some of the world.
I started travelling USA, Canada, and a bit of Mexico, beginning in the 80's. It was only about 12 years ago that I was in the perfect position to just go far.
I have been to 85 to 90 countries, have only about 10 unvisited countries to complete my list. I am now re-visiting my favorite places.
Some of my most memorable days have been spent visiting indigenous tribes. An unforgettable day was in Panama. I ate, I danced with the tribe, bought numerous wood carvings that are still in my office.
To make a comparison with those Panamanians and the current indigenous Bolivians, the man who paddled the canoe had a college education. He was black. He could not get a job in any Panamanian city in banking, which was his educational background.
So, he went back home. He paddles canoes for tourists, and Panama allows them to grow and harvest food on some acreage 2 miles away from the village.
He would rather be where he is respected, and go naked, than to suit up for a banker boss that punishes him for being black.
(The tribe does put on some clothing to cover their genitals when travelers come. They remove them as soon as we are out of sight.)
I figure the Panamanian indigenous got a break the Bolivian tribes did not.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

@on the cusp
as a diplomant/consul his whole life. He is in his early eighties now and long-time retired. I visited him last year in his home in Germany and he showed me a world map, in which he sticked a little pin for each of the locations in the world he had worked during his life time. It looked as if you couldn't see the countries locations on the map for all the pins. I would guess more than 130 needles on that map.

He worked several years in Africa and several years in the US. The first time I met him (husband of a cousine of mine) in the early eighties. He made very negative remarks about Africans mostly about those you might call the educated African elites. I said nothing, but it was one of the first incidences that showed me that racial emotions and feelings have nothing to do with traveling into foreign countries and learn about their customs etc. Nor does it have something to do with the level of education someone has.

I think it has something to do that most people can't separate individuals, who they dislike for some reasons, from the whole group of individuals, if they can relate those individuals to groups based on their race or ethnicity.

I met several people, who travelled the world, learned and knew more about the countries' population's customs and mores and became as a consequence often more prejuidiced in their thinking (and expressions in private conversations). Just that you couldn't call it pre-juidiced anymore, because they did make their judgements after they knew those countries in more detail already and you can't prove if they had those judgements already before they had contact those countries' population.

PS: again thank you for sharing your traveling experiences. I lived with my in-laws from Africa long times together in Germany and in the US. My sisters in law showed clearly how much they disliked that in most video clips from Africa, African women are shown either dirt poor with their starving babies hanging half-dead from their breasts or happily dancing shaking their bosoms, hips and butts. And after I had watched my young husband mocking and amusing himself about white folks dancing with the natives, I never would even have tried to dance with them. Most people don't know well enough what indigineous or native populations think and feel. Sadly so.

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@mimi @mimi Dancing in Panama was spontaneous.
Some of the most educated, sophisticated people I have ever met were in Africa. Some of the most beautiful women and handsome men I have ever laid eyes on were in Africa.
Some of the cultural events are completely staged. One Masai Warrior showing me how cattle were herded was months away from becoming a physician. This staged show was how he was paying his way.
There is exactly 1 country I have visited that shows absolutely NO RACISM.
Columbia. Racism if TOTALLY VERBOTEN.
And I am extremely concerned that in their government's efforts to suck up to the US, give an assist to destroying their neighbor, Venezuela, that my beautiful friends I made while there will wind up dead.
Same for my pals in Ecuador.
And nowadays, in Poland.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

@on the cusp
in all of that. Mine go back to times that have passed. All of my travels were before internet times in the seventies and eighties. I do believe that in today's world where the www is accessible on mobile phones everywhere and Africans use it a lot, things have changed.

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wendy davis's picture

@on the cusp

of your extensive world travels, amiga, as well as hearing of what emerged in your private talks.

yeah, martinez seemed to be a great guy; a tragic loss, imo. the lead tie to the run-off was longish, and i'd wondered aloud what shenanigans lacalle pulu's could get up to.

'It is hard to impossible to beat back the "progress" of capitalism. These people show us that they are willing to die trying.'

and capitalism is literally killing the planet. evo morales was the original ecologist, and named capitalism as the core of the planet's ecosystm's diseases.

The Cochabamba Peoples Accords, Mon, 24 May 2010 (here it's called an 'agreement')

the indigenous caravanned to rio in 2012 for the 'earth sustainability conference', but to deliver this and another accord i've forgotten, but of course weren't allowed in, and had had to hold side meetings. ah: Kara Oca II. beautiful photos, a few videos, etc. wish Capital had listened in 2010.


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@wendy davis His plan to nationalize mining, what got him where he is today.
As soon as he gets to Mexico, Mexico is threatened by Trump. For cartels? Does anybody believe cartels in Mexico just became a terrorist threat? Like, just now?
Cops have been making a fortune off those drug runners forever, as has the CIA.
As soon as Evo is sent home, Mexico will be our new best pal.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

wendy davis's picture

@on the cusp

like that? yeah, it's an emergency now, dumbass Trump. my guess unless some miracle occurs, evo won't be allowed back into bolivia, but he might get smuggled out of mexico. as i'd said whn he'd offered evo the invitation, i'd said: 'Don't be a sucker!'; i don't trust AMLO one whit, nor do the Zapatistas, and for good reason.

'AMLO ‘reaches out’ to the Zapatistas', july, 2019

maybe he would be welcome in...argentina now macri's gone? could it last?

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snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

for a decade from Mexican drug cartels. Then of course there is the CIA bringing drugs into the country for a very long time and distributing them in inner cities. Then there's how they will protect one drug lord if he gives up information on other drug lords. Seems some one needs to write a Smedley Butler book on the Racket of the drug war.

Trump started talking about going into Mexico after a bunch of women and children got killed in Mexico. They were in a polygamist sect of the Mormons. Mayo Pete thinks it's a great idea to send US troops to Mexico to help Mexico fight the cartels. This is just plain silly since it's our government dealing most of the drugs.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg clients, both drug dealers, and cops who give my other drug dealing clients an assist.
What I can say is that drug trafficking is cop sanctioned.
If the NSA and TSA and ICE and on and on know what we say on Facebook and what we call and say to our Moms, they MUST know what drugs go into our country.
My county has 7 miles of US HWY 59, the highway with 80% of the illegal drugs that enter the US.
The cops arrest Jose. They do not arrest Javier.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

Any time you read about a drug bust made during a traffic stop it's usually bogus. You think that someone carrying lots of drugs wouldn't make sure that their car tail lights or other things weren't in good condition? Or they would speed or do anything else that would get a cop's attention? Nope. The DEA knew all about that shipment and passed it on to the cops. Judges know about this scam, but they just let it slide.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


remember the much wider net of entrapment: the DEA's parallel construction (the slides are great, as with: Taint Review Team, and so on.

'Bruce Dixon at Black Agenda Report had recently steered readers to newly procured FOIAed documents that he called ‘a smoking gun’ in the DEA manuals of ‘parallel reconstruction’ of phony chains of evidence that began with NSA and likely other security state acronym agencies funneled to law enforcement agencies.

The documents showed quite clearly that law enforcement was to go to great lengths to hide the provenance of the tips, clues, etc., as to how the ‘investigations’ had begun, from not only defense attorneys, but often prosecutors and judges, even though the cases rarely involved national security issues.'

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@wendy davis are seeing this parallel construction constantly now.
We have not found a way to penetrate to get to the NSA cell phone source, but we damn well know that it damn well is the source.
Some of the probable cause affidavits we are reading are bizarrely improbable.
Snowden told us it was happening.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

Yeas that article that shaped my underwear of the DEA, cop, judges, etc scam. Whenever a article about this appears on my local news people can always be counted on to express their gratitude and hero worship for the coppers. I just sigh inwardly as I seem to do on so many subjects. The military ones cause multiple sighs because how can anyone believe that we send troops all over the globe to protect us from some boogie man who cannot take away our freedoms? I like to explain to them that our own government has already nullified most of them.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ggersh's picture

Nicaragua, Mexico are also being targeted, both in the name
of national security

After presiding over a far-right coup in Bolivia, the US dubbed Nicaragua a “national security threat” and announced new sanctions, while Trump designated drug cartels in Mexico as “terrorists” and refused to rule out military intervention.
By Ben Norton

One successful coup against a democratically elected socialist president is not enough, it seems.

Immediately after overseeing a far-right military coup in Bolivia on November 10, the Trump administration set its sights once again Nicaragua, whose democratically elected Sandinista government defeated a violent right-wing coup attempt in 2018.

Washington dubbed Nicaragua a threat to US national security, and announced that it will be expanding its suffocating sanctions on the tiny Central American nation.

Trump is also turning up the heat on Mexico, baselessly linking the country to terrorism and even hinting at potential military intervention. The moves come as the country’s left-leaning President Andrés Manuel López Obrador warns of right-wing attempts at a coup.

As Washington’s rightist allies in Colombia, Brazil, Chile, and Ecuador are desperately beating back massive grassroots uprisings against neoliberal austerity policies and yawning inequality gaps, the United States is ramping up its aggression against the region’s few remaining progressive governments.

These moves have led left-wing forces in Latin America to warn of a 21st-century revival of Operation Condor, the Cold War era campaign of violent subterfuge and US support for right-wing dictatorships across the region.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

wendy davis's picture


Trumpeter; ya've even managed to piss of AMLO! zeeese and flowers carry a lot of op-eds and news on both nicaragua and honduras (iirc, they'd even gone to the latter to report), so i stuck their newsletter and nicaragua into a bing engine and found:

NicaNotes: Inside an Uprising “Made in the USA”, October 25, 2019, By Gabriela Luna, alliance for global justice

add C-U-in-CUBA, as well. more sanctions.

thanks, ggersh. side note: i'd had some notes on nicaragua from orinoco news (VZ) and the site is either down...or gone.

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wendy davis's picture

the OAS:

@telesurenglish Nov 22
Foreign Affairs Minister, Francine Baron: #Dominica will invite CARICOM, the UN and other multilateral organisms to observe its elections, but not the OAS. We have our reserves regarding their participation in recent electoral processes in the region.

@telesurenglish Nov 22
Foreign Affairs Minister, Francine Baron: #Dominica will invite CARICOM, the UN and other multilateral organisms to observe its elections, but not the OAS. We have our reserves regarding their participation in recent electoral processes in the region.

dominica is a tiny island just north of martinique, as it turns out. not to be confused w/ the dominican republic.

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mimi's picture

a right to privacy that would prevent their names to be posted on the internet? This just came to my mind.

I remember I had signed some little pamphlet as a young student in mid 1970-ies (in Germany). And two and a half years later, when applying for a job in a German Federal agency, I got a visit from the German "Verfassungsschutz" (that is the "Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution" and may be similar to the NSA of the US, but I don't know that).

Apparently I signed something of a political group, which they didn't approve of. I was pretty amazed about it, but luckily it didn't lead to troubles for my professional career later on.

That's the reason for my question.

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wendy davis's picture


it will show up on the list, as in: on the internet. but if you buzz the list, some used a first name, last initial only, or the reverse, then: location. 'chris R, P. vargas', hell, there's even a pseudonym: 'wolfy', if that counts at all. ; )

sure i understand your worry, mimi. hope this may provide a solution.

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis
it is just that I saw for the first time a long list of signatures posted on the net and in combination with how the police uses its power over unarmed, nonviolent and innocent demonstrators on the streets (especially over those who have not the right kind of melanine in their skins), I would worry about them, if they had signed something the surveillance machinery doesn't like. Because my experience from the seventies popped up in my memory. But they were from pre-internet times.

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Make your name known, make your opinions known, to the damn world.
People in Bolivia are being murdered. In solidarity, I put my name and residence city out there. I am not after a job, not too worried about international travel, as my personal opinions about world affairs are on the internet in multiple venues.
The FBI and CIA and NSA already know everything I have put on the internet, every phone call or text, and they have not taken me to a gulag yet.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

wendy davis's picture

thank you all, and see you in the morning. there could have been a better world, but for this horrid Imperial nation that runs on capitalism and finds enemies anywhere it can.

tonight's closing video is on the fuzzy side, but it's evo salsa dancing.


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wendy davis's picture

from AndeanInfonet on twitter:

clicking into añez's twitter account is beyond disgusting, even without being able to read spanish.

as further evidence that i'll never understand people, on yesterday's Open Thread at MoA, folks were bemoaning what had happeened to Evo, so i put up the title and link to the petition at counterpunch...and no one seemed to have even noticed it 40 comments later. odd-bodkins.

although the list of signatories is indeed growing longer, and that's a good thing. no weasel words like 'some people say the new president is a racist', and tra la la. jaysus, she even tweets it as evidence!

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Sooo glad Bernie spoke up and called this a coup.

For all the good it is doing.

Most Americans don't give a shit about South America.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

wendy davis's picture

@Fishtroller 02

for signing, and making your voice heard.

on edit: i'd hoped i might be able to leave this alone, but i've discovered i can't:

Sooo glad Bernie spoke up and called this a coup.

i dunno what he'd finally ended up with in subsequent iterations, perhaps he'd deemed it a military coup? but the reason a couple actual socialists on Twitter created this was i) to counter the petition as the Guardian, and ii) because so many left-of center US and canadian (naomi klein for instance) political figures and presidential candidates used very squishy and equivocating language on Twitter while calling it a coup, but not for instance calling it a US/CIA/OAS coup. or even confusing the issue by saying 'bolivians need free and fair elections!'... or 'some say anez is a racist', 'apears to be a coup', etc.

note tweet above: the OAS admitting they haven't even finished...'

when they were altogether fair; and now the OAS is doing it again, goddam, in other ALBA nations. Long live ALBA!

i sure never looked at the 805 signatures on the Guardian's petition, but pilger and molly-crap-abble made me laugh. ; ) bernie may have signed, who knows?

anyway, pace to you, and i'm glad you signed.

on edit: ahhh; i just ran into it accidentally. from nov. 11, 2029:

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