Assange is being Charged under The Espionage Act

WikiLeaks: The US is indeed investigating Assange for publishing secret (classified) information, DOJ letter suggests

The United States is officially charging Julian Assange for hacking, a crime seemingly perfect for extradition. However, the US Attorney’s Office is also investigating him for „obtaining and disseminating secret information“, punishable by death. That is what the Department of Justice wrote in a letter we now publish.

Right after the London police carried Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy, the United States demanded his extradition. A March 2018 indictment charges him with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, carrying a maximum penalty of five years in prison. But that is not the entire truth.

Only one day after writing the indictment, the US Attorney’s Office admitted it was also investigating Assange for the „unauthorized receipt and dissemination of secret information“. That is what the Department of Justice wrote in a letter to former WikiLeaks spokesperson Daniel Domscheit-Berg, which we are publishing in full.

This accusation can be charged under the Espionage Act of 1917, a World War I era federal law intended to protect military secrets which has also been used to charge Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. Convictions under the Espionage Act can be punished by death. The death penalty is not only inhumane and archaic, it has legal consequences: The United Kingdom is not allowed to extradite Assange if he faces the death penalty.

Charging Assange for publishing classified information is an attack on press freedom, „obtaining and disseminating secret information“ is the very task of journalism. If WikiLeaks is charged, every journalist and media outlet publishing secret information will be on trial. While the Obama administration debated this dangerous precedent, the Trump government shows no restraints.

From password cracking to espionage and treason

Investigations against WikiLeaks have been running since at least their 2010 publications of the „Collateral Murder video and the war diaries from Afghanistan and Iraq. After they published the diplomatic cables in 2011, the Department of Justice began their own investigations.

Chelsea Manning was arrested in May 2010 and sentenced in 2013. The accusation now made against Assange was already addressed during Manning’s trial: a chat about attempting to crack a password. Obama finally commuted Manning’s remaining prison time, but the Trump administration intensified the persecution of WikiLeaks.

In Virginia, a federal grand jury is secretly investigating Assange and WikiLeaks. In December 2017, an FBI agent filed an affidavit to support charging Assange with a computer hacking conspiracy. Based on that, the grand jury issued an indictment against Assange on March 6, 2018.

This document was unsealed and published immediately after his arrest in London. It is the official justification for the extradition request. But that is not the whole story. Just one day after writing the indictment, on March 7, 2018, the same US Attorney, Tracy Doherty-McCormick, wrote a letter to the lawyers of Daniel Domscheit-Berg in Germany.

The complete letter, liberated from a PDF, translated by us:

United States Department of Justice
United States Attorney’s Office
Eastern Judicial District of Virginia

Dana J. Boente
United States Attorney’s Office
2100 Jamieson Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 299-3700
(703) 299-3980 (Fax)

March 7th, 2018

Subject: Daniel Domscheit-Berg

Dear attorney to Mr. Domscheit-Berg:

At the request of the United States, the German authorities have requested that your client be voluntarily questioned. This letter sets forth the terms under which your client would be heard about possible violations of United States federal criminal law regarding the unauthorized receipt and dissemination of classified information.

First, your client will answer all questions fully and truthfully and will provide all information, documents and records held or controlled by your client or to which your client has access and which are related to the subject of the interrogation.

Second, except as noted below, if the United States prosecutes your client, no statements or other information provided by you or your client during the course of the interrogation will be admissible in the government’s taking of evidence in court (case-in-chief) or in the imposition of penalties.

Third, the United States is permitted to reuse and pursue any investigative notices, statements or information that your client recommends or provides. Such derivative information may be used against your client at any time in the course of any criminal or civil proceedings. For example, if your client provides the information necessary to gain access to his electronic devices, this Agreement does not prohibit the disclosure of information obtained through a lawful search warrant on such devices.

Fourth, the United States may use such statements and information in cross-examination and rebuttal if your client appears as a witness at any stage of a civil or criminal proceeding and makes statements that differ from the statements or information provided by your client during the interrogation. In addition, the United States may use such statements and information to disprove further evidence offered or received or factual evaluations presented by or on behalf of your client that differ from the statements or information provided by your client during the interrogation.

Fifth, your client will be subject to prosecution for such violations, including, but not limited to, false testimony and obstruction of justice, if your client intentionally provides the government with false, misleading, or statements and information designed to obstruct justice. Any prosecution could be based on statements or information provided by your client during the interrogation, and the statements and information provided by your client during the interrogation could be used against your client.

Sixth, your client and the government agree that there will be no compromise negotiations or discussion of pleas at the interrogation session. However, should the hearing later be construed as a case of compromise or discussion of pleas, your client will wilfully and voluntarily waive any rights he may have under Federal Rules of Evidence 408 and 410 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(f) that would not otherwise permit the use against your client of statements made during such negotiations or discussions.

Seventh, neither you nor your client will disclose the existence or manner of this Agreement to anyone other than your client’s family, without prior consultation of the U.S. Attorney’s Office or a court of competent jurisdiction.

Finally, the offer (proffer) to your client will be made in accordance with the agreements set forth herein. There are no promises, agreements or understandings between the parties other than those set forth in this Agreement and no amendments to this Agreement shall be effective unless signed in writing by the parties with the same formalities as in this Agreement.

If your client wishes to be heard under the conditions set out above, you and your client sign this letter as indicated below and return the original to me.

Yours sincerely

Tracy Doherty-McCormick
Acting United States Attorney

Kellen S. Dwyer
Assistant United States Attorney

I agree wholeheartedly with Chelsea Manning. There should be no secret court hearings hidden from the public. The espionage act is a false trial because defendants are not allowed to put up a defense. This is kabuki bullshit because most of the people involved in it has already made up their minds about whether the person is guilty or not.

Obama made the right decision when he didn't do what Trump is doing to Assange. This will have dire consequences for journalists going forward.

As Caitlin states this is infinitely bigger than Assange.

In the sci-fi novel Ender’s Game, the young protagonist applies a vicious beating to one of his bullies, killing him. When asked why he did this by his handlers, the boy, who has been bred and raised to become a strategic savant, explains that he did it not out of malice toward the bully, nor only to win the fight, but to win all future fights as well. If the kids at school see what savagery he’s capable of and know he’s not to be trifled with, he won’t ever have to fight them.

If this sounds a bit sociopathic to you, that’s because it is. And, with the notable difference of the bully and victim roles being reversed, this is exactly the principle we are seeing exercised with Assange.

The entire world is watching what is being done to Assange currently. No matter how propagandized you are, no matter how much you hate the man personally, you’re watching that happen and learning a lesson from it. And that lesson is, never do anything remotely like what that guy did, or you’ll meet the same fate. This is the real goal of Assange’s persecution, and it doesn’t impact merely one Australian publisher in a UK jail cell, nor even merely the investigative journalists around the world who are interested in practicing the lost art of holding power to account using journalism, but everyone in the world who consumes news media.

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snoopydawg's picture

5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

Short version

Long version

Eye witness

The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured

After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement"

WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.

There is something very wrong with a country when the only people who are punished for torture and war crimes are the people who exposed it!

ETA: Chelsea was also punished for releasing the video.
No idea how I didn't post this.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg What the pseudo-journalists in the MSM don't seem to realize is that when Assange meets his apparently pre-ordained fate in a kangaroo court (how apropos for an Aussie), they will have a real collar around their necks. If the Trump revenge becomes reality, the Mediots of the MSM will be too far gone to loosen their collars of oppression. Thus they assure either their continuance as lap dawgs of the elites or as presumptively treasonous assholes when Trump's day of reckoning arrives. Afterwards all these so-called journos will continue completely subservient to the ruler du jour. Under pain of death, so help me Dawg. Smile

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Centaurea's picture

@Alligator Ed

They think it makes them part of the elite. It also fills their bank accounts. They're financially well-off, but morally and spiritually bankrupt. In other words, they're sociopaths just like their owners/masters.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

If I'm following you correctly about your thinking that Trump will use Julian to go after the democrats and those who set Russia Gate up then this guy agrees with you.

According to the VIPS guys Trump is aware that Julian wasn't working with the Russians on releasing the DNC and Hillary's emails. What he will do with it will be interesting to see.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg I say this proudly, since a resident swamp inhabitant completely agrees.

Finally, the mainstream media, which disseminated the story that Assange worked with the Russians to exploit Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s computers, have naturally cheered his arrest. The Washington Post, for example, declared he was “no free-press hero,” while the Wall Street Journal called for “accountability,” saying, “His targets always seem to be democratic institutions or governments.” The 21st Century Wire, attempting to make sense of it all, asked in a headline, ‘Why has the Guardian declared war on Assange and WikiLeaks?’

Mediots indeed. Obviously Bezos and cohorts owning 90% of mass media outlets, don't give a damn about journalism. It's all about money.

But to the main point. My beliefs are just those in the article you cite. I am a Q acolyte. Dems and other elitists have grievously wounded him and much of his plan for America, whether that be a good thing or not. DJT has tremendous ego. He is a counterpuncher. This Dem attack on him, starting in late 2015, still enrages him. "Revenge is a dish best served cold". Number 45, via Q, has been clearly pointing to his revenge. Before doing anything else, with the exception of the Mexican border wall perhaps, he will morcellize, masticate, mangle, imprison, hang many. Trump openly says this sort of thing must never again happen to ANY president. I take him at his word. The only way to ensure such a planned coup d'etat is to place a high penalty on the conspirators so that future generations of politicos won't lightly do the same thing. The ancient maxim is true: If you shoot at the king, you'd better kill him. The Dims shot (and are still shooting). Their weaponry has been reduced from continuous full frontal artillery barrages, strafing, and war of attrition. Their ammunition is mostly expended. They are now down to pea shooters and soggy peas. The American public, i.e., the small part still paying attention to Russiagate sees the Dims as fools. No plan except down with Trump. The pervasive angry vendetta by Dims is dwarfed in comparison to the real power now possessed by Trump.

Now, would a nice dish of cold revenge be served up soon, brought by the butler, Julian?

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

I remember you being a Q guy. I'm open to the possibility of him being real. Time will tell us if he is if Trump does go after those who set him up for this sham investigation.

Have you read the VIPS report and the letter that they sent to Trump about the DNC computers and how they proved that they weren't hacked? It here in my essay about Hillary's Op Ed Trump has the information he needs to go all the way to the top. Will he is the question isn't it?

But the thing is that it wasn't just the democrats that did this. The republicans are fully on board with it as it Barr and of course Mueller. The republicans are saying that Russia did indeed interfere with the election. So there's more behind Russia Gate. Most likely the military buildup to take them on. Time will tell..

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


There is something very wrong with a country when the only people who are punished for torture and war crimes are the people who exposed it!

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Pricknick's picture

am I supposed to be proud of?
It used to be that I was only angry at my government. Nowadays, I'm finding it harder to have faith in my fellow country persons who think putting a truth-teller away is the path to freedumb.
Proud to be an independent.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture


Especially when there are so many people upset that Trump is waging a war against the press and others who been in our first amendment think that it's okay for us to drag a person who had been granted political asylum out of the embassy.

Many of them think that this was because Assange is a Russian asset or that he helped put Trump in office, but do they even know that wasn't done for that reason? Doubtful. They also believe the smears of his being a rapist and that he smeared feces on the embassy walls. Of course only alternative websites like RT have gone to the trouble of debunking it.

In comments to RT, Fidel Narvaez spoke out against media coverage of Julian Assange who remains in custody after his arrest in London. “I was very disappointed that the fundamental thing – which is the persecution of a journalist for ... the crime of publishing truthful information about war crimes, corruption, mass surveillance – is not in the focus of international [media coverage],” he noted.

I was in the Embassy for six years, and Assange spent there nearly 2,500 days. I witnessed myself how respectful was [the attitude] of all diplomats, of all administrative staff towards him and [vice versa], of him towards us.

Narvaez talked about how the embassy cut off his access to the internet and restricted his visitors to just his lawyers.

That, in itself, was “a very, very gross violation of human rights of someone who was not serving a sentence, of somebody who was not a prisoner,” the former consul commented. At this point, Ecuador became “a persecutor” instead of being “a protector.”

“You have to attack and defame the personality if you don’t want the public opinion to support the brave one who challenged the most powerful nation on the planet,” Narvaez concluded.

I too wonder how people can be so effing ignorant about not only this, but oh so many other things.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pricknick's picture

It's downright criminal aiding and abetting.
If you tell the truth about the criminals you shall be prosecuted.
There is no law for the affluent and powerful, except to kick those who are not.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Pricknick Amendment? No. Of course not. That determination would be asking our compatriot dumb asses to think beyond the first step. Such a thought would mark me as a knowledge elitist and thus sticking my head above the swamp water to see the reality of our worsening situation.

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since the pool of respondents are almost universally propagandized by a relentless stream of half truths, misinformation and outright fabrications. What polls actually measure is the extent to which the propaganda content of our news stream is effective.

In the words of Mark Twain:

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain

Being uninformed leaves one nearer to the truth than being misinformed by a constant stream of “reality shaping” propaganda that passes for News content these days.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Lookout's picture

the only people who are punished for torture and war crimes are the people who exposed it!

John is imprisoned for revealing the CIA torture program, and they promote a torturer to head the CIA today. It is an upside down world. Not to mention the very criminals that promoted the Iraq WMD are still running our foreign policy.

Julian and Chelsea are the real heroes. The US is criminal, but we defanged the ICC (international criminal court) - revoking their US visas so they can't even report to the UN in NY (breaking yet another international law).

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

WaterLily's picture


(I'm so angry and disgusted that I can't manage a better response).

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Deja's picture


At the request of the United States, the German authorities have requested that your client be voluntarily questioned.

But then they refer to it as "interrogation" the rest of the document.

The whole thing reads like one of the bazillion Terms of Service agreements no one ever reads (except for my weird ass), but we all click "accept" so we can access some web platform or pay our electric bill online.

Obviously, dumbass in the white house didn't know all the dirt on the US wikileaks published, when he said he liked WL, prior to the election. Now his handlers have told him how to go forward.

Question: If the constitution does not protect non Americans, while not on US soil, how can US laws be used to prosecute non Americans, whose alleged crimes took place not on US soil? I know they can do whatever they want, so it's kinda rhetorical, but not totally.

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wendy davis's picture

what a hideous development. both kevin gosztola (shadowproof) and oscar grenfell ( had noted that the language in the original indictment against julian mirrored the language in the Espionage La. and all the legl analysts that had noted through CNN that said idictment was just a placeholder for more to come, although what they'd been leaked as to names sure as hell hadn't included daniel dummsheit-borg.

talk about bad blood between that freak and assange; i don't remember the particulars, although my guess is that you do. but ho ho ho to the 'neither party can testily'; my guess D-B would flip in a heartbeat to get him sent to gitmo or receive the death penalty.

how'd you get heads-up on this,if i may ask? i've sure been out of the loop the past couple days. oh, lord luv a duck; there it is right there on the WL twitter account.

and may 2 is his UK court date iirc. gotta go digest this...thanks. (i assume the translation is correct?)

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wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

lotta bad blood between them, including dumbsheit's book (waPo, if you need to use Private Window), and this interview w/the australian. flip city, here we come.

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

how'd you get heads-up on this,if i may ask? i've sure been out of the loop the past couple days. oh, lord luv a duck; there it is right there on the WL twitter account.

I don't remember how I found this , but I'm thinking it popped up from following links in another article on something else. This seems to be my habit. I go wondering off on the net and find some good stuff.

It's not surprising that this is happening because we expected it, but if Britain follows their laws then it should stop them from extraditing him here. The Laury guy fought his case on this and won.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture

And what is the UK going to do about it?

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.