The government is rotten beyond redemption
Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era
Appalling for both the villainous abuse of children itself and the chilling implications of government by blackmail, this tangled web of unsavory alliances casts a lurid light on the political history of the U.S. from the Prohibition Era right up through the Age of Trump. This report, Part II of this series titled “The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big To Fail,” will delve into Cohn’s close ties to the Reagan administration, which was also closely tied to the same organized crime network led by the infamous mob figure Meyer Lansky, which was discussed in Part I.
Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire who now sits in jail on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors, has continued to draw media scrutiny in the weeks after his arrest on July 6. Part of the reason for this continued media interest is related to Epstein’s alleged relationship to the intelligence services and new information about the true extent of the sexual blackmail operation Epstein is believed to have run for decades.
As MintPress reported last week, Epstein was able to run this sordid operation for so long precisely because his was only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive operation that began in the 1950s and perhaps even earlier.
Years later, documents released by the FBI would show that Epstein became an FBI informant in 2008, when Robert Mueller was the Bureau’s director, in exchange for immunity from then-pending federal charges, a deal that fell through with Epstein’s recent arrest on new federal charges. In addition, former FBI Director Louis Freeh would be hired by Alan Dershowitz, who is accused of raping girls at Epstein’s homes and was once a character witness for Roy Cohn, to intimidate Epstein’s victims. As previously mentioned, Freeh’s past appointment as a judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York was orchestrated by Cohn’s law partner Tom Bolan.
Thus, the FBI’s cover-up of the Franklin case is just one example of the Bureau’s long-standing practice of protecting these pedophile rings when they involve members of the American political elite and provide the Bureau with a steady supply of blackmail. It also makes it worth questioning the impartiality of one of the main prosecutors in the Jeffrey Epstein case,
All of this has taken place with the full knowledge and blessing of top figures in the world of “philanthropy” and in the U.S. government and intelligence communities, with great influence over several presidential administrations, particularly since the rise of Ronald Reagan and continuing through to Donald Trump.
There is no way to properly excerpt the article without leaving out important information so you can read it yourselves. Whitney Webb has done an outstanding job piecing together the numerous players who have been involved in child sexual abuse going back to the prohibition era with the full knowledge of many people high up in government. Reagan, George H.W Bush, many members of congress, the state department, the FBI and CIA and the Catholic Church. These people turned a blind eye to the suffering of countless boys and girls just so they could advance whatever sick ..... they wanted.
Epstein was found in his cell in a fetal position with marks on his neck. There are some very powerful people who don't want him to talk and that he wasn't under protective control already and on suicide watch is unfuckingbelievable. Unless of course the people who have a lot to lose did it on purpose.
Start with part one of this heinous saga to see how long the PTB have deliberately turned a blind eye to child abuse.

The FBI and CIA...
are the mafia branch of our government marketing drugs, sex, and anything else to suppress socialism and promote more war and conflict. Helluva fix.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sounds like this prevert
Got the memo. Clam up or die.
Aya carumba.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Wish there was a way to read her two articles about this
in copy instead of online.... I hate reading long stuff online.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Are you having trouble printing?
I did a quick "print preview" in FireFox and it looked good. I see FF has a "simplify page" setting now that reduced the size by a factor of three.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Mintpress must have some kind of protection on its
articles because both on google and firefox, the download for printing has gaps in the narrative from one page to the other.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Did you
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
My preview set up does not have a 'simplify' choice.
But thanks for trying to help. It would have used up too much ink anyway!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Worse than you can imagine
I am reading a a page-turner about the Manson case, CHAOS, by Tom O'Neil. I am only 130 or so pages into it but one thing is clear: Vincent Bugliosi suborned perjury, concealed evidence and his "helter skelter" theory of the case, the theory on which The Family were convicted, was an invention.
How does this connect with Epstein? Well, first off it confirms that Bugliosi has been a liar most of his adult life, as while this is the first book-length criticism of his handling of the case, I think it goes far to show that his role has been the generation of false narratives for many cases. It also suggests the the LADA office has been infiltrated by people with an amoral violence who have no allegiance to the truth. And I suspect, by the time I get to the end of the book, that the lines of power will have extended to many of the other large scandals over the last half-century, meaning that the deepest corridors of power have been entertaining the American public with gruesome psyops that push the public this way or that.
This is not the first book to criticize Bugliosi's body of work. Jim DiEugenio wrote and then revised a book on all the lies perpetrated in Bugliosi's "masterpiece" on the JFK murder and its investigation. Lisa Pease hasn't been kind to Bugliosi. Nor have I. He wrote a foreward to Mark Fuhrman's and then wrote a book of his own on the Brentwood murders, which should make anyone suspicious of the official prosecution story of that double homicide.
What needs to be reiterated is that the CIA, born out of corrupt Wall Streeters, insanely right-wing generals and a coven of Nazi war criminals, have performed as one would expect.
The CIA has infiltrated every government agency, allowing the criminals like Stein to operate. Not only allowing them to operate but to use them as part of their larger goals.
Right now I am on my computer, which is collecting all my information. It has a camera which can get live videos of me without my say so. We have one of those Alexa thingies that can record things we talk about in our home. I've got a Samsung TV with an ear open. There are surveillance cameras on every block of our cities.
Can I say this? We are fucked. Grab some popcorn and watch America's rapid demise into full-control fascism.
I'd only heard good things about Bugliosi
his case to prosecute W for mass-murder?
What do you think ofHeck, how do we know what you've been reading hasn't been a smear campaign to discredit another true enemy of Morgoth?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
@The Liberal Moonbat Didn't read it, but I'd
Bugliosi is labeled as a liberal, and as such provides margins to what people on the left side of the imaginary aisle are allowed to think. He's a thought leader, very important in social control. It wouldn't do for a Billy Graham Jr. to be used as a thought leader of the left, would it?
But a prosecutor who suborns perjury and writes volumes supporting the Warren Commission should raise suspicions by those following him and his positions. DiEugenio, who wrote THE JFK ASSASSINATION about all of Bugliosi's JFK BS in the JFK assassination, is a good place to start. CHAOS looks like another place to go.
I'll look up to see what Morgoth is, but attaching some kind of satanic creature to an atheist's analysis of deep politics smells a little like bad-jacketing.
"Bad-jacketing" - I'd never heard of that before
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Morgoth is the Great Spider
This used to be A Thing among organized science fiction fandom, a parody of the evangelical pamphlets handed out by various wingnut cults/denominations. "Morgoth is the Great Spider who sits at the web at the center of the Universe, and He Doesn't Like You!"
Used to have one of those parody pamphlets, don't know if I still do.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I always appreciate
Re the late Bugs: I believe it was author Jim DiEugenio who suggested in a very long book review of Bugs' "magnum opus" doorstop screed on the assassination (some 1600 pgs, not counting a thou of footnotes on CD-ROM), that Bugs didn't actually write most of it, which was done by a ghost writer. VB's previous books, other than HS, barely reached 100 pgs, and only with the assistance of repetition and verbose legalese.
On the doorstop tome, you are supposed to be impressed and awed into submission by those numbers, as Bugs was, taking another page from the Warren Omission's thousand page Report and its insider belief that "Americans don't read". No one, except a handful like the patient and diligent DiEugenio, ever reads the whole thing -- that's the point. You are just supposed to stop dead in your tracks and accept its overwhelming overwhelmingness.
VB was always a very mixed bag, at best, and with one exception, always wore his prosecutor's hat. The one exception being his small book excoriating Ken Starr's starchamber proceedings. But Alan Dershowitz's book on same was much better, more thorough, and far more readable. Vince's style was a bullying, table-pounding approach -- belittling the idiots who disagreed with him was a common technique, trotting out fancy Latin phrases to accompany his legal arguments was standard. This seemed to have the flavor of, If I know Latin and the law, you ignoramuses will stand at attention and listen.
As for the Epstein case, which I've barely followed: if it's true that he could implicate the very powerful, from both parties, and maybe those currently holding high office or with top positions in the private sector, do you really think they would allow him to testify or talk? He would be Jack Ruby'd (fairly quick-acting cancer agent given during routine medical exam or in his regular food) or successfully "suicided" -- and I don't believe TPTB with their many decades of experience in silencing potential talkers, have suddenly gotten incompetent about administering these methods.
Was Manson innocent?
Set up by the CIA? Wow. Who knew?
Manson was guilty of a lot
The CIA ran deadly psyops to sway public opinion, first against opposition to the Vietnam war, and then against leftist iterations like black power, feminism, and any movement towards social justice. If you were alive then, you would have felt fear against those damned hippies. In fact, California, under Governor Reagan, had ex-Nazis, CIA and all sorts of fascist residua operating in the state.
In any case, I still have lots of pages to go. These eruptions were psyops, just as the Russiagate is our big psyop now. It's important that people fear "the other" so much that they are ready to give up a little more freedom. If hippies don't scare you anymore then maybe the Russians will.
So the CIA...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Let's not forget Jeff Gannon
Or Ted Haggard
sniffing speed off a male prostitute's pectorals.
Or Denny Hastert
Seems "our" government
is capable of anything. Is assassination of politicians by the government too far fetched? Maybe this is why the democratic party is the way it is today.
If you lived through the sixties
I think
And some people
can't believe J.Edgar Hoover wore ladies undergarments.
Cream may rise to the top, but mildew quickly forms above that.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Is this how Mueller will be taken down?
We all know Trump wanted Mueller fired due to what he called Mueller's witch hunt, but that would have looked bad, and might have been illegal (inal), so The Fixer stayed and "investigated" *cough, cough*
So, I'm wondering if ole Mueller might have his own neck in a noose of sorts having been FBI head at the time slime dude Epstein became an informant back in '08. Was Mueller only indirectly involved in the "investigation" against the blackmailer, Epstein? Or, since Epstein became an informant for the FBI, was Mueller more directly involved? And, isn't being threatened by LEOs if someone doesn't give them what they want a form of blackmail in, and of, itself? (Not defending the slime ball in any way.)
Do any Q followers have some crumbs that might lead to Mueller going down for his involvement? I can see that being seen as sweet revenge by the Trump worshipers.
Side note: I'm betting the Clintons are pissing their pants since 2 shots to the back of the head, small plane crash, and botched robbery are all off the table for suiciding this thorn in their sides. He'll have to be shanked or Sandra Blanded. Also, who/what has been found at his island?
Off to read the links now, snoop. Thanks for posting this.
Both of Webb's articles are very informative
about how far back children were used as pawns to attack others in the government and foreign governments. In her first article she talks about Cohn who was McCarthy's side kick who not only used kids, but also set up people for homosexual acts. The stunning thing about that is that Cohn himself was gay and died from AIDS. When he got sick Nancy finally decided to talk to St. Ronnie and get him to get off his ass and do something about the epidemic that had already killed close to 40,000 Americans.
In her second article she talks about Ft. Ritter who's charity for kids was just a pipeline for using them for sexual activities to ensnare politicians. The senior catholic priest in NYC (?) at the time was fully aware of what was happening and just turned a blind eye to it. May they both be roasting in HELL for what they did to vulnerable kids!
Part 3 will be out next week and she will talk more about the current time with Epstein. But yeah it looks like Ft. Barr set Epstein up in a position to start his role in child sex trafficking. I cannot think of anything more abhorrent for people to turn a blind eye to that or to take part in it. Presidents and congress members have known all along what was happening and yet did nothing.
There is also the ties to the Israeli government in many of Webb's articles and the other article that have been written since Epstein was arrested again. But cui bono? Who IS the target for having that happen after so many years? Trump has already fallen in line and is fully on board with the wars for oil, so what else do they need him to do? Crash the US economy? He is doing a great job of doing that right now.......
De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire
I am horrible at economic things, but I was able to follow this article to see where things are going. It is just another way to further the asset stripping of the country. Fuck them all!!
Cohn was very good friends with Donnie, but that is another essay. But I do think Webb covered that in one of her articles.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Mossad connections
Yeah, I've read about Pappy Maxwell being a mossad puppet. And then the powerful Jewish interests noted in the linked article (2 of 3 in series), but the two aren't necessarily the same, are they? Jewish Mob and Mossad? I guess they can be, since our gov and the mob have historically worked hand in hand. Might as well be the same?
I'm sitting here wondering, though, with Trump's familial ties to Israel, via his pro Zionist son in law, and Epstein's ties to Mossad via his co-abuser partner, [insert sexist "C word" expletive here], where on earth is all this leading?
Please let us know when part 3 comes online!
Will do
Here's my essay on Part 1
Probably intertwined in someway. Separate yet equal
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Still reading, but just saw this in the linked article:
As I recall
Imagine being a part of an organization that kills people, smuggles drugs, runs psychological operations against its country and who pretty much will never be prosecuted. Small fish may fry, but the big guys don't get exposed (certainly as long as Maddow and others are on the air).
Sounds about right, BiP
Who was the African leader they tried to assassinate so many times in the 60s? Poor bastard! The book I read about it in (The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X) is at work, or I'd look up his name. He proved hard to kill.
Our govt was also illegally tapping the phones of MLKjr and Malcolm at that time. Hoover spoke to US AG Kennedy about the taps, but no warrant was requested or granted, iirc.
I really should bring home the book so I don't misquote what I vaguely recall reading in it. It's full of citations too.
And no, I can't imagine working for an org like that. They make working for big oil sound like working at a small town library.
Patrice Lumumba?
That must be him, ll
Thanks for the link too. I forwarded it to my son who seems to romanticize the effing CIA ever since he heard a spook's speech at his university a couple years back. "But Mom, they don't even carry guns. They're not like cops." Ugh!
I'm going to re-read the book that's sitting atop my mini-fridge in my office. Sure thought they tried repeatedly to kill Lumumba but I only found (in an article from The Guardian) an attempt at giving him a lethal virus, and then (at Wikipedia) death by firing squad after imprisonment.
Thanks again!
Best wishes for success in motivating him to re-evaluate the CIA
I read part 1 late last night
and followed its embedded links with a sense of peering through endless underground tunnels where subhuman beings move about relentlessly and endlessly through semi-darkness, propelled by greed, power hunger, sex hunger, and fear. This must be one version of hell on earth. What's so unnerving is how easily these creatures put on a fine suit, a dazzling smile, reach up into the sunlight, grab the ankles of elected power holders and, via assassination and blackmail threats, pull them down into something inescapable.
Whitney Webb's excellent piece makes it clear that they've been doing this for decades; in cooperation with corporate power, they've taken possession of the workings of government. They are a huge part of what we call the Deep State. They've succeeded at this often enough and well enough that it's time we recognize them as the enemies of democracy they are. They are cheating US, our children, our collective future. They and their oligarchic upper echelons are standing between us and a government that serves our needs, between us and a sustainable future. They cancel out hope. And to think, Bobbie Kennedy had just begun to take them on.
I'm "looking forward" to reading Part 2 later today. Thanks for posting this, snoopydawg.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Well said, laurel
You describe what has happened with people involved in the government and the halls of power perfectly. From doing things described in the articles to the endless wars with endless deaths and destruction, the people in charge are very disgusting and very dangerous. Look at how many people who have been charged for whistleblowing have been accused of having pornography on their computers or other disgusting acts. Just one of the many ways people are blackmailed into compliance.
Glad to hear that you started with part one. This really shows how long our government has been captured.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.