Julian Castro, the Hispanic neoliberal.

At least that is what I think he is.

Back in 2008, the Hispanic candidate for president was Gov. Bill Richardson, a sitting governor, former energy secretary and former ambassador to the UN, I believe. He even had a bit of an international reputation as a negotiator in tough standoffs. Later scandals and questions about ethics had not yet surfaced. His eventual endorsement of Obama, in a packed stadium in Portland OR, was a major media event. It was widely believed that he would be Obama's Secretary of State--we know how that turned out.

Now, a decade later, the voting Hispanic population is larger, and, one would think, even more important to the Democratic Party, and their candidate is a former HUD secretary no one has heard of, and I doubt anyone cares whom he might endorse. I seem to recall that HUD is famously corrupt, is that right or just gossip? Last debate he distinguished himself by playing the I'm a smart Hispanic you are a dumb white guy game with, or at, Joe Biden. Now, I have no use for Biden, and he is way past his sell by date, but sheesh, what gives here? Was this a display of here's how I can take down Trump? Mr. President you have a gravy spot on your tie? Over at you tube, commentator Thersites the Historian said delicately that Castro was charisma challenged, I think was how he put it. I guess that is a nice, inoffensive say of saying looks and acts like a jerk.

Castro has a very professional and attractive website. Here are his issue headings:
People and Planet First
Protecting Animals and Wildlife

(I believe those two are meant to appeal to us dippy hippies, organic gardeners, and such. At least he has figured out that he can't win without us.)

Economic Plan for Working Families
Disarming Hate (I would guess that one is directed at the Shillary crowd)
Indigenous Communities (Another group he needs)
Policing (The proposals here aren't bad, pretty much parrots what AA activists have been saying for years)
Lead as in lead pipes.

This is a program for someone running for Senate or Congress. The proposals under the heading 'Housing' are all neo liberal band aids, vouchers, tax credits and such, not one word about rent controls.

Something else not mentioned is foreign policy. Not. One. Word. Not even as president I will indict Elliot Abrams, et al, and refrain from invading Latin American countries. You tell me, what am I supposed to think? Is he funded by let us say special interests who expect to dictate his FP should he be elected?

Does anyone here know or have any insight into what is up with this guy?

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Shahryar's picture

they go as far as saying "I'll stop endless war somehow" and "Maduro is a tyrant". To these candidates foreign policy is getting back to the Paris Accords.

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@Shahryar but nothing at all on the subject on the website? Not even some well meaning platitudes?

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Mary Bennett

gulfgal98's picture

@Shahryar Why do you think they are working so hard to keep Tulsi Gabbard off the debate stage?

American foreign policy is to first declare some leader who will not play ball with the US imperialist machine as "a brutal dictator" who mistreats his people, yadda, yadda, yadda. And then the US will try to engineer a coup via sanctions, which kills people. If that does not work, then we bomb the hell out of them, kill thousands millions of innocent civilians, and destroy their country, all in the name of spreading democracy.

This is terrorism, US style. But we are supposed to be the good guys. I am so sick of this shit.

As for Julian Castro and all the others, they are all part of the system. They are all neoliberals of varying degrees.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Wally's picture


Who on that stage said anything about endless war (and cutting the defence budget, critisizing US foreign economic policies in Latin America and elsewhere, voting against military budgets etc) besides Bernie?

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snoopydawg's picture

and getting away with it that he just flipped. I watched some videos of him going after ByeDone and cheered him on. This and the fact that he didn't get much time during the debate. But Buttijudge tried to be the referee and get people to stop fighting each other. He was told that happens during debates. Shut him up...

Is he funded by let us say special interests who expect to dictate his FP should he be elected?

Aren't they all being funded by special interests? But I don't know who is behind him cuz I haven't followed him much.

former HUD secretary no one has heard of

I knew that about him because he did some crappy things when he ran HUD. Cut funding to it, but Obama cut most programs. Billions from food stamps...

To Shar...

I'm seeing tweets that Ramos set Bernie up for the question on Madura. BS. Even if he did Bernie didn't have to say what he did and call him a murderous tyrant. But then no one has talked much about foreign policy except Bernie has thrown out that we need to cut the budget. Better than liz's green new military equipment. Just how much would this cost? Groan!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg A lot of us are getting fed up with Biden, but I thought that was a pretty useless and unkind reaction from Castro. Why not call out the lies directly?

I am not at all surprised about you say about Castro's HUD tenure; the guy seems utterly cold to me, in character, not personality.

About FP, all these people are running for president, for crying out loud. Us nobodies don't need to bother our pretty heads about complicated stuff like who the candidate wants to bomb first.

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Mary Bennett

Wally's picture


I think Bernie said vicious which was overdone but not the equivalent of murderous.

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WaterLily's picture

@snoopydawg That just needed to be said twice.

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Alligator Ed's picture

He stuck a fork into ByeDone which has not yet been withdrawn. Whenever JoJo fucks up, which is almost daily, even if one agreed with policies (if one can understand what he is talking about), the flub will be picked up liberally, even by the illiberal DNC-loving MSM.

He's walking dead--just like Jack the Toad


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the alligator himself, sez the Evil Queen is going to bestow her presence on us mortals once again for a rematch against Orange Julius.

All is now clear. Biden stumbles and falls, with Her Boy Julian to stick in the knife and deliver the Hispanic vote. Guess that explains who is financing him. Disclaimer: pure speculation on my part, we shall see.

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Mary Bennett

Wally's picture


He may well be jettisoned given his debate deviations and/or he may attempt to join the other (HerHeinous) team with promises of being VP. Speculation but possible, nonetheless..

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@Wally would have at least denounced the Trump adventure in Venezuela.

I am more and more leaning to the view that he is attack dog for Herself and that he had his orders going to the campaign and the debate. Obama tried to dissuade Biden from running, remember. Now Castro gets to brag that I took down the VP! I doubt he would be tapped for VP himself, though given Herself's general incompetence, who knows? If he is smart he will hold out for a Senate seat.

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Mary Bennett

earthling1's picture

someone, anyone, would have asked all the candidates which country they would bomb first if they were elected, just to get them on record.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Wally's picture

Since some implied he would?

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@Wally I know Bernie doesn't like him much, but Israel has a right to exist, unlike every other country on the planet.

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TheOtherMaven's picture


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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Wally's picture


Might want to check out this from Bernie directed at Netanyahu:


Bernie Sanders Fires Back at Netanyahu and IsraelSen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks with MSNBC Thursday. (YouTube screen grab)
Sen. Bernie Sanders told MSNBC Thursday night that perhaps Israel should not be receiving billions of dollars in U.S. military aid after the right-wing government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu barred Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering the country

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Wally's picture


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leading Democratic Presidential hopeful is sundowning. Media won't do it. Rather, they said that Castro was mean.

Yes, Casto embarrassed Biden by speaking the absolute truth about a very public figure. So what? Is it better to risk a victim or Alzheimer's or dementia becoming the Democratic nominee for POTUS, so we have a repeat of 2016, the Trumpster versus an unacceptable Democrat, plus assorted newer party candidates with zero chance of winning the general?

In my book, Castro performed a public service that was much needed because media, who should have been doing it for months, is as corrupt and ruthless as any corrupt politician.

As far as being a neoliberal, of course he is. So is his twin. Otherwise, the Party would be treating them like it treats Tulsi. Besides, this Castro brother was an Obama nominee, which could not be a more clear tell.

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@HenryAWallace @HenryAWallace 1. I doubt there was ever much chance of Biden becoming the nominee, and he is clearly not compos mentis. Myself, if Brother Alligator is correct, it would appear that Biden was sent to clear the way for Her Magnificence.

2. I would like to hear from someone on stage a detailed critique of neo liberal foreign policy with a promise of no more overseas interventions. I consider it insulting to American voters for anyone to run for national office without making a clear statement of what they think our foreign policy ought to be. Castro, the Hispanic candidate, couldn't even bring himself to denounce the Trump adventure in Venezuela.

As for meanness, let us be at least consistent here. If Klobuchar's treatment of her staff is going to be an "issue" then so also can the demeanor of other candidates. I will add that while I used to think well of Klobuchar, I have been greatly disappointed in her.

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Mary Bennett

dystopian's picture

The San Antonio folk know the Castros, well unfortunately. They are stone cold neolibs. Julian told the story of how he quit his high-dollar lawyer job to vote against a golf course luxury development. That was true. He left out the part about when he later compromised, and the golf course and luxury development he "blocked", is yes, there today. So he told part of the story which was true. But left out the part about how he caved and the course is there today. Brilliant, but a con.

I don't know if this was the article, I think not, but a link I had handy... but which
now this link doesn't seem to be working in my check a moment ago... anyway, it should be findable if searched ...

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

@dystopian Castro stands revealed as accommodating of power and money, if not treacherous. I don't doubt he would conspire with the DNC and maybe even with the Klintons for his own career, which makes his failure to say anything about foreign policy ominous. I don't think I trust this guy.

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Mary Bennett

snoopydawg's picture


which is sell us out just like every politician does once they do.

More importantly, Castro absorbed many of the political lessons and much of the approach that defined both Obama’s time in the White House and the years preceding it: a technocratic, business-friendly style aiming to work squarely within existing political orthodoxy, stress consensus over class war, and one that often gave short shrift to the working class.

He grew up being an activist for the people and then eventually went against them. I often wonder what I'd do if I went into politics. Would I sell out too or stay who I am? Power corrupts...

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.