More kabuki bullsh*t with Assange's trial

Despite Assange’s ill-health, Swedish court rejects delay to hearing

A Swedish district court this week rejected an application by Julian Assange’s lawyers for a June 3 hearing into bogus sexual misconduct allegations to be delayed. The ruling was made despite the fact that the WikiLeaks founder is reportedly too ill to consult with his lawyers and has not received English-language translations of the arrest warrant or underlying evidence against him.
The hearing is to decide whether Sweden will formally detain Assange in absentia.

It follows shortly after the US unveiling 17 additional espionage act charges against Assange, which carry a potential sentence of 170 years in prison. While the US charges are aimed at abolishing freedom of the press and free speech, the Swedish extradition bid is an attempt to blacken Assange’s name and provide an alternate route for his dispatch to a US prison.

Per Samuelson, one of Assange’s Swedish defence lawyers, told Reuters on Tuesday that he made the request for the hearing to be delayed after meeting with Assange at Britain’s Belmarsh Prison on Friday. One of the reasons for the application, he said, was that “Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him.”

“I meant that it should be postponed until I had time to meet again and go through the issues in peace and quiet,” Samuelson added. “I suggested no specific date and meant it should be postponed until everything was ready, but the district court has now decided that this won’t happen.”

There are unconfirmed reports, in the Swedish and Danish-language press, that Assange has been transferred to the hospital ward of the prison.

Stefania Maurizi, an Italian journalist who has collaborated closely with Assange and WikiLeaks for the past decade, tweeted this morning: “Following the press reports on Julian Assange’s health, I just heard he is very unwell and am seriously concerned. It’s a real scandal how his health has been undermined by arbitrary detention by Sweden and the UK. I will NOT be silent.”
Renata Avila, a prominent human rights and technology lawyer who has also worked with WikiLeaks, wrote: “He needed urgent assistance after his expulsion from the Embassy. Instead, he was not allowed to receive adequate medical treatment.”

Avila noted that the Azerbaijani journalist Emin Huseynov had spent roughly one year in Switzerland’s Baku embassy to escape political persecution. After this it had taken him “at least a month of treatment to go back to normal.” Pointing to the protracted detention of Assange in Ecuador’s London embassy, Avila commented “Imagine after 7 years! Brutal.”
Following his conviction on the bail charges, shortly after his arrest on April 11, Assange has been held in harsh conditions at Belmarsh Prison. He is limited to two personal visits per month. There are severe restrictions on his communications.

The conditions he faces are a damning indictment of those, including a host of journalists at the Guardian, who declared for years that Assange could walk out of the embassy and enjoy humane treatment at the hands of the British authorities.

The rejection of the request for the Swedish hearing to be delayed also casts further light on the international legal vendetta to which Assange is being subjected.

According to Swedish publications TT and the Upsala Nya Tidning, Samuelson has stated that he is only able to communicate with Assange through personal visits at Belmarsh booked well-in-advance, or via conferences from a law office in London. He is not able to contact Assange from Sweden.

The lawyer also reportedly said that Sweden is proceeding with the June 3 hearing in the Upsalla District Court, despite the fact that the arrest warrant and underlying evidence against Assange will not be translated into English before June 10.
According to the Upsala Nya Tidning, Sweden’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson blithely declared that it was only necessary for Assange to be informed of the contents of the warrant, not provided with a copy of it in a language that he can read.

This dismissal of Assange’s basic legal rights underscores the politically motivated character of the Swedish proceedings. Persson had previously pushed for the hearing to be convened on May 22, before Assange had even had a chance to speak to his lawyers.

WikiLeaks lawyers have previously published ample documentation to demonstrate that the allegations against Assange were concocted. Text messages from one of the supposed “victims” in 2010, for instance, stated “I did not want to put any charges against JA” and “it was the police that made up the charges.”

In 2017, Swedish prosecutors abandoned the investigation. They had never issued any formal charges. Claims that they could not proceed with the case because Assange was in Ecuador’s London embassy were a fraud. Since 2010, Swedish authorities have laid charges in absentia against a number of individuals who are outside the country.

Documents obtained by Italian journalist Maurizi under freedom of information requests in 2017 and 2018 further discredited the investigation. They demonstrated that the British Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) insisted in 2010 and 2011 that Swedish authorities reject Assange’s offer for them to question him in Britain, or via video link, rather than seek an extradition arrest warrant.
They also showed that the Swedes had been considering dropping the investigation as early as 2013. The British CPS insisted that they continue it, with the lead CPS lawyer who handled Assange’s case warning “Don’t you dare get cold feet!!!”

Other emails, including one from the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to Swedish prosecutor Marianne Nye, were inexplicably deleted. The FBI has played a central role in the US campaign to destroy WikiLeaks.

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Lookout's picture will poison your mind. Truth tellers will be prosecuted beyond the limits of the law. All fake journalist are ordered to be silent and support Julian's and Chelsea's torture.

What a world.

Jimmy has a couple of pieces up on Julian.... (16 min) (7 min)
This last clip really lays out the fake journalist bias.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Unless there is a change in rule in the US or Britain that is sympathetic to his cause, Tulsi, I don't think anyone can stop this. I keep wishing I owned a couple of dragons.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

wendy davis's picture

RT had had the short version up, so i'd stuck it on my thread from a week or ten days ago. but this is incendiary coverage from wsws! it's so good they have multi-lingual journalists.

when i'd stuck up RT's coverage, the WL account hadn't even had it, neither had kristiin hrafnsson's. so much evil afoot it makes my head spin.

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snoopydawg's picture

in his case and all the facts and the wrongdoings spelled out. The biggest talking point from people who think he should be prosecuted is that he was charged with rape and fled into the Ecuador embassy to escape those charges. He was never charged for rape. Period. In fact both times he spoke to the Swedish prosecutors they dropped the charges and said that he was free to leave the country. But what people like to parrot is that he is a rapist because in their minds he was found guilty of doing it. How can one be guilty of something if they were never charged for it or found guilty of doing the deed?

Endless Procedural Abuses Show Julian Assange Case Was Never About Law

Highly rec reading this.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone’s Talking About It

This jarring revelation has been reported by a small handful of outlets, but only as an aside in relation to Sweden refusing Samuelson’s request for a postponement of a scheduled hearing regarding Assange’s detention en absentia for a preliminary investigation of rape allegations. The fact that the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder is so ill that he can’t converse lucidly is itself far more significant than the postponement refusal, yet headlines mentioning Samuelson’s statement focus on the Swedish case, de-emphasizing the startling news from his lawyer.

As of this writing I’ve been able to find very few news outlets reporting on this at all, the most mainstream being a Reuters article with the very tame headline “Swedish court rejects delay of Assange hearing over ill-health: lawyer”. The Sydney Morning Herald also covered the story without even mentioning illness in headline, instead going with “Swedish court rejects effort to delay Assange hearing”. The much smaller alternative media outlet World Socialist Website has been the only outlet I’ve found so far which reports on Samuelson’s statement in anything resembling its proper scale, publishing a good article titled “Despite Assange’s ill-health, Swedish court rejects delay to hearing” a few hours ago.

This news has been so under-discussed and under-appreciated as of this writing that I didn’t find out about it until hours after the story broke, and I’m very plugged in to both alternative media commentary and WikiLeaks-related news. A report that Julian Assange was so sick he could barely speak all the way back on Friday and we still have no news about how he’s doing now should be hugely significant for everyone who cares about Assange, press freedom, government transparency or peace activism.

We have been watching the slow-motion assassination of Julian Assange. They have been choking him to death by tactical psyops, siege tactics, and wilful neglect as surely as if they placed a noose tied around his neck, not just in Belmarsh Prison but in the embassy as well. The only difference between his execution and someone on death row is the same as the difference between covert and overt warfare, which makes sense because the intelligence, judicial and military agencies who are carrying out his death sentence operate within the same power structure which carries out war. First came the smears (propaganda), then came the siege (sanctions), and they staged their coup (dragged him out of the embassy) and now they’ve got him in their clutches and they can do what they want behind closed doors. That’s how you kill a nation while still looking like a nice guy, and that’s how they’re killing Assange.

Shout this from the rooftops. Whether this media blackout is self-imposed or perhaps the result of the malicious use of a D-notice, we have to use everything in our power to get this information into the mainstream, and get people asking questions of the press and their local members about what the Dickens is going on in Belmarsh prison right now. Assange’s life may depend on it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture

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snoopydawg's picture

He should have been allowed medical care the day he was dragged out of the embassy. Shame on everyone involved with keeping him from receiving it!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


threats in that WikiTweet is that today, may 30 is now the date for the initial extradition hearing at westminster court. all these weeks, it was scheduled for june 12, after the june 3 swedish extradition hearing. this is bad, evil, illegal, and has been all along, of course. the wretched state of his health has horrifying implications, and yes, i'm pinging karen kwiatowski.
has the long version of the tweet.

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snoopydawg's picture

for any crime? And if he is too ill to take part in his defense then how can the trial go forward?

Sweden has rejected Samuelson’s motion to delay Assange’s extradition hearing, though he was never charged with anything. Swedish investigators never interviewed Assange about claims of “sexual assault” that seem to have been trumped-up as a pretext to extradite him to the US in 2012, and prompted him to seek asylum in Ecuador.

It seems that everyone involved with his persecution is just making things up as they go along. Starting with sending him to a maximum security prison for 50 weeks just for skipping bail which now seems like he was right to do it. I sure as hell hope that Wikileaks has a doozy of an insurance policy if he gets renditioned here.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

If I suspect my client is unaware of his/her circumstances, and if he/she cannot communicate with me, I go to court with various motions. Years ago, I did some deposition for a defendant who was in a hospital, his last words.
Recently, my client (court appointed) was determined to be incompetent, all charged dropped.
Gravely ill means so many things that I truly wish someone would elaborate.
I thought I would die that time I got flu.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

I'm sure that he filed motions to get the trial delayed until Julian can help with his own defense. I thought that was pretty much standard procedure when someone can't.

Julian has spent years inside with no access to the sun which would affect his bones and other organs. Plus it would have a huge effect on his emotions. Sunlight gives us vitamin d which helps with depression. This is why doctors with depressed patients tell them to do outside exercise. Who knows what type of diet Julian got when he was in the embassy. This could affect his health big time too. There is no f'cking reason why they can't delay his trial except that they are. This is not justice in any form. It's making up the rules as they go along. If this was being done in a country that followed the law I'm betting that it would be appealed as high up as the courts go. I don't know who can stop this travesty of justice.

Sweden has rejected Samuelson’s motion to delay Assange’s extradition hearing, though he was never charged with anything.

Not only that, but Sweden's extradition warrant wasn't signed by a judge. It's not legal. And yet....

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture

as much as i do:

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wendy davis's picture

to try to discover if julian really IS in magistrate court today, and i did see a photo of a few supporters in front of the court.

but i just found this just now from 7 hours ago:

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