the Kontinuing Killing of Iran
Will it reach a CKrescendo soon? Yes, we’re lookin’ at you, Bibi. Also: your wife wears combat boots (on her face), so there!
Having failed at piracy, the US resorts to outright blackmail—deliver us Iran’s oil and receive several million dollars or be sanctioned yourself.
Sounds very similar to the Oval Office invitation I received a few weeks back.
It is becoming a pattern.#BTeamGangsters
— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) September 4, 2019
‘Washington escalates “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran’, 6 September 2019,, Bill Van Auken
“In abrogating US commitment to that deal [the JCPOA], in flagrant violation of international law, the Trump administration embarked upon a strategy of US aggression and regime change in Iran. This has involved the steady escalation of a “maximum pressure” campaign aimed at starving the Iranian people into submission, combined with a buildup of US military forces in the Persian Gulf in preparation for armed intervention.
The “maximum pressure” campaign’s stated aim is to drive Iran’s oil exports, which account for the overwhelming share of the country’s earnings, down to zero. According to most estimates, exports of Iranian crude oil have been slashed by roughly 80 percent.
Trump gloated over the effects of the sanctions during a White House press briefing Wednesday. “They’ve got a big problem,” he said. “They’re getting killed, financially. Their inflation is at a number that few people have ever seen inflation at. (sic)”
The measures taken by the United States amount to a criminal act of collective punishment against Iran’s 83 million people. In addition to slashing the country’s export income, the US sanctions regime has also frozen Iran out of the US-dominated world financial system, severely hindering the country’s ability to import vital necessities, including food and medicines that are technically exempt from the US blockade.
As a result, children on cancer wards are being denied the drugs needed to combat the disease and are dying in growing numbers. What imported drugs are available are in short supply, and their prices have skyrocketed. The financial sanctions have disrupted supply chains for Iran’s own extensive pharmaceutical industry, further reducing the availability of drugs and condemning many more to an early death. Among Iran’s working people, those not being killed outright by the sanctions are more and more being driven into poverty and hunger as the cost of food, housing and other basic necessities skyrocket.
There is no evidence, however, that the sanctions have destabilized the Iranian government, while its principal base, Iran’s capitalist ruling class, continues to reap profits, even as masses of workers are confronting increasingly desperate conditions.” [snip]
And while I suppose Iran’s ruling class continuing to reap profits, wsws does say the same about the Maduro government, Xi’s, and of course Putin’s oligarchs, I at least find myself hoping that it’s not quite so.
“Since then, Washington has been flailing about for a means of escalating its drive for regime change in Iran. On Wednesday, the Trump administration unveiled a new set of sweeping sanctions aimed at paralyzing the shipment of Iran’s oil exports. Claiming that the shipping network being used to evade Washington’s unilateral sanctions is run by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, it threatened to target any “non-U.S. persons who knowingly provide significant goods, services, or support” to Iran’s oil shipments with punishing sanctions. “Failure to take heed … bears grave consequences,” an administration official told the Washington Post.” [snip]
Trump himself swings wildly between offers of negotiations and threats of all-out war.
Remember we were told that FM Zarif had paid a ‘surprise visit’ to the G7 Summit, and wondered how that went?
“At the G7 summit last month, he seemed to embrace a proposal by French President Emmanuel Macron to extend a $15 billion line of credit to Iran to convince it to continue abiding by the terms of the JCPOA, which was supposed to trade a severe curtailment of Iran’s nuclear program for a lifting of the sanctions that have been re-imposed by Washington. Macron’s invitation to Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif to talks at the G7 were seen as a preparation for direct US-Iranian negotiations.
On Wednesday, however, Washington indicated it had no intention of allowing France to go through with the deal, while Trump told reporters that he didn’t need Macron to talk to Iran. Administration officials speaking to the media dismissed the “French scheme,” exposing the sharp conflicts between Europe and America over the Iranian question.”
Now this is both terrifyingly nutz and dangerous, but he offers no link to the Times piece, and I couldn’t kick it up externally, albeit paywalls and all that rot. Were they all anonymous US and Israeli officials, as the NYSlimes often quotes in their war fervor?
“The threat that the escalating tensions produced by US imperialism’s “maximum pressure” campaign will erupt into a full-scale war was underscored by a lengthy article published by the New York Times Wednesday reviewing the protracted collaboration between Washington and Israel in relation to Iran.
Citing US and Israeli officials, the article made clear that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is actively considering the launching of a unilateral military strike against Iranian nuclear installations, an action that would receive a green light from the Trump White House. Confronting a growing political crisis and the threat of criminal prosecution, Netanyahu has in recent weeks ordered Israeli military strikes against targets allegedly linked to Iran in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.”
Related evidence?
I defined three main goals for the IDF and the security arms in the following order: First, to stop and prevent the Iranian nuclear project. Second, to prevent Iran from supplying our enemies and its proxies, such as Hezbollah and others, with precision weapons that endanger us.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) September 3, 2019
“The article also underscored the bipartisan character of the protracted US campaign for regime change in Iran. Trump, the article states, “inherited a loaded gun: military plans for an Iran strike that had been meticulously refined during the Obama years.” The Times piece cites how, under the Obama administration, the Pentagon built a full-scale replica of Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility in a desert in the American southwest, destroying it with a 30,000-pound bunker-busting bomb designed by the US Air Force.”
‘Iran will give Europe two months to save nuclear deal – Rouhani’, 4 Sept. 4, 2019,
“Europe has two months to negotiate sanctions relief for Tehran, otherwise the country will initiate ‘phase three’ in its rollback of commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said.
“Europe has another two-month deadline for negotiations, agreement, and a return to its commitments,” Rouhani warned at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
Tehran has been calling on the EU to provide relief from the sweeping sanctions that were imposed by Washington after the US unilaterally left the 2015 deal, known as the JCPOA. Iranian officials have warned that they will gradually reduce their commitments under the agreement if this does not happen.
In early July, Iran activated the ‘first phase’ of this strategy by increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium beyond the 300kg limit imposed by the JCPOA. The ‘second phase’ – enriching uranium beyond 3.67 percent – was effected shortly afterwards.”
US treasury's OFAC nothing more than a 'jail warden': Iran’s @JZarif #Iran #US #OFAC #EconomicTerrorism
— Iran (@Iran) September 5, 2019
@IsraeliPM · 7h7 hours ago 'My meeting yesterday with @EsperDoD was one between two countries that greatly support each other. The alliance between the US and Israel has never been stronger. This finds expression in many concrete things and in cooperation in every field related to the security of Israel'
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: This is not the time to hold talks with Iran; this is the time to increase the pressure on Iran.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) September 5, 2019
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

H/t b at MoA: via FARS news english
Sept.5, 2019:
@JZarif · 15h15 hours ago '#US #EconomicTerrorism against Cuba, China, Russia, Syria, Iran &... deliberately target civilians, trying to achieve illegitimate political objectives through intimidation of innocent people. US rouge [rogue, villainous], behavior now includes piracy, bribery & blackmail'
Any life you wish!
Friend! All we require is a small deposit of your government's oil, and you will be rich!
Probably just got lost in the spam folder.....
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
ta for the extra bits, amigo.
FT is behind a paywall for me. speculative comment of the day (as thus far the only comment):
thanks, not henry kissinger.
Brian Hook:

closing time for me,
and i'll end with this trenchant quote:
“There was no corner of the known world where some interest was not alleged to be in danger or under actual attack. If the interests were not Roman, they were those of Rome's allies; and if Rome had no allies, then allies would be invented. When it was utterly impossible to contrive such an interest—why, then it was the national honor that had been insulted. The fight was always invested with an aura of legality. Rome was always being attacked by evil-minded neighbors, always fighting for a breathing space. The whole world was pervaded by a host of enemies, and it was manifestly Rome's duty to guard against their indubitably aggressive designs. They were enemies who only waited to fall on the Roman people.”
~ Joseph Schumpeter, 1951
About a week ago, Javad Zarif was invited to speak
...Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI. SPIRI is one of the most respected think tanks in the world, dedicated to conflict resolution, arms control, disarmament, and peace.
Dr. Zarif's topic was ‘International Law and Unilateralism’, and he spoke at length with references to facts and to the history of the region and the conflict, never once glancing at his manuscript. The reporter I was reading became indgnant when he saw the press was there to sabotage his address and make certain that what he had to say could never reach a western audience.
Could someone remind me again about "the terrible thing that Iran did" for which the West believes Iran must be terrorized and destroyed. I don't recall Iran attacking anyone in the past 400 years or so, but I may have missed class that day.
The reporter, Jan Oberg, is a prominent peace activist in Sweden. The Swedish Press was among the most disgusting of the foreign press in smearing the event. Oberg finally fashioned his own press report as a heated critique against members of the despicable Western News Publishing Cartel.
Jan Oberg is the co-founder of The Transnational, a library and foundation "for peace by peaceful means." It is a real treasure trove, the kind that is becoming rare on the Internet. This searchable collection began in 1986 and has links to even the forgotten Internet. You might want to grab a bookmark to this one. A one-stop shop for international answers from the politically sane.
The Transnational
oh, thank you for all of this,
and i'm sorry i've been so under water in real life that i hadn't known you'd commented. good on jan oberg, for his challenge to and exposé those who'd mocked zarif for his 'charm offensive' and called him names. yes, i know the organization in part from this june 2019 diary: SIPRI: Israel has close to 100 nuclear warheads.
but apart from the CIA/MI6 overthrow of mossadegh in 1953, as to your trenchant Q and observation:
a new commenter at the café had asked a related Q, so i went thru the litany of pres. mahmoud amedinejad long ago having been quoted (some say mistranslated) that israel needed to be wiped of the map (or earth, depending). and that bibi had bragged that it was he who'd caused the Tweeter in Chief to pull the US out of the JCPOA.
as well, the divisions are also Wahabbi muslim (saudi arabia ruling class) v. shiite iran, and the proxy wars in syria, yemen, (wherever else) that drag in allies to each nation. but of course 'making the economy scream' (kissinger and the chicago boys, the evil putsch in chile against salvador allende) is useful for an insurgency that might grow into another color revolution regime change, yes? but so far, it hasn't worked. so is bibi posturing about bombing iran's nuclear facilities to deflect from his political nightmares at home?
and thank you for bringing the links to The Transnational, pluto's republic. i'll look in a bit, so many more miles of chores to go before i sleep... yes, i should email the link to myself, bless your heart.
(ah, a bit of a rain shower with the sun shining here; what a sweet, sweet scent...)