Hillary's Op-Ed on the Mueller Report
Hillary Clinton: Mueller documented a serious crime against all Americans. Here’s how to respond
Our election was corrupted, our democracy assaulted, our sovereignty and security violated. This is the definitive conclusion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report. It documents a serious crime against the American people.
The debate about how to respond to Russia’s “sweeping and systemic” attack — and how to hold President Trump accountable for obstructing the investigation and possibly breaking the law — has been reduced to a false choice: immediate impeachment or nothing. History suggests there’s a better way to think about the choices ahead.
Obviously, this is personal for me, and some may say that I’m not the right messenger. But my perspective is not just that of a former candidate and target of the Russian plot. I am also a former senator and secretary of state who served during much of Vladimir Putin’s ascent, sat across the table from him and knows firsthand that he seeks to weaken our country.
I am also someone who, by a strange twist of fate, was a young staff attorney on the House Judiciary Committee’s Watergate impeachment inquiry in 1974, as well as first lady during the impeachment process that began in 1998. And I was a senator for New York after 9/11, when Congress had to respond to an attack on our country. Each of these experiences offers important lessons for how we should proceed today.
First, like any time our nation is threatened, we have to remember that this is bigger than politics. What our country needs now is clear-eyed patriotism, not reflexive partisanship. Whether they like it or not, Republicans in Congress share the constitutional responsibility to protect the country. Mueller’s report leaves many unanswered questions — in part because of Attorney General William P. Barr’s redactions and obfuscations. But it is a road map. It’s up to members of both parties to see where that road map leads — to the eventual filing of articles of impeachment, or not. Either way, the nation’s interests will be best served by putting party and political considerations aside and being deliberate, fair and fearless.
Second, Congress should hold substantive hearings that build on the Mueller report and fill in its gaps, not jump straight to an up-or-down vote on impeachment. In 1998, the Republican-led House rushed to judgment. That was a mistake then and would be a mistake now.
Of all the lessons from our history, the one that’s most important may be that each of us has a vital role to play as citizens. A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it. Now it’s up to us to prove the wisdom of our Constitution, the resilience of our democracy and the strength of our nation
Mueller did a poor job on his investigation. If he was actually trying to find the truth about what happened to the DNC computers he would have spoken with the members of VIPS whose own investigation showed that they were not hacked. He would have spoken with Julian Assange about the information that Wikileaks released on Hillary's and the DNC's shenanigans. He would have spoken with Comey and asked him why he killed the deal that was made for Assange to come here and talk about the information he released. He did not do any of those things. Why not? Because he wasn't looking for the truth. His job was to cover up the things that Hillary, Obama, the intelligence agencies and others did that set the country on this massive, paranoid psyops.
Operation Crossfire Boomerang Begins
From the moment the Special Counsel investigation into Trump-Russia collusion began, we’ve been presented with a portrait of Robert Swan Mueller III as a man of unassailable character, a straight shooter, as impartial as can be. But Mueller was director of the FBI for 12 years (2001-2013), he was the king of the spies.
So why should we believe Mueller is a man of such unassailable character when he rose to one of the very top ranks in intelligence? It doesn’t make much sense, except of course it’s what politics and media – and intelligence- want us to believe. It may not make sense, but boy, does it work.
That brings us straight to the next question: The main issue, post-report, is not whether Trump tried to stop the Mueller probe. The main issue instead is why it was instigated to begin with. Yes, US intelligence. CIA.
And then there’s yet another question: When did Mueller know there was no collusion? Not just 1 or 2 weeks before presenting his report, that’s for sure.
So when? 6 months ago? A year? Did he ever really think there was collusion? If so, based on what? The almost entrirely discredited Steele dossier? Did he have faith in that? The Mifsud-Papadoloulos-Downer connection ‘engineered’ by CIA asset Stephen Halper? Did he have faith in that? Or was the whole thing goal-seeeked from the start?
It appears very silly to assume that Mueller did not start his job with an agenda, because of the heavy involvement of his former employees and colleagues and his best friend James Comey, whose firing by Trump was one of the main reasons to start the investigation. Sounds like a very hard one to sell, but the media did a great job. Everybody bought into it.
And then the whole thing collapsed. Yes, collapsed. Because this was never about finding the truth, it was always about digging for dirt. On Trump. Think Mueller wasn’t aware of that? I own a bridge….
Mueller was forced to find Trump and his team not guilty on conspiracy or collusion -and obstruction. This is because he would have had to prove this, and couldn’t. But he’s left the accusations against the Russian government and Julian Assange stand. Not because he has evidence for that, but because he doesn’t have to prove them.
As for Assange, it’s obvious what Robert Mueller has done. He’s completely ignored the one person who could have helped him find the truth -just not the dirt-. and let him rot in hell. Here’s wishing for that same hell to befall Mueller and all of his family.
There is zero chance that Mueller didn’t know his buddy and successor James Comey prevented Assange from talking with the DOJ in 2017. Neither wanted Assange’s evidence to become public, because that would have killed the Russia narrative as well as the WikiLeaks one. And then what?
Let’s make one thing clear. All that proof of Russian hacking and Russian Facebook ads? It doesn’t exist. The entire story is fictional. How do we know? Because the only source that says it is true is US intelligence. And they can not be believed. As Mueller’s investigation once again shows.
Mueller and Barr, like all of Washington -it’s a bipartisan effort-, want the narrative to remain alive that the Russians hacked and meddled in the US elections in favor of Trump, and that Julian Assange was in cahoots with them. None of which Mueller has any evidence for. And Mueller at all have no problem sacrificing Assange and Chelsea Manning while they’re at it.
Assange is not the only expert source who is silenced. The Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity -VIPS- also can’t get their voice heard. People who ran US intelligence for decades are being silenced by those who succeeded them. As if they don’t exist. As if their expertise is worthless.
MEMORANDUM FOR: The President. SUBJECT: The Fly in the Mueller Ointment
[..] the Mueller report left unscathed the central-but-unproven allegation that the Russian government hacked into the DNC and Podesta emails, gave them to WikiLeaks to publish, and helped you win the election. The thrust will be the same; namely, even if there is a lack of evidence that you colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin, you have him to thank for becoming president.
Mueller has accepted that central-but-unproven allegation as gospel truth [..] Following the odd example of his erstwhile colleague, former FBI Director James Comey, Mueller apparently has relied for forensics on a discredited, DNC-hired firm named CrowdStrike, whose credibility is on a par with “pee-tape dossier” compiler Christopher Steele. Like Steele, CrowdStrike was hired and paid by the DNC.
[..] In Barr’s words: “The Special Counsel found that Russian government actors successfully hacked into computers and obtained emails from persons affiliated with the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, and publicly disseminated those materials through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks.
Based on these activities, the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian military officers for conspiring to hack into computers in the United States for purposes of influencing the election.” We are eager to see if Mueller’s report contains more persuasive forensic evidence than that which VIPS has already debunked.
“But They Were Indicted! “Circular reasoning is not likely to work for very long, even with a U.S. populace used to being brainwashed by the media. Many Americans had mistakenly assumed that Mueller’s indictment of Russians — whether they be posting on FaceBook or acting like intelligence officers — was proof of guilt. But, as lawyers regularly point out, “one can easily indict a ham sandwich” — easier still these days, if it comes with Russian dressing.
If, as we strongly suspect, Mueller is relying for forensics solely on CrowdStrike, the discredited firm hired by the DNC in the spring of 2016, he is acting more in the mold of Inspector Clouseau than the crackerjack investigator he is reputed to be. It simply does not suffice for Mueller’s former colleague James Comey to tell Congress that CrowdStrike is a “high-class entity.” It is nothing of the sort [..] Comey needs to explain why he kept the FBI away from the DNC computers after they were said to have been “hacked.”And former National Intelligence Director James Clapper needs to explain his claim last November that “the forensic evidence was overwhelming about what the Russians had done.” What forensic evidence? From CrowdStrike? We at VIPS, in contrast, are finding more and more forensic evidence that the DNC emails were leaked, not hacked by the Russians or anyone else — and that “Guccifer 2.0” is an out-and-out fraud. Yes, we can prove that from forensics too.
[..] We recall that you were apprised of that Memorandum’s key findings because you ordered then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo to talk to William Binney, one of our two former NSA Technical Directors and one of the principal authors of that Memorandum. On October 24, 2017, Pompeo began an hour-long meeting with Binney by explaining the genesis of the odd invitation to CIA Headquarters: “You are here because the president told me that if I really wanted to know about Russian hacking I needed to talk to you.”
[..] Binney, a plain-spoken, widely respected scientist, began by telling Pompeo that his (CIA) people were lying to him about Russian hacking and that he (Binney) could prove it. [..] As we told Attorney General Barr five weeks ago, we consider Mueller’s findings fundamentally flawed on the forensics side and ipso facto incomplete. We also criticized Mueller for failing to interview willing witnesses with direct knowledge, like WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange.
You may be unaware that in March 2017 lawyers for Assange and the Justice Department (acting on behalf of the CIA) reportedly were very close to an agreement under which Assange would agree to discuss “technical evidence ruling out certain parties” in the leak of the DNC emails and agree to redact some classified CIA information, in exchange for limited immunity. According to the investigative reporter John Solomon of The Hill, Sen. Mark Warner, (D-VA) vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, learned of the incipient deal and told then-FBI Director Comey, who ordered an abrupt “stand down” and an end to the discussions with Assange.
Why did Comey and Warner put the kibosh on receiving “technical evidence ruling out certain parties” [read Russia]? We won’t insult you with the obvious answer.
Far too many Americans will still believe this because of the mainstream-media fodder — half-cooked by intelligence leaks — that they have been fed for two and a half years. The media have been playing the central role in the effort of the MICIMATT (the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank) complex to stymie any improvement in relations with Russia.
Both parties have signed on to this massive propaganda psyops because they want people to believe that Russia is our enemy and that they have to increase the military budget in order to keep us safe from the nefarious Russians. And so they can have an excuse to roll back net neutrality and censor websites that insist on telling us the truth about the things that they are doing. To have an excuse to join with Facebook, Ywitter, Google, the Atlantic Council and their new internet guard dawgs to continue with their censorship and many other things that will come from this.
Additional resources:
Johnson: Special Counsel Mueller - Disingenuous And Dishonest

I apologize
for the following remark:
How dare you bitch?
How can such a money grubbing whore as yourself, even try to blame your loss to a narcissistic blowhard, on a foreign nation, of which you profited monetarily?
I know of course, that you and your ilk have no shame or honor. So, I ask for but one favor you corrupted monkey spunk...
Go away and be silent or just fucking go away.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Well since you asked so nicely...
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Hilarious! Literally LOL
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
i'm actually starting to get worried about the
state of our politics.
like, really worried.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Cersei Lannister is determined to have her revenge.
The Secret Service had better check for wildfire under the
Great Sept of BaelorCapitol.No matter how many people say it is a lie.
No matter how many times the govt and media have lied to the people in the past, the lie just lives on and on. Appreciate you staying on top of this and keeping the rest of us updated.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
What Irony....
What we know for sure is the $hill and the DNC cheated to insure Bernie did not get the nomination. They are doing their best to do the same this cycle as well.
Max does a good job of laying out the recent US Russian history...(14 min)
More history from Stephen Cohen (video or text)
It amazes me how people buy into the lies and self interest of corporate news. Sure makes me grateful for c99 and essays like this.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great video
Thanks for posting it Lookout. It helps make sense for the hostility towards Vladimir Putin doesn't it. He put the kabosh on our asset stripping Russia that happened during Yeltsin's tenure. It took time, but Russia slowly started turning around and people being pulled out of poverty. I read he decreased the military budget so he could address it more. Us? We increase ours and then make it worse for people who are poor.
Heh. Trump said that we need to cut ours now and get rid of nukes along with Russia and China. Funny man.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Spoke with a lawyer yesterday
on a completely different matter (personal injury lawsuit).
He told me that his son is at Ramstein Air Base and they are rapidly stockpiling materiel. Others have also told him that the Army is also stockpiling massive amounts, war time level stocks. he fears they are preparing for war in Europe.
Turkey? - my idea. Or, Oh God, not an invasion of Russia! The worst fears of the '50s. Whe knows what the madman in the White House is planning to bolster his re-election, but he is playing with matches in a dynamite locker.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Why am I not surprised?
Vermont Guard Prepares for Massive Training in Louisiana
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Also, too:
I think it would be used against us, the Germans ...
not against Russia. Trumps men want to repeat history and be victorious. But people think I am crazy. So, don't take me serious.
Something is going on
See eagle99's post above.
And maybe it's this:
Us preparing for war on Iran?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I believe even if it would be used against Iran
it would not stay there, it would spread. Mr Schnurzbart will take care of it.
Throw Billary, Drumpf and the entire cabal in Gitmo.
Otherwise, this shit will never stop.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Hillary’s uranium money
Hillary can start by returning all that bribe money the Clintons and their “charitable” foundation got from selling the Russians half of our uranium.
Then her campaign organization (what’s left of it) can return her Harvey Weinstein donations. Elizabeth Warren did it by donating a sum equal to Weinstein’s contributions to a women’s rights advocacy non-profit; that works for me.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
Dear Hillary...
Dear Great Hope,
Pure soul that resides eternally,
and who is indeed light itself,
understanding that your time on this earth is precious,
and that you will only accept missives with the proper respect...
Allow me to convey with the utmost respect, the opinion of several citizens that you represent.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"Clear-eyed patriotism" my ass!
Here you go Hillary.... here is my demand for action and accountability... and it's just one of a dozen!
It's time for YOU to be accountable for your shenanigans in manipulating our election processes and foreign influence to bolster you and your husband's bank accounts.
Geez...she has got to be the worst person in the world when it comes to hypocrisy!!
I COULD go on and on....
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I try my best not to hate people.
What's most disappointing to me is that
there are so few people pushing back on the claim that we live in a democracy. Most of the pushback against Clinton is about the DNC and how they cheated Bernie and manipulated the election, while hardly anyone is stating the obvious. Which means the obvious doesn't get addressed and people get herded into the next election narrative thereby providing credibility to a failed political system.
I remember having said that there is no democracy
at least since 2011 if not before. After a while repeating saying that is like 'Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results'. I don't want to get insane.
That's up to you,
sure, and I continue saying it, am just too busy
figuring out how much Democracy we still have left in Germany. It's soon three years ago I left the US. So, I'll try to shout over the Atlantic as best as I can.
NO offense meant.
The DNC stealing the election isn't the point here
It's how Russia has been setup to be the boogieman for all the reasons most of us know. ANd the increasing censorship and further restrictions on our liberties. And I would hope that my view on voting is well known by now.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I was just making a comment,
What I would like to know is, first is she coming out more in
public because she is, dear dog please don't let it be, planning on running again? And second, does she dream this shit up or is there someone whispering in her ear telling her to do/say this crap?
If she wasn't so horrible I might admire her tenacity. She is so arrogant and obtuse to see that she is on the level of Ann Coulter.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
I kinda read it the same way
Can she win on a second round convention vote?
My understanding is that the Party
...can select anyone they want to support for President.
The primaries are merely a "voter preference survey" and the Primary results are not binding.
Political Parties are private clubs and they are not part of the US government. Anyone can start one and start collecting money from donors. They are no more regulated than the Elks Club is.
No one knows how they got taxpayers to pay for their little primaries.
Or, so I've been told.
I understand this to be true
It's really an antitrust issue
...in that they erected impossble barriers to entry into the marketplace so they can monopolize the profits for themselves. The Parties spend most of their money on ... who else? ... the media, who then further reinforce the barrier to any party trying to enter the marketplace by media blackouts of their candidates.
Of course, we know the barriers in practice go much higher that that. Sitting on top of the whole thing is the Defense Industry, which feeds big bucks to both parties. The two-party dynamic then paves the way for permanent wars so that the Defense profiteers can gobble up over half of the government's revenues, throwing the American people into austerity.
It's been working like a well-oiled machine for over a century.
I guess that's the crux of it
The D party is finished either way
What fascist type of government we have now
only the oligarchs truly know.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
She is just doubling down on the Russia Hoax
Every month or so, one of the co-conspirators of the Hoax is going to reinforce the lie that Russia hacked the DNC. They don't want the bamboozled American People to think that just because Russian collusion with Trump was a lie that the Hillary Clinton Campaign paid Michael Steele to concoct — that the evidence-free accusation that Russia hacked the DNC is also a lie. Then everything will fall apart and the co-conspirators who attempted to overthrow the US election beginning in the summer of 2016 will be completely exposed.
This is why the conspirators can never allow Assange to testify before congress about the source of the stolen emails, which he and his attorneys have tried to arrange for several years. His right to speak at all was taken away more than a year ago, without due process.
Congress is willing to listen, but Assange's testimony to them has repeatedly been blocked by the FBI, backed by the DOJ.
I shouldn't have to tell you this.
It is all a matter of public record.
the problem for me is that she's doing more than "just"
doubling down -- she's issuing a direct challenge to the legitimacy of a sitting president, and exhorting the media, the citizenry, and even the various organs of government to depose him.
this is, to my knowledge, and extremely unusual undertaking in american political history. in the past, the competing oligarchic factions have squabbled via proxies in the media. for one of the chiefs of one faction to cast off the veils and launch a public assault is extremely dangerous. the ranking GOP senators and representatives and other bigwigs slyly demurred when asked about Obama's birth certificate, leaving it to the raving loonies of Fox and RedState and whomever else to do the dirty work.
bypassing the pressure regulation of the opinionate is one giant step forward towards the kind of thing going on in venezuela -- or worse, in places like somalia and afghanistan, where the situation has deteriorated into warlordry.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
And this is what Russia Gate has been about. Obama thought that Trump might not accept that he lost the election and would refuse to accept the results and that was one reason why his administration spied on Trump's, had the Steele dossier made up and then the rest of the government went along with it.
The FBI had the British intelligence agencies spy on him first in order to get the authority to wiretap him. But what I find amazing is both parties are going along with it. Barr stated in his report that yes indeed Russia interfered with the election. Barr is Trump's appointee to AG and yet he's playing along. But even Trump is playing the game. He knows what is happening and a few days ago he said that Obama's administration spied on him. Today he walked that back. Why? And will he go all out to get to the bottom of this? I'm doubtful.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Very serious crimes were committed
...first to overthrow an election, and then to sabotage a Presidency.
• Classified information was leaked repeatedly.
• The FISA Warrants were fraudulent. It is a crime to submit under the color of law an application to the FISC that contains unverified information U.S. Code § 1809). That same crime was repeated three more times.
• The NSA database was abused for illegal wiretaps. (I was just reading the classified court memo about those crimes.)
• The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence reported that unverified information from the Steele dossier was used in the FISC application, without disclosing to the court that it was an opposition research document paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
Amazingly, neither Mueller nor the press noticed these crimes committed right under their noses.
President Trump is armed with the classified documents that could blow this wide open — but hasn't used them.
So, I look at it this way:
Neither Trump's son nor his son-in-law have had their future lives utterly destroyed, which Muller's team could have so easily done.
The investigation abruptly wound up, the Trump family was untouched, and the abuses are good to go another day when the Deep State wants to use them again against the American People.
Everybody wins. More or less.
Clinton did everything she accuses others of in her op ed.
What I hate to think is that the Trump admin might give her and others from Obama's admin a free pass. I believe I heard a quote from Mueller's report to the effect that no one in America colluded with the Russians. So, this comment would appear to absolve the Clintons and Obama, FBI, etc., from the collusion they engaged in with a Russian to develop the dossier.
To me, Mueller's efforts, that didn't even mention Fusion, the dossier, Steele, and other relevant items, were just a white wash for HRC and the agencies involved.
I sincerely hope that HRC and the rest of her team are jailed for sedition.