Maxwell was Epstein's Conduit to Trump, Clintons, Prince Andrew
An item in today's Politico substantiates suspicions that Ghislaine Maxwell and her father, the late Mossad-linked tycoon, Robert Maxwell, were Jeffrey Epstein's handlers and conduit to prominent Americans, including Donald Trump and the Clintons.
The article, "Meet the woman who ties Jeffrey Epstein to Trump and the Clintons
Heiress Ghislaine Maxwell paved the way to presidents", asks the leading question:
How did wealthy sex offender Jeffrey Epstein come to be palling around with Bill Clinton and Donald Trump?
Politico provides many interesting details that go to the answer. First, it establishes that Ghislaine first approached Trump through connections made by her father, and she may have been the person to introduce Epstein to Trump. Ghislaine, who was granted immunity in the 2008 plea deal, is portrayed as having been the initiator of Epstein's shared sexual encounters with a then underage girl, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, whom she recruited when Giuffre was working as a woman's changing room attendant at Trump's Florida club. She is also said to have been the conduit through which Epstein first met the Clintons, developing financial ties between them through charities run by both.
While providing many suggestive details about Maxwell, the article altogether skirts the back-story of the Maxwell family business: Robert Maxwell's well-documented decades-long espionage activities on behalf of Israel before his death in 1991, which included coordination of gun-running in the 1948 war and later in the Iran-Contra affair.
Here are some interesting pieces of the puzzle covered in the article:
• Trump’s ties to Maxwell and her late father, the publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, meanwhile, go back even further, to at least the late 1980s.
"He really likes her,” said Steven Hoffenberg, a former mentor to Epstein who pleaded guilty in 1995 to running a massive Ponzi scheme, of Trump and Maxwell. “He was friendly with her father.”
• An item from a May 1989 gossip column placed Trump and both Maxwells together at a party aboard the elder Maxwell’s yacht, named the Lady Ghislaine, that featured caviar flown in from Paris and former Republican senator John Tower of Texas. The item notes that Trump compared his own larger yacht with Maxwell’s.
The article reminds us that Trump had bought his yacht from Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi -- uncle of the slain Washington Post contributor Jamal and (unmentioned, a principal in the Iran-Contra affair) -- and Maxwell’s yacht, "Lady Ghislaine", was also purchased second-hand from one of the Khashoggi brothers.
The Politico piece goes on:
• Robert Maxwell’s biographer later related an incident from around the same period when Ghislaine was working for one of her father’s business enterprises selling corporate gifts. While planning a trip to New York, she asked her father to use his friendship with Trump to get her a meeting with the mogul.
Politico makes it clear that that Robert Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine, was the primary conduit through which Epstein was introduced to leading American politicians, including two Presidents, who would later figure large in the Maxwell-Epstein sex scandal.
• It is not clear whether [Ghislaine] Maxwell first introduced Trump and Epstein, who socialized together at least as early as 1992, but Maxwell was crucial in ensuring Epstein’s access to Trump’s world. Archival video unearthed on Wednesday by NBC from that year shows Trump and Epstein surrounded by dancing women at Mar-a-Lago, with Maxwell smiling in the background.
• According to “Filthy Rich,” a 2016 book about Epstein by best-selling author and Mar-a-Lago member James Patterson, “Although Epstein had never properly joined the club, Trump’s friendship with Ghislaine Maxwell gave Epstein unlimited use of the facilities.”
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, a former changing room attendant at Mar-a-Lago who has accused Epstein of sexually abusing her as a minor, alleges in a lawsuit that she was first approached at the club in 1998 by Ghislaine Maxwell, who convinced her to meet Epstein and joined him in the abuse. Maxwell has denied wrongdoing.[ . . . ]
• [Ghislaine] Maxwell first grew close with the Clintons after Bill Clinton left office, vacationing on a yacht with Chelsea Clinton in 2009, attending her wedding in 2010, and participating in the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2013, years after her name first emerged in accounts of Epstein’s alleged sexual abuse.
Indeed, it was Ghislaine Maxwell who had earlier been introduced to British royalty and high society by her father, who in turn introduced Epstein to the same circles.
• According to the Daily Telegraph, it was Maxwell who introduced Epstein to the British royal, whose association with the sex offender has been a long-running scandal in the United Kingdom. Epstein also attended a birthday party for Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle in 2000. That same year, Maxwell and Prince Andrew attended what The Daily Mail described as a “hookers and pimps”-themed Halloween party hosted by Heidi Klum.
While providing some dots, this article like others, refuses to connect them with other publicly available evidence of the Maxwell family's special relationship spanning decades with Israeli intelligence. Nor is there any reference to the rampant child sex abuse scandals involving ranking UK politicians and intelligence officials that have been a staple of the British tabloid press, including Maxwell's Mail press syndicate, since the early 1960s.
In one 1986 flair-up, Ghislaine takes center stage as the alleged victim of a blackmail scheme in a political sex scandal. In what turned out to be an entrapment scheme of Harvey Proctor, a Conservative MP, arranged by The People, one of Maxwell's tabloids. Proctor was prosecuted for underage sexual relations.
The Harvey Proctor angle opens up a whole sewer of UK paedophiles
who inhabit the Conservative Party and the upper echelons of the British security apparatus. It led to a very real catch-up 2014 investigation of Proctor and the former chief of MI5 (deceased) and Head of the Home Office (deceased) on charges of abuse of underage boys and murder of a prostitute decades earlier. Operation Midland is also known as the Dolphin Square affair, for the London apartments that reportedly served for many years as the site of a homosexual paedophile ring catering to Tory politicians and intelligence officers before Scotland Yard finally took public interest.
Former British Prime Minister Edward Heath (deceased) was also named as a homosexual paedophile.
Two years later, Proctor, who was actually convicted in 1987 of having sex with an underage man (underage by UK law at the time) was cleared in 2016 of the Dolphin Square sex club charges.
The wrap-up of Operation Midland published in the rival Telegraph newspaper called the 1986 events involving Harvey Proctor and Ghislaine Maxwell a "sting" by Robert Maxwell's The People.
When you put this into the context of the Profumo-Cristine Keeler prostitution and spy scandals of the early 1960s, sexual blackmail and espionage seems to be simply politics by other means, as well as a providing a splendid living for many (including tabloid publishers), in Great Britain.
This is the decades-long backstory involving intelligence and underage sex scandals that the U.S. media misses in its coverage of Epstein.
Ghislaine was used by Robert Maxwell's tabloid as part of a dirty-tricks operation to out Harvey Proctor, MP, a homosexual MP in the opposition Conservative party. As it so happens, Proctor was in fact having relations with an underage man, and he was later convicted for that. This is against the backdrop, better exposed in the UK, of paedophile rings involving a number of ranking Tories along with military and intelligence officers, including Peter Hayman, the Deputy Director of MI-6, along with a decades-long government coverup of that fact. To long-time readers of British tabloids, none of this comes as a surprise.
Also better known in the UK, Robert Maxwell, when he was not putting together sex stings exposing political opponents, was himself running espionage, arms dealing and money laundering operations on a vast scale as a Mossad agent of influence. That's the context and backstory that's been otherwise ignored by the US press in the Epstein-Maxwell trafficking case. There's a family history of these things involving Ghislaine, here, that's not yet been covered here.
Add this for context: "The Westminster Paedophile Dossier"
A dossier on paedophiles allegedly associated with the British government was assembled by the British Member of Parliament Geoffrey Dickens, who handed it to the then-Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, in 1984. The whereabouts of the dossier is unknown, along with other files on organised child abuse that had been held by the Home Office.[1]
In 2013, the Home Office stated that all relevant information had been passed to the police, and that Dickens' dossier had not been retained. It was later disclosed that 114 documents concerning child abuse allegations were missing. In July 2014, the Labour Party called for a new inquiry into the way that the allegations had been handled, and the Prime Minister, David Cameron, ordered the permanent secretary of the Home Office, Mark Sedwill, to investigate the circumstances of the lost dossier.
On 7 July 2014, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced a review into the handling of historic child abuse allegations, to be led by Peter Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC, and the establishment of a public panel inquiry into the duty of care taken in the protection of children from paedophiles by British public institutions, led by an independent panel of experts and chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss. Butler-Sloss later stood down as chair of the inquiry.[2] On 5 September 2014, it was announced that it would instead be chaired by Fiona Woolf[3] but on 31 October 2014 she, too, resigned from the role.[4] On 4 February 2015 it was announced that the inquiry would be chaired by Justice Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand High Court judge. The existing panel would be disbanded, and the inquiry would be given new powers.[5] On 4 August 2016, she also resigned from the role.[6]
And to be specific, for one there is the former Dep. Dir. MI6,
Peter Hayman, described in his official biography as a career British diplomat who served in a number of important posts, including:
director general of the British Information Services in New York[4] (1961–64) and then deputy commandant of the British military government in West Berlin from 1964 to 1966. He returned to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, becoming Deputy Under Secretary of State with responsibility for the United Nations and Eastern Europe from 1969 to 1970.[1] Then, from 1970 to 1974, he served as High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Canada.
The Independent stated in his obituary that he started a commercial career in 1974, upon retirement at age 60.[3] However The Guardian reported in 2014 that he later served in the intelligence services, and was "long-time deputy director of MI6".[5]
As one reads down Director Hayman's Wiki bio, we come to this about the Hon. Peter Hayman:
Main article: Westminster paedophile dossier
In October 1978, Hayman left a package of paedophilia-related material on a London bus. The police traced the package and discovered that Hayman, under the pseudonym "Peter Henderson", had used an apartment in Bayswater, London, to conduct obscene correspondence. In the apartment, police found 45 diaries describing six years of "sexual fantasies" concerning children and activities with prostitutes, articles of female clothing and obscene literature. He was investigated by police but released without charge after being given a warning not to send obscene material through the post.[7][8]
In November 1980, Private Eye magazine revealed this event.[9] In 1981, using parliamentary privilege, MP Geoffrey Dickens asked why Hayman had not been prosecuted,[10][11] with Dickens saying: "How did such a potential blackmail risk come to hold highly sensitive posts at the MOD and NATO?" He also asked the Leader of the House of Commons to "investigate the security implications of diaries found in the diplomat's London flat which contained accounts of sexual exploits".[12] The Attorney-General Michael Havers replied, "I am in agreement with the Director of Public Prosecutions' (Sir Thomas Chalmers Hetherington QC) advice not to prosecute Sir Peter Hayman and the other persons with whom he had carried on an obscene correspondence"[13] adding that, while Hayman had been found to have received pornographic material through the post, it was not of an extreme nature, was non-commercial and in a sealed envelope, so did not warrant prosecution.[14] There was much debate and condemnation in the international press of these events.[15]
In April 1981 Sir Michael Havers, the Attorney General, said in parliament that, while Hayman was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange, he was never a member of the executive committee, so was not prosecuted as others were for publishing contact advertisements.[16][17] In 1984, Hayman was convicted and fined for an act of gross indecency with another adult in a public lavatory.[1][10][18] The Prime Minister warned Hayman that, should he be known to repeat the offence, he would be stripped of his honours.[18]
On 29 November 1985, Dickens complained in the House of Commons that he had suffered harassment following his naming of Hayman. "The noose around my neck grew tighter after I named a former high-flying British diplomat on the Floor of the House. Honourable Members will understand that where big money is involved and as important names came into my possession so the threats began. First, I received threatening telephone calls followed by two burglaries at my London home. Then, more seriously, my name appeared on a multi-killer's hit list."[19] The Independent newspaper in February 2013 could find no corroboration for Dickens' claims in 1985.[19]
On 30 January 2015, it was revealed that a file was found in the National Archives titled "SECURITY. Sir Peter Hayman: allegations against former public official of unnatural sexual proclivities; security aspects".[20] The file is dated from October 1980 to March 1981.[21] One document within the file related to the briefing given to then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher concerning Hayman's sexual fantasies related to children. The document also stated that there was no evidence these fantasies had been carried out. A further document outlined the official reaction and response to be made by government ministers if questioned about his 1978 arrest. A different document states that Hayman was vulnerable to blackmail by foreign powers because of his "sexual perversion", but foreign security services were not yet aware.[20]
Indeed, the depravity of the ruling classes and upper ranks of the security services leaves an awful lot of opportunity for blackmail. That's an awful lot of context for Politico, and the rest of the American press, to altogether miss.

How widespread? Go to either of these two Wikipedia articles and
. . . then click “Show” on the template “Child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom” at the bottom of the article for a diverse array of links.
This is old news in the UK. It's virtually uncovered here.
There's this scene in "Men In Black" where the older MIB agent scoops up an arm load of supermarket tabloids and announces that, often, what they print is closer to the truth than The New York Times. That appears to have been an inside joke that is, itself, telling.
Good research
Probably most people believe that the Jeffrey Epstein case is simply about pedophilia, but it is much deeper than that. How much we the people will actually be allowed to know is another thing because there is a lot of big money and power behind Epstein's operation. Names caught in the web may be small potatoes compared to the players behind the web.
As of today, I have yet to see any source that adequately explains how Epstein got his wealth which he would have needed to run such a huge operation. Hint: it was not being a hedge fund manager.
Thank you again for posting these essays. The blackmail, corruption, and filth cuts across the political boundaries for use.
Edit to add: The fact that Ghislaine Maxwell has been untouchable thus far seems to indicate that she is a more highly valued asset than Epstein who now appears to have become expendable.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If there is one thing I've learned
the most powerful people caught up in this influence peddling scandal (and obviously secondarily a sex scandal to obtain leverage over said powerful people) will escape justice.
I wouldn't give 2 cents for Epstein's surviving the year.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
And I have learned that you came here to visit us
again. What a treat and joy! I hope you are in good health and spirit.
Just to say hi, I missed you and your videos. Come back more often if you can.
I'm working on it Mimi
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
i understand, came close to those conditions myself,
but never give up. Somehow there is something in the tomorrow, we don't expect that is good, but then turns out to be.
All the best.
Beautifully researched, sir
Several points, besides the one atop my noggin, come into mind.
Pizzagate, a concept which is totally true--but still suppressed--is only a through the looking glass type of exposé. More than a year ago, I spoke up (wrote actually) about the reality of Pizzagate, now more appropriately named pedogate because of its universal expanse as opposed to a single pizza joint in DC.
John and frère Podesta will become ensnarled into this local pedo-pizza scene as well as perhaps abduction of a child in Europe, the details which now elude me.
Robert Maxwell's demise shows that one doesn't fuck with Mossad. Robert M. was pissed because he thought Mossad undervalued his work for them. Thus he threatened to extort them for 400M pounds lest he spill the beans. Within a short time, a Mossad agent or three gave Sir Robert the opportunity of a lifetime--practicing a high dive from the stern of the Lady Ghislaine. Thus ended Sir Robert and his threats.
John Ehrlichman called it a "limited, modified hangout."
Limited because these scandals are always separated out into compartments, like the intelligence operations they spring from. Modified because the facts have been distorted, and become increasingly distorted with retelling.This mega-scandal (pun only half intended) is like looking into a black hole - Fractured part-truths obscure the public view from the overhanging ugly that is so massive that it sucks in the light waves from the distant event horizon. (Yes, that last sentence was as painful to write as it was to read.) ;0)

Could you be referring to
the unsolved disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal in 2007? She was three years old when she was apparently abducted from her family's vacation resort apartment while her parents and their friends were having dinner in the resort's restaurant.
At first, the parents were suspected. Later on, when the Portuguese police failed to make progress, the parents turned to Scotland Yard for help investigating.
I've read accounts of the case in which the Podestas are mentioned. See the section of the wikipedia article under "22:00: Smith sighting" for pertinent information, including artists' renderings of possible suspects.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Reads a little too much like a leCarre novel, but then
leCarre was writing about the truth. Especially the Trump accusation sounds too much like a Clinton/DLC distraction ploy - throw an absurd "revelation" to both smear a rival and debunk the truth by association. (After the Steele Dossier how could you believe the Epstein allegation? BUT IT'S TRUMP!!! If you don't believe it about Trump you must not believe it about Bill. You're not a conspiracy theorist, are you?)
On to Biden since 1973
LeCarre wrote intelligence reports before novels.
He also wrote:
I think the greatest single enemy is the misuse of information, the perversion of truth in the hands of terribly skillful people.
John le Carre
Is this the first time you have read about Epstein?
This site has been covering him and his silly prison sentence for almost two years now after Julie...(name escapes me) first wrote about it in the Miami Herald.
But this is not just about what Epstein did. The rumors of numerous child sex trafficking rings go way back. I posted some of Whitney Web's article where she tied Epstein's crimes back to prohibition and tags the FBI, Hoover and Cohn in. Cohn had ties to Epstein. I don't think this is anywhere close to the Russia Gate scam. Most of us saw through this the minute Hillary's team started it.
This goes much farther than just Trump. He might be why Epstein was arrested though as a way to keep him on track for more war, but Trump was the only person who spoke with the authorities about Epstein when everyone else clammed up. Time will tell who the targets are.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You misunderstand me
It reads like a typical distraction scheme, but everything fits together too well, including the desperate attempt to distract. My money is on every word being true, at least as I've described it.
On to Biden since 1973
Epstein will make a successful "suicide" attempt before he is set to testify against anyone or people of note.