If you enjoy this video as comedy then you are a political junkie
Submitted by Alligator Ed on Tue, 09/17/2019 - 9:35pm
When one is dealing with something like Mona Lisa's cryptic smile, trying to analyze this psychologically one deals with a level of abstraction beyond everyday life. In just such wise, those who enjoy the video just for the sake of loving the political daftness of it all. No better straight man in all comedy, Jerrold Nadler. Brilliant!
I have either had too much brandy
Or not enough. I fucking don't know which. Maybe I need some oxycodone to help clarify the matter. I need some medical advice Dr. Alligator. I needed all the help I could get from spellcheck and I am totally tapped out. Obstruction of what? Sounds like a medical problem.
Bowel obstruction perhaps
P.S.: spellcheck consulted. The correct term is spelled S.H.I.T.
Herding cats..
If the democrats were serious about impeaching Trump they would have had subpoenas ready to go when they took the house. Instead they waited for Mueller to release his report and then hauled him in front of congress where he sat there like a brick and forgot what he even wrote in it.
There is one person in congress who can get a president's tax returns. Neil is that person and he kept stalling and stalling while he worked with republicans on legislation that gave banks more power to screw us over. Then more months went by until he finally did it, but he and Pelosi are just running out the clock. Why?
Bingo! If democrats run ByeDone against Trump we will have 4 more years of Trump. If that happens will democrats continue trying to impeach him? Nope. He is doing a great job for the master class.
This video shows how much time is wasted in congress because neither side wants anything done on this. I watched another video of Nadler scolding the big Lebowski and he just read from his report that had the same emotion soggy white bread. I wondered if he wrote it the night before knowing that the guy wouldn't say anything.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The most professional
and competent person in that room was the Clerk.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
If anyone is interested this Twitter thread has lots of videos
Oh good lord...
"He also said that no one has ever lied to congress..." well there was Brennan saying that the CIA never spied on congress and Clapper saying that the NSA didn't Hoover up all of our phone calls and I think someone told them that the Bush administration wasn't torturing people.. and... but not one of them have ever been charged for it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Congrats, snoopydawg--you are a certified political junkie
This is what we've devolved to...
A procedural point of order on whether contractors are considered staff for the purposes of asking a witness about obstructing an inquiry into an investigation of events that did not happen in order to distract from an investigation into events that did.
Look at Lewandowski: he acts like the lovechild of Jack Nicholson and Ollie North. If Nadler's Mr. Magoo inquiry truly is part of the Dems' master strategy to beat Cory and his no lips gang of Punky Brewster brownshirts in 2020, we're all in big trouble.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
"Privitization of impeachment"
If someone was trying to parody our lovely neoliberal Resistance they couldn't do a better job. It's public-private partnerships all the way down!
Impeachment funds go directly to DNC
Orange man Bad
Orange man BAD
Orange man BAD
Orange man BAD
Orange man very BAD
This is the clever marketing campaign which will defeat El Trumpo. You've all no doubt been impressed with the originality of the theme. Mr. Nadler is in the midst of a pseudo-impeachment fiasco with the "secret" support of Nervous Nancy. Here is his original idea: let's question witnesses who've already been queried by the Müller gang, which produced absofuckinglutely nothing, and ask them again. If they lie--well, only pursue those bad Repugnants and forget Adam Schiftless's crew/